Relationships. They can make us. They can hurt us. They can make us happy or make us feel pain. When you're in the in-between phase of not knowing what exactly you are label wise, it's hard. Because you don't want to be invested in the relationship if the other person isn't. If they are just using you for sex. Or to fulfill their own emotional mess so they don't think about whatever is going on in their life.
You are never really yourself in the relationship at the beginning in fear that the real you will not satisfy that person. Well, my mom always taught me who the hell cares? That if they don't love you for you they aren't worth it. That your self-worth is more important than someone who doesn't appreciate you.
"Maybe," he grabbed her hands in his up to his mouth and pressed a kiss on her knuckles making her heart flutter. "We just need a weekend away. Just the two of us. To figure out whatever this is."
"A weekend away? Won't they suspect something is up if we both ask for time off? I mean Callie is already getting suspicious..."
"Relax," he told her soothingly as he pressed another kiss to her knuckles. "Besides if you tell them you are visiting family and I'll tell them I'm going back to New York. As far as Callie goes - she wouldn't tell anyone even if she does find out. She's not close with Derek or any of the interns. Our secret would be safe with her."
Except George.
"And where exactly would we be going mister Sloan?" She asked making him smile and his blue eyes light up.
"We can go to Ontario, Canada. Stay in a town called Niagra-on-the-Lake. We can go hiking, visit the Niagra Falls, and have lots and lots of sex," he told her as her head went backwards as she let out a laugh.
"I like that," she told him and leaned in to press a kiss close to his lips. "Deal."
"You are such a tease," he told her as she laughed as he leaned forward to tickle her making her laugh.
He decided that he couldn't tell what was his favorite thing about her: her eyes, smile or laugh. If he could do that for the rest of his life he would be a happy man.
"Hi chief, mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Alison asked Doctor Webber.
"Sure, let's step into my office. What do you need Anderson?"
"Well, I would like some time off for this weekend to see my family. If that's alright?"
She never lied to Chief Webber before. But she felt like if she said she wanted to go to Canada he might ask more questions and then put the two together.
"Sure," he uncrossed his arms. "You have over sixty hours of paid time off available that you haven't used. Which is something that I wanted to talk to you about actually so I'm glad you came in. I need you to take more time off. You've been here at the hospital working your ass off and rarely taking time off. That doesn't look good for the hospital."
"So you are kicking me out?"
"I am," he nodded his head. "Go have fun this weekend," he told her with a smile. "And Doctor Anderson? Turn off the pagers. I already had this talk with Doctor Sloan too telling him to enjoy his vacation."
"Will do, sir. Thank you."
They had finally made it to Canada and were staying at 124 on Queen Hotel and Spa. They were staying in their Premium King Room which was spacious and beautiful. It had a relaxing atmosphere along with their own fireplace and private patio they had to themselves.
"Can I ask? Why did you and Addison have an affair when you knew she was off limits and married to your best friend?" She asked timidly unsure if it was a question she could ask.
"It wasn't just an affair," he let out a tired sigh. "We fell in love," even though he knew it would be hard for Alison to hear this she needed to. "I was willing to risk my relationship with my best friend for her," he let out an annoyed laugh and shook his head. "Jokes on me though because I found out that she was just using me to fill her void from being ignored."
Alison had heard from Addison that Derek completely ignored her for years into their marriage. She was never sure why it happened but it did. Alison always knew that Derek wasn't completely innocent in what happened between Mark and Addison but that didn't make it okay either. And it didn't make it okay that Derek ended up having his own affair.
There are reasons why people cheat Alison knew that. She wasn't naive like some were lead to believe. But in her mind - nothing made cheating okay. Her best friend from back home, Tessa, was ignored by her husband after he had been laid off from work. He wouldn't talk to her or even try to get out there for another job. It was like he was rotting away like an expired item. And though she knew it hurt Tessa more than anything, she divorced him. She did the right thing and Tessa knew that she did. She was now married to an amazing guy who even Alison loved. Alison was hesitant at first with Matt, but she knew that he was perfect for her best friend.
She had never been okay with cheating and now she was dating a cheater.
Realization sunk in.
"What's wrong?" Mark asked as he noticed a change in the time that he had told Alison his side of the story.
"It's just - I've always never understood why people cheat, you know? I don't understand why cheaters do what they do? What is their intention? Did they ever think about the other person that's in a relationship with the person they are cheating with? And then I meet you! The person who my best friend absolutely despises. Sorry," she gasped as she realized how harsh that sounded from Derek. "I didn't mean to say that-"
"No, it's okay," Mark tried to calm down Alison as he rubbed her thigh soothingly. "I know Derek hates me. I hurt him and he had never done anything to make me do this to him. But if you're wanting actual answers to your questions, I'm afraid I can't answer for everyone who cheats. I can speak for myself though. If I'm being honest I was a selfish man. I only thought at that time about Addison and myself and how she made me feel. If I'm scaring you off or you think this is too much and you don't want to betray Derek, I understand."
Alison hadn't known Mark for very long but if she were being this was the most vulnerable she had ever seen him and not his usual cocky self.
"I understand why you guys did what you did," she told him as she took a sip of her water. "I know that Derek wasn't all innocent either. And he still wasn't innocent now. What he did - sorry what's doing with Meredith while he's still married to his wife is wrong. I know he's checked out of his marriage and while I don't agree with him how he's handling the situation - I also know it's not my business. What you and Addison is in the past and while I'm going against every rule in my book, I'm willing to try and see where we might go if you are?"
"I'd like that," he smiled at her as he brought her closer to him making her let out a squeal. "I'd like that very much," he told her as he placed multiple short kisses on her lips making her smile into the kiss.
Their first day in Canada, they hadn't done very much. They mainly stayed in their room ordering room service and having sex. The second day they had decided to go out and explore. Mark and Alison were already dressed as they held hands and were walking along Queen Street. They decided to do some wine tasting and dining at Pillitteri Estates Winery as it came highly recommended from the hotel staff and that's where they were heading now.
"Hi, how can I help you two?" One of the workers asked the couple.
"Yeah, we were wanting to do the wine tasting," Mark told her and she nodded her head.
"Of course, if you'll walk just straight back there Mady will be able to help you out."
"Great thanks!"
The new couple followed where she said and there was a counter where another couple already was. They were older, probably in their sixties, if Alison was guessing. The wine tender saw them approaching as she was finishing talking to the couple before she moved onto greet them.
"Hi, I'm Mady. I'll be taking care of you two today. I do have to ask before we get started if you could leave your Driver's License out the whole time," she said and they rummaged through their wallets pulling it out on the counter as she took a quick look at them. "Great."
"What do you want to, Ali?" Mark asked his girlfriend as he turned his head to her.
They had already paid the twenty dollar fee to do the wine tasting in advance as they had to book the appointment beforehand.
"Of course," she smiled at them. "This ticket list has all of our wines that you can choose from: dry, sweet, semi-sweet, fruit wines and then we even have the dessert and sparkling wines as well as a some dolce bianco's you can try as well that aren't on the list," she took out her highlighter and wrote them on both. "We have both our red and white wines. These are going to be part of our seasonal collection so they are limited edition. You both will circle the seven you want to try and I'll be right back."
"Thank you," Alison smiled at her as she went back to the other couple. "What wines do you think you're going to try?"
"I'd like to try a couple of the dry wines," he spoke as he started circling them.
"I love wine so I'm glad we're doing this," she smiled at him and began circling as well. "But I'm more of a sweet wine person."
"You know," Mark said as they were tasting their first wine. "This is our first date."
"It is," she smiled as she felt the butterflies in her stomach. "Cheers."
"Cheers," they clinked their wine glasses together.
They had spent the nice afternoon tasting different wines and eating oven brick pizza and also buying several different ones to take back with them.
"Oh, what about going in here?" Alison asked as they held hands.
They were walking along Queen's Street which also had luxury boutiques.
"Okay," Mark agreed with Alison trying on some new clothes and modeling for him as she bought a few new outfits.
It wasn't until the third day that Alison was really excited because today they were going to Niagara Falls, Canada. She was dressed in comfortable clothes - basically her workout gear in black leggings and a grey tank top along with tennis shoes and she wore a hat and sunscreen to protect her skin from the sun.
They had made it to the amazing site after only a thirty-four minute car drive. They showed their passports as they had entered the Niagara falls border. They had first decided to visit the falls as Mark parked the car. They walked down to the Falls Incline Railway as it was a quicker way to get to them and paid the six dollars for entrance. They rode down in the cart as they held hands.
"Have you ever been to Canada before?" Mark asked his girlfriend.
"Never," she shook her head. "But I love it here so much already and want to come back. You seem like you have been here lots of times."
"I have. Not Ontario but I've been to Vancouver and Québec City. I want to visit more cities here in Canada though."
"I want to also. I never traveled to Canada before with my family - only other countries."
Before they knew it they made it down to the falls and they could hear the roaring of the water and the most spectacular views as they visited both the Canadian and American side. They took lots of pictures together as well as he had his arm wrapped around his shoulders both grinning into the phone camera. Another of them kissing with the scenery behind them and then some individual ones too.
It was a beautiful trip and Alison was glad she broke the rules.
I am so sorry its taken me a while to update this book things have just been so busy.
Also I do want to point something out:
It's crazy how much hate I got on my second chapter of this book called "In an Instant." People were hating on Alison's (and my) views on cheating saying how naive she was being and basically saying I was wrong on all accounts, just being rude. Let me start off by saying that while criticizing is acceptable hate is not! And then trying to get me to change my mind which is something I will not do.
I have deleted those comments and will do so if there is any hate on any chapters they will be deleted but criticism won't.
Wanted to end this with something good: how cute are Alison and Mark? Also hope you all liked this chapter. It was a break away from the show lol.
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