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🗒 :: chapter two ┊͙
Jeonga started her new job not too long after that. The first few days were spent mostly within the BigHit building, doing nothing but paperwork and writing up social media reports, documenting things she was asked for.
But the fourth day, Jeonga was approached by the woman who was assigned to her area, and would watch over those who were, job-wise, beneath her. She was asked to go along with Minhee, another girl who was in the same position as Jeonga.
They were to go and pick up one of the large orders of food that they would then deliver to the filming location that a team of people, plus BTS themselves.
Whilst Jeonga had worked with BTS on many occasions, she had never met them, or even talked to them further than any emails or sometimes the voice calls. In a weird way, she felt as if they had already met. But of course, they had never.
Minhee was more than happy to accept, and Jeonga, of course, agreed to go. She was their driver of the company car, seeing as Minhee didn't have her license, and so, they set off to collect the food.
It was somewhat awkward, as Jeonga was yet to find the confidence to talk to those she was working with. Because, after all those years of working primarily alone and any contact was through emails, she had never needed to talk to anyone ( other than the rare voice calls in which things were discussed better than over emails ).
"So, where did you work before here?" Minhee asked, breaking the silence as they stopped at a traffic light, getting closer to the location of the food place.
"I didn't really. It was a self-run business. Well, that's a bit of a lie." Jeonga stopped herself. "I ran my own business and also worked at a cafe sometimes."
"I see. What sort of business was it?" Minhee continued, as Jeonga parked near to the food place. The pair got out, and carefully crossed the road.
"It was music-related. I guess it just went downhill." Jeonga shrugged, and Minhee seemed to get the hint that she didn't really want to talk about it.
They collected the food, and with the help of a few workers got it back into the car safetly. Then, typing the directions that Minhee had been given into the GPS, the pair headed off to the filming location.
"I'm sorry I'm not very talkative. I didn't really need to talk before, so it's a little different for me." Jeonga apologised, as they turned into a more industrial-style area, being directed to a warehouse type building.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. This was my first job, and I never really knew how to talk with certain people, but I got used to it. It just takes time." Minhee shrugged, a smile on her face. "You'll fit in just fine with everyone else as well."
"Thank you." Jeonga replied, and they turned into the car park of a specific warehouse. They got stopped by a couple of people wearing hi-vis vests. Flashing their BigHit ids, and showing the food got them easily past, and they parked nearish the door.
"So how are we going to do this." Jeonga said, as they opend the back seat doors, where multiple bags were on the floor and seats, filled with boxes of food and drink.
"I suppose we just take as many as we can carry?" Minhee suggested, and with no other options that they could think of, the pair picked up as many bags as they could take, some plastic bags swinging down onto their waists and the handles up their arms.
Upon entering the building, they were directed through into a room, where Jeonga was face to face with seven people she had worked with for years, but never met.
Thankfully, Jeonga was somewhat of an actor, and her talents for lying seemed to also be able to hide her emotions and create new ones. She didn't react, although Minhee did let out a little squeek.
"Hello." The pair of them greeted, bowing profusely as they placed the bags of food on the table. The seven boys greeted them back, with phrases of happiness from food being there.
Minhee and Jeonga quickly rushed back outside to get the remaining food, and returned to find the boys crowded round it. Namjoon spotted them, and moved aside, abandoning his plate momentarily to let them place the rest of the food on the table.
Minhee and Jeonga hadn't been instructed to do anything else, so they assumed that they would wait for them to finish and then tidy up the rubbish and leave. So standing to the side, Minhee carefully tucked herself into Jeonga's side, feeling a little bit more comfortable by the older girl's side.
"Oh, that looks like the cover of a ECHO track." She commented, as Jeonga pulled out her phone, to try and distract herself for a while. "Do you listen to her?"
"A bit yeah. I've listened to her original stuff for a while." Jeonga replied, her eyes wide as she tried not to meet Minhee's eyes. "I think the album art is really pretty."
"It is." Minhee replied, her voice having a hint of admiration behind it. Jeonga felt an odd sense of pride - she had never been able to talk to someone who was a fan of her - of her music. And it felt so good.
Whilst, across the room, their conversation had gotten the attention of a certain member of BTS. Yoongi was eating slowly, trying to scribble lyrics down at the same time. And he heard the girls, the mention of ECHO really drawing his attention.
But then, he watched as Seokjin stood up and offered them some food, rather than just standing and waiting. The girl who seemed to not be so comfortable talking about ECHO seemed to be reluctant about doing so, but Seokjin insisted.
Which was how Jeonga and Minhee ended up squished together on a corner of the sofa in the room, sharing the food that they had brought for BTS.
Jeonga hadn't felt so close yet so like a stranger to people she had talked to before.
no one told me how lonely it is up here
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