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! chapter fifty-four ─── ʚĭɞ
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Later that day and Sooa and Miyeon had left Jugyeong with Hyungjin, knowing that she would be safe with him. There was no way that Sooa would be friends with someone who would do anything to harm her, and so Miyeon let the girl in the green sweater pull her away.
Instead, they went shopping for an hour and then went to eat, the two girls rather alike in their interests and how they liked to spend their time.
When school came, Miyeon was yet to hear about Jugyeong's fate with him, and as soon as she got off the bus she walked to the classroom as quickly as she could. "Im Ju!" She peered into the classroom, smiling when she saw her friend there. "So how was it?" We're her next words, crouching beside the desk.
"Oh.. it was good. He's really nice?" Jugyeong replied, and Miyeon practically beamed, clapping her hands together when in front of them, Taehoon turned and held up his hand.
"Suho, my best friend!" Suho was entering the classroom, and after many weeks of trying, Taehoon finally got his high five.
"No way." Miyeon's jaw dropped, having a similar reaction of shock to the others in the class.
"I guess consistently trying paid off." Sooa said. "After the thousandth try, you finally got through the Suho."
"I won't wash my hand today." Taehoon proclaimed, and Miyeon wrinkled her nose in somewhat disgust. Not long after and Mr Han came in - and he had their results.
"The ranking of your grades doesn't determine your happiness." The teacher was saying. "But higher grades always bring joy. Lee Suho, you have the highest grades in your year. Congratulations, let's give him a round of applause."
The boy by the window promptly stood up, coming to the front of the classroom and taking his scores. "Seojun." Mr Han called, and besides Miyeon, the Han boy got up and went over. "Let's give him a round of applause so he can be happy."
Seojun barely reacted to the applause, walking back to his seat but stopping with a shocked gasp. "I got 50 on my literature test. I just marked number three for everything, unbelievable."
He turned to look down at Jugyeong, asking what she got. "Let me see." He insisted, despite the Im girl trying to hide her paper. After a short struggle he saw. "You got 49? You acted like you knew what you were doing. Good luck."
Jugyeong wilted in her seat as Seojun passed, sitting back down in his own. "Don't act so high and mighty because you got one more, Han Seojun." Miyeon said in a rather sing-song tone, having watched the interaction.
"And I suppose you were one of the top ones?" Seojun asked, trying to peer over at her paper, Miyeon hiding it for a moment before giving in and showing him. "Ah, see, nothing for you to worry about - so keep your nose out."
"My mom's going to kill me." Jugyeong whined, and ignoring Seojun once more, Miyeon slipped out of her seat and over to the girl's desk, patting her gently on the back.
"I'm guessing you came third again?" Jugyeong looked up at Miyeon, who shrugged.
"Second." She said, crouching beside the Im girl and continuing to comfort her, directing the attention away. "And don't worry about your mom, they could always have been worse."
"True." Jugyeong sighed, whilst Sooa was glancing over at Soojin, who usually got second. The girl was stuffing something into her bag before getting up and leaving.
Turning back to Jugyeong, Miyeon and Sooa continued to try and comfort her. "You still went up by twenty ranks." Sooa said. "Like Miyeon said, it could've been worse and you could've dropped and gotten lower grades, so I'm sure she won't be angry."
"Jugyeong!" A shout came, and the three girls looked towards the door, Sihyun running through into the classroom. And through the door - Ryu Hyungjin.
Miyeon gasped as Sooa jumped to her feet, the rest of the class staring as the baseball player moved to where Jugyeong was sitting. Students rushed into the classroom, and Miyeon leant against the desk, watching.
"What are you doing here?" Jugyeong asked, staring up at him.
"I came to see you." Hyungjin replied, one of the girls repeating what he had said in a rather high-pitched squeal. He held out a ball. "Take this."
Beside him, Taehoon and Hyunkyu were muttering various things.
"I have a jinx, so I can't play without this ball." Hyungjin ignored the two boys beside him, instead focusing on Jugyeong.
"Then why are you giving me this?" Jugyeong asked, raising her hands to the ball, only for Hyungjin to move them and place the ball in her palm.
"So I can ask you to come to the final match. If I win the game, I want to ask you something." Came his reply.
"Can't you just ask me here?" Jugyeong asked, voice hushed. Miyeon very almost nearly face-palmed in front of them all. Surely it wasn't that hard to get the drift of what he was saying.
"No way. I cant ask you out here." Hyungjin replied, instantly getting reactions, Sooa and Miyeon collectively covering their mouths with their hands, and at the back of the classroom, Seojun stood up, knocking his chair away.
"Oh, Im Jugyeong, you're awfully popular." Seojun stood over her, looking down at her and then at the boy. "Up until pretty recently, people thought she was dating me."
Miyeon's head shot up from looking at Jugyeong, brow crumpling in confusion. Trying to ignore the rather strange feeling settling in her stomach, Miyeon shook herself out of it.
"You have no respect for you ex." Seojun was saying, and Hyungjin smirked slightly.
From the main door, in walked the dean, students gasping as they saw him. "What are you guys doing? You little punks." He said, brandishing his ruler. "Who are you?" He pointed it at Hyungjin.
"Make sure you come to the final match, pretty." Hyungjin leaned down to Jugyeong, before straightening up and rushing over to the window, jumping out of it with girls screaming behind him.
And just like that, Jugyeong had been invited to the final match by the star player. And if they won, she would be asked out by him.
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