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! chapter thirty-eight ─── ʚĭɞ
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Like promised, Seojun dropped Miyeon off a couple of streets away from school, and nobody would be around as she got off, handing him his helmet and hurried away, smoothing her hair out.
She approached the school, wandering up the rather busy path, passing younger students in their uniforms, various schools mingling as one. Of course, there were those in casual clothes, and also those participating in the various stands around the festival.
These school festivals were one of the things she had actually missed when she was in New York. Sure, her school there had various events that had included a few stalls, but it was nothing like this.
"Jugyeong!" She finally spotted someone she knew, the Im girl stood just across from her, holding a pink balloon heart. "Hey." Miyeon smiled, stopping just in front of her.
"What does it mean when someone doesn't return your texts?" Jugyeong asked, looking rather helpless as she looked up from her phone.
"That they're being dramatic and-" Miyeon began, all too familar with people ignoring your attempts to contact them, but was interrupted by the sound of the people behind them laughing and jeering at someone.
Jugyeong peered over Miyeon's shoulder, and the Hwang girl turned around, following her eyeline. It landed on Gowoon, who had applied some makeup after having left earlier that morning.
Meeting each other's eyes, Jugyeong and Miyeon quickly moved forward as a different girl approached Gowoon, taking one of her arms and pulling her away, running through the school until they reached an empty science room, Jugyeong sitting down on one of the stools with Gowoon on the one in front of her.
On the table beside theirs, Miyeon pulled herself up to sit on the edge, skirt tucked carefully under her so it didn't creased and her legs hanging off the edge and nowhere near to the ground, unconciously swinging them, gently enough to not hit the table beneath her.
"It's my first time doing someone else's makeup." Jugyeong said, looking a little less confident about her abilities, before arranging a smile on her face, nodding. "But let's try it. You can't mess up on stage because of judgemental kids."
"But.." Gowoon began, "Do I look very weird?" She asked, pressing a hand against her cheek.
"You look pretty. You do, but let's just make a few changes, okay?" Jugyeong said, pulling out her makeup bag that Miyeon remembered her having when the cake hit her face.
"Here, I have wipes." Miyeon pulled her backpack off her shoulders, digging around in it and pulling out her own makeup bag. She threw the packet of makeup wipees over to Jugyeong, before sliding off the table and handing a couple of lip tints to her and placing an eyeshadow palette on the table. "I'm not sure what would look best with her skin tone - but I think you've got it sorted."
Miyeon smiled at Jugyeong and sat back whilst the Im girl got to work, clearly skilled in makeup as she took off what Gowoon had applied and then beginning her process, knowing exactly what to do.
Not long later and Miyeon and Jugyeong were walking with Gowoon to the hall, saying their goodbyes and good lucks as they watched her run off. "Ah, Jugyeong, you're so talented." Miyeon commented, the pair heading into the sitting area.
"Oh.. I just picked up a few tricks here and there." Jugyeong quickly said, trying to push away the compliment. But Miyeon only repeated it, a smile on her face. She knew just how sweet Jugyeong was, but she had so easily helped Gowoon like that - and Miyeon was so grateful for that.
"Is that your brother?" Miyeon asked, pointing out the boy, Jugyeong nodding and the two of them heading down that row.
"Hey, enjoy yourself." Juyoung said, sat with two other boys, whose faces lit up upon seeing the girls.
"Whatever." Jugyeong replied, and sat down, Miyeon doing so as well, but not before greeting one of the Juyoung's friends - it was the polite thing to do.
After a short while of waiting, the lights dimmed and the performance began. It was captivating, and Miyeon's eyes never left the stage. And as she had expected, Gowoon's voice was so beautiful, and it was also clear that what ever makeup that Jugyeong had applied was doing it's job perfectly - she looked gorgeous.
She had stepped forward, a spotlight shining down on her as she sang her solo part. Jugyeong looked slightly tearful, and Miyeon had her hands clasped in front of her, a smile on her face.
And the performance ended with a standing ovation, Miyeon standing up with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Gowoon deserved it, she really did.
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