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! chapter one hundred
& thirty two ─── ʚĭɞ
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Once Chorong had interrupted the fight, the girls involved had scattered. The students of Yongpa went in one direction, whilst those of Saebom High went in the other.
And as a result of going in that particular direction, Miyeon had ended up sitting beside Hyemin and across from Sooa and Jugyeong in a restaurant, a spread of dishes in front of them as they calmed down from all of the excitement and chaos.
"So.." Hyemin began, smiling hesitantly and jumping when Miyeon leaned forwards, peering up at her and smoothing out some of her hair. "Thank you... thanks, Jugyeong."
"Don't ever go with them again." The Im girl replied. "Just call the police if they ever try to drag you away."
"Or me." Miyeon offered. "I know someone who would be very angry to hear that Park Semi is bullying people still." She shrugged when she saw the other three staring at her. "I despite bullies. As does he." Her mind flickered back to Seyeon, forcing herself to smile and not let the happy memories of him get tainted.
"Got it." Hyemin nodded. "Anyway, Park Semi doesn't scare me anymore. She seemed beatable back there. I don't know why I've been so scared of her." The girl admitted. "I should've stood up for myself sooner."
"I know." Jugyeong replied. "I should've done that sooner too."
"Don't blame yourselves for it." Miyeon advised gently. "It's not something that you should think 'but I could have done this', or 'I should have done this', what matters is that you've done it now."
The two girls nodded, Miyeon joining them as they returned to their food whilst Sooa reached for her bag, unzipping it and whining when she saw the state of one of her albums. "Oh no! I just got this today!" She complained, wailing and pressing the ruined album up to her cheek. "I'm sorry for not being able to protect you, I bet it hurt!"
"Would you like to have this instead?" Miyeon had been distracted as she peered at the damange done to Sooa's album that she hadn't noticed Hyemin pulling her own album out of her bag, and was now offering it to the Choi girl. "I normally buy two, you see."
"Really?" Sooa gasped, an instant smile replacing her once distressed features. "You're giving this to me? Thank you so much!" She hugged the album to her chest. "Thank snacks will be on me, alright?"
Jugyeong and Miyeone exchanged a look, glad to see Sooa so accepting of Hyemin. "By the way.. are you maybe a member of Gelatin?" Sooa asked, the Im and Hwang girl sharing a second, knowing look.
"Yes." Hyemin nodded. "Third-generation Gelatin. What about you?"
"Me too!" Sooa gasped. "No way!"
"Really?" Hyemin asked. "It's so good to meet you!" They squealed, all excited as the clasped hands across the table.
"Did you manage to get tickets for the year-end concert?" Sooa asked.
"Yes, in section A." Hyemin replied - Sooa had done the same, and more squeals entailed, the pair already planning on going together.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" Hyemin had a sorrowful look in her eyes as she looked down at the ruined album. "What a waste though."
They spent their time eating the food, and the walked away from the restaurant with their arms linked. They were a group of four once more, Soojin having left with malice only to be replaced by someone as sweet as Hyemin. And the smiles on their faces showed how truly happy they were, glad to not have this jealousy running deep between them.
Miyeon split off from the group, looseing the bow around her neck as she stopped by a bus stop, climbing onto the next one to arrive - she was lucky to catch it, as they were doing the last rounds.
She got off not too far from her apartment building, a spring in her step as she continued towards it. Keys clinked together in her hands as walked down the corridor, applying lip balm as she did so.
It would be alarming to anyone to find your apartment door open when you arrive, but when Miyeon pushed it open slightly and saw the familar pair of shoes and jacket hung by the door, her fear subsided.
Pushing the door fully open, Miyeon stepped into her home and locked the door behind her, leaving the key hanging in the lock for when the boy in question left. "Seojun?" She called, placing her bags down by the door as she kicked her own shoes off.
Shrugging the leather jacket up and hanging it besides the other one the Han boy owned, Miyeon padded through into her living room, letting out a sigh when she saw the sight.
Seojun was asleep on her sofa, far too tall to properly fit on and feet hanging off the end. But his head wasn't on the armrest and took up even more space as he rested on one of the decorative cushions, the woollen blanket that hung over the back pulled over his lower half.
On the table in front of him, his phone sat lifeless, as well as a plastic bag. Peering in it, Miyeon was greeted by the sight of food - what looked to be recently cooked and packed into containers.
"Han Seojun?" She whispered, crouching by him. And in a move that he had used on so many occassions and herself not to much, the Hwang girl reached over and brushed his hair out of his eyes.
Only for Seojun, in his half-asleep state, reach up and grab her wrist. "Han Seojun!" She hissed, other hand reaching up to try and pry his fingers off of her. And then her other wrist was trapped by his free hand, and Seojun's eyes fluttered open.
"You're back late." He grumbled, sitting up and pulling Miyeon down onto the sofa as he did so. "I knew you were with Sooa and Jugyeong... but it's really late."
"You haven't happened to have heard from Chorong, have you?" Miyeon asked, the Han boy eyeing her suspiciously as he reached for his phone. It was clear that he was rather upset by this, although Miyeon had had no idea he would be there.
"Shit." Seojun mumbled as he tried to turn on his phone, which seemed to be lifeless in more ways than the purely social aspect.
"Wait there." Miyeon stood up, reaching around the side of the couch and pulling up a charger, letting him plug his phone in. "So I'm guessing you don't know if you've heard from him."
"What are you trying to tell me?" Seojun asked, sitting back as he waited for his phone to turn on. The screen finally lit up and he finally saw the several texts that his best friend had left him. "You promised him food.. but why did he see you and not me, huh?"
"Just ignore that bit." Miyeon held her breath as she sat and waited for him to read it, watching as his dark eyes flickered over the lines of text.
"You, Jugyeong, Sooa and.. Hyemin got into a fight with Park Semi?" He asked. "And I'm assuming from the promise of food that you won?"
"You could say that." Miyeon grinned, Seojun watching her with a somewhat playful interest. "Remember how you told me I couldn't be tough?"
"I never said that."
"Oh but you definitely did - and I told you that I could be." Miyeon folded her arms across her chest. "Well, I punched her. And another girl."
"You punched Park Semi?" Seojun rose his eyebrows, looking down at her. "If I really said you weren't tough then I apologise, you've clearly proven me wrong."
"Clearly." Miyeon still didn't look at him, focusing on the bag of food in front of her. "By the way - why the hell are you here? And next time text me, I had a heart attack when I saw my door was unlocked."
"I'm sorry for that as well, I thought I left my shoes by the door so you could see them?" Seojun leaned down, peering up at her. "I thought you could do with some food after you got your albums."
"But I've already eaten.. Sooa paid for it all." Miyeon frowned, already beginning to feel bad for not being able to eat it.
"Well who said that you can't have this as well - come on, my mom ate it." Seojun was already on his feet and walking over to the kitchen. "Where do you keep your dishes?" He asked.
"The cupboard near the fridge." Miyeon replied. "No - not that one, the overhead one - the one next to it Seojun!" Finally he got it, beginning to pull dishes out and carrying them over to the table. He took the containers out of the bag, testing the warmth and deeming them good enough to eat as he began to serve them.
"I wasn't to come over. I knew you were probably going to get food with Jugyeong.. but my mom made your favourites and she asked me if you would want some." Seojun explained, holding up a dish and taking his chopsticks, taking some food and placing it near Miyeon's lips. "Don't leave me hanging, open your mouth." He said, the girl finally doing as he asked.
"So you broke into my apartment?" She asked, after chewing and swallowing.
"Miyeon, I have a key." Seojun shook his head flicking hair out of his eyes. "Do you want me to keep feeding you or are you old enough to do it yourself."
Miyeon pouted slightly before snatching the dish off of him, clutching it as she began to ate more. Beside her, Seojun laughed.
"So it's pretty late." Miyeon watched as Seojun paused, chopsticks halfway to his mouth. "Are you planning on going home?"
"I was thinking I could sleep on your sofa. That's why I was asleep when you came in, test run." Seojun replied, somehow being able to have an answer for everything.
"Good idea.. and would you want to watch a movie, perhaps?" The Hwang girl offered, sounding a little more nervous this time.
"Of course I would, idiot." Seojun shook his head, reaching forward and using his thumb to wipe away the slight red stain at the corner of the girl's mouth. "As long as you let me pick."
"But it's my house!" Miyeon protested, before catching his eye, seeing his expression and her confidence wilting slightly. "Let me just go and change out of my uniform." She said, not giving in just yet, holding on for just a moment longer. "Fine, you have better taste in them anyway."
"That's what I like to hear." Seojun replied, reaching for the controller and turning the TV on as she turned to go upstairs.
And if it was possible for them to become even closer, it seemed like the words exchanged earlier that morning had done just that.
❛ AUTHORS NOTE ━━ hi so sorry this is late
but i wanna know if anyone can guess what
i've got planned for book 2?
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