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! chapter one hundred
& twenty six ─── ʚĭɞ
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Jugyeong might have been feeling a little better after learning how her best friend had been spending her school days since the post had been made, but in no way, shape or form was she prepared to return to school the next day.
Miyeon didn't blame her. Even with the post deleted and teachers talking to all of the classes seperately, it didn't stop them from talking about the situation. And nobody suspected that they would stop any time.
It was always up to Jugyeong, but even more now. She would come back when she was prepared, and when she came back people would continue to discuss the video and her return. Whenever she was ready, Miyeon was always waiting to be there for her.
But that following day, Miyeon had spent her time with Seojun - sitting with him in lessons, sitting quietly in a corner and discussing things to do with certain people as their eyes darted around the classroom and looked very suspicious. After their reactions to Jugyeong's video, neither were exactly feeling the friendliest.
The Hwang girl had avoided Soojin and Sooa like the plague, the first being completely understandable and the latter being similar, although it wasn't as bad as Soojin's betrayal, Sooa's reaction had been awful.
And Seojun wasn't particularly friendly with anyone in that class. Suho was an exception, but he seemed to be staring out of the window more than usual in a daze that day. So Miyeon and Seojun had left him be (Taehoon's worrying about his position of the Lee boy's best friend also drove them away).
Chorong and the other boys had taken to teasing both Seojun and Miyeon whenever they saw them, which was during their first break and the Han boy pulled in his best friend behind him. Completely forgetting Hyunwoo was in the same class, she had gotten a soft smile and wave from the boy which she returned in a similar fashion. Only for his best friends to start asking what had happened.
And getting fed up of their staring at Seojun's hand beside her leg on the table she was sat on and the muttering, Miyeon had left, the Han boy in tow.
But spending their school day together wasn't the end of it. After the hours taken up by education had ended, Miyeon had joined Seojun in walking to his job, lyric book and actual reading book tucked away in her bag.
She had settled on the table nearest to the counter as Seojun slipped through into the back of the café to change, reappearing in the dark outfit and holding the matching baseball cap in his hands, eyeing it in a way that gave the impression he would be quite amused by it suddenly growing legs and disappearing.
"You have to wear it." Miyeon teased in a sing-song tone, Seojun's dark eyes flickering over to where she sat. "Come on, would you rather wear a hair net? I can help you with that - Jugyeong asked me to help her once."
"No." Seojun glared at her. "Thank you." He added once he realised the harshness of his tone. "I don't need your help." He hesitated as he rose the hat to his head, before pulling his hair back out of his eyes and putting it on.
"See, that wasn't on so hard." Miyeon grinned, resting her elbows on the table and balancing her chin in her palms, a decorative swan pen - complete with a swan figurine attached by a spring and feathers - twirling between her fingers. "Now I can see my barista friend in action. One strawberry matcha latte please."
"How did I know." Seojun shook his head. "You do realise you have to pay for this, and just because I work here doesn't mean you can have it for free?"
"Workers discount?"
"Fine." The Han boy grumbled as he got to work, in the midst of making her drink and talking to her over the cake display cabinet when more customers came in. Meaning the conversation ceased, and Miyeon's attention turned back to her notebook.
She was back to a page filled with Seyeon's notes, working carefully with them and around them. When Seojun had kissed her, it had been after they were working on a song that Seyeon had written for him. And because of said kiss, they hadn't finished it.
So Miyeon was returning it, planning on finishing it and then it being the first song she tried to play on the piano - once Suho had helped her write the melody, which he had agreed to before everything became so busy, confusing and complicated.
Discarded her swan pen for something a little more stable and didn't bounce around in her peripheral vision, Miyeon chewed on the end of her pencil as a clink echoed in her ears, and she looked up to see Seojun placing a glass in front of her.
"I have no idea how you drink that." Seojun made a face as he eyed the red, green and white drink. "I think the sweetness of the strawberries almost made me throw up when I was making that bottom bit."
"You can't bash it until you try it." Miyeon moved up on the bench she was sat on, patting the place beside her. "Come on, try it now." Seojun rose his eyebrows, glancing back at the counter. "Be a bad employee! It'll take two seconds, and it's not very busy in here right now."
"Fine." Seojun sighed as he sat beside her, nose wrinkling as she slid the drink under his nose, using the straw to mix it a little bit. If Miyeon thought that he had been overreacting with his reactions to making it, that was nothing in comparison to how he acted when he took a sip.
Which meant he instantly erupted into a coughing fit, standing up and getting a drink of water, Miyeon watching him as she shook her head. "You're far too dramatic." She commented as he returned to stand beside her, holding onto the side of the table as he leaned against it.
"And you have awful taste in drinks. Just drink something normal - and not so sweet, you'll ruin your teeth." He shook his head.
"You know that you make the best ones?" Miyeon smiled up at him, fluttering her eyelashes just slightly in a way that she knew would have him shaking his head at her attempts to combat his remarks. "Really, it tastes the best."
"So what are you working on this time?" Seojun was never the best at compliments and moved the subject on, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket and instantly pull it out, frowning when he saw what it was, going to type a message but hesitating and putting his phone away.
"Han Seojun." Miyeon deflected the question. "Jugyeong's fine. I saw her last night, she just needs a little time. Don't worry about her, okay?" The Han boy nodded slowly, the slightly disappointed expression not disappearing. "I'm working on your song."
"My song?" Seojun repeated, looking confused. "What song-.. oh." His eyes landed on the familar page, flickering over the three different sets of handwriting. "That song."
"Yep. I said I wanted to finish all unfinished songs - and this one is unfinished. Only a little, I'll probably get it done tonight." Miyeon shrugged, knowing he would be thinking of the situation that followed them writing it and ignoring it. "Which is why I brought that with me as well." She pointed her pen at the reading book.
"Well it better be good." The gruffness had returned to his tone and he cleared his throat. "It'll be good, you'll end up with a perfect song."
"Are you insinuating that because you helped that it'll be even better than my usual work?" Miyeon was messing with him, eyes wide and filled with fake innocence as she looked up at him.
"Of course it will be." Seojun rolled his eyes and chuckled. "But seriously, Miyeon, it'll be-"
"Han Seojun!" The voice of an older woman echoed through the café, and both teens looked up. It was the owner, who Miyeon recognised from a previous video. "Get back to work and stop flirting with our customers."
"Sorry ma'am." Seojun's ears tinted pink, meeting Miyeon's eyes once more as the woman turned her back and headed towards her office in the back of the shop.
"Yeah, Han Seojun. Stop flirting with the customers." Miyeon giggled as she repeated the phrase. "You heard her, she's the boss."
"We weren't flirting-" Seojun sighed, taking another sip of his water before turning back towards the gap between the counter and the space behind it. Miyeon let out a sigh, turning back down to her notebook.
Only for Seojun to twist around, lean down and press a kiss to her cheek. The girl's eyes flashed as she looked up, cheeks flushing pink as she watched Seojun move back to where he was heading.
He had completely thrown out his resolve to bury any feelings he had for Miyeon in that moment, just like when he had kissed her for the first time. And taking in the girl's flushed expression, her fingertips subconciously raising to brush against the spot, he shrugged.
"If I'm flirting with the customers, I suppose I better do it the right way, wouldn't you agree?"
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