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! chapter one hundred
& twenty four ─── ʚĭɞ
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It was later that day when Seojun and Miyeon stopped by Chorong, stumbling up the stairs and gripping onto the railing like his life depended on it. They had been talking about the situation of course, and whilst the Hwang girl hadn't directly told Seojun about what had happened with Hyunwoo, he had formed a brief idea.
"Han Seojun-" He choked, panting and clutching his chest. "Hwang Miyeon..."
The two best friends glanced at each other then down at the boy in the blue coat. "What?" Seojun asked, eyes filled with some form of concern. "What are you saying? Is it huge?"
"What?" It was Miyeon's turn to ask, turning towards Seojun who waved her question away, pointing at Chorong to try and prompt him to continue speaking - although he looked like he had run for far too long and was having trouble breathing.
Chorong shook his head. "Is it your stomach?" Seojun continued, Miyeon making a face. Once again, the boy shook his head as he groaned. "Is it about a university?"
"It's about the school community?" Miyeon butted in, Chorong nodding and holding his hand - the one that wasn't clinging to the railing as if he would faint any moment - in an 'okay' sign.
"Found.." He breathed out, panting up more air.
"You found... You figured out who the webmaster is?" Seojun jumped to the end of his conclusion, Chorong coughing. "Who is it?"
Chorong stood up as he pulled something out of his pocket, holding out a slip of paper. Miyeon reached for it and unfolded it, eyes scanning it.
"Freshman, Jin Huijeong." She read, tilting it towards Seojun so he could see it. "Do you know who it is?"
"Yeah." Seojun swallowed, taking the paper off of her and stuffing it in his pocket, pulling her past Chorong and patting him on the back before beginning down the stairs.
"Will he be alright?" Miyeon asked, twisting to look at the boy hanging over the railing, still trying to catch his breath.
"He'll be fine." Seojun confirmed. "He's done this before - just give him ten minutes or so. I think you'll know Jin Huijeong when you see her."
Miyeon nodded as they continue on, pushing the doors open back into the school and making their way down to the freshman corridors. And the pair of them were rather surprised to hear shouting and see a crowd gathering once they made their way down the stairs.
"I don't care if you received a tip. How dare you post that online!" Came the shout of a somewhat familiar voice amongst squealing and shouting. Glancing at each other, Miyeon and Seojun hurried down the last flight of stairs.
"Get off me you crazy bitch! Take it up with the one who actually posted it!" Someone else shouted. "Who am I to censor everything!"
"Is that..?" Miyeon's eyes widened, but before either her or her best friend could break it up, Jugyeong's little brother pushed through the group and began trying to pull them apart. "Gowoon and Juyoung?"
Eventually, the fight broke up of its own accord, the Hwang girl following Seojun as he pushed through the crowd. "Get your hands off her!" He shouted, voice cutting through the noise.
Gasps echoed through the gathered students as they saw Seojun. The two older students made their way to the clearing, stopping by Gowoon and crouching to see if she was okay.
"Yes! It's Han Seojun!" Juyoung shouted as he scrambled to his feet. "It's Han Seojun!"
Gowoon smiled at Miyeon as she helped her to her feet, but the smile soon faded as she looked are Seojun. "Who are you to butt in, brother?"
"Brother?" Miyeon finally looked over at the girl Gowoon was fighting, dressed in a blue and pink sweater and with the most confused look on her face as she uttered the word.
"What did you just say to my sister?" Seojun asked.
"He's her brother? Han Gowoon's his sister?"
Miyeon glanced around at all the whispering people, before thinking back to what she had heard when coming down the stairs - Gowoon had said something about posting online, and they were looking for the webmaster.
Which meant the girl who was trying to walk away from Seojun only to be dragged back was exactly who they had been searching for.
"Are you the webmaster of the online school community?" Seojun asked her, the girl seeming a little flustered in the position she had been pulled into and nodding her head. "You'll take the video down, right?"
Jin Huijeong agreed almost immediately, and next thing she knew was that Gowoon was dragging her and Seojun outside, around the back of the school and standing facing Seojun, Juyoung beside her and the Han veil.
"Unbelievable. I told you not to make it known at school." Gowoon folded her arms, pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Was I supposed to stand by a do nothing?" Seojun retorted. "I held myself back, you know?"
"You should've held back more." Juyoung grinned as he leaned forward, instantly receiving a glare from the Han boy.
"By the way, why don't you want people to know I'm your brother?" Seojun asked, face crumpled in confusion. Gowoon glanced at Miyeon for a moment, grateful to hear that she definitely hadn't told him after their conversation so long before. "Are you ashamed of me?"
"You're clueless." Juyoung jumped in before Gowoon said anything, Seojun shaking his head at the audacity.
"It'll be like middle school all over again." Gowoon began with a whine. "Girls will ask me to set them up with you - or ask if you and Miyeon have something going on and then pick on me for not looking like you."
"Tell me who they are and I'll-" Seojun didn't need to finish his sentence, mimicking punching someone. Both him and Miyeon, who was leaning against the wall as she waited, had decided to ignore the comment about them in middle school.
"Forget it." Gowoon shook her head. "Dont ever set your foot on the freshman floor again." She began to walk off.
"Gowoon!" Juyoung shouted, holding his arms out as he began to follow her.
"Fly!" The Han girl shouted, twisting round and pointing at Jugyeong's brother. "Don't you dare follow me."
"Why not?" Juyoung whined. "I thought you were deeply worried about me." Miyeon's and Seojun's head were bouncing back and forth as they listened, confused on what they were saying.
Gowoon didn't say anything as she started off again, Juyoung attempting to go after her but being stopped by Seojun, who reached back and pulled Miyeon up to stand by him as well.
"You." Seojun began. "Are you still bothering her?"
"Aw!" Miyeon exclaimed rather suddenly. "Do you like her?"
"Hey! this isn't the time." Seojun twisted around to look at her, hating what she was saying.
"Han Seojun! I went in a date to get you that information!" Miyeon replied, turning to Juyoung again. "Do you? Do you have a crush on her?" A nudge from Seojun interrupted her and she cleared her throat. "I mean - are you still bothering her?" The smile had disappeared and she attempted to look a little more threatening.
"Must I teach you a lesson?" Seojun asked, pulling on the back of Juyoung's coat once more before letting her go.
"But why!" The Im boy exploded. "Am I not even allowed to like her? Haven't you ever liked anyone before?"
Seojun stared at Juyoung, clearly thinking of his sister.
Miyeon nearly choked on her spit when he glanced over at her for the slightest of moments.
"Do you think I can just stop loving her just because you tell me not to? I have no control over my feelings, okay?" Juyoung paused, scoffing and looking after Gowoon before stalking after her.
"Bye then." The younger boy paused and turned around, looking between the two as he bowed before running away.
"Gosh, that punk." Seojun shook his head as they watched him leave. "I can't believe he has the nerve."
"I think it's cute." Miyeon folded her arms. "It's cute, young love. I was forcing myself to take your side because I'm your friend."
"You're unbelievable." Seojun shook his head once more. "I can't believe you would only take my side because I'm your friend! That's my little sister!"
"And it's cute Seojun! And she's practically my little sister as well.. I wonder if she'll come to me for advice!" Miyeon's eyes lit up as she began to walk back towards the school. "I'm so glad that we found the webmaster."
"Yeah.. me too." Seojun nodded and followed her. "If she does want advice.. it's good that she will come to you."
Miyeon had known Gowoon for just as long as she had known Seojun, and the Han boy couldn't quite imagine someone better for his sister to turn to.
The amount of times he had done the same was far too high for him to think otherwise.
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