˗ˋ 105
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! chapter one hundred
& five ─── ʚĭɞ
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The day passed to afternoon in several conversations and awkward glared. And soon enough, it was the time that school would have ended by and Miyeon already knew that there would be people coming and visiting.
The first of many was Soojin, and Miyeon's eyes flashed with sudden caution as she entered, carrying a plant and a gift bag, changed out of her uniform and dressed in one of her usual, rather stiff-looking outfits.
"Lee Suho!" There was a smile on her face as she pulled the door open, Suho's head tilting towards the sound of his voice and his eyes opened, taking in the sight.
"Hey." He replied, and in the bed beside him Seojun was watching Miyeon, eyes narrowing when he saw the expression in her eyes.
"Are you here on a blind date?" Seojun's head twisted to the side and tried to ignore what he had seen, Miyeon shifting somewhat uncomfortably.
"Hi Soojin." She said softly, the Kang girl looking over and greeting her. "Did Jugyeong mention I had stayed here?"
"It was obvious when there was another gap besides his seat." Soojin replied, ignoring Seojun's comment and stepping up to Suho's bed. "How did you get in an accident?" She asked. "You should've been more careful."
"You didn't have to come." Suho replied, eyeing the gift bag in her hands, voice in its usual monotone.
"I came because I was worried." Soojin deflected, brushing off the attitude and placing the bag beside the bedside cabinet.It's an air purifying plant. You don't need to water it often." She explained, placing it on the edge of the table. "I heard you refused to get help from a caregiver. Your dad asked me to take care of you, so I brought some stuff you might need."
Miyeon's head snapped towards Suho's bed so quickly she thought she could hear it crack, eyes widening and trying to play it off by pretending to fold her blanket again.
Soojin took no notice, moving down to what was once thought to be a gift bag but clearly full of essential items. "I brought a facial cleanser and toner. I also brought you your laptop." As she told him, she got them out and began to put them away.
"No problem." Soojin replied moving one of the chairs closer to the end and settling down in it. "Thank you, Han Seojun." She said rather suddenly. "I heard you got hurt whilst trying to save Suho."
"Why are you thanking me? You're not his girlfriend." Seojun replied, and it was then that he began to grasp the beginnings of the idea behind why Miyeon had looked so worried, the girl's eyes flicking back and forth as the conversation continued.
"If you're going to be so grumpy about it then I'll take it back." Soojin retorted, the Han boy scoffing and turning his gaze back over to Miyeon, who was fiddling with her bracelet once again. "Do you have to wear a cast for a long time?" With her hands folded over the handbag on her lap, Soojin continued with more questions for Suho. "You don't need to get surgery on your leg, right?"
Suho didn't reply, instead reaching for something on the table and hesitating when Soojin got up to get it for him. "It's okay." He said, Soojin's expression faltering for a minute as she settled back in her chair.
"Did they only have a double room?" She asked, eyes flickering over the two inhabitant. "Should I ask your dad you move you to another hospital?"
"No. I'm good." Suho replied, holding something out. "Here." He continued, and when Miyeon sat up slightly, she saw a green bottle. "Shouldn't you be at your academy?" He asked after she accepted it.
"I still have time. Why are you trying to make me leave so quickly?" Soojin asked, beginning to undo the lid. "You're so mean."
"Why did you come by yourself?" Seojun spoke up with his own question. "Where's Jugyeong?" He pressed.
"Aren't you guys best friends?" He asked. "You, Jugyeong and Miyeon, Two of you are already here.. one on a more permanent basis, but I don't see the third one. You always do things together, so why didn't you bring her with you?"
"She had a part time job today." It was almost like watching a game of tennis, the cold tones bouncing back off of each other. "Why? Were you waiting for her to come?"
"Why are you asking me?" Seojun replied. "You should ask him." His head tilted towards Suho, and Miyeon felt the air lodge in her throat, forcing herself to take w rather hesitant breath.
Soojin gazed at Suho for a moment, before turning back to Seojun and moving the hair from her eyes. "Why should I ask him? Aren't you the one dating Jugyeong?" She asked. "That's what our classmates think."
"What?" Seojun exclaimed, Soojin harshly finishing to peel the foil off of the drink and taking a sip of it, eyes drifting over to the window but avoiding Miyeon.
She left not long afterwards, and left Seojun and Miyeon trying to communicate solely through rushed glances. It didn't last for long though, and she watched, eyebrows raised as Suho had to help Seojun with his shirt, stifling a laugh as they fell backwards onto the bed as soon as the door opened.
"Im Ju!" Her rather excited tone broke the silence, words soon followed by the two boys scrambling to get away from each other. "I'm so glad you're here." Miyeon stood up from her seat to go stand by her friend, linking their arms and head tilting at the sight before them.
"Hey guys.." Jugyeong waved with her spare hand? looking nervously towards the boys and offering a hesitant smile to her best friend. "You guys look very close." She seemed flustered, Miyeon trying not to laugh yet again.
"I was helping him get changed." Suho said, half of Seojun's hospital shirt still hanging off of him.
"Should I wait outside?" Jugyeong asked, Miyeon's gaze slid towards her flustered best friend and the awkward boys, before pulling her arm out of the link.
"Gosh. You should've just got on with it." She murmured, moving to the other side of Seojun as Jugyeong left, pulling up the shirt whilst barely even looking at him, Suho glancing between them and the door.
"If you did this earlier then we wouldn't have ended up like this." Seojun complained as the girl tied the strings at the top, fingers brushing against the nape of his neck.
"It was inappropriate. But now Jugyeong's seen it and I feel sorry for her." Miyeon shrugged, the boy trying not to react as her fingertips danced along the sensitive skin there. "There, now sit." She gently pushed his shoulders down, Suho rushing to go and fetch Jugyeong.
"Sit." Seojun patted the space besides him, Miyeon taking the invitation and sitting down. Jugyeong sat in front of her boyfriend, but a word wasn't yet spoken, eyes flickering over to Miyeon and Seojun.
"Let's go?" Miyeon offered, barely even waiting for an answer as she pulled Seojun to his feet, walking towards the door.
"Are you going to the bathroom?" Suho asked with a perfectly straight face. "Do you need my help?"
Jugyeong's face was priceless, eyes widening as she looked at her boyfriend, then up at the Han boy. "You help him with that?" She asked, disbelief evident in her tone. "I.. I guess you can't go by yourself."
"Don't imagine it in your head. I'm off to take a walk. And she's going with me." He nodded towards Miyeon, passing through the door.
The pair walked away, giggles leaving Miyeon's lips although she tried to stop them. "Don't look so glum Mr Trickle, you were being a good friend."
"Don't start calling me that." Seojun warned as they continued down the corridor and further away from the room. "So can you tell me what that whole Soojin thing was, or am I not allowed to know."
"Well I don't see what you're going to do with the information, and you're smart enough to guess it. But.. Soojin likes Suho. And it's rarely obvious. She was thinking about confessing her feelings." Miyeon began. "Jugyeong's been in a bit of a nervous panic about it."
The pair walked around for a bit, continuing to discuss that issue as they expired the area around where Seojun and Suho's room was.
"I might come here for a bit tomorrow." Miyeon announced, looking around what seemed to be a general leisure area, a number of plants and benches in front of ceiling-high windows. "I think I saw my lyric book somewhere in my bag, so I could tru write something."
"Of your own or continuing something you started with Seyeon?" Seojun asked, the pair continuing away from the quiet area and towards the more well-lit, busier corridors.
"Probably something I started with Seyeon. My aim is to finish them before I begin any of my own. They deserve to be finished, they really do." She had come to that resolve some time before, and the determination echoed in her expression.
"Good. When you're done - could I hear you sing them?" Seojun asked, Miyeon pausing at his request.
"Of course.. I'll even try recording them." She was joking, but Seojun nodded rather seriously. "Hey - is that Gowoon?" She peered down at the end of the corridor. "And is that.. Jugyeong's brother?" They caught the end of a rather cringe pick-up line.
"Oh my gosh." Seojun's exclaimed, walking hurriedly over and being greeted by his sister, not looking very impressed by the boy in front of her. "You're so sick."
"What?" Jugyeong's brother was holding up his fists as if he was about to fight.
"You poor thing." Seojun continued, Miyeon slidi g away and appearing beside Gowoon, a smile blossoming on her face. "But if it's insufferable you'll die. Because I'll kill you."
Minutes later and they had somehow ended up in the cafeteria area, Miyeon and Gowoon stood by Seojun as Juyoung crouched in front of them, pinching his ears and repeating a phrase - 'Leave Gowoon alone'.
"How dare you hit on my baby sister." Seojun exclaimed. "She said she wasn't interested!"
"I'll make her interested." Juyoung replied, Seojun drawing in a breath before replying. It went on for a little longer, before Juyoung promised to keep liking Gowoon and rushing off.
"He's such a freak." Gowoon shook her head, before starting and pulling a bag off of her shoulder. "Here, you're underwear - Miyeon, you don't mind carrying the bag for him? It's all under a few other things so-"
"She shouldn't carry that." Seojun replied. "I'll take it." He insisted, Gowoon pausing before placing the strap around his neck. "Does Jugyeong know too? That her brother likes you?"
"What? He's Jugyeong's brother?" Gowoon gasped, looking in the way that the boy had disappeared. "I see.." She sighed, looking back at the two older teens with a certain look in her eye. "Well, I'll leave you two to your walk." She grinned, turning away. "I'll let mom know you're okay."
And without saying anything else, she rushed off. Frowning at the strange ending, Miyeon turned to look at her friend. "We've given them enough time right, we can go back?"
Seojun nodded, looking in the direction his sister went before meeting Miyeon's gaze, and together they began to walk back to the hospital wing.
The girl hoping that they wouldn't stumble upon something that would alter Seojun's mood any further.
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