˗ˋ 104
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! chapter one hundred
& four ─── ʚĭɞ
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When Miyeon returned to her room, she was surprised to find Jugyeong in the corridor outside of it, heading towards the exit.
"I didn't know you were here!" Jugyeong exclaimed, wiping under her eyes and hugging her friend. "Didn't you have a date with Hyunwoo today?"
"I got the call from Gowoon midway through." Miyeon nodded, still feeling a little delicate but letting a smile grace her features. "I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier.. I was really scared they wouldn't.." She barely even dared to say it, but she didn't need to - Jugyeong understood immediately and instantly gave her another hug.
Their conversation didn't last long, brief sentences exchanged to fill the silence that headed the inevitable parting. "I promise I'll call if anything changes at all. But they're both awake and seemed fine.. so hopefully I won't." Miyeon's fingers run along the bracelet circling her wrist. "See you tomorrow?"
"Will you be coming to school?" Jugyeong asked, head tilted.
"I completely forgot." Miyeon's voice trailed off, considering. "Eunjoo is bringing me a bag of things so that I can stay here.. so I don't think I will be. I'll have to call them and let them know."
"I'll let Soojin and Sooa know." The Im girl replied, pressing her best friend into yet another hug before pulling away. "I should go before my mom worried, don't worry too much Miyeon, they'll be fine."
The Hwang girl could only nod, standing by the door to the room and waving until Jugyeong disappeared around the corner. Pushing open the door, she noticed neither of the two boys speaking and shaking her heads, she settled in her chair, picking her book up once more.
She continued reading for a little longer, Eunjoo arriving and fussing over all three of the teens, leaving Miyeon with a carefully packed bag and making her promise to sleep and eat properly if she was going to stay.
Eventually, it grew later and later and the conversation between any of them ceased, Miyeon having balanced talking to Seojun and then Suho, never together considering the fact they would dissolve into argument at the slightest disagreement.
"Close the window, will you?" Seojun sighed as he looked up from his pillow, breaking the lapse of silence that had fallen for so long. "Close it." Seojun demanded, sounding more annoyed now. His gaze tilted towards Miyeon, who only shrugged as she looked over at Suho.
The Lee boy had been staring up at of the window, but at the wish for it to be closed, his chin dropped to his lap. Miyeon almost started forward as Suho pushed himself up from his wheelchair, but knew he would hate if she helped and forced herself to remain seated"
"Talk about being unlucky." Seojun grumbled as Suho leant against the wall with one hand, closing it with the other. With hesitant, jerky movements Suho sat down again, not moving his gaze from the wall as a questioned flickered in his eyes.
"Why did you run into the street?" He asked, Miyeon hearing her heart beat rather suddenly in her ears. She had avoided talking about the accident to anyone who had brought it up, worried she would end up crying. But now that the two boys were confirmed to be fine, she forced herself to be as well, gripping the cushions of a couch a little too tightly. "You ended up injured too."
"It wasn't because of you, you know?" Seojun continued to sound annoyed, and seemed like it was because Suho kept interrupting his attempts to sleep. He rested his head back onto the pillow before jerking upwards into a sitting position, and Miyeon began to stand up, trying to cause as little disturbance as possible as she knew she was interrupting something. "Your father thinks I'm also." Seojun continued, good arm gesturing over to Miyeon. "His employees have been pestering us over it for months. "How can they do this after first planning a memorial album?"
"What did you tell your father when you bought all those instruments?" Seojun's questions continued, Miyeon continuing to head towards the door, before their eyes met and he shook his head. Instead, she stopped with her back against the wall, finger tips grazing the scars on her wrist. "This wouldn't have happened had you told him sooner."
"Seojun.." Miyeon breathed in at the harsh words, knowing she couldn't stop him from expressing his hurt but feeling bad because Suho would then feel it too.
"Don't you find this unfair?" Seojun's gaze left Miyeon's tone softening slightly after her interruption. He leaned forward, peering at his once best friend, before letting out a sigh and collapsing back onto his bed.
Suho's gaze remained forward, a shaky sigh leaving his lips as his chin tilted upwards to look back up at the sky. Quietly, Miyeon moved back to the sofa, pulling the pillow and blanket out of the bag that Eunjoo had packed.
She say her good nights, before settling down to sleep. Miyeon had hated hospitals for as long as she could remember, but it was that night in which she had one of the best sleeps in a while, uninterrupted until the very next morning.
The Hwang girl woke with the sound of a male and female voice, shifting in her blanket to turn over and crack an eye open. Suho's father and Mrs Lee were stood by the door ward, and she could see Suho desperately avoiding looking at his father.
"There you go. Look at my baby eat." Minutes later and Miyeon had fully woken up, sat across from the two boys as Mrs Lee fed her soon, who glanced across at Miyeon upon hearing the words.
"I'm not a baby." He replied, pouting as he ate. On the other side of him, Suho was eating a tray of the hospital food, similar to the tray that sat uneaten on the coffee table in front of the green sofa.
"This reminds me of how I fed you when you were young." Minhyang continued as she prepared another spoonful. "When did Mr Trickle get so big, right? Suho, did you know that Seojun's nickname used to be Mr Trickle?"
Miyeon stifled a laugh at the two boys' facial expressions, Suho repeated the name in curiosity.
"Yes, we called him that because he couldn't stop wetting his bed at night." Miyeon couldn't stop the laugh, muffling the noise with her hand.
"Why would you tell him that?" Seojun asked with a chuckle, gaze sliding over to Miyeon once more, catching her eyes and raising his eyebrows, tilted towards his mom.
"You did so until you were about ten." Mrs Lee continued. "No, you wet your bed once or twice in the fifth grade as well." Seojun laughed again, trying to get his mom to stop in the least convincing way possible. "As if there's anything to be embarrassed by, you're close enough to even go to the sauna together." She looked between the two boys, Miyeon watching hesitantly as the space between them turned awkward.
"How were you two included in the same accident though?" Mrs Lee looked confused. "You rarely spend time together now as if you've had a falling out. I'm just glad to see that you had made up with Miyeon. Even when you came to visit me in the hospital, you told me not to tell Seojun."
"Huh?" Miyeon couldn't help but be confused as she looked from a frozen Seojun over to Suho.
"I found it odd back then too." The mother continued. "And then of course you couldn't be there, but you wrote me those lovely letters and asked Eunjoo to bring them along with meals." Mrs Lee looked towards Miyeon on the couch, not noticing the glare that Seojun had put together.
"So how's your health?" Suho asked, as Miyeon finally picked up her chopsticks, leaning forward and taking a bite. Seojun's glare softened, nodding approvingly at the action.
"Good." Mihyang began. "It's why I've been out and about."
"Don't you have a job to go to?" Seojun was quite clearly feeling rather awkward at where the topic of conversation had turned.
"Alright, fine. Go ahead and have this." Mrs Lee scooped up the last of the food and fed her son. "That's it. Are you done? I'll clear these then."
A different kind of jealousy appeared in Miyeon's stomach as she watched the two interact. Her family had never been that close - perhaps maybe when she was younger, but she couldn't remember it. What she would give to have a relationship like that with her mother, or father for that matter.
Suho was feeling it too, watching as Mihyang stood up with the tray. "Are you done as well? I'll clear the plate for you." She asked Suho.
"I'm alright." He replied, looking over to Seojun. "You can stick to helping Mr Trickle."
"Miyeon, do you want me to take yours?" Mihyang asked, Miyeon pausing as she looked down at the tray.
"I.. I'll eat some more, I think." She nodded, arranging a smile. "Thank you for offering."
Mrs Lee nodded and made her way out, clear tension between the two boys up on the hospital beds.
"I can still use my legs, you know." Seojun threatened, raising his leg under the cover. "And you're right. You do need to eat more." His features softened as he looked over at Miyeon. "You have Eunjoo coming with some proper food later though, so its alright if you don't finish it."
"I know." Miyeon nodding, staring down at it before taking another bite. "Oh!" She exclaimed, abandoning the food as her phone rang. "That's her actually.. I'll be right back."
She practically shot out of the room, answering the phone and leaving the two boys to deal with the awkward silence.
And hopefully work towards it being not so awkward anymore.
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