˗ˋ 103
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! chapter one hundred
& three ─── ʚĭɞ
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Miyeon hadn't stopped moving since she got the call. First from the café into the taxi, all the way to the hospital, meeting up with Gowoon and Mrs Lee in the waiting room. And now, she was sat waiting, leg bouncing up and down as she chewed at her fingernails.
Her mind was racing and she couldn't bring it to a stop. Shock had forced her not to cry, and glassy tears lined her eyes, remaining unshed.
There had been an accident, near the Move Entertainment building. She wasn't sure of the details, but could guess why Suho and Seojun were there. But their visit had been cut short by the accident. They had been hit by a car.
Every single part of her was trembling, and she couldn't quite calm herself until she saw the both of them okay. Memory upon memory of her with Seyeon, Suho and Seojun bounced through her mind, and her heart ached with each one.
She was absolutely terrified. Terrified of the idea that she could lose either of them. It almost sounded selfish, but if someone else died then Miyeon knew she wouldn't be able to take it. No trip to New York would be able to fix that, nothing would be able to.
"It'll be okay, Miyeon." Mrs Lee reached over and took her hand. Seojun's mother was far more calm than the girl beside her, but it seemed that the woman was just better at hiding her worry. That and she knew how the Hwang girl would be feeling, petrified of losing another one of her closest friends. "The doctors said that there's nothing too serious - at least they don't think so. You trust them, right?"
"Right." Miyeon repeated, her words coming out more as a hiccup as she tried to relax.
Time seemed to pass slowly, but as it moved on to later in the afternoon, a nurse came out and let them know that family would be allowed in, that their surgeries had gone perfectly and they were resting in a room.
The girl had decided to wait whilst the others made their way in, deliberately ignoring the male presence in the room - Suho's dad. She couldn't believe it, couldn't believe him or the nerve of the company to steal Seyeon and Suho's song.
As she waited for herself to go and visit, time descended to an even slower pace, crawling along like a snail in the sun. "Hwang Miyeon!" Gowoon called, and the girl's head shot up, meeting her eyes. "He's awake."
Miyeon's heart leaped into her throat, feeling even more nervous as she got to her feet, following Gowoon into the room. Words could not even begin to describe the relief she felt when she saw Seojun propped up on his pillows, head tilted towards the door and watching her come in. But a similar horror returned when she saw Suho in the bed beside him, laying rather still with his father by his side.
"I heard you were waiting." Seojun had a smile on his face as she approached, somehow able to shift himself to the side and patting the mattress with his good arm. "You didn't have to do that, you kno- hey, why are you crying?" His usual teasing tone had taken a turn to a much softer one as he saw the once unshed tears spill out onto her cheeks. "Don't be silly, we're both fine." Unable to properly comfort her, his free hand reached upwards and brushed her cheek, swiping tears away with his thumb.
"You can call me.." She paused, a hiccup interrupting her words as she tried to stop crying enough to let herself speak. "..silly all you want. I was so scared you were both going to.. I couldn't even imagine losing someone else."
"I'm far too stubborn for that." Seojun replied, continuing to brush away each stray tear. "I'll be back to normal when this arm gets fixed up, you don't have to worry about me going anywhere."
"I know." Miyeon managed a smile, trying to reassure him that she did indeed understand that, swaying slightly in her seat and without even thinking she leaned into his hand. He didn't move away, pressing his thumb under the corner of her eye. "Can I hug you?" She asked meekly, voice no louder than a murmur. "If I'm careful."
"Of course." Seojun finally pulled away his arm and rather hesitantly, far too cautious that she was going to hurt him, Miyeon hugged her best friend, biting her lip to stop any tears that suddenly threatened to emerge.
Her grip tightened before she pulled away. "How can you still look so cool when you're like this?" Her eyes were glassy again, and the Han boy stopped himself from shaking his head.
"I've fallen of that death trap of mine, as you so sweetly prefer to call it, far too many times to count. It hurts like hell, but it comes naturally now." His free hand moved upwards to flick his hair out of his eyes, smiling when he heard a laugh escape her.
"Now. You two." Seojun's words seemed harsh but were filled with love as he looked towards his mom and sister. "You should go home, have something to eat and rest well. Come on, I'll walk you to the exit."
"Seojun-" Mrs Lee began, but her eyes flickered down to his arm and she let out a sigh. "If that's what you really want. But I'll be coming back as much as I can."
Miyeon moved off of the bed and helped him to his feet, the boy catching her chin with his free hand. "Stop worrying. And stop eyeing the bandage on my chin." He instructed, smiling rather hesitantly before letting go. "I don't suppose you'll be going anywhere."
"I wasn't planning on it." Miyeon replied, settling down in one of the chairs in the corner as Seojun made it out with his family. Her eyes settled on one of the floor tiled, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with Mr Lee in the room.
But it seemed he was feeling the same after seeing his son, as not long after Seojun had left, he was getting up to leave. "If he wakes up." The man turned towards the girl, whose eyes widened and flashed with hatred as she saw him. "Make sure that he doesn't worry too much."
She didn't say anything as he left, eyes remaking trained on the door for just a few moments more before looking over to Suho, whose eyes were flickering open. Practically jumping out of her chair, she made her way over as calmly as possible, and Suho's gaze moved from upwards to her as she sat beside him.
"You're okay." Miyeon looked ready to cry again. "Oh thank god - I won't hug you because I can't hurt you, but I'm so glad."
Suho cleared his throat, barely even moving his head. "Good, I'm glad you're here... Han Seojun will appreciate it." He muttered.
"Are you sure you won't appreciate it?" Miyeon teased, a smile on her face. "You look exhausted, try and get some sleep?"
"You won't leave, will you?" He asked, and the Hwang girl froze at such a different question from him. But putting it down to his current stage, Miyeon let him know that she wouldn't be and returned to her chair, reaching for her bag and searching through it, looking for something to do until she felt tired enough to sleep.
Her eyes landed on the book she had bought earlier that day, and she pulled it out of her bag, along with her phone. Then, she composed two messages. One to Eunjoo, asking if she would be so kind as to go to her apartment and pack her up a few things and come to the hospital - of course with more detail than that so not to worry the woman.
The second was to Hyunwoo, thanking him for the time they did spend together. It really was perfect and she let him know that, and it was a shame that it had to come to such an abrupt end. a briefly, she explained that there had been an accident with Suho and Seojun. She didn't say much else, but apologised again before slipping her phone into her pocket and pulling the book onto her lap.
Seojun traipsed back into the room, glancing at the second bed before flickering the lights on, looking over to Miyeon. "You'll ruin your posture sitting lack that." He commented, seeing her bending over the book.
Besides them, Suho had sat up, pulling himself into the wheelchair besides his bed. Miyeon's gaze fluttered from her book up to Seojun, then over to Suho who just smiled slightly and moved out of the room. "Where did you get that, anyway?" Seojun asked, moving over to his bed and sitting down. "You don't usually carrying books around with you."
"Oh.. I don't think I told you.. but I went on a date with Hyunwoo this morning. It was cut a little short and I didn't get to drink my coffee, but hey - I got a book out of it." Miyeon shrugged, a smile gracing her face as she placed the book down.
"Oh." Seojun replied, not quite able to understand just why he didn't seem to like that idea. "Perhaps I should get to know him more, I'm still quite suspicious." He said, watching as Miyeon's eyebrows jerked upwards in confusion.
"Perhaps you should." She nodded hesitantly, standing up and reaching for her phone. "Do you want anything from the cafeteria? I'm really hungry and I think I should call Eunjoo. My text didn't seem to cover enough and she is still panicking over me being at the hospital."
"Just get me anything you think I'll like." Seojun replied. "And you're eating.. good."
"You're always worrying, aren't you. But don't worry, Seojun. I've barely skipped a meal since I left that awful house." Miyeon made her way over to the door, looking back at him. "I'll try and find something for you." She promised, before smiling and disappearing past the door.
Leaving Seojun with a rather bittersweet feeling in his stomach.
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