xi. what's stopping me?
soulmates + jakob
have u talked to johnny yet
he hasn't said anything to me
so i plan on ignoring it
he accused you of cheating
he didn't say it to my face
u need to talk to him about it
but i don't want to
you can't just act like nothing happened
what's stopping me?
read 3 min ago
her hands were sweaty around the handle of her black bike as she cycled towards her favourite café. johnny had texted her an half hour prior, asking her to meet him there.
it was supposed to just be a cozy date, but she couldn't help the lump forming in her throat at the thought of seeing him.
she had done her best to ignore the harsh texts he had send her brother, not bringing it up when he seemed to have forgotten it and their conversations had all been normal in the last days. seeing him in real life was something else, though. the fear that he would go crazy on her as well was starting to form in her body, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push it away.
as she reached the entrance and was enveloped by the delicious smell of baked goods, she locked up her bike to the wall before entering the café through the door. a small bell rang above her head and the woman behind the counter turned to smile at her.
looking around for a moment, she quickly spotted her boyfriend sitting at a small touch towards the back.
his hair was wet and hanging sloppily across his forehead and he was wearing his usual variety of silver jewellery along with a black t-shirt.
she sat down in front of him, smiling as he slid a small plate with a pain au chocolat towards her.
"i got you your favourite," he nodded towards the croissant and the big cup of green tea next to it.
"thank you," she smiled.
the date went . . . well, it went as she had expected.
everything seemed perfectly normal until he had brought up her hang out with jakob and sadie.
"they're really nice to let me go along with them on their date nights," she had answered when he asked how the night went.
"are you sure they're together?" he had then asked.
"of course they are. they've been together almost a year." she fired back.
"i don't like you spending time with jakob."
"what?! he's one of my best friends."
"and i'm your boyfriend. am i not more important?"
"no!" he interrupted her, raising his voice slightly. "you should choose me over him."
"i do." she tried to take his hands between hers, but he pulled his hands away.
"then don't hang out with him ever again."
she frowned. "you can't ask that of me. . ."
"oh, i can't?" he stood up. "i'm your boyfriend."
"that doesn't mean you can decide everything for me. you should trust me to hang out with my friends."
"i do trust you. i just don't trust him." he exclaimed.
"that's a shit excuse."
he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. "i'm sorry," he eventually said. "you're right. i'm stupid."
she sipped her tea, urging him to keep apologising.
"i'm just insecure and jealous and i let it out on you." this time he was the one to reach for her hands and she let him.
"it's alright," she smiled softly at his apologetic look. "you just have to trust me."
he nodded in agreement, squeezing her hand adoringly.
author's note!
the fact that this is a *less* dramatic version of a conversation i've had w a boy is actually crazy
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