𝟎𝟎𝟎. 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
Yes, it was somewhat enjoyable to have so much arms, but they despised the use they were put to. They couldn't get a wink of sleep and had to spend all day grabbing the disgusting and strange souls of human beings.
Death wanted justice, they were a god, yet they had no special privileges, they had to grab onto every soul in the world and squeeze the life out of them all simultaneously slowly until they died, it was boring and death felt that their happiness and joy was neglected. Nobody appreciated the deity of death.
And nobody ever visited them, and Death was puzzled of their creation.
Like the great god had just said "OH! I'll just create this creature with a billion arms and call them this cheery name called death and make them squeeze humans to death for eternity!"
Well, yes that was what he had said but that isn't the point.
Nobody wants to have a Sisyphean task that would go on for eternity and death was no exception, they wanted to protest. But of course, at least 4 humans were born per day and death didn't want to carry all those disgusting and loud souls up when they complained to the Great God, so they gave up.
And today, death was tired, not physically tired, but mentally tired of their task and they felt depressed and bored.
And death was suddenly asleep, and they were not asleep intentionally, but because of their tire and boredom, death had simply laid down a bit and fell asleep. Of course, Death was no insomniac, however resisting the powers of sleep was an easy task, until it came to that factor of boredom.
So of course, their duties were neglected.
How unfortunate.
"DEATH!" Someone was shouting in their ears, and very loudly.
Death rubbed their eyes as they slowly woke up.
"YOU HAVE ALLOWED 4 SOULS TO CROSS THE GATE OF ELYSIUM, YOUR INCAPABILITY TO FOLLOW ORDERS SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!!" A golden entity was screeching in their face and Death was not happy about it. He looked up and immediately recognized him as his oh so beloved father.
"Neither will my need for sleep," Death mumbled sarcastically under their breath and slowly said, "Please forgive me, this will never happen again." Death had really enjoyed the nap though.
"THESE CHILDREN NOW HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF RESURRECTION; DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" the Great God was furious and probably scared of what they could do, or maybe he just wanted a reason to yell at him.
"Yes, my lord, please forgive me." Death pleaded, though they really were just pissed off and didn't want punishment for taking a little break, resurrecting humans were ranked 457 on list of things to worry about so he wasn't particularly worried.
"THEN YOU REALIZE THAT THEY WILL LIVE FOREVER?!" the Great God boomed with anger, trying to establish his statement in a more intimidating way. But both of them knew that they lived forever too and there was nothing wrong with that.
"Yes, yes," Death waved it off almost, their arms shrugged a bit in annoyance.
"YOU MUST UNDO THIS! " the Great God waved his battle pike and his ' golden scepter of smiting unworthy souls ' flashed, threatening them, though death knew he couldn't afford to smite them because of their importance in the elysian cycle. The Great God couldn't just create another Death, it would take too much time and energy. Besides, it wasn't like they could undo it anyway.
"Yes, my lord," they weren't really paying attention anymore though, but Death understood what they had to do.
They waved their remaining hands in a circle formation and 4 wisps of purple smoke flew from their hands, flowing into the souls of the poor children who Death felt quite sorry for. Whelp, someone had to pay a price and Death preferred it not to be them self.
The great god, satisfied, nodded his head and sniffed approvingly and walked away, "No more being lazy or sleeping on the job." he said as if he wasn't the one pigging out on fatty foods and drinks while taking 5 naps per day, his wife did all the work.
The darker deity rolled their eyes, annoyed, and continued their task grudgingly. And for years, this would continue as if everything were normal again.
But what was of the children?
738 words
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