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! chapter thirty one ─── ʚĭɞ
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Yeori was just going to try and think about the things which benefitted her now. If Seojun was going to try and keep annoying her with this whole 'I'll only listen to you thing' then she was just going to give him what he wanted. She was going to take advantage of all the free snacks and drinks, and if he requested the need for her to answer some question for him, then she was going to answer it like she ended up doing with the basketball question.
It just wasn't worth all the energy she put into it.
So... and it all seemed a bit pointless to say because her trigger was hair-thin at this point, and there was a high chance that the minute Seojun said something to her again she would be angry once again, but she was all about speaking things into existence. If she didn't at least try and think positively, then how was she actually going to attempt to not argue with him?
His actions during P.E. were enough to convince her of that. Who did he think he was? She didn't know what he was playing at, didn't know if Sooa was right and it was something to do with wanting to get back together, and she just hated all of it.
She had been planning on going to the studio to do some dancing and try her get her mind off of it all, but then she ran the risk of Seojun coming through those doors unannounced once again and instead, she took up Sooa's offer of going shopping, wandering down the streets, and meandering about shops before her dad called and asked if she could come and watch the shop for a bit as he did a few chores.
"You should've come, Jugyeong." Yeori pulled her hair back from her eyes as she leaned on the shop counter, phone pressed against her ear as she eyed the motorcycle outside. "We had fun. Why couldn't you come? Oh - hold on."
One of the customers that had been milling about the shop had come up to the counter with their basket and had given her a look when he saw she was on the phone, giving her no choice but to focus on the job she was supposed to be doing as she served him. "That'll be eighteen ninety, thanks." She told him shortly, packing his items into the bag as he paid.
Glaring at his back as the door opened and closed, Yeori returned to her conversation. "I'm back, Im-Ju!" She hummed, reaching for the sheet of paper that was her maths homework. If she was going to mind the shop then she might as well get something done during it.
"Ah, I wanted to come, but my mom wants me to come home to study everyday." Jugyeong replied with a sigh. "Where did you go? What did you get?"
"Really? Even with the study group? Seriously, does your mom not want you to have a life?" She scoffed, eyes scanning the homework. This was going to be tricky enough, even if she was properly focused on it she would have difficulty.
"I guess not." Jugyeong sighed. "Go on, tell me what you got."
"First we went to a couple of drugstores," Yeori replied, scribbling down what was almost definitely not the right number. "I got a new eyeshadow palette - this powder blue range - and a lip tint."
"I bet that'll look really pretty on you. Your features suit powder blue." Jugyeong told her. "Especially with your hair. What about the lip tint?"
"Peach. It matches the new cardigan and bow I got for school." Yeori told her. "Sooa got a pink jumper... and then I got a few new tops for dance and a leotard. One of the choreographers says she wants to start filming more videos to show the results of her classes."
"Really?" Jugyeong asked. "That's so exciting - you could be famous!"
"I don't think so." Yeori shook her head, making her way over to the freezer by the door and taking out one of the cups of ice, selecting the bright green pouch of melon drink and straw. "Unless it gets opened to a few different social medias... that doesn't matter, I'll have to send you pictures of everything when my dad gets back."
"Please do, I'm so sad I missed out." Jugyeong hummed. "Does your dad not have any other staff for the shop?"
"He used to," Yeori balanced the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she prepared the drink, "when I was a kid, and then when my brother was growing up... but now I guess he doesn't need to do as much with us, so he only gets help sometimes."
"You have a brother too?"
"Unfortunately. He's an annoying little shit who hogs the shower all the time." Yeori replied, and despite her words, it was said affectionately. "He goes to the middle school... Jugyeong, can I call you back in a bit?"
"Oh! Yeah, of course." Jugyeong sounded a little taken aback by the suddenness of it all, and Yeori hung up the phone.
She cleared her throat, tucking her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. before stepping back out from behind the counter. "Hey! Kim Chorong, do you think you can hide behind the ramyeon?"
There was a shuffle, the rustle of plastic packaging, and Chorong meekly stepped out at the end of the aisle, an odd expression on his face. "Yeori... hi." He said quietly, glancing awkwardly around the shop as he took a few steps towards her.
"I haven't seen you in here for ages." Yeori made up the distance, eyeing the stack of Buldak noodles in his hands. "Did you stop coming."
"Sort of." Chorong stood before the stand next to the water, microwave and fridge in the back corner, picking out various toppings for the noodles. "After you and Seojun broke up, it didn't feel right coming."
"Right." Yeori folded her arms over her chest. "You should get the fish cakes to go with that one." She advised. "Unless you're not eating it here, you and all of his friends are cowards when it comes to talking to me when he's not there." She leant against the side, awaiting a reaction.
"No we are not!" And there it was, Chorong was frowning and close to dropping the stack forming on his hands. The pack of fish cakes he had taken under her guidance slipped to the floor.
Yeori folded her arms across her chest, eyebrows raised. "Ah, seriously?" She shook her head, tutting. "Do you want me to get you a basket?" She asked.
"Yeah." Chorong admitted, cheeks turning pink. "I should probably have gotten one when I came in."
"Probably." Yeori rolled her eyes and made her way over the door, picking up a basket. But then... she paused, her eyes landing once more on the motorbike outside and an idea popped into her head. A glance back confirmed Chorong was too focused on trying to pick up the fish cakes to notice and carefully, Yeori twisted the lock on the door closed, and flipped the 'Open!' sign back around, wandering back around to where he was stood. "Hold still, idiot."
She held the basket and loaded in the pile of various food and snack items he had picked up and were precariously balancing in his arms, before handing it over and letting him know she would be at the counter when he was ready to pay.
"Thanks, Yeori." Chorong said, as he placed the basket before her.
"Did you manage to get everything you needed?" Yeori asked sagely as she began unpacking the basket, scanning things as she went.
"Yeah, thanks." Chorong nodded, taking the bag she wafted in his face and opening it up for her. He continued to hold it open as she piled in the food, stretching to hold it with one hand whilst he paid. "I'll... I'll see you at school."
"Sure." Yeori hummed, carefully tying the handles together and holding him
He stopped, briefly, before the door. "I'm sorry about what Seojun is doing. I know he's annoying you." Chorong told her.
It would almost have been sweet if Yeori didn't know what was about to come. "It's not your fault." She told him, reaching for her phone.
Chorong reached to open the door, which didn't budge. "Yeori..." He tried the doors again, shaking the frame back and forth. "Why are the doors locked?"
"Sit down and eat your food." Yeori drawled from where she stood behind the counter. "And call Han Seojun."
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