˗ˋ 21
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! chapter twenty one ─── ʚĭɞ
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"Hey, Kwon Yeori." Suho approached her almost as soon as she left the dance studio, still in the clothes she had danced in - black sweatpants and a red t-shirt with some kind of dragon print on it, her hand reaching to pull out where it had been stylised and tucked into the cropped vest top she was wearing underneath - sipping on an iced latte and entirely distracted by her phone.
"Huh?" She blinked, looking up, evidently surprised by the sudden appearance, and her expression conveyed it. Then, the look of shock suddenly developed, her eyebrows furrowing, nose wrinkling slightly and a frown on her lips. "Lee Suho, what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm here to see my friend." He replied, loftily, as though it was an entirely normal sentence to leave his mouth. "And to go and see a movie with her."
"Are you crazy?" Yeori asked.
"Are you crazy?" She repeated, checking her phone for the time. "Aren't you supposed to be in a maths exam? You heard Mrs Lee yesterday."
"Ah, she was quite annoying about it, wasn't she?" Suho let out a sigh. "Never mind, I finished it and came here."
Yeori's eyes narrowed, pulling the hoodie that had been draped over the bag on her shoulder on. "Why?" She asked.
"Why?" Suho repeated. He had begun to walk and without even thinking about it, Yeori had followed him. "I was distracted... and there were other things on my mind."
Yeori paused for a moment, still walking alongside him despite having fallen silent. "You want to go and see a movie?" She asked, and he nodded. "Ah, so you're worried about Jugyeong."
Suho stopped, completely. "No." He said, certain. "Well... yes, but I don't think it's a good idea for her to go on a blind date with a college guy."
Yeori walked on, and he followed her. "Isn't that her problem to deal with? If there even is a problem? He's older, probably more mature... I would be more worried if she was going on a date with a high school boy. They're awful."
Suho just nodded, and there seemed to be no more room for discussion as they continued to the cinema. Both of them knew exactly what time they had to be there, exactly what movie they were seeing, and Suho had already planned that each of them needed to get a popcorn to hide behind - seemingly he had planned on dragging Yeori along no matter not. Despite the rift that had been drawn between them upon the death of Seyeon and Yeori's obvious heightened closeness to Seojun, given that they were dating and all, Yeori had still been able to talk to him, and if this meant that her and Suho grew even closer as friends, then she was happy to do it.
And, yes, she did hold her own reservations to the idea of Jugyeong going on a date - not only that, but a blind date that had been set up for her - but she wasn't going to let Suho know that.
"Ah, such good-looking couple." The older woman commented as she took their tickets.
"Yeah, thanks." Suho said, clutching onto his popcorn as they bypassed her and made their way up to their screen. He had booked the inconspicuous middle seats, good enough to hide them from sight whilst also giving them a good enough view of everyone else in the movie theatre. Yeori decided not to comment on it; it was evident that he was more than concerned about Jugyeong's wellbeing on this date and she had already teased him enough.
Besides, it was Suho, and not... well, Seojun, and she always had to consider that.
She was torn from her thoughts as Suho elbowed her and as she jumped, she noticed in the half-light of the room, Jugyeong and her date - some guy named Ji Woohyun - entering, each of them holding a drink and him carrying the popcorn. Suho produced a baseball hat, as if from nowhere, and somehow manoeuvred it down to sit atop of her hair.
"What the-" Yeori hissed, turning to face him behind the popcorn. "I would've appreciated a warning." She told him.
Suho ignored her.
"You're also making me look like a creep." She continued impatiently, and moved the popcorn away from her face, settling it down on her lap and beginning to pick at it. "You could've at least got one of those nice flavours."
Again, he didn't say anything, and whilst Yeori turned her attention to the screen with the intention of keeping an eye on Jugyeong. However, Suho seemed to have other ideas, watching the pair carefully, and Yeori noticed how he sat up straight when the guy put an arm around the girl beside him and remained there, watching carefully, his elbows on his knees.
It was so obvious it was laughable.
Whether he claimed otherwise, and said it was just the worry of a friend, Yeori knew he was jealous. He might not have been able to recognise it, but somewhere deep down his feelings for Jugyeong were something like a crush, slowly developing into something bigger. Yeori could never know exactly what was going on in Suho's mind, but at the very least she was certain on one thing: he was jealous.
She watched as a couple in front of them begin to kiss, and all of a sudden Suho was up out of his seat, jumping over the railing separating the chairs and then the rows in front, pulling the couple apart. Yeori sunk down in her chair, entirely embarrassed for him, hiding beneath her hat and keeping her focus entirely on the film before her.
"Who are you?" The man asked, as both he and his date stood up. It was most certainly not Jugyeong and Woohyun, something Yeori would have pointed out if she had known Suho would act so, so irrationally, spurred on by jealousy alone. "Do you know him?" The man asked.
"No." The girl shook her head. "How would I know him?"
"I'm sorry." Suho said, bowing slightly to them.
The woman seemed to come to life at that, gasping as she noticed just what she was wearing. Her gaze rose to her partner. "Gosh, I shouldn't be here right now!" She announced, tearful. "Haru!" She exclaimed, before rushing off, leaving the man behind looking forlorn.
"Danoh!" He exclaimed, before chasing after her. "Danoh!"
And when Jugyeong and Woohyun finally turned around at the sound of the commotion, Yeori watched as Suho ducked down behind the seats to hide.
She rose a hand to her brow, shielding her face. But her shoulders shook with laughter as the man next to where Suho crouched began throwing his popcorn at him.
The rest of the movie was considerably good, and after the interruption of that poor couple Yeori made it her mission to stop Suho from doing anything stupid if he saw anything remotely similar happen between Jugyeong and Woohyun - which Yeori greatly doubted would happen, Jugyeong was particularly nervous to be going on a date at all. They staggered their exit with the couple too, just to avoid bumping into them.
Which didn't work, because as soon as they stepped through the doors, Suho and Yeori found the pair stood in front of them. At a moment's notice, Yeori had disappeared in the store beside them and Suho was left stood there to hide through his own means, not thinking of anywhere else he could go. Except...
"You're such an idiot." Yeori announced, as she left the convenience store and came out to find Suho handing behind an advertisement stand. Jugyeong had just rounded the corner, and whilst she had had some sense, Suho obviously didn't. "This is getting silly, now. They had a good time and, also, you ruined that couple's date."
The girl actually seemed quite grateful that I interrupted." Suho replied, loftily, as he straightened up out of the stand.
"Hey, don't try and act all smart with me when you're acting like a loser and following around Jugyeong."
"You're also following around Jugyeong."
"And whose fault is that, hm?" Yeori asked. "He's quite good-looking, isn't he?" She teased him, leaning to the right so she could see behind him to where the man was standing. He was on a phone call, and her jaw dropped. Suho stared at her as she wordlessly hit him on the arm in quick succession, staring.
"Look!" She hissed, quite aware that she now looked particularly stupid, but when Suho turned around, it became glaringly obvious why she was acting like a sea lion.
The man that Jugyeong had just been on a blind date with had just been joined by another woman, who was calling him gross pet names and acting all cutesy, much to both of their disgust. But despite the overt display of public affection, both Suho and Yeori found themselves staring at the man and the woman, who was quite obviously his girlfriend.
"That bastard." Yeori hissed. "That bastard."
"I can't believe you got a boyfriend when you swear like a sailor."
"I can't believe you're just stood there when the girl you obviously like was just on a date with a guy who already has a girlfriend." Yeori rolled her eyes, and was only somewhat glad that Suho was blinded by anger to notice what she had said. "C'mon, you're trained in martial arts, do something about it already. I'm going home, it's late, and I'm exhausted."
And she patted him merrily on the shoulder, before wandering past the couple with the most obvious glare she could muster.
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