˗ˋ 15
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! chapter fifteen ─── ʚĭɞ
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"Damn you." Yeori muttered under her breath, as she stepped off of the bus, staring up at the looming building of the hospital she was all too familiar with. It had been a busy day; she had to wake up early for her dance class, had to try and speak sense into both Suho and Seojun (even if the latter didn't necessarily need it, but it convinced her even further not to give him the gloves back), audition for the talent show, and she had walked through the door of her house to find her father waiting with what looked like a care package in his hands.
Apparently, and Yeori hardly knew that her father still talked to her like she did, but Seojun's mom was coming out of hospital soon. And she had called the shop this morning to pass along the message of good news, seeing as she was certain that her son wouldn't. Thus, in his usual spirit of good will, he intended to send her along to deliver it, a note with the three's well-wishes attached. And now, here she was, exhausted, stood before the hospital holding the gifts from her family to another.
She made her way up the stairs, feet dragging. It wasn't that she was unhappy to go and visit Mrs Lee - she had always loved her, the woman who had taken her under her wing regardless of whether she was dating her son at that moment or not, cared for her as she imagined a mother would - bur rather it came at an unfortunate time. She was exhausted after the day's events, and had planned to do nothing but sleep when she got home.
Nevertheless, with a smile on her face, she walked down the corridor, brief conversation with the usual nurses who knew her on the way. Pushing open the door, she held-expected Mrs Lee to be asleep already, at that hour, but as she turned to face the bed, she instead found - and perhaps she was a little less than surprised than she initially found herself, seeing as there seemed to be an awful pattern of them bumping into each other these days - Seojun sat at his mom's bedside.
"Yeori!" Mihyang noticed her first, and Seojun's head snapped towards her as she offered the woman a small bow that in no way conveyed the respect she held for her and walked over slowly. "Your dad passed on the message, then?"
"Yeah, yeah he did. Put together all these snacks and drinks and stuff as soon as he heard it." Yeori lifted the bag meekly, deciding it best not to look over at Seojun. Because here they couldn't bicker and argue, and she couldn't swear to let out some of the anger.
Never mind it being in a hospital room, she could never do that to Mrs Lee, not whilst she was still recuperating and almost out of the hospital. Yeori didn't ever want to cause her that much stress, and so she would refrain and pull herself away from anything that could end up in an argument.
"Come in, come in, don't just stand there." Mihyang gestured over. "Seojun, pull up another chair, won't you?"
He didn't say anything, standing up and pushing his own chair slightly towards her, procuring another from the corner of the room for himself to sit on.
"Thanks." She murmured, as she took the seat, neatly crossing her ankles and hoisting the bag with the basket up onto her lap. "How are you?" She asked, with a smile, even if she could feel Seojun's eyes on her from where he was sat behind.
There were fresh flowers on her bedside table that she glanced at fondly. "Good, better now that I know when I can leave, it's been so awful not being at home." Mihyang replied. "Seojun and Gowoon have been visiting but..."
"But it's not been the same." Yeori nodded. Mihyang smiled in response at the understanding, her glance passing over to her son. "I guess it's been quite quiet since Seojun came back to school."
"He visited all the time, before he had his schedules and after, first thing in the morning, came and had lunch with me, stayed until I fell asleep." She told the girl, as Seojun tutted.
"I'm still sat here, Mom." He injected.
"I know, but it's Yeori, Seojun." Mrs Lee pointed out, as though it wasn't obvious enough. She watched as the two teenagers shifted uncomfortably in their seats at the implications, the idea that Yeori could know these sorts of things because she was the one person who knew about this... this almost softness to him to that he didn't let anyone see.
"I know." He replied, because certainly he couldn't have been aware of that. "Has she told you about the talent show."
"Seojun!" Yeori turned in her chair.
"No, she didn't. That was today, wasn't it?" Mihyang sat up a little. "Did you perform.
"She did, she was dancing." Seojun replied instead, sitting back in his chair as Yeori narrowed her eyes, suspicious. "Did a dance to... what was it... that song by that idol group."
"Red Velvet." Yeori replied, drily. "With a few other girls. They needed another dancer for the choreography. "
"Ah, I see." Mrs Lee nodded along. "Do you know how you did yet?"
"There's the actual talent show next week." Yeori replied. "There were so many people wanting to take part that they had to hold auditions today."
"They'll find out tomorrow." Seojun added, crossing his arms
"How do you know that?" Yeori asked him.
"Well, I said I would come and watch when you came by at lunch." Seojun shrugged. Mihyang watched as they spoke, her eyes alight at the sight. "It's not my fault you didn't take enough care to see whose in the audience. Anyone could've been there."
"I was focused on the dance, sorry if I didn't give you enough attention." Yeori grumbled and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. My dad put together some home-cooked food and snacks, said that when he was in hospital once, he missed it and thought it might be nice."
"Thank your father for me." Mihyang replied, as Yeori slowly began putting away the various snacks, and Seojun collected the meals and left the ward behind to see if they could be stored somewhere. "Yeori," the woman spoke up, and the girl looked up, "how has Seojun been at school?"
Yeori pondered for a moment, straightening up. "His usual self." She replied. "Still with his group and everyone moves out of the way when he's walking past."
"I see." Mrs Lee nodded. "Forgive me for asking... what about with you?"
"With me?"
"He's not being horrible to you, is he? He can be harsh when he wants to be, quite cold... and I don't want him disrupting your school with this."
"No, no, he's fine." Yeori replied softly. "The same as always." She smiled, a little, didn't want to worry her at all, not when she was so very almost going home. "Same as always."
Mihyang nodded, knew that she couldn't push it, and the conversation fell flat as Seojun returned. "Just ask one of the nurses before meals come out, and they can sort it out." He said shortly, looking between his mom and his ex girlfriend. "What?"
"Nothing." Mrs Lee hummed. "No, no, don't sit down again. I'm feeling tired... and you two need to be getting home."
"I'll stay until you drift off." Seojun told her, reaching for a chair. His mother held her hand out. "... No?"
"It's not good for Gowoon to be home alone so long, and I'm sure Yeori's dad will want her back too." The woman said. "Go on, go."
"I'll see you again soon." Yeori promised, leaning down to give her a hug. "I'll try once more before you get out, I'll talk to Gowoon and see when she's coming by next."
"Thank your father for me, Yeori." Mihyang asked, and the girl nodded, before slipping out of the door, closing it gently behind her.
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