˗ˋ 03
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! chapter three ─── ʚĭɞ
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Sooa had managed to befriend Jugyeong by the time the day was up, and seeing as Yeori got on with her quite naturally, she had joined the two girls and Soojin in going out for food and to play games before she went to the studio. Then, they had spent the rest of the week getting to know each other further, and over the weekend the three girls came to stay at Yeori's.
But now it was the following Friday, after a week of friendship, and instead of going out with Sooa and Soojin, Jugyeong had invited her to come with as she attempted to re-purchase a cushion compact that had broken when she bumped into Suho the previous week.
It had been new as well, which just made the accident even more sad. "Is there anything you want to buy?" Jugyeong was still somewhat awkward with all of her new friends, and had originally seemed uncomfortable with the idea of walking with linked arms. But now, her arm curved into Yeori's as they entered the rather large cosmetics shop.
"Some skin care.. maybe a lip gloss." Yeori replied. "I need some more hair bands for dance.. and I wanted to see if they have any solution that helps reduce chance of infection for piercings. So.. quite a bit."
"We'll get yours first then."
"No, no, it's fine. You only have one thing, so you don't have to trail around after me in the shop. What brand was it?" Yeori asked, hand absentmindedly reaching to the most recent piercing she had gotten; currently a heart-shaped stud in her forward helix. It was a miracle she hadn't been told off for the amount she had.
"Okay." Jugyeong nodded, taking the lead and pulling her forward to a stand. "I'll just be a moment." The Lim girl excused herself, and Yeori nodded, making her way over to a nearby display of products, beginning her own search.
When Yeori decided none of it was what she was looking for, she turned around to find that the saleswoman had disappeared to retrieve the product Jugyeong had been looking for, and the girl was examining a small tester tube of moisturiser.
"Is this any good for you?" Jugyeong offered it out to her, watching as Yeori tested some on the back of her palm and shook her head. "It looks too oily for your skin. Something a bit drier."
"You're.. right." Yeori seemed rather impressed as she placed the product back down, looking up as she saw a group of girls approaching. "Ugh.. Park Semi?"
"You know her too?"
Yeori didn't note the look or tone of panic in Jugyeong's face as she turned away from the group of blue-uniformed girls. "My ex used to get in trouble with boyfriend? Friend? I'm not sure.. I never liked her either way."
There was the sound of something being thrown into a bag and Jugyeong didn't seem to have anything else to say in response to it. "I'm really sorry Yeori, I think I have to go." Jugyeong said, her words quick and muffled slightly.
Confused, Yeori didn't say anything, just waved as Jugyeong began to rush off in the opposite direction, just as the saleswoman returned with the palette. "Did your friend want something else?" She asked, holding out the small box.
"Er... she had to go somewhere, but thank you so much, I'll make sure she gets it." Yeori took the palette and tucked it into her basket, beginning her own shopping trip by herself.
There wasn't much she needed to buy really, and after milling around the shop for about fifteen minutes both trying to find products she'd used in the past as well as potential new ones, Yeori made her way to the counters and paid, using up some of her points on her loyalty card.
Wondering whether or not it was too early to go to her practise, Yeori began her journey there, her new purchases stuffed into her school bag and only making it more and more heavier as she walked. The night had fallen quickly after spending some time after school studying, and walking along was joined by the somewhat faraway growl of motorcycles.
It made her nostalgic. Too nostalgic, especially as the growl grew louder and louder, closer to her and just as she approached the turning in the side street that would lead her to the main road on which her dance studio lay, it became far too familiar for her liking.
Because just as she stepped out, a motorcycle came racing towards her and skidding to a stop, Yeori jumping out of the way as the rider fell off.
Groaning, already feeling the grazes on her knees breaking and bleeding, Yeori cursed. "Hey - this is supposed to be where people walk, asshole. The only vehicles down here should be delivery trucks." She pushed herself up to her feet, forcing herself to acknowledge that she had had some part in the crash and heading over to the rider.
He was laid still, leather jacket oddly familiar, before sitting up with a sigh.
"Asshole, you have ears right? I know those helmets don't limit your hearing." Yeori continued, reaching out with her leg and nudging his back. "You're the one who almost hit me and... shit."
Her eyes widened. The man had just pulled off the helmet, shaking dark hair out of his eyes before turning to look at the girl.
He scrambled to his feet. "Yeori... I..." The helmet wobbled in his hands, Seojun's gaze dipping down to her knees. "You're hurt.. I don't have any bandaids on me.. um.." But before he could get his apology out, his head shot to the side at the sound of more motorbikes and pushed his helmet into Yeori's hands and dashing off towards a back alley.
She watched, jaw dropped as the motorcycles came to a stop, piling up against each other as the three men upon them hurried to follow Seojun down the alley, shouting after him.
It was a scenario Yeori knew all too well. And it was typical really, for the first time she saw Seojun since he took time off of school is for him to be in trouble. It ached more than she thought it would.
Naturally, her first reaction was to do something she had done many times before; chase after her now ex boyfriend to somehow aide him - because she was clever like that, not only in the academic sense but also in getting him about of tricky situations. But she couldn't just go after him like that, right? It wouldn't be appropriate.
But even if Seojun had hurt her, she didn't want whatever guys he got in trouble with to hurt him.
And without a second.. or third thought, Yeori took off after them, clutching the motorcycle helmet between her hands as she did so. It wasn't hard to keep track of them, one member of the group a slight slower than the others and turning each corner a little later.
She chased them down alleys and side streets, eventually watching them disappear up into a parking garage conjoined to a row of garages that had been sat mostly unused due the renovations occurring on the top level.
But there was only one way in, and Yeori had just gone running up it. Meaning that unless Seojun pulled off some magnificent escape plan, he was cornered. She hurried forward, watching with baited breath as she caught him jumping over the rails of a staircase after finding the top of them blocked by the materials for the restorations.
Just then, a second set of the group appeared at the other end of tunnel, and just like that, escape was impossible; Seojun had turned towards a balcony, and in moments, the group was behind him.
"Idiot." Yeori mumbled to herself as she edged closer to the wall, peering out and watching as Seojun stood beneath the stairs, adjusting the collar of his jackets. She dipped down and picked up his gloves that he had thrown towards Sungyong as she climbed up the stairs herself, peering down on the scene.
"Hey, Han Seojun." Sungyong made his way to the front. "Chorong said you went abroad to study. Did you think we'd fall for that?"
"I'm sorry, you jerk." Seojun was still so cocky, and Yeori resisted the urge to facepalm.
Clearly, she wasn't the only one with a negative reaction, the criss-cross of fairylights across the garages behind them lighting up the scene as Sungyong pulled his arm back and punched him. She winced, Sungyong stepping back. "When I think about how much money I lost because of you punks." The word was emphasised by a kick to his gut.
Sungyong pulled him to his feet by the collar. "You flaked on purpose to stab us in the back, right?" He asked. "Did you think we'd leave you alone if you hid from us?"
Seojun stepped to the side as he threw another punch, causing him to miss. "I won't let you hit my face." He said and Yeori rolled her eyes. Typical. It seems like she would have to try and help him out like she used to, and her eyes began to dart around the staircase.
Sungyong scoffed, turning towards his friends. Seojun let out a momentary sigh, head tilted up to the sky as he let out the breath. His eyes met Yeori's and muttered something under his breath. "Did you just duck?" Sungyong asked. Yeori was looking, searching for something that might actually work, before her eyes landed on set of blue and red lights.
She smirked, reeaching forward and hitting the button, the satisfactory sound of the alarm sounding and echoing around the area. In seconds, the group of boys had disappeared, leaving Seojun remaining.
He stepped out of his corner, adjusting the collar of his shirt. He paused, before turning up towards the staircase, the sense of recognition in his eyes as he tilted his head.
"You can come out now."
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