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PETER PARKER WAS HAVING A GOOD WEEK. Sure, it was only Tuesday afternoon and he was leaving school with three days of waking up way too early and spending his evenings procrastinating doing his homework still to go. Sure, he had been beaten up by Flash yet again to the point where Gwen Stacy, who had leant back to ask MJ where she had been once she returned from the bathroom with a knowing glint in her eyes, checked whether or not he had a concussion and sure, his camera was broken yet again and it was another thing he needed to do - all of that over the course of one hour on what was usually the worst day of the week.
Sure, the basement was flooded because of the broken.. well he couldn't remember what was broken because his evening had been interrupted by the finding of his father's briefcase. And sure, what he had found in there was seemingly nothing of value until he discovered a hidden file in the lining that had led him to researching his dad father's old partner and seeing images of the plane crash and sent him into a downward spiral of research that led him deep into the night.
But despite all of that, despite the sudden reminder of his parents death and finding something that belonged to his father, despite being beaten up by Flash Thompson and despite his camera being once again broken, Peter Parker couldn't deny that what reigned above all that was an innate feeling of happiness.
Because he, Peter Parker, had asked out MJ Watson. And she had said yes. The bad mood that usually would come from the combination of all of those things was so easily dampened by that feeling, the bubble of happiness that surrounded the upset and stored it in the back of his mind until he was looking to deal with it.
They had promised to talk further on the subject that day, but he was yet to see her - and it seemed she had become even busier than she already was; MJ had been selected to aid some of the students who hadn't managed to get a place on the Oscorp internship program, considering how very select it was. It seemed like something she would do, and he didn't mind too much that he only saw her in lessons.
Seeing as they sat near to each other in almost everything which then resulted in conversations shared in low whispers or across hastily passed notes. It was like the years of silence hadn't even happened, and although one day they would probably be addressed, he could bask in the fact he had gotten her back. MJ was speaking to him again, and that was all he needed.
And now, there was an added burst of joy every time they saw each other in the hallways; a flash of a smile if she was ever stood around by her friends, always a choice of greetings spilling from her lips if she was with Gwen and if she was alone, the shortest of conversations would be shared before making their way to their next lesson - sometimes walking together.
Peter felt unusually happy as he left school that day, not worried about his broken camera or lack of knowledge about what truly happened to his parents - and how exactly Dr. Connors was involved - or the fact he had a shining bruise forming on his chin.
He approached his locker to deposit the textbooks he would no longer need until the next lesson, unable to fight the small grin steadily forming over his lips as he saw MJ standing beside it, staring down at her phone.
"Something interesting?" He asked, reaching to pick up his skateboard and balancing it under his arm. She looked up quickly upon hearing the words and realised who exactly it was.
"Not really." Margot sighed and flashed the screen towards him. He had to bend down ever so slightly to see it clearly, but soon found himself scanning a list of names. "The list of interns to start on Saturday. So not really interesting, but important."
Either was, she clicked the small button on the side and watched the screen go black, slipping it into her pocket. The Parker used the lull in conversation to let his focus fall on the code for his locker before reaching to put it in, opening the door.
"We haven't talked properly yet." He said, placing in one of the heavy textbooks. "I asked you but then we didn't have a chance to arrange it yet." The final book was placed inside and he closed the door once more and the faded blue metal door closed.
"So we should arrange it, right?"
"You keeping that skateboard off the floor, Parker?" The pair turned at the sudden interruption, Mr Cramer stood in front of the both of them. He looked between the two students, Peter adjusting his hold on the board in his arms.
"Yes, Sir." He confirmed. "As far away from the floor as I can get it."
Cramer looked towards the girl standing beside him. "Can you authenticate this, MJ?" The teacher questioned. Despite Peter's incredible grades - really, he was one of the top in the class - it seemed to be the girl that joined him that the faculty of their school trusted for the real reality of a situation.
MJ, despite her disappointment at this, nodded. "I've seen him carry it around these halls more than I've seen him actually use it.. in an appropriate place of course." She nodded.
"Of course." Mr Cramer repeated, before beginning past them. "Have a good afternoon, MJ."
"You too, Sir." She replied, the polite smile on her face turning more friendly as she looked towards Peter, who was watching her quietly until he realised they were alone again, and looked away.
"Do you think I'm invisible to him?" Peter asked.
"Hm.. probably enough to walk by without him noticing." She replied. The same couldn't be said for herself; if she were to pass by a teacher, a lot of the time it would end up in either a short conversation related to academics or at least a greeting.
"So I wouldn't get away with riding it again, right?"
"No way." MJ shook her head, taking a step away from the locker. "Come on." She held out her hand without even thinking about it. "Walk with me."
Peter hesitated, before tucking his skateboard under his other arm and taking her hand. They stepped forward together, heading towards the exits now without any other distractions planned. "Where are you going?" He asked, trying not to feel the warm sensation flooding through his fingertips and up his arm.
"Oh, I only mean up until to outside school." Margot quickly told him. "I'll be going to the station so I can go to Oscorp."
"Your job?" He confirmed, an image of her father stood beside Dr. Connors and his own father with a caption talking about something of robotics-related technology they had developed together flashing in his mind at the mention of the company. "I'll walk you there - to the station."
MJ was quick to shake her head, gaze sweet as she glanced towards "You don't need to do that, really. From what I can recall the station is actually further away than your house."
The memories of the street that MJ and Peter used to live side-by-side on seemed to have been renewed now that they had reunited and were talking once again. She could see it clearly again, the dinner parties, the evenings spent around the dining table - Margot really hadn't realised just how much the break had impacted what she did remember of her once-home. And considering that included much of her time with her mom, it wasn't particularly the most pleasant idea that she was slowly missing each of those mental souvenirs.
"Dangerous place, New York." Peter quipped.
Her hand tightened ever so slightly beneath his as she smiled, slowly shaking her head. "Not from here to the station." She replied.
"Hey - you never know." Peter pushed open the door in front of them, holding it for her as they stepped out into the rowdy streets in front of the school, busy with students as they caught their buses and rides home, or waiting to meet up with their neighbours or friends to walk home like the two seniors had once done so.
"In that case..." She was looking his way again, the small budding smile returning to her face. He liked that, really, thought that any words that came after that smile would be something of the prettiest quality. Nothing negative could come from that smile, which is why Peter knew her words before she even spoken. "Let's organise this date? Whilst we walk?" She offered.
He nodded. "Sure, yeah." Peter agreed, their hands still connected across the small gap between them as they swerved around small groups across the concrete, Gwen's eyebrows raising as she spotted them across the way, carefully to keep Flash distracted as they talked. It wasn't that MJ was particularly planning on keeping her date and potential relationship with Peter a secret, they just decided it was best for him to be kept away from the Parker for as long as possible, considering what had happened just the previous day.
"How's your bruising, by the way?" MJ asked, Peter trusting her far too much for what it was as he allowed her to guide him across the way whilst simultaneously showing her the mark on his chin. "And on your ribs?"
"Eh, it's there." He didn't think to mention how he wasn't able to sleep on that side because of the aching it would cause. "I used some of that balm on it.. doesn't look as purple as I thought it would."
"Well that's good. I can give Val the Parker seal of approval when she gets back." She noticed the little interest sparked from the name. "I told you she was my half-brother's mom, right? Well she's gone to Toronto for.. work, I believe, with her newest boyfriend."
"Sounds like she has a lot?"
"You could say that. I mean - Jack's only six and I've heard far too many names coming out of his mouth. If she was planning on keeping them around I would have no problems with them being introduced to him.. but it's just not right for him to see so many people come and go." Margot paused, cheeks turning pink. "Sorry - I shouldn't be ranting to you about things like that so quickly.. he's my brother."
"And you care for him a lot. So it's fine honestly. As long as you're comfortable with it, I'm completely fine listening." Peter reassured her. "Really, I just want to get to know you again."
"Same here, which is why I should probably be spending the time we have between here and the station talking about our plans?" She looked up towards him, shielding her eyes as they turned the corner and continued walking down the street.
"You probably a lot busier than I am." Peter adjusted his skateboard so that the wheels weren't digging so much into his ribs. "Whenever you're free or have any spare time at all." He offered, letting go of her hand to shield his own eyes before placing it across her shoulders and gently prompting her forward, knowing they would be fine.
"If you're sure?" MJ asked. Luckily, there was more shade on that side and there was no need to worry about shading their eyes and very easily, their hands found the small space between them once again. He had hardly realised just how natural and comfortable it felt, as though there was something that made sure it would be her hand he ended up holding, as though they were made to do just that.
Peter nodded, lacking the ability or devices to come up with any alternative. He didn't need to anyway, and was more than happy to adjust to her schedule. "In that case.. I can't do this Saturday, because of my job. I usually work Saturdays and Gwen works on Sundays but the new interns are coming and we're both in on Saturday so we can show them around, make sure that none of them do anything stupid, y'know? Like poison themselves or anything." Her eyes were bright with concerned amusement as she mentioned it.
"Oh yeah, that's very important." Peter nodded. "You wouldn't want anyone poisoned. Lawsuits everywhere."
"Exactly." She chuckled. "Plus, if it was one from our school I think that Cramer would actually kill you."
"I think you're too close to being one of his favourite students for him to do that. But... there's a possibility that you can't risk?" He easily, unknowingly matching the same energy that flowed with ease through her words. It had always been like that though, even when the first met and both were considerably closed off, they just seemed to understand each other in a way that their other friends and guardians wouldn't get for some time."
"Mhm." MJ hummed to herself nodding. Her pace had slowed significantly from when they first set off, the green and white globe that signaled the beginning of the descent down into the station just down from them. "I can do Sunday? But.. I'd rather not wait." She admitted, a small flash of worry in her eyes as she looked up. "You're the same, right?"
"I mean it's practically an entire week away." He nodded. "So, you're thinking sooner?"
"After school isn't ideal, but if we're in agreement then I don't see why not." Margot hummed. "Obviously I have my job tonight, as well as Thursday afternoon, so I have Wednesday and Friday evenings."
"Tomorrow isn't too soon, right?" They had reached the crosswalk mere meters away from the station and as they waited a few moments before cars had passed, Peter suggested not only a day away, but not even twenty-four hours later. "You can text me your address, I'll come and pick you up and we'll go somewhere."
The number had been in his phone since that project the year before, not used once, but seemingly saved for this exact moment as MJ nodded her confirmation.
"There's a great pizza place a few blocks away from my apartment. You won't believe it but it's run by actual Italians and it's all done traditionally. We usually just get takeout if we're having pizza but seeing as it's a special occasion?" Margot suggested, the grin reflected in her tone.
By now the pair had reached the stairways to the platform below the surface of the city. But it didn't look like they were going to stop there, and Peter took the lead and walked them further down the stairs and out of the daylight. "You don't mind if we go for food, do you?" MJ checked, saw him shake his head. "Good - because there are seats outside and it's really pretty when the sun's setting."
"In that case I think it's a very good idea." Peter smiled down at her as they reached the bottom of the stairs, sticking to one of the cleaner corners. "So, tomorrow night, text me your address and I'll be there for.. six?"
"Perfect." MJ nodded, looking rather pleased with herself, glancing towards the barriers. "I'll text you later, I promise, and I'll see you tomorrow - and don't forget to bring your camera!"
"Oh it comes everywhere with me, don't you worry ." Peter paused before leaning down to kiss her on the cheek, the spot of skin burning as MJ turned towards the turnstiles.
"See you tomorrow, Pete." She called over her shoulders, to which the Parker returned with a small wave with his now empty, still warm hand. He made his way back towards the stairs, pausing for a moment as he watched her jump the barrier without so much as a glance around to check no one was watching, even leaning back and pushing the emergency exit further open for a woman looking a little lost, beckoning her through before disappearing down the escalators.
MJ Watson was right. About several things, but in this case it was more related to the fact that the station was further away from his home than school was. But Peter didn't mind so much - the walk wasn't that long considering everything, and if it was quiet enough on the streets he would be able to skate there - and so he did.
Peter Parker, for the lack of a better term to discuss his current thoughts and feelings, was growing slightly infatuated with MJ. He hadn't really realised that despite him only considering her to be his first crush and although he had several other crushes since that his feelings ran so deep.
It appeared that the time they had spent not talking for whatever reasons had only made the crush become somewhat stronger. There was a bubble of warmth that popped every time he saw her and flooded over his senses like there was no stronger emotion. It was crazy how something had twisted into something so... beautiful.
And from what Peter could see, MJ felt the same. They were similar like that, burning skin when they brushed arms or held hands, quiet gazes and small smiles, pink flushes and the conversations that seemed to flow oh-so smoothly. It had been two days, yet neither of them could really decide whether it was too quick to feel so good about things.
There wasn't quite anything like it. The thought of the following evening when he was finally - finally - going on a date with MJ Watson was overwhelming almost everything else and... he had almost run an old man over with his board.
Apologising profusely, Peter reached to pick up his board and walk the rest of the way home. As much as she seemed to be perfect in every other way - and he really was trying his hardest to not put her upon a pedestal - MJ didn't seem to give him the best of luck when it came to skateboarding.
But other than that, everything else seemed.. flawless. He really couldn't decipher any of the factors that had prevented this from happening way sooner than it did, and it didn't even make sense now that he thought of it. How stupid they had been to allow that seven year gap to become so much of a barrier. Even if the distance made their conversation topics so much richer with all purposes to get to know each other like they had before.
And it was simple. It made sense. They made sense. Quietly intelligent, sitting at the top of their class with grades that rivaled each other. She worked hard, devoting her time to her beautiful range of interests; music, books and her job at Oscorp. He had heard just how much work she and Gwen had put in at achieving their goals, but it wasn't until they began talking again that he realised just how much.
Despite how easy the subjects came to him, Peter was under no delusions of the high expectations that came from the school he attended placed upon its students. They were known for their smarts, their best featuring MJ Watson. Which meant she managed to keep up and on top of school work with ease, all whilst maintaining her internship at Oscorp - the multibillion dollar corporation - which would eventually turn into a job. And, from the sounds of it, her home life didn't come so easy to her either.
Peter couldn't think that there was anything more attractive to him than intelligence. But as it happened, MJ Watson preferred to procure a number of traits that made her so.. amazing to him. Her friends ranged from Missy Kallenback to Flash Thompson - and from what he had heard about her friends from middle school there was such a variety present there too. She was kind, far more than expected, and beyond the bounds of politeness.
It was a coincidence that she was considered attractive to most of those around her. But even that was alleviated in Peter's eyes. There was just something about her that made her almost.. ethereal.
Of course he knew this was all insane. It had been two days. But there was just the overwhelming feeling that came after the realisation that he had missed her just that much and the crush that had been something hidden deep under his other thoughts somehow rearing it's eudaemonic head was so much more profound than he thought.
But even his convictions that he was absolutely stir crazy didn't stop Peter from feeling that way, and he approached his home with a smile on his face, ready to spend the evening trying to get everything done so that he wouldn't worry about anything the following night, waiting for a text like the love-sick teenager he was.
He might be approaching the lines of deranged, but at least his Aunt May was glad to see that he wasn't slaving over his dad's briefcase and it's lack of useful contents. At least not for now anyway.
The work at Oscorp was easy for Margot these days. Well.. at least for the rest of that week it would be, seeing as Gwen had pushed through the majority of the list of things that needed to be done in preparation for the arrivals of the interns next week and MJ had completed it on Monday evening. Meaning for the best friends, the next few days would pass by easily and with no trouble.
Which, considering that her work that evening consisted of the wholly uninteresting task of looking through each of the forms, printing them, filing them and also sorting them into groups based upon their grades and specified areas of interest, MJ spent her hours texting Gwen about her date plans, and also a small ongoing conversation with Felicia as she worked as the assistant to a man in the financial division.
Returning home after working a couple extra hours in favour of finishing the entirety of paperwork she had been procrastinating to talk to her friends (a move she would usually find to be so unlike her but was her quick answer to her set jobs being entirely dull in wake of the arrival of the interns on Saturday, after which her list would be filled with exciting tasks), she had been glad to find Jack already tucked up in bed, however soon found after a quick scan of her apartment that her father had been unable to stick to his promise. He was at the bar, and would be until she got a call from the manager informing her that it was nearing closing time and there was a tab that had been built up over the night which needed to be paid.
She wouldn't pay for it - she refused to - instead, the card in her dad's wallet would, and she had memorised the pin with ease; he was always asking her to go get groceries, or other necessities for the household.
But until that call came, she would try and get some sleep in. Since she returned from her unpaid subway ride, she had made sure to eat and had checked on Jack at least five times. Quite frankly, she was prepared to have a full-blown argument with her father when the morning came about how irresponsible it was to leave a six-year-old alone in the apartment, but for now it was no use, and instead she changed into pajamas that could easily double as something acceptable to pick up her drunk father in, and slipped under the sheets.
It wouldn't be until later that she realised she had forgotten to text Peter her address, however mere minutes after she picked up her current book (Anna Karenina, seeing as she currently had quite the fixture on Russian literature) her eyes had begun to feel heavy and sleep was upon her.
As predicted, by the time midnight rolled around, MJ woke to the phone on charge by her head buzzing merrily, as though it had little to no knowledge about the time and the circumstances that it was sounding into. "Yeah." Margot drawled, still woozy with sleep as she lifted it to her ear.
"It's Kev. We're fifteen minutes from closing." The voice crackled on the other end.
"I'll be there." She was already sitting up, reaching for the discarded hoodie that pooled on the end of her bed, pulling it over her head. Tucking her phone, pepper spray, pocket knife and keys into her pocket, MJ checked on Jack just one last time before exiting the apartment. The Watson girl paused at the door into her neighbour's home, pushing her ear up against the wood before knocking. "Mrs Lewenski?" She called, hoping it was loud enough to hear about the late night reruns of Law and Order. "I'm gonna go get my dad, listen out for Jack, would you?"
There was a pause of the TV. "You got it, sugar!" Came the gravelly tone of the voice of Mrs Lewenski, who was still yet to give up on her smoking habit that caused her such a bad cough it racked through the walls of an apartment a couple doors down. But despite the smoking habit, Mrs Lewenski was perhaps the nicest woman on their floor, and was always up at just the right time for Margot to go and pick up her drunken father.
And as she entered the elevator and made her way out on the dimly lit streets, MJ made a mental note to purchase that woman a box set of another show so that she could infuse some variety into her mix.
Overall, it took her less than five minutes to reach the bar, which was practically empty under amber lights, other than her father slumped at the counter talking nonsense to the woman standing behind it as she washed glasses. "Kev, your favourite underage customer is here!" She yelled in the back, before flicking John Watson on the head with her rag.
"MJ, nice to see you again." Kevin popped up seemingly out of nowhere. "We're not serving anymore, as you can see." He attempted a friendly smile alongside his joke, but clearly, MJ wasn't so pleased. He changed his tune. "You're a good kid, MJ. Most wouldn't come and pick up their fathers.. and you were in bed when I called - an exemplary student if I've ever seen one."
"Because I know it'll take me at least half an hour to get him home.. meaning any hour of sleep I get is pressure. Besides, you know, I would compliment you right back, Kev, but you serve him and I'm not feeling particularly chatty," Margot replied, knowing that as much as her friendly airs to the bartender aided her in ensuring her dad didn't end up unconscious, mugged, in some alleyway, there was no disguising the upset she faced at the prospect of needing to pick up her guardian because he couldn't quite manage to stay sober enough to get back himself.
"I'll see you again tomorrow." Kevin mock-saluted her before going back to clearing up the various dishes on nutshells and empty chip packets.
"Like hell you will. I'm cutting him off after tonight." Margot retorted bitterly, before approaching the drunken man. "Dad? Dad.. it's MJ. Margot, your daughter." She jabbed his shoulder, repeating the message until she finally got a tortured groan.
And with that, the niceties were over, MJ was prodding and poking and hitting him until he was too annoyed to stay silent, and when that was over she was dragging him upwards and out of his chair. "No - no you don't get to stay there. As if. Get the hell up you idiot." She winced, draping his arm over her shoulders. "Come on you lying bastard." She dragged him further away from the bar.
"No..." There seemed to be no other reply that came from John in these situations, and much to MJ's despair, her phone began to ring in her pocket, the cheerful tune so disorientating.
With John already stumbling, MJ let go of her father and didn't mind so much when she heard a thud. Her brows furrowed as she saw the caller, swiping along the bottom and answering. "Peter, awfully late time to call."
"MJ, hi, sorry." Peter's voice echoed in her ear. "You weren't asleep, were you?"
"No, not asleep.." Although she hadn't minded so much when her dad found himself on the floor, she did when the sound of his pained, drunken groan echoed loudly through the streets, she found herself wincing.
"What was that?" Peter asked.
There was a pause, MJ glancing at her dad. There were two choices here. One, to claim that she had absolutely no idea what the hell she was hearing on the streets of New York - which was plausible, considering what a strange city it was. Or, she could tell the truth.
It was Peter right? She could trust him - but then it was another person who knew that everything wasn't as perfect as she presented. Gwen already knew, Gwen knew everything and didn't mind it. Peter could be the same. Peter could even try and help, more than Gwen could. Because Gwen didn't know of an unconventional home. As much as Margot loved her best friend, everything about her life was somewhat perfect - chief of police father, mother, three brothers, all of which regularly sat down and ate together. She worked a job at Oscorp, was one of the top students and was far more sociable than MJ.
Margot trusted Gwen, but she couldn't be helped by Gwen. Peter.. well despite her lack of actually knowing him, she knew she could trust him. He had a stable life with his aunt and uncle, but with the way his parents died, it wasn't quite the same.
"My dad drinks." MJ replied, an embarrassed flush spreading down her neck. "I.. I have to get him from the bar sometimes."
"In the middle of the night?"
"Generally, yeah."
"I see. So.. that was your dad."
"John Watson in all his glory. Don't worry, it doesn't happen that often when Jack is around."
"I'm worried about you, MJ... it's New York at night - no, scratch that, it's a city at night. It's dangerous..."
"I've done it more times than I can count, Parker." Margot was slightly busy trying to lift her father's arm over her shoulder again, but still managed to answer. "I have a knife and pepper spray. And keys, if you angle them right it's easy to.. attack. This sounds awful, doesn't it."
"No, it sounds like you've taken the necessary precautions to protect yourself. Do you need any help? Can I come and help you in any way at all?"
"You're sweet." MJ smiled. "Hold on - Dad, come on, it's a couple more meters and we can cross... there we go. Peter, really, I'm fine without it. I just have to drag him into the elevator and then to the apartment and tell Mrs Lewenski she can go back to watching Law and Order at her normal volume."
"MJ, really. Are you sure I can't help? At all."
"Keep talking to me for another twenty minutes?" MJ offered. "Maybe until I get him home? I have an incredible talent of keeping one shoulder completely diagonal to the other so I can multitask on the phone."
"You are a woman of many talents. A jack of all trades, so to speak. I can stay for as long as you need.. and hey, maybe introduce me to this Mrs Lewenski woman. I love Law and Order." He was smiling; she could hear it so clearly in his voice.
"Mrs Lewenski is a practiced chain smoker who regularly spends majority of her money on her spoiled pet snakes and betting on horses. I doubt you'd get along... Dad - no, that's not your bed, it's the lobby coffee table, you'll break it."
"So John Watson is an adventurous drunk?"
"No, he just likes sleeping. I'm about to get in the elevator with him, so I'll call you back?" The young Watson asked, dragging her dad away from the potted plant.
"I'll be waiting."
"Thanks.. and Peter? I can trust you right? Not to tell anyone about this?" MJ didn't want to sound desperate, but there was absolutely no way she could hide the pleading in her tone. "I just.. don't want people to know who don't need to know."
"I won't, MJ. And.. you know I actually need your address to be able to pick you up tomorrow, right?"
"Promise me you wont tell anyone and I'll promise to send you the address when I get upstairs."
"I promise."
❛ AUTHORS NOTE ━━ ok so i'm sorry this wasn't up yesterday i had a couple scheduling iSsues but it hopefully won't happen again
and another thing - we're just going straight in with their relationship here. peter's crush has just come back even stronger and being a teenager already overwhelmed with emotions, he does fall in love easily. especially with someone like mj - who seems to know that she can trust him blindly already even with that little bit of confirmation needed.
i know that there's still a bit to go before he becomes spider-man, but there always needs to be a bit of stuff and laying out for future scenes before the main event. i'm just setting up the scene and the relationship before i get into the later parts, of you know what i mean
so, i hope you're enjoying it so far, and if you have any suggestions (which may not necessarily be used in the book but could influence and inspire me) please feel free to away!
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