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Restraining order | Act Two
ย ย ย "YOU WILL NOT go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittmore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault him or harass him, physically or psychologically." The Sheriff read off the restraining order Jackson and his family placed against the three boys as Melissa, Ian, Amelia, and David stood around listening and the boys sat in the chairs.
"Sounds like a vacation that is Jackass-Jackson. Sorry, slip of the tongue. So used to that name, might take me some soon to get used to." Blaze shrugged, smirking at David who glared at him. Stiles and Scott couldn't help the laugh that threatened to escape their mouth making them look away.
"Blaze!" His parents snapped at him angrily making him huff and lean back in his seat.
"What about school?" Stiles asked his father, not liking the silence that filled the air.
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50-foot distance." Noah sighed.
"Okay, but what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there are only two stalls available, and they're only right next to each other," Stiles said, making the adults cross their arms in disbelief.
"Yeah, and what about lacrosse? Scott and I have a habit of knocking him on his ass and I'm not gonna stop playing because he wants to pout to his annoying daddy. And here he acts all big and tough but can't handle sitting in a prison van for 2 days without running to the cops." Blaze scoffed, not bothering to hide his annoyance for the Whittmore family.ย
Amelia and Ian gaped at their son in shock who sat with a cheeky smile on his face seeing David's angry expression, "Blaze. In the car. Now." Ian snapped at his son who rolled his eyes.
"Since you want a vacation so bad, you can also stay away from these boys who you seem to find yourself in trouble with," Amelia said giving the boys a look as Blaze scoffed.
"Yo, Stilinski, you mind doing a background check on me? Find my real family. Then I get three vacations." Blaze walked past his parents with a smirk on his face as Stiles and Scott shared a look.
"Scott, Stiles, I'll see you and Jackass tomorrow." Blaze sang as he started walking down the hall, chuckling as he heard his parents' muter apologies to the sheriff and Jackson's dad.
Just to his luck, on the way out he saw Jackson sitting down, wearing that stupid smirk that made him look like a bigger idiot, "I guess I'm not the only one who buys his way out of trouble. I'll have you know; I would've sent your asses to jail had it not been for your parents."
"I've had a restraining order for a whole 5 minutes and I've already broken it. Jail doesn't scare me." Blaze scoffed as he was about to leave when Jackson stopped him.
"But I do, or else you wouldn't have kidnapped me and held me, hostage. Does Lydia know about all of this? I wonder how she'll feel when she finds out her best friend kidnapped her ex-boyfriend who she still loves." Jackson said smugly.
Blaze stared at him for a moment, the smile on his face and the thought of what he'd always treated Lydia like seemed to be enough to make him lunge forward and grab Jackson by the coat and yank him to his feet.
"Blaze!" Amelia snapped from the end of the hall, watching as Blaze held Jackson up. Her voice made the others turn towards them and walk closer to him, "Put him down."
"Listen, son. I know you two don't get along, but fighting isn't going to solve it, and you're breaking your restraining order." The Sheriff tried to tell him, but Blaze kept his eyes on Jackson who raised an eyebrow daring him to do something.
"Blaze, let him go. He's not worth it." Scott told the boy who glanced over at him and saw everyone in the station was watching them.
Blaze nodded his head slowly before he let Jackson go with a slight shove, making everyone sigh in relief.
Blaze turned around to leave when Jackson spoke up, "I always knew something was going on with you and Mcall. Even Ryle knew it."
That was the last straw for Blaze who spun around and punched him as hard as he could making Jackson stumble back, before Blaze punched him again, shoving off his dad and the sheriff who tried to pull him off.
"Oh shit." Stiles ran his hand through his buzz cut as he watched Blaze attack Jackson.
"Scott, stay out of it," Melissa told her son who ignored her by walking over and helping push Blaze away from the other boy.
"Blaze! Stop." Scott yelled at him as he finally seemed to back off, panting as he smacked Scott's hand away from him, looking more pissed off than he has in days, "Don't touch me."
Blaze ignored the blood on his hands as he turned around and stormed out of the station, trying to calm himself down from the rage that coursed through his veins, knowing if he didn't gain control over his anger, Jackson wouldn't be the only murderer walking around Beacon Hills.
Blaze lay on his bed, the sun shining through his windows as he stared up at the ceiling, he'd admired one too many times. After coming home last night, the usual happened of course. A huge fight until he stormed off and didn't leave his leave for the rest of the night and his parents ranted and raved about his big of a disappointment he was.
That wasn't the part that had him mindlessly lying in bed, feeling his usual depression hitting him like a wave. No, what kept him up was Jackson's words.
"I always knew something was going on with you and Mcall. Even Ryle knew it."
He had no idea what that even meant. He and Scott were friends (who he happened to have a steamy dream about), and he didn't see how there was "something" going on between them. They talked and hung out just like he did with Lydia or Scott with Stiles.
The part that bugged him the most, wasn't even the strange dream he had which he couldn't keep his mind from, it was more the conversation he had with Ryle at the hospital. Is that what Jackson meant? Ryle had said himself that he knew Blaze was into someone else and everyone else knew it. Could it be possible that he was talking about Scott? The same Scott broke up with Allison the night he started dating Ryle.
Shaking his head, he got up and scoffed to himself. Of course, he didn't have feelings for Scott, and he knew Scott didn't have feelings for him. It was all merely just a dream and Jackson was as delusional as Ryle was that day. It was clear, Jackson was only trying to rile him, which worked but was beside the point.
He felt nothing for Scott and that's all that mattered. Right?
Blaze and Allison walked into the library, trying not to look suspicious (which made them look more suspicious) as they turned down one of the aisles to meet Stiles and Scott who waiting for them on the other side.
After Allison had gone home yesterday, Lydia had been there hoping to talk which turned into her translating the book that was in Archaic Latin.
Allison grabbed the tablet from her brown purse and slid it through the shelf which Scott grabbed and turned on.
"It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Allison said in a hushed tone.
"She's confused? I'm fucking confused. What 16-year-old knows Archaic Latin?" Blaze huffed as he avoided looking at Scott. He had no idea if everyone heard what Jackson said yesterday but now, he just felt awkward being in his presence.
"What'd you tell her?" Scott asked his ex-girlfriend.
"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Allison said looking away embarrassed by her lie as Scott and Blaze grinned in amusement.
"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles stated not finding it as funny as the other three did.
"Oh. Great." Allison said awkwardly.
Blaze couldn't help but laugh, "You're such a nerd, Stilinski."
"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott asked, hiding his frown at the fact that Blaze would interact with Stiles but would avoid looking at him.
"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers." Allison told them.
"Yes!" Stiles pumped his fist happily at being right while Blaze rolled his eyes.
"It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murder in his village." Allison exclaimed them.
"That doesn't sound too bad. Does that count as himself? He's a murderer technically?" Blaze asked the brunette who shook her head.
"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whatever he wanted it to," Allison said, grabbing a book from the shelf to appear busy.
"All bad. All, very, very, bad." Stiles nodded.
"Here's the thing, though. The Kanima's supposed to be a werewolf, but it can't be" Allison cut herself off as a girl walked by placing a book back on the shelf.
"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." Scott read aloud from the translation.
"Okay, if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself," Stiles said as Blaze nodded.
"Ugh, thanks for the reminder of my session after school." Blaze playfully glared at Stiles who winked at him with a smirk before it fell seeing Scott staring at him.
"What if it had something to do with his parents? His real parents." Allison asked aloud.
"Yeah, does anybody know what happened to them?" Scott asked glancing at Blaze who looked at him before looking away.
"Don't care but Lydia might." Blaze shrugged.
"What if she doesn't know anything?" Scott asked him.
"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself," Allison said putting the book back on the shelf.
"Okay, what do I do?" Scott asked wanting to help with something.
"Don't you have a makeup exam?" Blaze asked Scott who scoffed looking at Stiles who gave him a look and nodded, knowing he had to go to it.
"If he does anything, run the other way." Scott gave Allison a look and sighed.
"I can take care of myself." Allison reminded him.
"They are so gross." Blaze mouthed to Stiles as they listened to Scott and Allison talk. Stiles silently chuckled and nodded.
"Anything weird, or bizarre... anything." Blaze and Stiles tuned back into their conversation.
"Anything evil." Stiles summed up as he put his head through the shelf only for Blaze and Allison to shove him backward which made him stumble to catch the book that he was carrying.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Blaze asked the brunette.
"No!" All three of them said in unison making him frown.
"What why? I can make him talk." Blaze shrugged.
"You've already broken every rule on the restraining order. Your parents could only do so much for you." Scott stated, making Blaze huff.
"What am I supposed to do then?" Blaze asked feeling useless and wanting something to keep him busy.
"Don't you also have work to catch up on?" Scott asked Blaze with a small smile which made Blaze almost smile back before he scoffed and looked away.
Blaze was the type of person to be able to block out anyone everyone him. He assumed most people could do it but if someone was calling his name while he was doing something, he wouldn't hear a damn thing, hence why he's never heard his parents tell him when they were leaving the house. He'd always just walk downstairs expecting to see them only to come face to face with an empty house.
This is why he didn't hear his name being called until someone placed a hand on his shoulder and said his name louder, "Blaze!"
Looking up from his phone he saw Michael or Mitch or whatever his name was, smiling at him, making him smile tightly back, "Hey..." He trailed off not wanting to seem like he didn't remember his name.
"I called your name a few times but either you were ignoring me, or you didn't hear me." He chuckled awkwardly as Blaze shook his head.
"No, sorry, I didn't hear you. What's up?" Blaze asked as he shoved his phone into his pocket.
"Um, I was wondering if you heard about the underground show? They've got some big name spinning." Matt stated as Blaze furrowed his eyebrows.
"I-I've been kind of disconnected from the world, so no I didn't. Is it like a rave?" Blaze asked the boy who shrugged,
"Well, is it still a race if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?" Matt offered as Blaze's eyebrows rose in realization. Was this guy asking him out?
He wasn't up for saying or going on a date, especially with everything that was going on but perhaps this could prove that he felt nothing for Scott and Jackson was talking nonsense.
"Yeah. Yeah, great." Blaze nodded as Matt smiled in surprise but nodded as well, "Yeah? All right, cool, um. It's Friday, so... Looking forward to it."
"Yeah, me too." Blaze and Matt went to turn their separate ways when they heard the commotion and saw Scott and Jackson trying to fight with Stile and Erica trying to pull them apart.
"Fucks sake." Blaze ran over, wondering what the hell had happened since he left an hour ago, "And you said I couldn't be here with him." He gave Scott a look who ran a hand through his hair.
"Hey, what's going on?" Mr. Harris asked as students started to watch them, " Hey! Enough! Enough!" He yelled.
"What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down!" Harris snapped before he turned to Scott, "Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself?"
"Stilinski? Anderson?" Harris asked the two boys who didn't say anything.
"Are you okay?" Blaze asked Allison was standing by the door looking paler than usual.
"Yeah. I'm fine." She nodded, taking deep breaths to calm down her racing heart.
"You dropped this." Matt butted in, holding up Allison's tablet which Harris snatched from his hands and glared at him.
"You and you..." Harris pointed at Jackson and Scott before he nodded his head looking around at the entire group, "Actually, all of you... Detention. 3:00."
"I have an appointment at 3:30." Blaze pointed out as Harris glared at him.
"Cancel it or be late. You can leave at 3:30. I don't care." He said, making Blaze sort of glad that he had the chance to cancel it. The last thing he wanted to do was therapy. He'd had multiple sessions already and it's always so awkward but not as bad as it used to be.
The group walked into the library to serve their detention and sat down around the tables. Blaze stuck with Stiles and Scott who were joined by Erica and Allison sat with Matt and Jackson.
"We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson told Harris making Blaze scoff.
"All these tools?" Harris asked him.
"No, just us tools." Stiles pointed between himself and Scott and Blaze.
"Fine. You three, over there." Harris stated pointing to the table across from them, making Jackson scoff in disbelief.
The boys sat down as Scott banged his fist off the table seething in rage, "I'm gonna kill him."
"No, you're not." "I'll help." Stiles and Blaze said in unison.
"You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're going to save him," Stiles assured his best friend making Blaze roll his eyes missing the time when Stiles was all for killing him.
"No. You were right, let's kill him." Scott shook his head. Blaze grinned happily at his words as he nodded.
"Oh, no," Stiles grumbled under his breath before they all sat in silence. The only sound being heard was quiet chatter and Matt eating chips, "Hey, what if it's Matt?" Stiles suddenly asked.
"I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?" Stiles whispered as Blaze suddenly found the table interesting.
"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing," Scott whispered back to him.
"Exactly! He's trying to throw the suspicion off himself." Stiles exclaimed as Blaze nodded his head.
"I think I agree with this. He probably has some weird childhood trauma that made him ride the crazy train." Blaze nodded as Stiles pointed at him in agreement.
"So, he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of the argent hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep." Scott squinted his eyes.
"Yes!" Stiles nodded.
"Why?" Scott whispered.
"Because... He's evil." Stiles stated as they looked over at the boy who was eating chips silently.
"You just don't like him," Scott stated to Stiles who frowned.
"The guy bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face." Stiles told them as he leaned back in his seat, missing the way Blaze subtly nodded his head.
They looked at the guy offering his chips to Jackson, who declined before Scott gave Stiles a look, "Any other theories?"
"If he is the potential candidate, does this mean I should cancel my date with him?" Blaze whispered to them as they snapped their heads to him in shock.
"What wait?" They gaped at him in surprise.
"At least I think it's a date. He invited me to a party. Seemed like a date." Blaze shrugged missing the way Scott tried to hide his hurt expression, but Stiles did and smiled tightly at him.
"Cancel it," Scott stated as Blaze looked over at him and blinked.
"I thought you said he wasn't evil."
"I take back what I said. He's evil, he's very evil. Definitely childhood trauma." Scott nodded as he glared at Matt ignoring the way Blaze gave a questioning glance to Stiles who was trying not to smile.
Suddenly everyone turned to see Jackson getting up, looking like he was in pain as he grabbed his bag and started to leave, "I have to go to the bathroom." He spoke.
"Are you all, right?" Harris asked, seeing how pale he looked and how pained he seemed, "Hey, you don't look so good."
"I just mess to get some water," Jackson told him before he left the room.
"No one leaves their seats," Harris told the group before he left the room and followed after Jackson. The minute the door closed, Stiles, Scott, and Blaze ran over back to Erica and sat back down.
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott said to the blonde who was writing in her book.
"Maybe." That is all Erica said.
"Talk. Women." Blaze snapped at her in annoyance.
Erica looked at him before closing her book and setting it down, "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he saw Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he made some comment about the huge settlement he'd be getting when he was 18."
"So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's also getting even richer at 18? " Stiles huffed.
"There's something so deeply wrong about that," Stiles said looking at Scott who nodded his head, and Blaze who didn't bother to say anything. He didn't care about Jackson or whatever he was getting that was going to make him an even bigger dick than he already was.
"You know what? I could try and find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." Erica sat up and opened her laptop.
"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." The PA system went off which was indeed Allison's mother making them tense.
Scott got up and left as Stiles and Blaze sat in silence waiting for Erica to pull up the report. Blaze moved his seat to the other side of Erica so he could see the screen.
"Look at the dates." Stiles pointed out.
"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death, was 9:26 pm, June 14, 1995." Erica read aloud as Stiles and Blaze shared a look.
"Jackson's birthday is June 15th," Stiles stated.
"Him being 4 months older than me pisses me off more than knowing you are 6 months older than me. At least I'm six days older than Scott." Blaze exclaimed. He always forgot that he and Scott were only born 6 days apart. Something they first bonded over when they were younger and had just met.
Harris started to pack up his belongings, packing everyone else follow his lead before he started to chuckle making them pause to look over at him, "Oh. No, I'm sorry. Uh, yes. I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
Everyone sat down in defeat as Blaze continued to pack up his belongings, "Well, have a nice time folks, I have therapy. Jackson if you didn't have a restraining order against me, I'd invite you because I know how desperately you need it. Sorry man." He fakes pouted at Jackson who scoffed.
"You need it more. Since you're the one actually in it." Jackson snapped back at him. Just to be an ass, Blaze blew him a kiss before winking at him, making Erica and Stiles laugh as they watched him leave.
Blaze used to hate the idea of therapy but throughout his time in it, it became a sort of place where he could sit and gossip the entire time and all she could do was listen and in return, he didn't have to listen to whatever she wanted to talk about like he would with any of his friends. He still had to do the usual talk through trauma shit, but it turned out not to be as hard as he thought it was โ maybe it was just because his therapist wasn't a complete cunt, and she was sort of cool.
"How was school, Blaze?" Dr. Pierce asked him with a kind smile as he sat on the couch he's gotten so used to and ate the pasta he bought on the way over. (Yes, he was late and decided to stop for food anyway).
"Scott broke the restraining order rules, just like I did. Huge fight, not sure what happened. Oh! And I might have gotten invited to a party on Friday." Blaze told her as she seemed surprised by that.
"A party? You sure you're ready to back to them?" She asked him. Over her time knowing the boy, she'd come to enjoy his company and care about the kid more than she would with most.
"Ugh, yes. I haven't had alcohol in my system in God knows how long or felt the adrenaline from a packed club. I need to or I'm going to lose my mind. I'll be fine. More responsible this time." Blaze smiled as Dr. Pierce chuckled and nodded.
"So, is this a date or just as friends?" She asked with a playful smile as she leaned back in her chair and watched the boy chuckle and shake his head.
"I'm pretty sure it's a date and before you and the whole "are you ready for that?" No, I'm not but unfortunately, I've had some issues appear and decided that going on this date will resolve them. Something I don't need therapy for." Blaze pointed out knowing she was going to ask about said issues.
"Wow, Blaze. You sound so mature. Except for breaking a restraining order multiple times in less than 10 minutes of getting it." His therapist gave him a look.
"I broke it today as well by talking to him." Blaze shrugged as he ate his food.
Charlotte sighed before she decided to change the subject, "What about you, Blaze? How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great. Just peachy." Blaze shrugged, "I'm taking those disgusting meds that make me feel like shit and take away any chance of sleep that I might get."
"That means they're working. You seem a bit more on edge today. Off in other words." Charlotte mentioned as he looked out the window. Something he did when he didn't want to talk about something, so she didn't push and just let him sit there.
A part of him wanted to just tell her everything, right down to the night Scott was bitten in the woods but he doubted she'd believe him and that would probably force more therapy, maybe even a mental hospital. He had yet to tell Lydia as she got stuck with Allison and then he got stuck in detention and now he's here.
"Just been curiously lately about Ryle's funeral that's all." Blaze shrugged. It was often Blaze would talk about Ryle, so he didn't feel uncomfortable bringing him up anymore. He enjoyed talking about Ryle to someone who has never meant him. He could gloat, and gloat about how amazing he was and the only thing she could do was take him for his word and believe he was just as amazing as Blaze describes him to be.
"Have you spoken to his mother yet?" Charlotte asked him. Blaze looked down, he wanted to visit her but he couldn't bring it in himself to visit her. Ryle and Emily were each other's best friends. Blaze always adored their relationship and feared Emily would hate or blame him for what happened.
"No. Haven't seen her around either." Blaze shook his head.
"Perhaps you can reach out to her. Not just for you but for her. I'm sure she would use some support." Charlotte shrugged lightly.
"Yeah, maybe," Blaze muttered. He doubted he'd visit her, but the thought would always be stuck in his mind.
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