22. 𝖴𝗇𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗄𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌
Unspeakable Acts | Act Two
Blaze felt ready to go home and put himself to sleep — for like ever but instead, he got to stick with the task of taking Allison and Lydia home while Stiles and Scott were left to answer the police officer's questions and Derek and his pack had gone who knows where howling at the moon together.
Parking the car in his best friend's driveway, Allison sighed, putting her hands in her face before she leaned forward to look at Lydia who was more than confused about everything that had just happened, "I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened."
"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you could tell me what the hell just happened," Lydia exclaimed, getting frustrated without answers.
Blaze stared out the window as he let Allison deal with this conversation. He wanted to tell her. He's always wanted to tell her just as he did with Ryle and every part of him wanted to blurt out everything to his best friend who deserved to know the truth. He never told Ryle because he didn't have the chance to ask Scott to spill his secrete but technically it's Blaze's secret now so he could tell whoever he pleased.
He didn't know what to think of the whole "being a werewolf my entire life" and he didn't exactly have the time to sit down and think about it. But he did think of Derek's words, "But you know you can't beat me. Blaze maybe, if he learns to accept who he is."
The fuck is that supposed to mean. Accept himself? Of course, he's accepted that he'd a fucking werewolf who can magically heal and tear into someone's throat.
"It's. it's kind of complicated." Allison stated, making Lydia scoff in disbelief.
"Well, how about you start with why Derek was there?" Lydia turned her head to look at her. She tried to look at Blaze who continued to stare anywhere but her. If he had the time to tell her everything right now, he most definitely would but unfortunately, he was on a time crunch and he had no idea where Scott, Stiles, or even the snake Jackson was.
"Or where Jackson went, and what is wrong with Erica?" Lydia asked, but rolled her eyes when Allison tried to say something but didn't know what to say, "Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?"
"Part of the reason why I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay?" Allison told her but her words made Blaze tilt his head.
He wondered if they were secretly seeing each other but playing as they weren't just so her family wouldn't find out. Maybe Scott had been lying about the whole missing something with her just to make it seem believable. He hated being left out of shit, so he would make sure to question Scott about it later.
"So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself," Allison told her. It's true, she wasn't supposed to be friends with Scott and her parents are hell-bent on assuming that she still wanted to date him, but she decided to let it play as if they were. It seemed easier to tell Lydia than the whole truth.
"Fine. I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend, which is nothing, to myself." Lydia sighed, feeling more hurt than anything. It seemed like everyone knew what was going on, but she understood Scott and Stiles but Allison and Blaze were her best friends, and every time Blaze lied to her, he would look anywhere but her eyes, and that hurt her more than anything.
Blaze grabbed Lydia by the arm as she tried to get out of the car, "He's not just her boyfriend. You get that, right?"
"Let me go," Lydia said but Blaze didn't move.
"Just for one second, try and remember..." Allison decided to flow with what she once felt for Scott and maybe overreacted a bit about it to make it seem more believable.
"Remember what?" Lydia snapped in frustration.
"All those times in school when y out sees him standing down the hall, and you cannot breathe until you're with him. Or those times in class when you. you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you. Don't you remember what that's like?" Allison asked her.
Blaze felt his eyes gloss over as he stared out the window, not wanting the girls to see just how much her words had hit him in the chest all at once. He most definitely remembered all of those feelings.
"No," Lydia muttered quietly, taking Allison by surprise but not Blaze who knew all of her past boyfriends were complete shit, especially with Jackson.
"What do you mean, "No?" You've had boyfriends. Blaze, don't you remember what that feels like?" Allison asked the boy who leaned his head back.
"I did remember what that felt like. Only ever felt it once." Blaze sighed as Allison suddenly felt bad for what she said about boyfriends and talking about such feelings.
"I never have. None like that." Lydia says before she gets out of the car and walks towards her house.
Allison and Blaze sit in silence for a moment as they watched her walk into her house before Blaze turned the car back on and pulled out into the road and took Allison home. Leaving the two in silence the rest of the way.
Taking a deep breath, Blaze smoothed down his black tank top which he recently put on, and walked into the club he always went to, looking around at everyone dancing. His mind drifted back to the memory of the last time he was here. When he had been rushed to the hospital. Scott had texted him and told him Jackson, Danny, and Stiles were here and it made him chuckle as he silently wondered how long it took them to figure out it was a gay club.
For the first time, Blaze felt uncomfortable being in a club and genuinely wanted to be anywhere else. Something about the last time he was here, made him feel gross and on edge. He didn't know what it was but whatever he thought it was, he decided to keep to himself and push forward.
He looked around for Scott and Stiles until he saw them by the bar, making him smile as he squeezed past everyone, making his way through the crowd.
Everybody he hit; it was like a memory was shot through his head from that night. His breathing quickened and his hands felt shaky, but he ignored it and put on his best smile.
"Hey, guys. Didn't think this was your type of club." Blaze grinned as Scott coughed awkwardly and Stiles chuckled in amusement.
"We didn't exactly know what kind of club this was until we were standing in here," Scott said as he sipped the coke in his hand.
"Scott already has people buying him drinks." Stiles rolled his eyes as Scott and Blaze chuckled.
"Not surprised." Blaze chuckled as he waved the bartender over, missing the way Scott went flushed and Stiles teasing and encouraging grin at him.
"Hey, Blaze. Didn't expect to see you here tonight. The usual?" The same bartender who checked Stiles and Scott's IDs asked.
"With the night I've had. Hell yes. And I'm always here." Blaze rolled his eyes as the man started making his drink.
"Yeah, but I assumed after the whole drug thing, you wouldn't be back for a while." The man said, leaving Scott and Blaze to share a look as Stiles looked confused.
"Doctors said, no one recognized me except for a random girl," Blaze said as the man shrugged sheepishly and placed a couple of shots in front of him, making Stiles scoff.
"How does he get those, and we got coke?" Stiles asked in disbelief as Scott shrugged.
"Sorry man, but you are one of the customers I serve who I'm not supposed to. I wasn't going to jail for your dumbass." The man said as Blaze nodded in understanding.
"Hey, quick question. I can barely remember anything from the other night, do you know who called the ambulance?" Blaze asked, leaving Stiles even more confused.
"Blaze!" A feminine voice yelled as the three boys turned around to see Cerys dressed in black body con dressed.
"Cerys. It's been a while. I've been meaning to contact you, but I realize I don't have your number." Blaze took one of the shots and handed another to Cerys.
"Are you sure you should even be here? You didn't do well, last time." Cerys said in slight worry as she took the shot.
"Did you find me? They didn't know get your name and I've been curious." Blaze asked as Cerys looked around for a moment and nodded.
"I saw you go into that bathroom with that weird guy, and something didn't look right. I followed you about a few minutes later but by the time I find you, you were unconscious in the bathroom with barely a pulse." Cerys explained.
"What guy?" Scott cut in, as Stiles sipped his coke, still sitting in confusion.
"Am I missing something?" He wondered aloud but he was ignored.
"Oh Cerys, this is Scott and Stiles. Friend of mine." Blaze introduced as the girl smiled at her, making Stiles blush and smile back awkwardly.
"I'm Cerys, you're the friends he called that night he was wasted. As for that guy, I don't know, had a bad vibe to him, followed you around most of the night, and seemed to have a temper. I've never seen him around, but you should stay away from him." Cerys frowned.
"Blaze was drugged?" Stiles repeated with wide eyes.
"I-I don't know, I don't remember anything," Blaze said as he shifted in his feet, feeling a cold shiver go down his spine.
"Do you know what the guy looked like?" Scott asked, feeling overprotective over the boy who looked uncomfortable.
"Black leather jacket, dirty blonde hair. Didn't seem like your type, especially with your previous relationship going on right now but I didn't question it. Didn't get a name, sorry." Cerys gave them an apologetic look.
"I found Danny." Stiles suddenly said, looking into the crowd.
"I find Jackson," Scott said, looking up.
Cerys went to follow his line of sight when Blaze cut in and placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her to the side as Scott went after Jackson and Danny, "Listen, Cerys, I wanted to thank you. You saved my life that night and about telling me about this guy so I can try and figure out who it was." Blaze smiled at her.
"I like you, and I would've done it for anyone but listen, Blaze, I don't know who this guy was, but I got a really bad vibe from him. Just be careful alright." Cerys said seriously as Blaze gulped and nodded.
"I think your friend was right. I think you were drugged because as I said, he had a temper and didn't seem happy when you rejected him. I don't see you as a type to do such drugs and the man was gone when I found you." Cerys said and Blaze felt as though she was hiding something but didn't say anything.
"Thank you, Cerys," Blaze said when suddenly they saw a type of fog falling on top of them people started screaming.
"What's going on?" Cerys wondered as she looked around and saw a few bodies falling on the ground, making Blaze grab her hand.
"Come on. Let's go outside." Blaze yells over the music and screams as they rushed outside, pushing past everyone else who was moving quickly until they made it outside.
"This town gets crazier by the second." Cerys scoffed, as Blaze helped her sit down against the club. The ground was dirty and disgusting but her stomach was on the verge of exploding and her heart was racing so she didn't care at the moment.
Blaze looked around for Scott and Stiles before he saw the Sheriff get out of his car and saw Stiles running away, clearly trying to distract his dad from whatever Scott was doing in his car, making Blaze extremely confused.
"Listen, I should get going. Do you have a ride home?" Blaze asked the older girl who nodded.
"Yeah, I'm going to go find her. You be safe, Blaze." Cerys stood up and hugged the younger boy who was taken by surprise but hugged her back and started to walk towards Stiles's car when he overheard him talking to his dad.
"Doesn't exactly sense like your type of club." Blaze stopped and waited nearby to hear Stiles's terrible lie and decided he'd jump in if he had to. Blaze had always been a great liar — not to be a brag.
"Well, Dad. I think there's a conversation we need to have-"
"You're not gay," Noah said with a deadpan look as Stiles pulled a face.
"Wha-I could be," Stiles said defensively.
"Not dressed like that. " His father looked him up and down as Blaze could've laughed at how offended Stiles looked at the comment.
"That's a stereotype but actually, I asked him to come with me. Him and Scott." Blaze cut in, walking over to the pair who turned to him. Stiles looked confused but went with whatever Blaze decided to say.
"You asked Stiles and Scott to go to a gay club with you?" The sheriff asked in surprise.
"We weren't here just to party, actually we came to find Cerys. A friend of mine." Blaze said nodding towards the girl who was now standing with her friend, "She was the one to save my life the last time I was here."
"The girl who called the ambulance." Stilinski nodded in understanding, having heard about what happened from his parents.
"Okay, why don't I know-" Stiles went to say when Blaze cut in.
"Why don't you go get your Jeep started? It's cold as fuck and I'm not wearing a sweater." Blaze gave Stiles a pointed look who was confused at first because Blaze had driven himself before he looked at his dad and his eyes widen, and he nodded.
"Yeah, of course. Imma go do that, right now." Stiles nodded, as he quickly walked away leaving Blaze to watch him leave and Stilinski to eye Blaze with a worried look.
"Is everything okay, Blaze?" He asked the young boy who held his hands together and nodded.
"Um, I never actually told Stiles what happened at the club, but I think he gets a general idea. Don't like to talk about it." Blaze shrugged.
"Yeah, of course." Stilinski nodded.
"Cerys had just mentioned to me that she thinks I was drugged that night." Blaze blurted out, as Stilinski raised a surprised eye so, "I barely remember anything, but she said she saw a guy with me. Didn't look too good and I was wondering if you could try and check the cameras or something?"
"I would need a warrant for that and if all I have is one witness who was probably intoxicated, I doubt it would get very far." Stilinski gave him an apolitical look as Blaze nodded.
"Yeah, I figured. I don't know, I just feel something... off about that night I guess." Blaze shifted on his feet, hating to even be talking about it now.
"I can see what I can do. If you remember anything that could be useful, you let me know. Don't be afraid to say anything. Even if it's a small hunch." Stilinski assured him.
"Yeah. Thank you." Blaze smiled at him gratefully before he left, quickly walking over to Stile's car and standing at Scott's window.
"What the fuck is happening?" Blaze asked the two, seeing a naked Jackson in the back with a blanket over his lap, (thank goodness)
"We have an idea. You coming?" Scott told him, nodding towards the backseat as Blaze gave him a disgusting look.
"Okay, one. I have my car and two, if you thought for a moment, I'd be the one getting back there then you're wrong. Text me the details." Blaze said as Stiles and Scott nodded.
There were many things wrong with Blaze's life at the moment. From being a normal high school to a grieving werewolf was not exactly how he imagined his future.
He was never the best child -- not that he remembered any childhood memories). He may have had rich parents who were powerful lawyers, friends among friends, and excess to many places he shouldn't even be, but he knew how to handle it all.
What he didn't know how to handle were Stiles Stilinski and his dumbass decisions. The last time he went along with what Stiles did, Scott got bitten and his entire life flipped upside faster than he could control it. But this— this was just full-on breaking the law and while he was all for doing crazy shit, he never actually saw himself doing something so illegal.
"Are you out of your fucking mind? I leave you two for one night. Less than 24 hours and you come back with a stolen police van and a kidnapped Jackson. Why didn't you just kill him?" Blaze snapped at the two boys who dared to look ashamed.
"That's what I said-" Stiles exclaimed in his hand but stopped when he saw the glare Scott was throwing him, "But we thought it would end badly and it's a very bad thing to do."
Blaze rubbed his hands over his face, "This is so bad."
"We didn't know what else to do. We had to stop him before he went and killed more people. This seemed like the best option at the time." Scott explained as Blaze looked away from the soulful eyes that we were looking at him and sighed.
"What do you plan on doing after all of this? Just keep him chained up forever. His parents will find out eventually, and you do realize what this will do to your parents if you get caught right? You know, your dad, the sheriff!" Blaze snapped at Stiles who chuckled awkwardly.
"They won't, don't worry-" Stiles says when Blaze cut him off.
"Don't worry? We kidnapped someone and we don't even have a plan, and you two make matters worse by stealing a police van." Blaze leaned against a tree and closed his eyes.
"We just need to pretend everything is normal until we figure out what to do next. I'm going to see why he wanted to kill Danny. Are you coming to school with me?" Scott asked Blaze, who thought for a moment.
"If Jackson escapes, between me and Stiles, I'll be doing the heavy lifting." Blaze gave Scott a look as Stiles looked offended.
"In other words, you're using that as an excuse to skip school?" Scott asked with a small smile as Blaze smirked and tilted his head in agreement, "Have fun. Text me if anything goes wrong."
"Same here." Scott nodded as he grabbed his bag before he left on his bike.
Blaze turned to Stiles who was watching them with a small smile, "What?" Blaze asked him, in confusion.
"Nothing." Stiles shook his head as he grabbed the bag Scott had brought and walked over to the van, "Want to help me with this?"
"Let's get this over with." Blaze rolled his eyes as they opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the door on their way in.
"Okay, I brought you some food," Stiles said as he went to open the bag.
"Let me out now!" Jackson tried to lung at him, making the pair flinch from the unexpected outburst before Stiles slammed the bag into the bench and Blaze sat down beside him.
"You know, I put those pants on you, all right, buddy? One leg at a time. Being all up close and personal with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day." Stiles exclaimed as Blaze grimaced.
"Yeah, not a pretty sight." Blaze chuckled, shaking his head. Looking up, he saw Jackson and Stiles staring at him making him cough, "Me and Lydia are best friends. She had a photo on her phone to show me when they first started dating."
"That's why she took the photo," Jackson said in realization as Stiles looked very disturbed by the turn of conversations which is why he steered it back to the original topic.
"Don't think this is fun for us either. You know we're doing you a favor?" Stiles told him.
"This is doing me a favor?" Jackson scoffed, pulling on the handcuffs.
"Yes. You're killing people. To death. Yeah. And until we can figure out how to stop you, you're gonna stay in here. I'm sorry." Stiles stated to Jackson who glared at him.
"I'm not." Blaze rolled his eyes before he smirked: "I love putting boys in handcuffs."
Jackson glared at him even hater, before his attention was turned back to Stiles who pulled out two wrapped sandwiches, "Now, do you want the ham and cheese, or the turkey club?"
"I want the turkey club," Blaze muttered as he grabbed it out of Stiles's hand.
"You think my parents won't be looking for me? Jackson asked Stiles and Blaze who shared a look.
"Well, not if they don't think anything's wrong." Stiles tossed Jackson the other sandwich before pulling out Jackson's phone and showing him the text, he sent to his dad.
"Yeah. No one will be looking for you for a while." Blaze said with his mouth full of food, before he kicked his feet up and played on his phone and let Stiles and Jackson lazily speak about the whole Kanima situation.
"Scales?" Jackson asked Stiles with a deadpanned look, clearly not believing any of this, "Like a fish?"
"No, more like a reptile." Stiles crossed his arms, staring at the ceiling.
"A snake." Blaze looked at Jackson with a smirk, making the other boy roll his eyes.
"And your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people-" Stiles said as Blaze couldn't help but chuckle.
"If I'm in the mood, my dick also has that." Blaze smirked at his phone as Stiles grimaced in disgust before he ignored him, "And you have a tail."
"I have a tail?" Jackson asked him in annoyance.
"Kinky, if you ask me." Blaze shrugged.
"Does it do anything? Nonsexual." Jackson asked, looking at Blaze with his last comment.
"No, not that I know of." Stiles shook his head.
"Can I use it to strangle you?" Jackson lunged forward, but Blaze and Stiles don't move an inch.
"Yeah. You still don't believe us. All right. The night of the semi-final game, what did you do after that?" Stiles asked him.
"I went home," Jackson stated.
"Are you sure about that?" Blaze raised an eyebrow at him.
"Yes, you idiots. What the hell else would I do?" Jackson snapped at them.
"You attacked me and Derek at the school and you trapped us in the pool. You also killed a mechanic. Right in front of me, by the way. That was lovely. And one of Argents hunters." Stiles explained to him.
"Oh, and last night you tried to kill Danny." Blaze piped up, making Jackson confused and more irritated.
"Why would I want to kill my best friend?" Jackson scoffed.
"Well, that's what Scott's out trying to figure out right now." Stiles shrugged.
"Mmm. What maybe he should be trying to figure out is how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses to jail!" Jackson yelled angrily.
"My parents are better and more powerful lawyers than yours, Whittmore. I'm sure they'll be fine. I most definitely will be." Blaze rolled his eyes, as he continued to scroll through his Facebook feed.
"Alright, tell us this. On the night of the first full moon, what happened?" Stiles asked him.
"Nothing. Nothing happened." Jackson said quietly as he leaned back against the van wall.
"Well, I'll tell you what happened to me. I don't fully turn so nothing happened either-" Blaze was cut off by Jackson who pointed a finger at him, "Maybe he's the Kanima and killing people!"
"As I was saying. Derek said it's because I'm a werewolf and always have been. Right down to the moment I was born. Something about accepting myself and all that bullshit." Blaze had no reason to tell him, but he wanted to anyway so he did.
It's been a while since Blaze or Stiles heard from their friends, so they decided to wait outside and update Jackson's parents.
As Stiles typed on the boy's phone, he felt Blaze's eyes staring right at him, "Do you need something, Blaze?"
"You haven't asked about last night or the whole werewolf thing? Why not?" Blaze couldn't help but ask.
"None of my business. Am I curious? Hell yeah, but no offense but I've had more important matters to worry about than yours which you didn't want me to know." Stiles shrugged as Blaze nodded in understanding.
"I overdosed at that club a little while ago. As you heard last night, I might've been drugged or something. I don't know. Woke up in the hospital, was forced into therapy, and medication, and Scott just happened to visit which is why he found out. As for the werewolf thing, not much besides what Derek had mentioned about being a born werewolf." Blaze explained so he wouldn't have to do it later.
"Does that mean you are stronger than bitten werewolves? and why didn't you ever turn before? Why only show traits now?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"I don't know. I've always had good hearing, and always seemed better than most kids but never really cared or had a reason to. I assumed it was because of Peter. His bite triggered that part of me or something." Blaze shrugged before they heard a crunch, making them tense.
They looked around the woods before Allison popped up out of nowhere, making Blaze flinch and Stile yelp in surprise, "Oh my god."
"They know." Allison breathed out, trying to keep her panic at ease.
"What?" Stiles and Blaze asked, standing up straighter.
"They know Jackson's missing," Allison exclaimed, making Blaze's heart drop. His parents already hated him, and this wouldn't make a difference he already knew they would just buy him clean with the police but that didn't make his nerves settle or worry about Scott and Stiles.
"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue." Stiles held the phone up as Allison shook her head.
"My parents told me his parents went to the police. They know." Allison stated before Stiles looked down at the phone in his hand and the realization hit him, making him hold the phone up between his fingertips and started to panic.
"Ohh" Stiles muttered bouncing his hand, not knowing what to do for a moment before he tossed the phone to Blaze who barely caught it, "Chuck that."
Stiles ran to the van as Blaze looked around awkwardly before he held onto it just in case and moved to stand behind Stiles with Allison as they listened to the police scanner.
"All available units proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Repeat. Proceed with caution."
The three shared a panicked look before Blaze headed towards the driver's seat, "What do we do?" Allison asked worriedly.
"Get in," Blaze told the pair who shared a look before joining him in the van.
"Where are we going?" Allison asked Blaze who was typing on Jackson's face.
"Somewhere very far from this," Blaze told her, before he dialed Jackson's father's number and through the phone out the window before driving away.
Blaze had driven the van towards the spot where he and Ryle had claimed as their spot and waited until Scott meet them before they walked down towards the small cliff and talked about Danny's tablet being stolen.
"If Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, he's not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet," Scott stated as they stopped walking.
"Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"What if someone else took it?" Allison asks.
"Then somebody else knows what he is," Blaze answered her.
"Which could mean someone's protecting him," Scott stated, looking over at Blaze and Stiles.
"Like the bestiary says, "The Kanima seeks a friend," right?" Allison nodded.
"Okay, hold on. So, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the Kanima and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, who would do that?" Stiles summarized.
"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" Allison suggested.
"I feel like we're missing something," Blaze grumbled to himself in confusion but he couldn't figure out what it was.
"There's something else. You said the only thing you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's true?" Scott wondered aloud.
"Well, no, it can't be. It tried to kill all of us, remember? I don't know about you three, but I haven't murdered anybody lately." Stiles stated as Blaze rocked on his feet.
"Not intentionally," Blaze muttered to himself as he crossed his arms and stared out into the distance. The last time he was here with Ryle, the pair had smoked and talked about the most random things all day. Their usual.
"But I don't think it was trying to kill us. Remember when we were at Isaac's the first time, it just went right by us, didn't it?" Scott asked, looking at the brunette who nodded, "You're right, it just ran off."
"And it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage," Scott said turning to Stiles.
"Well, yeah, but it tried to kill me and Derek in the pool," Stiles said with a hint of confusion.
"Did it?" Scott asks.
"It would've, I'm sure." Blaze nodded.
"It was waiting for us to come out." Stiles exclaimed as Scott took a moment to think over something before, he looked back at his best friend, "What if it was trying to keep you in?"
"Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?" Stiles gaped at Scott in shock as he thought over his words.
"Honesty, me too," Blaze muttered in agreement. Ever since he woke in the hospital, he felt like he had this buzzing feeling in his body, and he takes longer and more frequent showers than usual. Every time he went somewhere, he felt the sudden urge to be on edge and just felt like he was in a constant small space — maybe he did need therapy?
"Because there's something else going on. We don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson or why someone's protecting him." Scott answered him.
"Know thy enemy," Allison said without thinking before she noticed the boys looking at her, making her shake her head, "Just something my grandfather said."
"All right. I got it. Kill Jackson. Problem solved." Blaze blurted out ad Stiles pointed at him in agreement.
"On board, 100%." Stiles nodded.
"He risked his life for us. Against Peter, you remember that?" Scott asked as he looked at Stiles who looked annoyed.
"He didn't do shit for me besides pissing me off and giving me a million and two reasons why I should kill him." Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Yes, but what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us, it's funny." Stiles laughed humorously.
"Also, funny how he dragged himself into this mess because he's a power-hungry idiot who couldn't handle the thought of someone taking his little princess spot on the team." Blaze scoffed as Stiles once again nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, it doesn't mean he's not till with saving," Scott told the two of them who were hell-bent on letting him die.
"Sure, it does. He deserves worse than death. Have you seen the way he treats Lydia? People like that deserved every terrible thing that comes their way." Blaze glared at Scott who sighed.
"Right now, he doesn't know what he's doing," Scott argued.
"So what?" Stiles snapped at Scott getting annoyed with the conversation.
"So, I didn't either. Do you remember when I almost killed you and Jackson? Or Blaze who almost lost control on the field. I had someone to stop me, and you had someone to stop you, to help you and you still do. He has nobody." Scott said looking at Blaze.
"That's his fault." Blaze scoffed. Usually, he wouldn't say such a thing, but he's seen the way Jackson has treated people, his friends and that's why he has nobody. He wasn't exactly a golden child, but he had people because he doesn't treat them like absolute shit — maybe not all the time.
"Doesn't matter. If we can save him, we should try." Scott sighed.
Blaze sat in his car, staring off into the distance as he's done so many times, getting lost in his thoughts as he tried to think of anything other than what was going to happen when the police find them. He had no idea what they were doing or what they planned on doing and he had a doubt that Scott didn't either.
At the thought of Scott's name, the boy walked around the car and opened the passenger seat, leaning his forearm against the consul between them.
"Stiles went to check in Lydia. She still hasn't forgiven him for promising to talk to her and then ditching her at her car." Scott exclaimed as they shared a chuckle.
"That's not easy to explain. I think we should tell her." Blaze stated, making Scott look over at him, not knowing what to say, "You should've seen how upset she was last night. She knew we were lying and all we could do it lie more to her."
"Blaze-" Scott tried to say when Blaze cut him off with a sigh.
"I know. I know. It could be dangerous bringing her into this but look at our lives. She's been in more danger whether she knew or not. It's not far that she doesn't know. Not after everything that's happened to her. All supernatural things." Blaze reasoned as Scott stayed silent.
"Something is wrong with her. Something supernatural after Peter bit her and she's dealing with it all alone while the rest of us are in a fucking cult, and she knows we're leaving her out. She's my best friend and I am a good liar, but I genuinely can't lie to her." Blaze closed his eyes in frustration.
"You're right. She does deserve to know but what do we tell her? That her boyfriend is going around killing people. As you mentioned, she already had her drama to deal with." Scott said quietly.
"So do I and here I am. We don't have to tell her that part, but I can tell her about me and the Hales. She doesn't have to know anything else. I never told Ryle because it wasn't my secret but now it is." Blaze glanced over at the boy beside him.
Scott looked out the window before he looked back at Blaze who continued to look at him, "You're right. It's your secret now and she's your best friend. If you want to tell her, I say go for it."
Blaze couldn't help but smile and nod but saw Scott in deep thought, "What you are thinking so hard about?"
"How did Allison's dad know where to be last night? He was there in the alley. Him and Gerald." Scott muttered in confusion.
"I'm sure they have people. Cameras everywhere. I heard they put them up in school." Blaze shrugged but Scott didn't seem convinced, "You think Allison told him?"
"No. I don't know, I just-" Scott cut himself off with a frustrated sigh.
"She's on our side Scott but never forgot her family is hunters and someday she will be too. She's already really good at it. Her family is high-achieving people. We've seen that. Her grandfather seems like a cunt." Blaze rolled his eyes, making Scott chuckle.
"That's a lot of pressure for Allison. Not wanting to be the disappointment in the family and it's bad enough she used to date a werewolf. If I'm being honest, I won't be surprised if she joins the cunt someday." Blaze chuckled before he thought of Allison's words yesterday.
"Are you and Allison still together?" Blaze asked, surprising Scott who wasn't expecting that.
"W-what? No. Why would you think that? Did she say something?" Scott nervously asks.
"Nothing just when we dropped Lydia off yesterday, she started going on about love. I'm assuming she was just playing it off as you two were forbidding dating to convince Lydia of our lies but the way she spoke about it, seemed pretty real." Blaze explained.
Scott didn't know what to say so he just shook his head, "No. we're not."
"I thought maybe you fuckers faked a breakup and that whole conversation we had was just to make it seem reasonable. I was going to be pissed for being left out of that." Blaze gave Scott a look, making him laugh.
"Nope, all real. You were indeed not left out." Scott says. The pair sat in silence before Blaze yawned, making Scott look over at him.
Scott didn't say anything as he leaned forward and turned the radio on, lowing the volume as music begin to play as they sit in a comfortable silence. The only thing that was heard was the song and Blaze's occasional yawns.
"How's therapy going?" Scott decided to make quiet talk to keep them busy.
"Think I might be in there long after all this." Blaze muttered playfully, making Scott smile, "I've only had a few sessions and we barely do anything. I mostly sit in silence and think of hundred different ways to kill my therapist before thinking of a hundred and one ways to kill myself. But we do talk a bit about ourselves. Something about getting to know each other."
"Perhaps in your next session, you could open up to her. You never know, it might help." Scott shrugged.
"Tell her what? I just found out I am a werewolf since birth, my best friend and I were attacked by Peter Hale who wanted revenge on Kate Argent for killing his family, and my other best friend was also turned by him_" Blaze didn't get to finish his rant when Scott gasped dramatically.
"Oh, my god." Scott gasped, making Blaze worried, "What is it?"
"Did you just call me your best friend?" Scott's mouth dropped dramatically as Blazr scoffed, rolling his eyes in disbelief.
"Are you fucking serious?" Blaze asked him in annoyance.
"Um, are you? You always said we weren't your best friends." Scott bit his lip, laughing in amusement.
"Okay for one, fuck you, and for two, I only mentioned you, I never said anything about Stiles." Blaze pointed a finger at him sternly before he joined Scott in his laughter.
"Don't worry Blaze. You're my best friend too." Scott playfully winked at him as Blaze just smiled and looked away from him.
Even if I want it to be something more. Scott mentally thought as he admired Blaze's facial features under the moonlight. Scott never thought purple would look so good on something but it complimented Blaze's skin tone very well and Scott had to force himself to look away from the boy so he wouldn't get caught staring at him.
"You should get some sleep. I can watch the van. Can't succeed a crime with no sleep." Scott joked as Blaze cracked a tired smile but tried to get some sleep otherwise.
He felt like he had slept for minutes at most before he felt someone shaking his shoulder gently, making him yawn before he realized he had his head on Scott's shoulder.
"Shit, sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Blaze chuckled awkwardly but Scott didn't seem to mind.
"It's alright." That is all Scott said and Blaze couldn't help but think he was acting odd but then again, they were in the middle of keeping someone hostage.
"Is Stiles and Allison back yet?" Blaze asked the boy who kept his eyes on Blaze who glanced out the window not seeing anyone.
"No but as adorable as you look when you sleep, I was getting bored." Scott shrugged shamelessly as Blaze seemed taken aback by his words but smiled tightly anyways.
"Okay then, cool." Blaze nodded, resting his head on his seat as he sat in comfortable silence until Scott turned to face him, placing his elbow on the console between them. Blaze took note of how close they were sitting but didn't bother to move.
"How did you know that you liked Ryle? How does anyone know that they like everyone and it's not just their attractive looks that make you want them? How do you know if you love someone?" Scott blurted out with a questioning and hushed tone.
Blaze was quiet for a moment as he thought about Allison's words the night before before he spoke in the same soft tone, "When I first meet Ryle, he was just someone I thought about a lot. Sitting in that class, I use to always look at him, I never cared about the class, but I could tell Ryle did and I enjoyed hearing him participated in the class. It sounds stupid but I knew jack shit about dating and crushes, so I just assumed it was because he was quite literally the hottest person I've ever seen."
Scott stayed quiet so Blaze took that as a hint to keep going, "Ryle was like an escape from everything. The supernatural, my personal life, and school. The only thing I looked forward to every day, was seeing him. I loved just being near him. It seemed to make my day a whole lot better. For the first time in what felt like forever, the days didn't feel like a repeated cycle, with him, I never knew what to expect the next day or even the next hour."
"Yeah, I think I know the feeling," Scott muttered to himself, but Blaze still heard it and looked over at him.
"Gossip, I love it. Tell me who?" Blaze smiled cheekily as Scott didn't say anything, just looked at him. Scott licked his lips as if he was complimenting something, the action made Blaze glance down at his lips before he looked back up at him.
Next thing he knew, Scott's lips were on his, and he was kissing him back. It had been so long since he had any intimacy and the feeling of Scott's lips on his made him kiss the boy harder. Blaze sat up, pulling back slightly to make sure this was what he wanted but any other thoughts besides kissing him went out the window, making him grab Scott by the back of the neck and smashed their lips together.
Blaze had no idea why he was kissing Scott. He never once thought of him as anything more than a friend (or best friend), but he couldn't deny that the boy was attractive, and a great kisser. Pulling apart, Blaze could feel Scott's hot breath against his face as he looked him in the eye. He wanted to say something but seeing the lust and dazed-out expression on the other boy made him grab him by the back of the neck and pulled him into him again.
Every thought escaped Blaze's mind as Scott leaned over to his side and pulled his seat back before climbing onto his lap, keeping their mouths together. Blaze gripped his waist, running his hands up his back before slipping them under his shirt, making Scott arch his back, a breathless moan escaping his lips.
"Are you sure?" Blaze whispered against his lips as Scott fiddled with the bottom of his sweater.
"Yes." Scott nodded early, making Blaze chuckle before he pulled his purple sweater off, sighing as he felt Scott's warm hand caress his abs before he pulled Scott into another kiss. Everything felt right at that moment. As if they weren't in a middle of a crisis, with their lives ready to fall apart more than they already have, any minute. Everything was a little too perfect.
Scott trailed soft peppering kisses down Blaze's neck, who leaned back and closed his eyes. For a boy who's never been with anyone besides Allison who didn't last long, he sure knew what he is doing. Blaze glanced down at Scott who moved back so he could go lower, making Blaze tense, eyes fluttering close before he turned his head to the side and caught himself in the mirror and the sight of fangs made his eyes widen.
A harsh knock jolted Blaze awake, breathing harshly and feeling hot everywhere, "Hey." Scott's voice and the hand he placed on his shoulder, made Blaze flinch as his head snapped over to him. Both of their clothes were on, and Scott appeared to have been using his phone when Stiles came over.
"You guys might want to come to take a look at this," Stiles told the pair through the window before he left.
"Are you okay?" Scott asked, seeing how freaked out he looked.
Blaze stared at him for a moment, his dream flashing through his mind before he nodded slowly, too many thoughts running through his mind to comprehend what he just happened.
"We should go see what Stiles wants," Scott said as he started to get out of the car, making Blaze blink, pull himself together, and follow him towards the van where Stiles and Allison were already at.
When they arrived, they saw the prison van open and no Jackson to be found, making their hearts drop.
"I have to tell my father." Allison sighed as Blaze agreed with her. They had no idea what was going to happen and no idea how to find him. They needed someone with experience in hunting.
"Scott?" Blaze asked the boy who silently walked away from the van, towards the cliff.
"He's going to kill someone," Allison stated.
"O-okay. Tell him. Tell him everything." Scott nodded knowing they didn't have any other choice.
"Scott, I gotta tell mine too." Stiles sighed.
"I'm not telling mine, but I am telling Lydia." Blaze nodded.
"This is all my fault," Scott muttered as Blaze couldn't help but think back to when he had pretty much called Scott useless and could never save anyone. He never usually found himself feeling guilty for his words, but right now hearing the sadness in the boy's voice was all he felt.
"It's not. It's not your fault Jackson's a complete dick who took the shape of who he was. Derek's words, not mine. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this." Blaze reassured him.
"You're right." Scott nodded, but he didn't turn back to them yet.
"How are we gonna make your dad believe all this? Or Lydia?" Allison asked glancing at Stiles before looking at Blaze.
"I don't know." Stiles shook his head, not having an answer his dad could believe that werewolves and hunters and Kamina were running around town.
Scott froze for a moment before he turned around to face them-- eyes glowing yellow as proof of the supernatural, "He'll believe me."
Walking into the police station knowing what they were about to do made the three boys feel like they were doing the walk of shame. They walked slower than usual so they could mentally prepare themselves to tell the Sheriff about everything that was going on and brace themselves for any murders that might happen tonight.
"Can you buzz us in? I gotta see my dad." Stiles asked the officer sitting at the desk doing paperwork. The sound of the buzz made their anxiety rise as Stiles opened the door, thanking the officer before they paused at the door, sharing a glance.
Scott and Blaze gave Stiles a nod and smile of encouragement making him sigh as they walked inside, ready to see the Sheriff before they froze seeing Jackson sitting on the couch, wearing a deputy's jacket and his dad leaning against the desk talking with him.
Jackson and his father turned to the shocked teenagers and the smile on Jackson's face made Blaze glare at him, wishing Scott would have let them kill him when they had the chance.
"Scott, Stiles, Blaze. Perfect timing. Have you met Jacksons' father, Mr. David Whittmore? Esquire." The Sheriff greeted them.
"That means lawyer." Jackson leaned forward.
"I know that you idiot. Both of my parents are lawyers." Blaze scoffed at Jackson. He knew his parents could handle whatever was about to happen, so he wasn't completely worried. But the thought of being yelled at by them was already giving him a headache.
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