17. 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖬𝗈𝗈𝗇
Love and The Moon | Act 2
TONIGHT, WAS THE FULL MOON, the night Blaze had been dreading for days and he so desperately wished he did not have to go through with it, but he knew no matter what, he was going to have to, and the worse part was, Lydia was going to be experiencing the same thing after haven been missing for 2 days which scared Blaze.
After Stiles had picked him up from the club the other day, they had informed him that Lydia ran from the hospital—naked, and they couldn't find her until she randomly was found and saved.
Blaze had no idea what was going on with her and he couldn't find it in himself to ask anyone about what was going on, so he just avoided everyone and tried to stay to himself. He felt bad for not checking in on her, but he knew Lydia and knew she'd just say she was fine until she felt ready to talk about it, so he decided to skip the "I'm fine" part.
But walking into the locker room after missing practice yesterday was not what he wanted to do. Ignoring all the looks and small comments around him, he walked over to his locker and begin to get ready for lacrosse practice. He didn't feel any different despite the annoyance he felt which was a common feeling for him.
He could hear Stiles and Scott chatting behind him and feel the occasional stares from behind him, but once again he pays them no mind. He wished he hadn't called Scott the other night to pick him up, he barely even remembered getting home. All he wanted to do was drown in his sorrows and go back to hating everyone except for Lydia.
Hearing a bunch of rustling behind him and everyone snickering, he turned around to see chains falling from Stiles's locker as he awkwardly stood there in a panic and Scott looked at him in disbelief and embarrassment.
Coach walked over to the pair and watched the chains continue to fall before looking at Stiles, "Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So... I-I-I'm gonna walk away."
"That's good. That's a wise choice, coach." Stiles nodded as he walked away.
Scott caught Blaze's eye and offered him a small smile but all he got was a blank stare in return before he turned back around, making the McCall boy sigh as he bent down to help Stiles with the chains before he lifted his head and his eyes turned golden for a moment, sensing more than one werewolf in the room with them.
"You, okay? Scott." Stiles asked his best friend, seeing him look around the room.
"There's another. In here. Right now." Scott whispered to him.
"Another what?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"Another werewolf."
Stiles nodded his head still not understanding his point, "Yeah well, Blaze is right behind us, and he was you know... Bitten."
"Obviously but this is not just one. I can sense two." Scott shook his head as Stiles looked around the room with him, still more confused than ever.
After watching Scott make a fool of himself on the field trying to find the second werewolf on the field which turned out to be Isaac Lahey. A kid who Blaze has only had one conversation with. And that was when he got caught fucking that guy at the graveyard where the kid just happened to work at. Blaze left the problem of a newly transformed werewolf in the hands of Stiles and Scott as he worried about his problems.
He had no idea what was happening tonight, and he wouldn't lie and say he was nervous because he was, but he shook it off and decided he was just going to wing it. Maybe it will disappear if he thinks hard enough.
Blaze opened his locker to grab his textbooks when he felt a presence walk up to him, making him sigh in annoyance as he ignored them.
"Hey Blaze, right?" He heard some male voice ask, making him turn his head to see a brunette wearing a leather jacket and holding a camera. He was kind of cute, but he was nowhere near Ryle, so Blaze didn't care.
"If you're about to spit out some pity bullshit because my boyfriend died, leave before I slam your head into this locker," Blaze said bluntly as the boy chuckled awkwardly.
"Um, actually I wasn't going to..."
"Then why are you speaking to me, whatever your name is." Blaze raised an eyebrow at him, expecting him to just walk away and stop bugging him.
"It's Matt actually and I wanted to give you these," Matt said as he reached into his bag and grabbed a few sheets of paper stapled together making Blaze confused.
"We are chemistry partners and I know you didn't pay attention the entire class and I'd rather not fail because you want to slam heads into lockers so here," Matt says handing him the papers which Blaze stared at for a moment.
He stopped worrying about his chemistry notes when he started to get closer to Ryle as they had become partners and Ryle always gave him extras or constantly bugged him into paying attention. Now he wouldn't be there to do it anymore.
"Thanks." Blaze grumbled as he took the papers from Matt who smiled making Blaze give him a pointed look, not understanding why he was still standing there, "Goodbye."
"Oh right. See you in class." Matt smiled at him, creeping Blaze out for a moment before he shook it off and shut his locker.
Walking down the hall, he saw Scott walking up to him, making him turn around in an attempt to avoid him which didn't work, "Wait, Blaze!"
"I'm busy," Blaze said blankly.
"Derek wants you to come with us." Scott said as Blaze pauses in his steps and scoffed, "I'll pass."
"It's about Isaac, there's something in his house that he wants to show us, and he wants to talk to you about, you know, tonight." Scott tried to say as Blaze breathed out in annoyance.
"Listen, McCall, I meant what I said at the mall, I don't want to be around you, Stiles, or even Derek. I want my life to go back to normal which eventually I'm not going to get because I get to become some fucking killer tonight. Just because I'm like you now, doesn't mean we're friends, or I want you and little creepers' help. That little fucker is the last person I want to see." Blaze snapped angrily as he turned around to leave when Derek appears in front of him.
"You got to be fucking kidding me," Blaze muttered angrily as he glared at Derek.
"I get your frustration and I know you're going through a lot right now, but you won't survive tonight on your own. Scott barely survived if I hadn't stepped in. So as much as you hate me, you need me and my help." Derek told him calmly.
Blaze chuckled humorously, "I don't need you anything. Do you even know how to be an alpha? Because look at Issaac now? A few people might die tonight, including him because you wanted to make a little pet. So no, I don't think I need your help. All I've seen from you are almost getting your ass killed more times than I can count, in which three teenagers had to repeatedly save your ass."
Derek started at him for a moment, "I also saved Scott multiple times. The same thing I'll need to do for you if you don't let us help you."
"Us?" Blaze laughed looking at Scott who was silent, "He can't even control himself, or keep his identity a secret which is going to get us all killed, and I already said my peace about you."
"Blaze, we need to help Isaac, like you said, he might die, and we have the power to help him and you. You know more about this than he does." Scott tried to reason with him.
Blaze turned around and rose an amused eyebrow at the boy in front of him, "Save him? You have the power to save him?"
"Yes." Scott nodded.
"You've had the power to save a lot of people, and yet you haven't saved a fucking one." Blaze said bluntly as Scott went to say something, but nothing came out, "I mean, Scott you haven't done one bit of fucking research about this, Stiles has done all of the work for you and even he saved more people than you and he's a god damn human. You've run around this town like a chicken with its head cut off while everyone does shit around you. I'm only alive because of Stiles. Where were you when I needed that power, you claim to have?"
Scott bit his lip and glance down at the ground, knowing he was right, he just didn't expect the man to be so harsh and rude to him, but he understood he was going through stuff, and with the full moon coming up.
"Fine don't come with us now, but at least stay with me during the full moon tonight. The Argents will be out as they know about Lydia and I bet Isaac, it's not safe for you. You may not care about getting hurt right now but you have friends who care about you, and they are at risk just because you don't want to let your pride aside." Derek exclaimed.
He knew exactly how the boy felt. After losing his first love, he didn't think anything else would ever matter. He didn't care if the hunters had found out about him, he just felt tired, and he knew Blaze did too.
"Can I put in my RSVP?" Blaze asked sarcastically as he pushed past him and walked away leaving the two boys to sigh and share a look.
Growing up Blaze was always known for his bluntness and lack of empathy. Some adults told his parents to have him tested for Aspergers, which fell under the autistic spectrum disorder because a sign was a lack of empathy, and no one wanted to believe a child could lack so much care without a reason. Still, he was tested for it and was denied such a thing.
In other words, he was just a cold-hearted bitch who could care less about others. He cared about people and such, but he could be very insensitive at times and give zero fucks about it. Most people would have a hard time sleeping or have guilt flowing through their bodies but not Blaze. He could leave someone in tears and fall asleep with a baby and move on with his life.
What he couldn't move on from was being chained up by the one and only Derek Hale who was about to witness just how cold-hearted Blaze could be. He doesn't know why he was allowing this to even happen but when they have someone like Stiles Stilinski who knows how to talk his way through stuff then it was hard to say no.
"Where's Lydia? Shouldn't she be here as well?" Blaze asked the older wolf who tightened the chains around his wrist making the boy wince.
"Scott is dealing with her. Don't worry, just try and focus on not killing anyone. No one will be here to stop you." Derek said as he dropped his hands and looked at the boy who appeared more bored than scared about going through his first werewolf transformation.
"I'm all up for being tied up now and then but this is dumb." Blaze gave him a deadpan look.
"That's so you don't try to go on a killing spree. Do you remember what happened with Scott? Not pretty." Stiles gave Blaze a look as he stood behind Derek who rolled his eyes.
"Once the full moon rises, you should start to feel the effects. I won't lie and say it will be easy, but it won't, and I doubt this chain will hold you down so try and think happy thoughts." Derek gave him a fake smile.
"Great. In this creepy shed alone with my thoughts while I try not to kill anyone. Anything else I should know Einstein?" Blaze leaned his head back as he looked around the shed his parents owned at their lake house.
"When Scott was losing control, he said he focused on one person or thing, and that managed to keep him from losing control." Stiles piped up with a shit-eating grin which made Blaze roll his eyes,
"Ah yes. Little Miss Allison. You want me to think about my dead boyfriend which stirs up mostly anger?" Blaze asked innocently as Stiles chuckled awkwardly.
"He's right. Find an anchor and latch onto it." Derek nodded.
"What's it for you?" Blaze asked the older werewolf who paused for a moment.
"Anger," Derek said as the two werewolves shared a look until Stiles clapped his hands.
"Okay. We should be getting going. Allison is texting me." Stiles said as he gave Blaze a thumbs up who gave him the middle finger as he walked away.
Derek looked at Stiles before he looked back at Blaze who grabbed his phone, "Once you feel the full moon beginning to affect you, it will be painful so don't try to fight it, it will just make the whole process harder. As for Lydia, I will try and see how she's doing, and I'll let you know once I'm back."
"Lovely. You can go. That orphan boy requires a savior. I can handle myself. Been doing it my whole life." Blaze grumbled the last part as Derek slowly nodded before he left, leaving Blaze alone.
The sky got darker becoming a midnight color which allowed the stars to glisten in the night and the wind got chilled which Blaze paid no mind to. He thought back to the night at Lydia's partying, Scott's first full moon, and how he witnessed the terrible headache Scott seem to have and how dizzy he appeared.
Blaze had no idea if his transformation would be the same, but he assumed not as he felt fine. The full moon was almost at its peak and the only thing Blaze felt was boredom and how hot he appeared. He spent most of the time, scrolling through his phone and staring at the lake that he almost fell asleep.
"This is fucking boring," Blaze muttered to himself as he yawned tiredly, pulling out his phone for the millionth time in the last 10 minutes to try and keep himself busy.
He had no internet which was driving him mad, as he stuck to playing the same two games and scrolling through his pictures like an idiot. Blaze stopped on a photo that made his breath hitch, forgetting the photo ever existed.
A photo of Ryle and him on the lacrosse field, the first night he had met his family. Emily had mentioned that she had taken a photo of the both of them, smiling and laughing together, and had sent it to the both of them for them to keep. It was Blaze's favorite photo. Just two boys with crushes on each other having one of the best nights.
No drama happened at that moment, and he missed it greatly. He started at Ryle who had been clueless about the world Blaze found himself in and wondered if he would be that happy and carefree now. If he had lived and allowed Blaze to tell him the truth about everything. To see him now, about to become the one thing he hated most at the moment.
A sharp pain through his head knocked Blaze out of his thoughts, making the Anderson boy glance up at the sky to see the full moon above him, shining bright in the sky making his heart fall. He winced as the pain seemed to swirl around his head, leaving him to drop his head on his knees trying to block out the pain. Blaze felt a bit nauseous and had the sudden urge to lie down which he didn't bother doing. The pain felt nothing more than a bad headache that worsens throughout the day.
Grabbing his phone, Blaze tried his best to play one of the games and think about anything else other than the transformation. He knows Derek said not to fight the process but sitting there and allowing it to happen by pretending it's not happening is not fighting it right?
Blaze walked into his house and tiredly walked past his parents who were sitting on the couch, "How was Lydia's?" His mom asked him, taking her glasses off her face and placing them on the coffee table.
"Fine." That is all Blaze said as he tried to keep walking towards the stairs when he was stopped once again.
"That's it? Just fine?" Her mom asked as if she was expecting him to say something more.
"Just like any other study night, mom. So yes, fine." Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Oh well, usually you're at her house a lot longer than that. Most of the time you end up staying the night. You get into a fight or something?" His mom asked.
"Jesus." Baze rubbed his eyes as he begins to grow agitated, "No. We studied, I left, and now I would love to go to bed. Anything else you would like to ask me?"
"I do yes." Ian chuckled as he pulled his glasses off, "If you're not at Lydia's or usually with some random guy at a club. Are you done with those ways now?"
Blaze stared at him in disbelief, shocked he just said that, and Blaze couldn't help but feel his eyes gloss over. He's at a terrible night, a terrible week actually and his father feels the need to ask about him sleeping with some random guy.
"Are you fucking serious?" Blaze asked dumbfounded.
"What? It's a serious question," Ian shrugged making his mother chuckle slightly as Blaze scoffed in disbelief as he watched his parents chuckle at what he had said.
"My boyfriend just fucking died and you're asking me about sleeping with some random guy? Do you even care that Ryle died? Or that fact that I was in love with him and he, I don't know, DIED?" Blaze snapped.
"Oh, get over yourself, Blaze. You weren't in love with him, you're 16 years old. You'll find someone new in no time, especially with the way you go through people." Ian scoffed as Blaze stared at his father with slight tears in his eyes and a gaping mouth.
"Your father is right Blaze. You don't even know what love is." Amelia said softly as Blaze nodded his head.
"Maybe I don't but whatever I felt for Ryle was a feeling I've never felt before. How could I? I didn't have anyone in my life that allowed me to feel such a way. I never knew what love was because I've never felt it before nor was, I ever shown it." Blaze said calmer than he expected himself to be.
"Blaze-" His mother tried to say as the older pair stared at their son who had tears running down his face. Blaze always resorted to anger and yelling but to see him look so calm and tired, surprised them.
"No, it's fine. But whether I loved him or not, I did care for him, a lot and the fact that the both of you haven't even mentioned him or asked me how I was dealing with his death is the reason why I, fucking hate both of you." Blaze sniffled as he turned around and walked upstairs, trying to wipe the tears away that kept flowing.
Blaze walked into his room and shut the door, locking it as he did so. The last thing he wanted was to see his so-called parents again. He wished he was never adopted by them, and a part of him wished he never survived that attack on the field. If he knew this is how his life would've ended up, he would have gladly just died instead.
Authors Note:
Not sure how I'm feeling this chapter but I know ya'll have been waiting so here it is >33
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