11. 𝖥𝗎𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇
Full Moon | Act 1
HAPPINESS. A feeling Blaze didn't experience often, as it only appeared when good things happened to oneself. And nothing ever good happened to Blaze. Expect for now, dating one of the hottest and kindest boys in Beacon Hills, he and his friends (not Jackson) survived an alpha attack, and a new game was coming up and he couldn't be more thrilled. These past few days, he's never felt more like a normal high school kid. He studied for a test and felt confident about writing it. (Ryle forced him to study, but all is the same, he still studied.)
Walking into the school with his head up high, his skin was practically glowing, his outfit was cute thanks to Lydia who demanded he wore blue denim jeans, a white tank top, and a soft green cardigan which he didn't to button up all the way, and his usual silver chain.
He could hear some students whispering about what happened at the school the other night, but no one knew who it was which he was thankful for. The last thing he needed was stares and questions about what happened that night.
The bell rang, just as Blaze walked into the classroom where they'd be taking their tests and saw Scott and Stiles sitting on the end side. Neither one of them had talked to him much after that night, it seemed like Scott was avoiding everyone after his breakup with Allison, so Blaze decided to not be around him, especially as he just got into a relationship.
Scott glanced up at Blaze who sent him a small smile which made him look back down at his desk as he saw him walk over to Ryle and Lydia out of the corner of his eye. He could barely look at Allison when she knew the real reason they broke up and it made him feel awkward as hell.
"Hey, guys." Blaze greeted his friends as he sat down behind Lydia and next to Ryle who smiled back at him.
"Hey." Ryle greeted back as Lydia gushed happily making them look over at her.
"I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw Blaze with his tongue down some guy's throat." Lydia smiled happily as Blaze closed his eyes and Ryle chuckled.
"Charming, Lydia. Turn around before I cut your tongue out." Blaze said with a raised eyebrow as Lydia rolled her eyes and turned around in her seat.
"Just saying, don't go stealing mine and Jackson's hot popular couple spot." Lydia shrugged as she played with her pen.
"Jackson isn't even that good-looking. He's basic and weird looking and quite frankly looks too old to be in high school. Ryle and I are beyond hot, gay, and some of the best players on the lacrosse team. We already win." Blaze smirked at the strawberry blonde who through her pen cap at him, making him chuckle.
"So competitive." Ryle teased as Blaze shrugged and smirked, "So good with facts."
"You have forty-five minutes to complete the test. Twenty-five percent of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book." Mr. Harris said as he eyed Stiles as he spoke his next words, "However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So, let's get the disappointment over with. Begin!"
"I wonder when's the last time he got laid," Blaze whispered to Ryle who grinned.
"When's the last time you got laid, Blaze? You look like you drank sunshine water." Lydia whispered to him as Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Not in a hit thanks to McCockblock over there. But don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long." Blaze whispered back to her as he winked at Ryle who had heard him, and his cheeks turned red.
"Shut up," Ryle whispered with a small grin as he kicked his leg not seeing the pair of eyes on them by a certain werewolf who was having a hard time breathing which made him stand up abruptly, grabbing his bag before he rushed out of the room leaving everyone confused.
"Mr. McCall?" Mr. Harris called after him as Stiles ran out of the room next, "Mr. Stilinski!"
Blaze was confused and worried which is why of course he had to get up and follow them, ignoring Mr. Harris who yelled his name as well. He followed them toward the locker rooms to see they were already talking.
"What the fuck happened in there dude?" Blaze asked Scott who had taken his shirt off and was standing under the shower which he had just turned off.
Stiles gave Scott a look wondering what he was going to say. It's not like Scott will just straight-up say that he had a panic attack after seeing Blaze for the first time in a few days.
"A panic attack," Scott muttered as Blaze nodded slowly.
"Dude, I mean, yeah. You got dumped. And it's supposed to suck." Stiles spoke up as he acted like Scott was still heartbroken over Allison.
"Yeah, just find a hot chick to bang and forgot about her. Might help or it might not. Never know." Blaze shrugged not being good at the whole comforting shit.
Scott coughed awkwardly as Stiles's eyes widen at his words as he tried not to laugh, "No, that's not it. It was like I could feel everything in the room-- everyone else's emotions."
"It's got to be the full moon. So, we'll lock you up in your room later, just like we planned. That way, the Alpha-- who is your boss-- can't get to you, either." Stiles exclaimed.
"That animal tech dude? You're still on that? I don't believe it." Blaze chuckled as he gave Stiles a look.
"I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room..." Scott said looking at Stiles.
"I can lock you onto your bed. Or mine. I have extra handcuffs and I'm sure Stiles's dad does too." Blaze offered as Scott chuckled as he tried to hide the heat rushing to his face and Stiles stood with a cheeky grin on his face seeing his best friend get so flustered over Blaze's words.
"Why do you have handcuffs in the first place?" Stiles asked already knowing the answer, but he wanted to make Scott uncomfortable and flustered even more.
"You really wanna know?" Blaze smirked at him as he chuckled, "Don't worry. They were expensive and I've tested them. They are not easy to get out of."
"So, you won't get caught by the hunters if that's what you worried about," Stiles smirked at Scott who was glaring at him, hating that he found so much amusement in this.
"No... Because if I get out... I think I might kill someone." Scott said anxiously.
"All right, geniuses, listen up! Due to the recent pink-eye epidemic-- thank you, Greenberg-- the following people have made the first line on a probationary basis-- emphasis on the word "probationary." Coach announces in the locker room where the team sat around in their uniforms.
Stiles perks up as Blaze chuckled from beside him as Coach read off his clipboard, "Rodriguez. Welcome to the first line."
Claps and cheers were heard around the room as he kept going, "Taylor, and, uh... Oh, for the love of crap, I can't even read my writing. What is that an "s?" No, no, that's not an "s." That's, that's, that's a "b." It's definitely a "b."
Blaze gives Stiles an encouraging smile as the boy huffed, "Uh, Rodriguez, Taylor, and, uh... Bilinski."
Suddenly, Stiles stood up in disbelief and started yelling happily as Ryle and Blaze laughed together, "Bilinski!" Coach snapped.
"Yes?" Stiles asked him.
"Shut up!"
"Yes, sir." Stiles nodded as he sat back down, letting Blaze pay him in the back with a happy grin for him.
"Stiles..." Scott trailed off,
"It's Biles. Call me Biles, or I swear to God, I'll kill you." Stiles said sternly making Blaze roll his eyes and chuckle.
"I find it surprising how he's not more popular. He just seems like the type of person who would be." Ryle said quietly as Blaze nodded.
"It's the buzz cut and its weird obsession with Star Wars, but now that I think about it. If he grew his hair out, he'd probably be hot and not adorable." Blaze said playfully to Ryle who chuckled neither knowing that Scott could hear what he was saying nor feeling anything but jealousy at his words.
"Another thing-- from here on out, immediately, we're switching to co-captains. Congratulations, McCall!" The coach said surprisingly, everyone.
"What?" Jackson stepped forward as if he heard Coach wrong.
"Why didn't they do with you and Jackson last year?" Ryle asked his boyfriend.
"They asked me but the last thing I wanted to do was share that title with Jackson." Blaze rolled his eyes.
"What do you mean, "what?" Jackson, this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining separate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit, McCall's unit... we're making one big unit. McCall, it's you and Jackson now! Everybody else? Asses on the field!" The coach said as everyone got up and started making their way to the field.
"Dude, can you believe this? You're a captain, I'm the first line. I'm first-freaking-line!" Stiles said excitedly as they walked out of the locker room and down the hall.
"Congratulations, Biles." Ryle teased as Stiles grinned happily.
"Knew you'd get it someday." Blaze chuckled.
"Are you not freaking out? I'm freaking out." Stiles told Scott who didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm as the rest of them.
"What's the point? It's just a stupid title." Scott said irritably.
"That's rich coming from the guy who spent an entire summer trying to get that stupid title," Blaze smirked at him as Ryle chuckled.
"And I could practically smell the jealousy in there," Scott said glaring at Blaze for his comment which made Blaze put his hands up defensively.
"Okay, we're leaving you, nerds. See you out on the field." Blaze called back as he realized what Scott had said about being able to sense jealousy and he could tell Stiles was going to say something about it in front of Ryle.
"Is it just me or does Scott seem pissed off today?" Ryle asked as they walked outside.
"He is acting like a woman on their period. No offense to them or anything but the whole hormonal mood swings is given off that vibe." Blaze huffed as they joined everyone else on the field.
"Let's go! Next!" Coach yelled as everyone took turns trying to make a shot.
"Scott, you okay, dude? Look, I know we just got good news and all but there's still scene more hours until the full moon, okay?" Blaze heard Stile says from in front of him.
"Tonight, is what?" Blaze asked with wide eyes as he had no idea tonight was a full moon.
"You forgot?" Stiles asked him as Blaze nodded.
"It's not like I have an app that tells me when it's a full moon. What kind of idiot would even have that?" Blaze asked as he rolled his eyes.
"I have one," Stiles said as Blaze just slowly nodded before they watched Scott get knocked down by two of the players in front of the goalie net.
"Guess some people don't appreciate your new status there, McCall." Coach laughed before he blew his whistle, "Who's next? Let's go!"
"Good luck," Blaze told him as Scott jumped up and grabbed his stick before walking back to the front of the line.
"That's it, McCall! That's the spirit! You earn it! Earn it, McCall!" Coach cheered as Stiles and Blaze shared a look seeing how angry he was.
Scott knocked down the two players in the front before he hit Danny who fell to the ground and shot a goal which everyone ignored as they ran over to check on Danny.
"Dude, what the hell are you doin'?" Blaze snapped quietly as he walked over to Scott with Stiles.
"What? He stayed the size of me." Scott scoffed not seeing the problem as an EMT ran over to Danny to make sure he was okay.
"Yeah, but everybody likes Danny. Now everybody's gonna hate you." Stiles frowned not liking this aggression Scott seemed to be showing.
"I don't care." Scott scoffed again as Blaze narrowed his eyes at the boy who was honestly starting to piss him off and he grew even more annoyed barged past him and walked away.
"I don't get any of this." Blaze rolled his eyes, as he sat on his bed, glancing up at Ryle who was sitting at his desk, both of their books sprawled out in front of them.
"Starring into space and constantly repeating "I don't get this." is not going to help you learn anything." Ryle chuckled as he shifted in his seat, to look at Blaze who grumbled and dropped his head on his books.
"Sometimes people need a break from things until they start again with a clear mind and I'm tired as fuck. Let's do something else. We studied the other night anyways." Blaze rolled his eyes as he sat up and closed his books before dropping them on the floor, not caring about them.
"Well, then. What do you want to do?" Ryle asked, as he closed his books and dropped his pencil to face him completely.
"If you could be any animal for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Blaze asked as he laid down on his bed, turning his head to face Ryle who gave him an amused look.
"A bird." Ryle said, making Blaze laugh out loud, "Why a bird?"
"Because they can go anywhere and do anything. They don't have to stay in one spot and quite frankly, I don't want to do that either. Free little things." Ryle exclaimed without hesitation, "Would you be a bird with me?"
"Yeah, I would. We can fly to Paris." Blaze said mockingly before they both looked at each other and started laughing.
Ryle got up from his spot and moved into his bed, leaning on his elbow as he laid down beside Blaze, looking down at him, "What's your favorite season?" Blaze asked him.
"Spring." Ryle shrugged as Blaze chuckled again, "Why am I not surprised? I know you like the rain."
"And I know yours is fall. You like depressing and gloomy things." Ryle smirked down at him as Blaze shot him an offended look.
"Okay wow then. I know you like Means Girls." Blaze said sarcastically as Ryle scoffed, "And you like the Notebook. Fuck off."
After a moment of laughter, Ryle moved his hand to draw random shapes on Blaze's bare shoulder as he thought of the next question, "Where's the strangest place you've had sex?"
Blaze chuckled at the random question as he thought back to his past encounters, "I think a graveyard."
Ryle looked at him for a moment in disbelief before he started laughing, "You're joking, right?" He laughed.
"Nope. Some guy thought being fucked on his homophobic dead parents' grave was funny." Blaze grinned Ryle shook his head.
"That is funny." The older boy shook his head in amusement.
"What's your dream date?" Blaze smirked at him, as Ryle rose an eyebrow at him, making him shrug, "What? Important information when dating someone, I think."
"Um." Ryle pursed his lips as he thought for a moment, "I don't know. I guess I've never really had one. Something simple. Normal. Nothing like Christian Grey and his helicopter, although that would be nice."
"Of course, you've read that book." Blaze chuckled as Ryle moved to straddle his lap.
"It was interesting. A bit cringe but whatever." Ryle shrugged as he played with the edges of Blaze's shirt, who looked up at him with a hand behind his head and the other in his hip.
"What's a sex position you've never tried?" Ryle asked lowly as he leaned over him, brushing his lips against Blaze's who tightened his grip on his hip.
"69." Blaze stated before he smirked, "Always wanted to try it though."
Next thing he knew, he felt a pair of soft lips against his own, to which he eagerly kissed back. Moving his arm behind his hand to cup Ryle's face and deepened the kiss.
The feeling of kissing Ryle brought a warm fuzzy feeling through Blaze that made his heart raise. He had no idea why he felt his way, but he felt like a balloon being filled with more oxygen, ready to burst any second with the way Ryle was trailing his hands down his arms and stomach.
Blaze sat up, moving Ryle's legs around his waist as he held him on his lap and started trailing soft peppering kisses down his jaw. "Fuck." Ryle muttered breathlessly as he dug his fingers into the boys' shoulders Blaze sucked at his neck, until it turned red and a light purple.
"Perfect." Blaze kissed the forming hickey with a cheeky grin as Ryle rolled his eyes fondly before pulling at the ends of Blaze's shirt, helping him take it off before they did the same to his own. Both of the shirtless and panting.
The younger boy flipped them upside down as he placed Ryle on his back and smashed his lips against his again, moving more frantically and rougher than before. Kissing down his chest, Blaze looked up at him, smirking as he saw the daze Ryle was falling into the more Blaze worked his magic.
"Do you want to slow down?" Blaze asked him for reassurance. He didn't want to move too fast and then risk what he had with Ryle. He hated awkward situations and that would most definitely be awkward.
"Fuck no." Ryle shook his head as Blaze chuckled and leaned back up to kiss him again, just in time for the door to swing open, making them jump in surprise.
"Oh, sorry-" His mother stuttered in surprise as she took in the sight of the two flushed boys. Ryle blushed tremendously but didn't move as Blaze was still on top of him, not attempting to move off him.
"Jesus Mom. You know what knocking is?" Blaze snapped in annoyance as he thought about strangling the second person to interrupt them.
"I didn't know you had a friend over. I'm Amelia, Blaze's mother." The woman smiled at Ryle who smiled tightly at her, nudging Blaze to move which he did so he could sit up, feeling more awkward than ever.
He half expected Blaze to lie about who he was since he knew how much he and his parents didn't get along and he remembered when Blaze had mentioned, they weren't the biggest fans of him being gay but much to his surprise Blaze didn't.
"Boyfriend actually, and this is Ryle. You remember I mentioned to him the night, everything had happened at the school happened?" Blaze corrected as he rose an eyebrow at her. Of course, she remembered, she heard her husband call him a whore after all.
"Boyfriend? I never saw you as the dating type, Blaze. You always said how much you despised the thought of it." Amelia chuckled in surprise, making Blaze glare at her, knowing exactly what she was doing.
"Well, I changed my mind. Do you mind shutting the door? We were in the middle of something." Blaze said bluntly.
"I came up here to say, you should be heading to bed. It's late and you have school tomorrow." Amelia said glancing at Ryle who took the hint.
Coughing awkwardly, "Yeah. I should probably get going before my mother gets pissed." Ryle nodded as Blaze continued to stare at his mother not realizing he was in the way of Ryle's shirt.
"Get out," Blaze told his mother as Ryle looked between them, definitely wishing to be anywhere but there. Finally coming to see just how tense and strained their relationship was.
"Excuse me?" Amelia asked him as Blaze rolled his eyes,
"My boyfriend is half naked, and we were this close to having sex. I imagine the last thing he wants is you standing here any longer than you've already been." Blaze exclaimed as Ryle wished to slap him across the face.
"It was nice meeting you, Ryle." Amelia gave him a tight smile which Ryle could tell was fake as she turned around and walked out.
"Jesus." Ryle covered his face with his hands as he laid his head on Blaze's shoulder who lightly chuckled, "That was brutal."
"She's a cunt." Blaze scoffed in annoyance as he stood up and grabbed his shirt as Ryle did the same.
"She seemed.. nice." Ryle made a face as he forced out the word 'nice'.
"She's practically kicking you out." Blaze scoffed as he sat back down in the bed.
"It's almost 10:30. It is late." Ryle shrugged not feeling offended by the gesture. Blaze glanced at him with a small nod, "Yeah it is. It was also 11 pm when she told Lydia to stay the night last night."
Ryle nodded in understanding as he slipped on his shoes and Blaze rolled his eyes, "She doesn't like you."
"I don't care. And I thought you didn't care what your parents thought?" Ryle asked seeing the slightly upset expression on his face.
"I don't but you're not just some random one-night stand, Ryle. You're my boyfriend so yeah maybe I care a little bit." Blaze grumbled as he bit his lip and looked away from the boy who paused in his movements.
Ryle smiled at his words as he moved to stand in front of him, placing two fingers under his chin to turn his face back towards him, "I don't care what they think of me, and neither should you. Boyfriend or not."
Blaze nodded with a small smile as Ryle leaned down and kissed him softly, savoring the moment before he had to leave. Ryle pulled back a little bit for a breath of air which didn't last long as Blaze pulled him closer and kissed him again, this time placing his hands on his back, as Ryle tangled his fingers through his fluffy brown hair, tugging softly as Blaze slipped his tongue into his mouth, forcing a moan to escape his throat.
Pulling back, Blaze panted for breath, as he looked at Ryle through hooded eyes, seeing the boy breathing just as hard, smiling down at him, "Fuck, I wish we didn't have to stop this."
"Me either." Blaze sighed in disappointment. He didn't want to let go of the pure bliss he felt in that intimate moment.
As the pair stood in each other's embrace, lost in each other's eyes, they didn't take notice how the out-of-control werewolf who was raiding jealously as he watched the entire moment. Feeling nothing but the urge to kill someone.
That someone is Ryle.
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