09. 𝖢𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗅
Control | Act 1
"WHAT DID HE WANT?" Blaze asked into the phone with a worried expression on his face. He had been working out when Scott had called him, telling him that not only had Derek decided to try and teach him control, but the alpha also had decided to pay him a visit at Allison's.
"The same thing, I told Derek. Drew some sort of spiral on the car window. I think Derek knows to want it means but he won't tell me." Scott sighed as he lays down on his bed.
"Derek makes me want to punch him. He's all about wanting to help but won't give us a reason to believe him or trust him." Blaze scoffed as he walked into the bathroom, ready to take a shower.
"Yeah, but unfortunately, he's the only one that can help me with this," Scott said making Blaze hum.
"On to more important matters, you and Allison at her house so late at night? Any details I should know about." Blaze said playfully as he sat down on the toilet seat wanting to know the details between his two friends.
"We didn't do much so ease your dirty mind, her aunt came in and started showing her some family history and a werewolf. She is so going to find out someday." Scott groaned at even the mere thought.
"You can't hide your alter ego forever. I say either tell her or break up with her." Blaze said honestly.
"Wow Blaze, thanks for the encouraging words," Scott said dryly.
"I'm just saying, if you can't trust her enough to tell her your secret, then you shouldn't be with her. You're never going to tell her so why keep putting yourself in danger with her family? Is she that worth it, Scott?" Blaze asked him.
"I-I like her and I don't want to break what we have off just because of her family and my secret." Scott sighed as Blaze nodded his head, understanding what he was saying, "What would you do? Would you stay with someone even if everything said you shouldn't?"
Blaze thought over his question for a long moment that Scott started to think he hung up until he heard his voice, "If you would have asked me a few months ago I would have said no, but now? Probably. When you care for someone, it's hard to walk away. Do you really like her?"
This time it was Scott who took a moment to think over his answer, "I don't know. She's beautiful kind and funny, but um, I just feel like something's missing and no matter how much time I spend with her, it just doesn't appear."
"You don't get the euphoric feeling described in the movies when you kiss her? Or the butterflies and subconscious smiles when you are near her, or even thinking about her?" Blaze asked playfully as Scott chuckled.
"You spend too much time with Lydia." Scott chucked as he rolled his eyes and turned on his side.
"And you spend too much time with Stiles, dodging my question like that." Blaze pointed out, making Scott sigh to which Blaze spoke up again, "You don't need to feel those things, Scotty, you're 16 for goodness' sake, if you don't feel like the luckiest man alive with her, then just break it off, save both of you some time. Nothing wrong with getting feelings mixed up, especially when your new to the whole dating bullshit."
"But I do like her." Scott frowned as Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Dude, I like Allison too, but I don't want to date her. Ask yourself, can you see yourself falling in love with her? Can you see a real future with her someday?" Blaze shrugged as Scott bit his lip and thought over his words, "I need to shower. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, Thanks, Blaze," Scott muttered as Blaze hummed before he hung up the phone, leaving Scott with a pile of thoughts and anxiety.
Blaze walked down the halls with Allison who had started to ask him if anything was going on with Scott as he seemed to be dodging her all morning and needless to say... he wished to be anywhere else.
"I'm sure he's fine Allison. He's Scott, a bit of a weirdo who's failing a class or two." Blaze shrugged as he shifted the textbooks in his arms.
"Yeah, maybe your right. Maybe I'm being over dramatic." Allison nodded her head as she tapped her finish against her books, "Have ever been in love?"
Her question made Blaze cough as he glanced over at her, "No. Dating was never really my thing."
"Was?" Allison smirked playfully as she wiggled her eyebrows at him knowing all about how close he and Ryle have been.
"Was." Blaze nodded his head with a chuckle, "Why do you ask?"
"I'm just wondering what it feels like. I had one boyfriend before, and it didn't last very long. Just curious I guess." Allison shrugged as Blaze bit his lip for a moment.
"Tell anyone and I'll cut your throat, only Lydia knows." Blaze threatened quietly making Allison, eyes widen before she nodded, "Before I even knew I was gay, I had this girlfriend."
"You dated a girl?" Allison said in disbelief a little too loudly making Blaze smack her arm, smirking as she winced.
"It was plain, to be exact. I didn't enjoy one moment of it, her smiles and face and whatever didn't excite me at all. I almost slept with her once and it was disgusting. I just didn't feel that stupid high school love you see in movies, probably why she cheated on me." Blaze shrugged not bothered by the fact at all.
"Bitch." Allison muttered as Blaze nodded.
"I guess my point is, I thought I was going to have some epic love or whatever. Now that I look back on it, I was young and inexperienced. I had no idea what those feelings even were or what they felt like. So, what I'm trying to say is, if it's love, then you'll know when you know. If not, say fuck love and go bang a hot older man." Blaze smirked as Allison giggled.
"Is that what you did?"
"I banged a few hot older men." Blaze wiggled his eyebrows at her, making the pair laugh and earning some looks in the hallway which they ignored.
"What if you like someone who has a friend, but you suspected it as something more?" Allison randomly asked, "Like they sort of act like your friend with the occasional hot make-out sessions."
"I'd call that friend with benefits but in your case, it's exactly what I just said. Getting your feelings mixed up. Being young and inexperienced in dating can lead to that. I'd say, break it off now before you fall into deep. Do you only see Scott had a friend?" Blaze asked making Allison shake her head.
"Of course not. I like Scott, a lot-"
"But?" Blaze asked having a feeling he knew where this was going.
"But I'm not 100% sure I can say the same for Scott." Allison frowned as she sat down in the library across from Blaze where they waited for Lydia, "He just, I don't know, um, it's like he's not-"
"Fully into it?" Blaze answered for her as he thought back to the phone call, he had with Scott late last night.
"Yeah." Allison looked at the table as she bounced her leg subconsciously.
"Talk to him, Allison. As Lydia loves to tell me, communication is everything." Blaze said before he jumped feeling a pair of hands on his shoulders.
"Lydia loves to what?" The redhead asked with a smile as she sat down beside Blaze who have her a deadpan look, "Loves to annoy me."
"It's my job as your best friend. What are we talking about?" Lydia asked as she played with her hands already looking bored.
"Oh, I forgot I wanted to tell you guys about this cool family history of mine about the 'Beast of Gévaudan' I cannot set it down," Allison said grabbing the book from her bag as Blaze gulped.
So, this was the thing Scott had mentioned her aunt telling her.
"The, what of who?" Lydia asked in boredom.
"The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen, "A quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bête killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that King Louis XV sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it." Allison read aloud.
"Boring." Lydia sighed as Blaze nudged her, leaning forward to hear more about the story.
"Even the Church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan." Allison continued to read.
"Still boring."
"Shut up, Lydia."
"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of a hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid..."
"Slipping-into-a-coma bored." Blaze wanted to scold her again, but he couldn't help the snicker that left his mouth.
"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster."
"So, what exactly does this have to do with your player?" Blaze asked curiously and confused.
"This." Allison said before she went back to reading, "It is believed that La Bête was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature." His name was Argent."
"Hot. I bet he was brave, handsome, strong, and good with his weapon." Blaze bit his lips with a smirk dancing on his lips as he daydreamed about how hot the man probably looked in all his glory making Lydia and Allison giggle.
"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?" Lydia asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you?" Allison asked turning the book to show them the picture of a big scary looking werewolf.
Lydia and Blaze froze when they saw the picture. Blaze knew exactly what it was, it seemed a lot scarier than the alpha he currently knew, but Lydia had no idea what it was besides what she saw in the video game store.
"Lydia?" Allison and Blaze called her name until she snapped out of whatever daze she was in and looked away from the picture.
"It looks... like a big... wolf. See you in history." Lydia said snidely before she got up and grabbed her stuff before quickly making her way to the door, leaving the other to share a confused look.
Allison looked behind Blaze and her eyes lit up, "Scott! Scott, wait!" She called as she grabbed her stuff be stood up, but he was already out the door.
The brunette bit her lip as she glanced back at Blaze with a look that made him shrug, feeling bad for the girl who just wanted to see the boy she liked.
Blaze walked into his next class which he had with Scott, Stiles, and Allison, and sat down on the left side of Scott in front of Stiles who tried to sit behind Scott, but Allison had gotten their first.
"Where were you guys? I tried to find you at lunch." Blaze muttered to Stiles with a raised eyebrow.
"I was helping teach Scott control. Don't worry, I got a video." Stiles said with a small grin as Blaze just shook his head and chuckled.
Fucking weirdos.
"Let's go! Sit, sit, sit, sit. We got a lot to cover today. Let's go! Quicker!" The coach said strolling into the room and ushering everyone to their seats.
"I haven't seen you all day!" Blaze heard Allison say.
"Uh, yeah, I've been, uh, super busy..." Scott sputtered out making Blaze roll his eyes as he quickly turned annoyed, so he tuned them out and decided to focus on Coach instead.
"Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading." Coach said as a few students raised their hands, "Greenberg, put your hand down. Everyone knows you did the reading. How about, uh... McCall?"
"What?" Scott asked in confusion not having been paying attention.
"The reading?"
"...Last night's reading?"
"How about, uh, the reading of The Gettysburg Address?" The coach said sarcastically but Scott reminded confused, "What?"
"That's sarcasm. Are you familiar with the term "sarcasm," McCall?" Coach asked as Scott looked at Stiles and Blaze who sent them cheeky and smug grins.
"Very." He nodded.
"Did you do the reading, or not?" Coach asked annoyed.
"Uh, I think I forgot..." Scott said slightly embarrassed.
"Nice work, McCall! It's not like you're not averaging a D in this class." Coach said as Blaze winced, "Come on, buddy-- you know I can't keep you on the team if you have a D. How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading?"
Scott still didn't have any words coming out of his mouth, so Coach kept going, "No? How about the, uh, the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life? No? A blog? How about, uh, how about, uh... the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults-only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything?"
"Oh god." Blaze heard Stile's grumble, making him confused as he turned around and wondered what was going on.
"His anger." Stiles mouthed to Blaze as he showed him his phone which showed Scott's pulse rising, making the Anderson boy bite his lip as he turned back in his seat.
He glanced at Scott who was staring at his desk, tapping his foot against the floor. Feeling eyed on him beside the ones across the room, he turned his head and saw Blaze looking at him with slight concern, "Fuck control." Blaze mouthed to him with a small teasing smirk that made Scott's lips lift.
Stiles saw the pulse raging start to lower making him perk up as he glanced over at Scott who was holding hands with Allison under the table, but he was smiling at Blaze.
The fuck.
Scott walked beside Stiles as they left the classroom, they didn't know where Blaze had gone but they assumed it was to meet Lydia where he always went.
"It's her," Stiles said as he thought over everything.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked in confusion.
"It's Allison. Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her."
"Okay..." Scott gulped.
"Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field." Stiles exclaimed.
"Yeah, I did." Scott nodded. I always heard Blazes.
"Well, so that's what brought you back so you could score. And then, after the game, in the locker room, you didn't kill her-- at least, not like how you were trying to kill me." Stiles kept going, "She brings you back, is what I'm saying."
Scott glanced down at the ground which made Stiles confused, "What? This is a good thing, why do you suddenly look so depressed?"
"What if it's not her? What if she's not the one that brings me back?" Scott wondered aloud as he looked around the hallway making sure no one could hear them.
"What makes you think otherwise?" Stiles asked as he saw the hesitation on his best friend's face making him grab his arm and pull him over to the side of the hallway away from everywhere else, "Hey. Whatever it is, you can tell me."
"I don't know, it was just a conversion I had with Blaze last night," Scott grumbled as Stiles raised an eyebrow at him.
"If I really like Allison like that. Just had me rethinking I guess." Scott sighed as he closed his eyes and leaned against the lockers, "I hate dating."
"Can I ask you something? And I need you to think hard on this?" Stiles said in his serious voice which meant Scott had to take it seriously no matter what. He didn't use that tone often.
"Okay. What?" Scott asked turning his body to face him.
"Back in the classroom, when you felt your anger rising. When you feel that anger subsiding?" Stiles asked hiding a grin as he hoped he would get the answer he wanted.
Scott frowned as he thought about the question. Stiles said to think really hard on it but if it was Allison and he knew that, why would he say that? He thought back to when he felt his pulse rising, the need to hit someone while Coach was scolding him, the way he clenched his fist to when Allison grabbed his hand, to seeing Blaze make that comment--
"Um." Scott licked his lips as he tilted his head as he just thought over everything that's happened in the hour.
"It was Blaze, wasn't it? Whatever he said to you made you snap out of it." Stiles asked with a small grin as Scott shook his head.
"No, Allison- Scott went to deny when Stiles cut him off.
"Allison grabbed your hand, but when I looked at you, you were completely focused on Blaze." Stiles shrugged as Scott continued to shake his head, "So what? Anyone could bring me back. All I did was focus on something other than Coach."
"What about the game?" Stiles asked him.
"What about it?"
"I saw Blaze say something to you. And not even a second after that, did you make that shot? Or in the locker room, where both Allison and Blaze had gone in." Stiles waved his hands around.
"I'm sure it's nothing." Scott rolled his eyes as he walked away not wanting to talk about this any longer.
Blaze was only a friend... who just always happens to be there when he gets angry and when he calms down.
"What if he gives you control? He's kind of like an anchor." Stiles said following after him.
"But why would it be Blaze? I like Allison and I'm with Allison." Scott asked as Stiles rolled his eyes in disbelief.
"Maybe you like Blaze as well." Stiles blurted out making Scott freeze in his stops, almost making Stiles bump into him.
"What?!" Scott asked loudly with wide eyes as he turned around to face his best friend in disbelief, "Of course, I don't. I-I'm not gay and I don't like him."
"You, sure, because of the smiles around him, and the way your face brightens up at the sound of his name-" Stiles started to go on a rant before Scott cut him off.
"No, I don't. This is stupid and so what? A friend helps keep me in check, whatever." Scott scoffed as he started to walk again, "I lost control in the locker room with him in there."
"You were also very new..." Stiles shrugged as Scott rolled his eyes, "You also said, you were overthinking your feelings for Allison. Maybe you just got them mixed up, you know. Like you subconsciously knew you liked him, but you projected those feelings onto Allison, in a form of denial of some sorts."
Scott groaned in annoyance, "Now you're projecting. Back to the main point. What do I do? I can't be around Allison all the time."
"I don't know. Yet." Stiles said as he started to get an idea.
"Oh, no. You're getting an idea, aren't you?" Scott said with wide eyes knowing it was probably something dumb or dangerous. Or both.
"Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?"
"Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?"
"Yeah, definitely. Come on!"
Scott and Stiles sat in detention after the stunt Stile's decided to pull with the car and the boys which Mr. Harris had put a stop to.
"Excuse me, sir?" Scott said standing up, "Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh... I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired." He sighed and sat back down when Mr. Harris didn't answer him.
"You knew I would heal." Scott said to Stiles who nodded, "Yep."
"So, you did that to help me learn?"
"...But partially to punish me."
"Yeah. Well, that one's obvious." Stiles nodded, still upset over the incident last night that almost got his father hurt if not worse.
"Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me." Scott frowned at the thought of his best friend being angry with him.
"I'm not angry anymore." Stiles shook his head before he sighed, "Look. You have something, Scott, okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So, that means you don't have a choice anymore-- it means you have to do something."
"I know. And I will." Scott nodded.
"Did Allison bring you back?" Stiles asked with a raised eyebrow as Scott gulped and thought back to the voices he heard when he was getting beat up.
"Studying with a friend. Yes, that friend. We're lab partners..." Allison's voice rang through his ears but that wasn't the only voice he could hear.
"I'll meet you at the club tonight, Ryle. Don't have too much fun before I'm there." He heard Blaze's voice.
"Yeah." Scott nodded but even he didn't completely believe his words. Not anymore, not after his conversation with Stiles that had him thinking a lot.
Surely, he couldn't like his best friend. The one who was finally giving dating a shot with another boy.
"All right, both of you-- out of here." Mr. Harrison said making them sigh in relief.
"Thank you." Scott nodded as he grabbed his stuff and quickly left for his work as he was already close to being late.
"Um, where are you going?" Ian asked his son who was about to leave with house with his keys.
"Out." Is all he said as he was about to open the door when his father stopped him once again.
"A club."
"Not tonight. You're not. Your chore isn't done yet and I doubt your homework is either." His father said making Blaze roll his eyes as he turned around to face his parents who were sitting on the couch.
"I can do the dishes tomorrow, and most of my homework is done and not due for a few more days." Blaze shrugged. Fuck homework and chores, he wanted to go dirty dancing with Ryle.
"No, you can do with dishes now and your homework now. You have more important things to worry about than hooking up with some whore." Ian scoffed as Blaze narrowed his eyes at him.
"It's not just some whore actually. He's a close friend from school. His name is Ryle and he's currently waiting for me." Blaze said as he tried to leave again.
"Those dishes and your homework are also waiting for you," Amelia said, making Blaze groan loudly, making sure they knew how annoyed he was getting.
"And my dick is waiting for Ryle, something those dishes aren't. And if you want them done so badly, why don't you do them? I didn't buy those dishes, nor did I put food on them, so not only do they belong to you, but you also dirtied them so why do I have to clean them?" Blaze exclaimed with an attitude that pissed his parents off.
"Lose the fucking attitude Blaze, or you can kiss your car goodbye and stare at the four walls in your bedroom for the rest of the month." Amelia snapped angrily.
"Yeah, perhaps I can spend that month, looking for my real parents. Maybe they'll be more considerate of my dick and its feelings." Blaze said snidely as he closed the boy and walked over to the kitchen. Of course, he didn't actually care about finding his biological parents, but he knew it pisses them off so of course he had to say it.
"Good luck finding them. They'll probably dead or don't want you." Ian said, making Blaze roll his eyes as he thought about how many times, he could mentally punch him.
"And that still sounds more pleasant than you with you fucking idiots," Blaze grumbled under his breath as he starred down at the sink in front of him. There weren't even that many dishes, but he seriously didn't want to do them. He didn't mind sweeping and moping or even laundry but dishes he hated with a burning passion.
He quickly did the dishes which only took him about 15 minutes--handwashing them as the dishwasher was waiting to be fixed (Blaze defiantly didn't break it) and he was not doing his homework tonight, so he just left out the door, ignoring his parent's protests before going to the club where he was already late too.
Parking in front of the club, he could hear the loud music blaring from outside as well as the blue lights that made him automatically smirk, his mood lightening up already. He walked inside (more like strutted) as he made his way through the crowd, hoping to see Ryle somewhere.
Spotting his familiar prince charming hair, he looked him up and down seeing he was wearing no shirt, with light blue jeans, looking hot as fuck.
As if he could sense eyes in him, Ryle looked over his shoulder and caught Blaze's eyes, and smiled at the sight of him before making his way over to the other boy, "There you are. I was starting to think you bailed."
"Never." Blaze shook his head with a small smirk, "Just my parents being cunts."
"Wanna dance and forget about them?" Ryle asked flirtatiously as he bit his lip, smirking as Blaze's eyes followed the motion.
"Sure," Blaze said, taking a step back from Ryle before he slowly pulled off his blank tank top, knowing Ryle was watching him before he tossed his shirt onto the ground somewhere, not caring where it went.
Ryle shamelessly admired the boy's body which no 16-year-old should have, before he grabbed his hand making sure to keep eye contact with him, as he walked backward, pulling Blaze into the crowd with him.
The pair had danced for what felt like hours before they found themselves in the bathroom with the door locked as they made out against the wall, their hands roaming each other's bodies, small pants of breaths in between kisses. They had no idea what time it was and nor did they care. Blaze had left his phone somewhere around the club which wasn't the brightest idea, but he could care less at that moment.
"B-Blaze." Ryle moaned as he leaned his head again the tile wall and gripped onto the boy's shoulder as he bucked his hips up against him and kissed down his neck.
Blaze ran his fingers through Ryle's now messy hair and turned his head to the side forcefully to allow himself more access to his neck. His mind felt fuzzy from the alcohol he had consumed but that didn't stop him from doing what he's been wanting to do for weeks.
Ryle brought his face back up to his and kissed him roughly. Their tongues battled for dominance, but it was soon won by Blaze who squeezed his ass making him gasp.
"Is this, okay?" Blaze muttered for reassurance as his hands trailed slightly towards the ban of his jeans, not wanting to go any further unless he was okay with it.
"Yeah." Ryle breathed out as he quickly nodded his head. He didn't want his first time with Blaze to be in some club bathroom but right now he couldn't find it himself to care. All he could focus on was the way Blaze's hands were roaming around his body and the way his soft lips felt against his skin.
Blaze unbuttoned his jeans as Ryle leaned back and watched him with a lustful look in his eye that made Blaze slow down his movements, "Don't be a fucking tease." Ryle sighed in frustration as he moved his hips, but Blaze forced his body still.
"I like teasing," Blaze whispered in his ear before he placed a soft kiss on it and tugged softly at the flesh as his hands played with the top of his boxers.
"I don't." Ryle gritted out as he grabbed Blaze's hand that started to travel back up his stomach and dragged his fingers back down his abs, towards his awaiting cock.
Just as Blaze was about to slip his hand under, Ryle's phone began to buzz from where he set it on the counter beside them.
"Ignore it," Blaze grumbled when the phone buzzed again making Ryle huff in frustration.
"For fuck's sake." Ryle quietly snapped as he grabbed his phone and was about to turn it off when he saw who it was from, making him frown.
"Everything okay? Or can we get back to what we were doing?" Blaze asked in annoyance as he saw the confused expression on the other boy's face.
"Scott texted me," Ryle said in confusion. He didn't even know he had the boy's number let alone why he was texting him so late.
"What? What did he say?"
"Meet me at the school. ASAP. Bring Blaze." Ryle read aloud making them both share confused faces, "It seems urgent. We should go."
Blaze through his head back and groaned loudly, "Fuck you, Scott McCockblock."
Ryle laughed as he fixed himself up before dragging a sexually frustrated Blaze behind him, practically dragging him outside, "You can't drive so I'll drive us. I didn't drink much."
"Let's be quick." Blah crossed his hands as he sat in the passenger seat and stared out the window. He was so going to kill Scott if he wasn't in a life-or-death situation. He was just about to give Ryle Thorn a hand job and possibly more but of course that little fucker had to ruin it for him.
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆
This chapter is mainly for my boo Scott >33
I think Blaze is probably my favourite OC's I've ever written. I'm tryna make him realistic but then I remember the chapter I was writing for yesterday that starts off with Blaze thinking about killing his parents... tbh it does seem realistic.
Anyways, let me know if you liked this chapter and thank you for reading boo!
(Btw, Blaze would call you all hoes so that's what you are. Accept it or leave, hoes)
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