twenty- six
The quiet sound of people talking, and utensils scraping against the plates were heard throughout the diner. The tour bus came to one of its many stops.
"Mint chocolate is amazing you just have no taste." Azira declared stabbing her fork into scrambled eggs watching as Yuta's facial expression formed into disgust.
"No, it doesn't it's disgusting." He said to her once again. Azira rolled her eyes not believing what she was hearing. Thank god they were in a more private place in the diner so nobody could even see the look she gave him.
"And if you give me a response that it tastes like toothpaste I will chuck a blueberry at you," Azira warned before the two of them burst out laughing.
Yuta was about to take a sip of his second cup of iced coffee when his phone began blowing off with notifications. Turning on his phone, he began reading the many text messages his appetite slowly dropping lower and lower by the minute, "Fuck my life."
Azira looked up at Yuta and then at his phone, "What's wrong?" She asked. Azira noticed how he visibly paled and just placed his phone on the table seemingly staring into space. Yuta sighed leaning his back onto the chair, "My parents are coming to the show."
It has always been nerve-racking for Yuta whenever he went on stage. Him having to fulfill the expectations set upon him, to make it the best show someone has ever been to, to leave them filled with hunger and a craving for me. His nerves were always there it just so happened to grow even worse once he knew that his parents were coming to his show.
They were going to be in the crowd watching him perform. The thought of that alone sent his nerves spiraling.
The thing is his parents weren't very accepting of his musical career choice, especially rock music. They weren't too keen on their son singing rock music a genre they once really despised. But they soon accepted the whole rock concept he had even though it was new to them at first. "God I think I'm gonna puke." He began rambling, "I'm good looking maybe my fans will look over the fact of me puking my soul out."
Azira gently took his hands in hers, "Yuta breath you're rambling." Yuta seemed to calm down after that but his nerves were still creeping in he was starting to feel a bit better, "Thank you I feel better...for now."
"But I'd feel even better if I get a kiss."Yuta grins pointing to his cheek. Azira stood up since they had to leave anyway Yuta did the same a small smirk forming.
"Feel better now." Azira quickly but softly kissed his cheek before speed-walking to meet Somi. Yuta on the other hand couldn't stop smiling.
Let's just say he kept on smiling during the entire ride.
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