Someone who abstains from alcohol means they don't drink it.
Azira never saw the purpose of alcohol. People get together to pour out their true feelings over alcohol. She never quite understood the only way you could tell people how you genuinely feel was over alcohol.
She watched as her father slowly fell into the liquid trap as his body slowly withered away just like that singular rose that slowly died because her mother stopped caring for it.
Her mother grew into a mother to her father. Taking care of him way more than she should. She watched as her father continued getting pulled into the liquid grasp the chains dragging him into the sea of forgetfulness and fatigue.
It wasn't the day her father died everyone came to her house to pay their respects over the same liquid toxin to share wonderful stories and memories of her father. Why couldn't they talk about her father when he was alive? Why now when he's dead?
Azira didn't say anything as she watched the last petal from that rose slowly fall onto the ground into forgetfulness just the way her father did.
The once strong military soldier, father, and husband now writhed and forgotten just like the flower.
Azira arrived home after leaving the arena she was beyond tired and wanted to sleep desperately but she knew that wouldn't happen tomorrow she had a full day tomorrow busy being the make-up artist for the rocker.
Dropping her keys onto the usual table sat on her chair and looked at nothingness "God I am tired." She mumbled turning on the TV as she wanted got catch up on a movie she was watching.
Placing her phone on the table she continued watching the movie. That was until a soft knock made her head turn towards the door.
Sighing, Azira stood up walked towards the door, and opened it revealing Yuta who held bags of what she assumed was food.
"Do you not know what boundaries are?" She mutters quietly moving out of the way and letting him inside.
Yuta nods "I do—I decided not to go clubbing and you look like you need the company." He answers pulling out an assortment of sushi boxes.
"What makes you think I need company?" Azira sat on the couch as she finally rested her eyes on the studio Chilbi movie that was playing.
"Well you're always alone, hardly talk to anyone other than me sometimes, and Jaehyun plus you look like you need someone to talk to." He tastes the small remaining sauce mixture off his finger humming in satisfaction.
Azira didn't say anything as she watched him sit beside her handing her a sushi box.
"Well since you're being all Dr. Phil on me, I think your friends are incompetent." She states rather bluntly "It's your choice if you wanna be friends with them, it's just that every time they're either too drunk to function, I mean the public already thinks you're just some party hard rockstar."
Yuta's smile formed into a mischievous grin but understood what she meant "Is the one and only Azira Miller caring for my wellbeing?"
Azira shook her head, chopsticks picking up a sushi roll "No—well yes, the only reason why I'm caring is because the person who I have to do makeup on has to be in tip-top shape or else they'll be slacking."
Yuta chuckled "If you say so." He found it amusing how she pretended as if she didn't care when she truly did.
"where'd you even get all this from?" Azira asks as she ate from her third sushi box "It tastes like quality sushi, not the shitty ones you get at gas stations."
Yuta stared in disbelief "First of all who in their right mind would get sushi from the gas station that's a health hazard, I got it from my friend Taeil who's a chef. He tends to give me free food whenever I pass by."
Azira noticed whenever he spoke about his friends, his eyes always sparkled with a million galaxies in them. But she would never tell him that.
"Wait you know Taeil—as in the legendary chef Moon Taeil?" Azira asks her eyes widening. yes, she was pretty much a fan of the man and his craft. Back in America, she would always watch his cooking show.
"Yeah." He nodded "I should take you to meet him when tours are over." He adds earning quiet screams of excitement from the makeup artist.
"Wait really—I love his show." Azira's eyes widened when she realized what she said, "Oh shit sorry I meant that's cool or whatever." She clears her throat, appearing cool before quickly shoving sushi in her mouth to hide her embarrassment.
Yuta laughed at how adorable she looked "Cute." That was all he said as they continued to eat sushi while watching the movie.
Minutes passed as another movie was now playing on the TV but they weren't paying attention to it.
Maybe Yuta was paying attention to the sleeping person beside him.
Azira looked so pretty when she was sleeping as if she wasn't pretty already. Her face looked at peace as if she wasn't in a constant battle with herself.
Yuta quietly stood from the couch not wanting to disturb her sleep. He then picked up the trash and made his way to the kitchen quietly throwing it in the trash.
He also turned off the TV and placed a nearby blanket on top of her.
Yuta looked at her one more time before exiting the apartment a permanent smile written on his face.
Stay safe, drink lots of water, and please please wear your mask.
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