Rowan was dead, Erna witnessed it happen with her own eyes. His body was ruined, he couldn't have survived what happened. She mourned the lost of her friend, yet no one believed her.
Wednesday Addams was the only person aside from Ajax who believed the girl. Wednesday did witness the murder as well, two witnesses. Yet the police didn't believe them at all.
She couldn't bare speaking with the police about what happened. She refused after they said no body was found, now she sat alone in her room.
She wiped away the tears that left her eyes as she heard the distant knock on her doorway. She stood up opening the door Enid stood in front of the door.
She held onto Ernas uniform "I patched it up all! Ajax told me it got a little ruined in the woods last night. I hope you don't mind me using pink for the stitches, it was all I had".
Erna grabbed hold of the uniform "thanks! I'll see you later for the poe cup, I know we always lose, since Bianca is always messing with our teams boat. But I'm determined this year!".
She put her hands on her hips smiling brightly "I think we can do it this year Enid! Ophelia Hall is gonna get that win!".
Enid clapped her hands together "that's the spirit we need! we're actually gonna start painting the boat soon if you wanna come join us".
Erna smiled softly "I would love too, but I promised Ajax I would hang out with him today, but I will be ready for the Poe cup! I'm actually kinda excited for it this year, who knows maybe Wednesday will join our boat".
"I doubt it, she kinda keeps to herself" Erna shrugged her shoulders "worth a chance, thanks again for fixing my uniform".
Enid nodded happily "if you change your mind and wanna help with the boat, you know where to find us". She skipped away down the hallway and Erna pushed her door closed.
She sorta lied about the whole hanging out with Ajax thing. She needed clues, she'd sneak into town figure out what the hell attacked her last night.
And get back before the Poe cup even started. The second the hallway was silent she walked towards her window. Pushing it open it clicked loudly when she stepped outside.
She would start in the woods, where the murder took place and hopefully get a sample of blood. Anything at this point would work best for her.
She knew whatever attacked her. It was still out there waiting to pounce on her again, it would've killed her if it hadn't run off last night.
It was vivid glimpses of memories Erna saw, she couldn't remember all of what happened clearly. The way it held itself, it was as if it was being controlled, it was obeying someone's orders.
She stepped neatly into the woods, piles of leaves and mud standing out as she pushed past a few trees. She spotted the area where she was attacked.
Her eyes watched over the grass mostly, trying to find any sort of blood or even hair. She spotted nothing aside from a few drops of her own blood.
She could tell it was hers just by the bright color, she gasped when she bumped into someone. The pathway was jumbled as she looked at Wednesday.
"Wednesday! What are you doing here?" She looked past the girl briefly "who's he?". Wednesday walked along the grass "I came looking for evidence that Rowan was killed last night".
"I'm not surprised you got the same idea as me, although I came looking for evidence against the creature. I made it bleed around here somewhere, just gotta find out where".
Erna looked down on the ground "if I remember, we were standing here, Rowan was over there a little bit". At those words Wednesday picked up Rowan's glasses, they were ruined.
Erna smiled sadly "the creature was roughly here in front of me, which means....". She moved forward "yes!" she grabbed a vial out of her pocket picking up the small leaf "it's not a lot of blood, but it'll work.. uh hopefully".
She stood up the boy beside Wednesday tensing up, Erna was the only one who noticed it. "I better get back into town, I have a shift soon".
He paid no more attention to Wednesday he ran off, and Erna huffed "I remember him now, that's the sheriffs kid, I get coffee from that place he works at sometimes. Although I've had better".
She put the vial safely in her pocket as she walked towards Wednesday "I'll test out the blood. It might be a little tricky since it's not a lot".
Her phone chimed loudly "that's probably Enid. I better get back to the school before she realizes I lied to her about the Poe cup".
Erna sat down at her desk, her fingers covered neatly in gloves. Piles of paper and books all laid around her as she pinched the leaf under the microscope. She looked at it closely making sure it wasn't her blood, it's dark closer made her smile.
She in fact did have something to use against whatever attacked her. She felt the desk thud slightly making her turn slightly.
"Thing, come to get an update" he shock his head and she smiled as she turned fully. "Alright, you go and tell Wednesday I'm gonna start the test for the blood. It'll be done after the Poe Cup. So we'll meet back here and see the results".
He moved off the desk quickly leaving her room as she pulled her gloves off. She sighed deeply as she walked towards her window.
She looked outside the sky slightly gloomy, she knew she couldn't stay inside all day. With the Poe Cup in a few hours she'd have no choice but to leave. Although she loathed the costume the most, the material was way too tight.
Ajax told her if she didn't win this year she had to do his homework all week. It ended with her telling him she would win, in fact she would make of it this year. She had a few tricks up her sleeve.
She hummed lightly as she grabbed her costume off her bed, after getting dressed she closed her door. She spotted Wednesday who was walking down the hallway "hey Wednesday! Enid told me you were up all night setting things up for the Poe Cup".
She adjusted her cat ears "I myself have a trick that's ready whenever we need it. Bianca is not winning this year, I will literally gauge my eyes out of my skull if she wins again".
"I'd pay to see that" Erna huffed "you so would, and I'm okay with that. Come on let's get to the Poe Cup, Enid will absolutely go feral if we're late!".
Erna ran and Enid smiled at the sight of her "you made it! I was worried you were gonna be late for a second." Erna laughed "I almost forgot to put my whiskers on because I realized the time".
She pushed her cat ears in place "I'll see you on the boat, I'm gonna go tell Ajax how much money he owes me if he loses". She neared Ajax "hey Jax, are you ready to be absolutely destroyed".
He grinned "no way that's happening, Bianca always destroys your boat". Erna smirked "well this year things are a little different. I mean we have Wednesday, she seems the type who's good at this".
"Even with her, there's no way you're gonna win" Erna patted his shoulder "I'll be sure to prepare a towel for you, you'll need it".
She ran towards her boat sitting down she let out a breath "we got this you guys! Say the word and I'll be ready to attack". The microphone whined loudly making her go silent.
"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup, this is one of nevermores proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years".
She looked at Ajax and waved briefly as he laughed at her "you're gonna lose". She rolled her eyes at his words as she flipped him off.
"Each team must row across to Raven island, pull a flag from Crackstones Crypt. And hustle back without sinking or being sunk".
Erna smiled at thing as he tapped at the boat "can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when we win this year. I'm so gonna take pictures".
"First team to cross the finish line with their flag. Wins the cup and bragging rights for a year as well as some special privileges".
Erna let out a shaky breath as she prepared herself. "Let the Poe Cup begin!" at the sound of the gun found off. Everyone began paddling.
Erna made sure she kept at a decent pace, her eyes boring into everyone else's boats as they moved along the water. She ducked when the other team sent an axe her way.
"That was lame" she laughed when they sunk into the water. She moved faster watching as Wednesday told thing to attack. Erna would've asked what she did but she knew there wasn't enough time.
The boat stopped on the island and Erna jumped off "stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat". Erna huffed "I'll go with you, make sure she doesn't try anything while we get the flag".
Erna ran with Wednesday "I forgot how much I hate this part, I seriously need to take a long nap after this". They neared the stone and Erna waved at Ajax as he ran past.
"You're still gonna lose!" She laughed as she went to grab hold of the flag. But stopped when Wednesday fell towards the ground "what the hell! Wednesday!". She kneeled down gripping the girls shoulder gasping when she felt a coldness overcome her entire body.
She practically threw herself into the stone behind her, groaning as her body shock. Her eyes darkened as she slammed her hands into her face.
"Not now, please don't this do this now" she toned out any sounds as she pinched her eyes closed. She jumped when someone touched her shoulder and she looked up "come on, we gotta get back".
Wednesday stood in front of her holding onto the flag. "Sorry" she stood up fast running towards the boat "let's go! Paddle like you mean it!".
They moved past Ajax's boat and Erna looked at him sticking her tongue out when it began sinking. He groaned as she laughed "see ya later jokers!".
She patted Wednesdays shoulder "someone's under the water, we gotta take them out before we attack Bianca's boat". The boat began moving like crazy making Wednesday look at thing.
He jumped under the water and Enid moved towards Bianca boat. The spikes completely missing "oh come on!".
"I got this" Erna stuck her hand forward slamming it down at the end of Bianca's boat. In a matter of seconds the wood snapped.
The water slowly slammed into the boat and Erna laughed as she waved goodbye to Bianca. They practically threw themselves onto the dock when they made it. She smiled "we won! I can't believe we actually won!".
She hugged Enid tightly as they jumped up in down in excitement. Erna moved back slightly as she watched Wednesday walk into the school.
She took her cat ears off as she walked inside after the girl. "I gotta ask... what happened back at ravens island. You like fainted".
Wednesday seemed rather shocked at the girls words, she didn't think she would even ask about it. "Could ask you the same thing".
Erna sighed "I just had a moment is all, I touched you and it kinda just happened. It was honestly really weird. But it's not important. Are you alright, I was worried when you fainted".
"I had another vision, one I can't seem to figure out yet" Erna hummed "odd, I'm sure you will soon. Now what do you say we go and see the blood results, it should be done".
Everything was falling apart, the second Erna stepped into her room. It was absolutely destroyed, she found the blood sample she found to be gone.
"No! That was the only evidence we had on that damn thing" she sighed as she slammed her hands down on her desk. The force making the wood snap as her eyes darkened.
"Someone must've snuck in while we were at the Poe Cup". Her desk snapped in half slamming onto the ground harshly as she yelled out in frustration.
"I'm gonna kill them! I'll rip there damn head off!" Her voice turned darker as her body shock "they ruined everything! They ruined it!".
She snapped out of her trance when Wednesday touched her shoulder. "We'll find more evidence" Erna sighed "you're right, I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'm just gonna pick this mess up".
She let out a shaky breath as she watched Wednesday walk out of the room. When the door closed she sat down on her bed.
Tears slipped out of her eyes as she held onto herself, whatever this thing was. It was tormenting her even when it wasn't near her.
She felt so angry as her hands turned into fist, her body shock with such rage as she screamed. Everything around her slammed into the walls, her eyes darkened as her teeth snapped into her flesh.
Heaps of energy emerged out of her body as she screamed, her fingers cracked as they slammed into her face. Her window shattered, tiny shards of glass falling onto the ground.
Dark Veins crept along her skin as her bones snapped, her jaw swollen as it snapped away angrily at her own flesh. Blood coated her uniform as her door burst open.
"Holy...." Enid stood beside Wednesday as they looked at Erna who hovered over her bed. "We gotta get Ajax! He knows how to stop this".
Enid ran out of the room and Wednesday walked forward slowly. "Erna" her voice was low yet it bounced off the walls.
The lights began flickering and loud thuds of thunder shock the atmosphere. Rain slammed down angrily into the school. Some of it slightly getting into the room due to the window being broken.
Wednesday reached her hand upwards slowly "Erna" her fingers gripped the girls wrist. She gasped when Ernas eyes bored into hers.
The bright light emerged and Wednesday found herself trapped. Her body slowly hovering in her eyes as Ernas fingers wrapped around her throat.
A deep growl escaped her lips as she jaw cracked, rows of teeth smiled back at Wednesday. As her head twisted sideways slightly, "Erna".
Wednesday struggled to move as she felt the pressure of Ernas hold tighten. "Erna! No! Stop!" Ajax's voice slammed into the girls eardrums.
Wednesday fell towards the ground quickly wincing when she felt shards of glass enter her flesh. Ajax ran past the girl his hand gripping Ernas face.
"Snap out of it! You're safe! Don't let it control you!" Ernas body slowly hovered back down towards the bed. Her eyes closing as her body calmed down.
Ajax let out a breath of relief when she opened her eyes and they were normal. She let out a heavy breath as she looked around "what did I do...".
Tears slipped out of her eyes "I didn't mean too, I didn't...". She leaned into Ajax who hugged her "it's okay, you're okay". She looked at Wednesday who stood up wiping the glass off her jacket.
Wednesday looked at her, blinking as Erna looked at her with such sadness. Everything turned silent as Erna melted into herself, her eyes closing as she let out a shaky breath.
She knew one thing. She needed to figure out what the hell she was. Before everyone around her perished away into nothing.
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