"Todays outreach day, we haven't even gotten our assignments yet and I'm already annoyed". Ajax laughed at Ernas words as she walked into the quad.
"I'm sure it's not gonna be that bad, they always put us together so it'll fun". Erna huffed as she kicked at the ground "they think I'll explode if you aren't around twenty four seven".
She kicked a rock harshly making it fly Wednesdays shoe. The girl turned around eyeing Erna "I'll be right back, just wait here".
She walked towards Wednesday smiling weakly as she pushed her hands behind her back. "I wanted to apologize for the other night. The whole situation was really bad, if Ajax hadn't come in then you'd probably be dead".
"I found it to be quite exciting" Erna couldn't help but smile at the words. "Of course you'd find almost dying fun, I'll likely be at the coffee place for outreach day. I get it every year".
She sighed "if you happen to need anything, I'll be there, maybe I'll even get you some free coffee. I almost sneak one for anyone I like".
Ajax appeared beside the girl "I got your assignment for you, I actually had the coffee shop as well but Xavier sorta made me trade with him". Erna laughed as she grabbed her assignment "I guess I'll see you at one for the community lunch".
Her fade shifted for a moment, an uneasiness slipping into her bones. "You alright?" she nodded as she smiled weakly "I'll save you a seat later, if you manage to sneak away of course".
He smiled as he walked towards the bus "I'll save you at seat on the bus!". When he disappeared from her view she walked fast.
Her legs aching as she watched everyone gather onto the buses. She spotted the top of Wednesdays head making her run faster.
"Wednesday! Wait!" the girl turned around the second Erna grabbed hold of her wrist. Everything turned dark as Wednesday gasped.
She found herself in the middle of the woods, everything around her freezing as she looked around. Surely she was having another vision.
Erna was seen running past her, blood seeping out of her back as she screamed. A deep growl emerged in the air, making the ground shake.
Wednesday turned around the creatures frame hovering over her. It's teeth were stained with blood. The ends of its claws coated in guts.
Erna screamed when it jumped on her frame it's teeth ripping into her throat "Wednesday run!". Erna screams were silent as her body grew silent.
Wednesdays eyes opened weakly and she found herself on the ground. Erna hovered over her "are you okay? You fainted again".
Wednesday sat up wiping the dirt off her frame as she let out a breath. "Yeah, let's get going". Erna followed after her "I have some water in my bag if you need it, you're probably dehydrated".
The girl pushed her bag open handing the water bottle to Wednesday. She smiled at her "I'll see you at one for the community lunch. Unless of course you sneak away and stop by the coffee place".
Erna got onto the bus and Wednesday blinked, her thoughts all over the place at the visions she had. She would have to make sure Erna didn't die.
Light shined into the small shop, Erna pushed the apron over her small frame. She tied it tightly making sure it wasn't lose as she neared the counter. "Why don't you ever talk to me? You're always around Ajax, but you never once talked to me, I'm not gonna freak out or anything".
Erna looked at Xavier rather shocked "oh, I just thought we weren't friends... Ajax is always talking with you and I just assumed you didn't wanna talk".
"We can be friends, I mean you're like Ajax's best friend around here, second one of course". She rolled her eyes "in your dreams, I'll always be his number one best friend".
She grabbed a tray off the counter her face shifting as the same uneasiness overcame her. "You alright?" blood dripped out of her nose. The bright color making her nauseous.
She gripped the counter top tightly, her eyes feeling heavy "woah! Erna". Xavier moved towards her gripping her arm but she pushed him back.
"Just stay back, it'll pass" her eyes darkened and she pinched them close "does this normally happen? I can get Ajax!".
She sighed "somethings wrong" she opened her eyes pulling her apron off "I'll be fine, I just gotta get out of here for a minute".
She ran out of the doors blood dripping out of her nose faster as she ran away from the town. "Not now, please not now".
Her body ached her bones shifting and cracking making her scream as she ran faster. She grabbed hold of her phone fast her fingers snapping making her scream as she fell towards the ground.
She forced her eyes closed. Her breathing heavy as she snapped her fingers back in place she sent the message to the first person she could.
Her eyes not focusing on who she sent it to. She forced herself to stand up pulling her jacket off as she ran towards the woods.
Her jaw shifted rows of teeth bursting out of her gums making her cry out as she slammed her fingers into her face.
The sky darkened as thunder boomed in the sky, she felt a sense of relief when the cold rain slammed into her flesh. Blood seeped out of her eyes as she leaned into a tree.
Dark veins ran along her skin her body on fire as she slammed her fingers into the dirt harshly. A distant growl made the ends of her hair stand up.
She hunched into herself screaming out in agony when her spine cracked. She clawed at her shoulders as her bones forced themselves out of her back. Heaps of energy surrounded them.
Slowly making way around her frame as her bones all slowly moved forming sharp talons along her back and arms. She pulled her shirt off heaps of dark veins running along her throat.
She turned fast slamming her fist into the creatures arm. It cried out in agony as she kicked it away from her. Her eyes turned dark and the bright light emerged within as she hissed angrily.
Her fingers cracked loudly as she felt her back began to burn. All she saw was darkness as her body began hovering above the ground.
She screamed when she felt herself be grabbed, her body slammed into a tree making her yelp. Her bones slammed back into her flesh as she stood up.
Her jaw ached as the corners of her lips spilt in thin lines, her teeth curled around her skin. She ran forward her teeth sinking into the creatures shoulder.
The blood burst into her mouth fast, the warmth of it making her body tingle as she let out a heavy breath. It ran away the second she let it go, her face turning normal as she fell towards the ground.
Her legs were wobbly when she stood up the growl grew louder and she screamed when the creature jumped on her frame. It's teeth ripped into her throat making her scream as blood gushed out of her lips.
In the distance Wednesdays Addams ran as fast as she could, Xavier and Ajax were trailing behind her. While Enid struggled to keep up.
"You said she's out here right?" Wednesday didn't acknowledge Ajax as she ran faster. A scream entered the atmosphere making everyone move faster. Wednesday was the first to the scene.
Blood was all over the place, the area was a mess and trees were on the verge of snapping and falling onto the ground. A deep growl entered the air then it turned into a yelp.
"What the hell is going on!" Enid held herself nervously as she looked around. "Ajax man, please tell me you know how to handle this".
"I don't know, I've never seen this before" in the distance a person emerged from the woods. Erna walked forward weakly blood seeping out of her throat and mouth.
"Erna!" Ajax ran forward fast but was stopped by Wednesday who was already in front of Erna. The girl looked at Wednesday "don't trust him".
Ernas fingers were cold when they gripped Wednesday wrist. Her eyes darkened "don't trust him! he's gonna kill you! It's all a lie!".
She tugged at the girls wrist harshly tears slipping out of her eyes harshly. "You need to leave, you're the key, don't trust....".
A loud bang slammed into the atmosphere making everyone duck. Wednesday felt something warm slam onto her cheeks.
She let out a heavy breath as she looked at Erna. Blood seeped out of Ernas forehead, her body slammed onto the ground as her eyes glossed over.
The atmosphere was silent, until Ajax looked up his entire face shifting into agony. "Erna!" he ran forward fast his hands gripping the girls face.
"Erna!" tears slammed out of his eyes fast as he leaned into the girls body. "Oh no..." Enid let out a shaky breath as she sat on the ground.
"Erna wake up! Please you gotta wake up!" Ajax let out a scream of agony as he sobbed. Everything was so loud, it was like a constant buzz slamming over and over into her skull.
She felt so cold, she couldn't move and she felt terrified as she screamed. Everything around her was silent, until she felt a darkness.
She found herself surrounded by the woods, she saw herself laid on the ground. The creature tearing into her throat until she slammed her hands into its head. It's body shock before it turned normal.
The boy who threw himself onto the ground gasped for air as Erna glared at him. "It was you!" he groaned as he stood up. "I should've known it was you! You stay the hell away from Wednesday!".
His lips crack slightly as he smirked at her "you've already lost, we wanted you here". Erna felt dizzy all of a sudden as everything around her turned dark. She found herself fading away, her memories shifting into darkness.
What was she doing? Why was she scared? Who attacked her... his face, his name... no her name or was it his name. Who was it? No it wasn't human, it was a monster.
Name! Name! Face? Who? WAKE UP!
A loud gasp slammed into the air, Erna felt a warmth overcome her entire body as she pressed her fingers into her forehead.
She found herself surrounded by darkness, awfully bright clothes hugging her body. She heard the soft hum of music playing and people crying.
"Erna Beatrix was my best friend, on her first day at the academy. Everyone was afraid of her. But I wasn't, I didn't care what she was, she was my friend, that was all that mattered".
Ajax's voice was loud as Erna pressed her hands upwards. The wood was soothing and warm. It snapped slowly beneath her fingers.
Her eyes darkened as she used all her might she sent the wood flying away from her. Air slammed into her lungs harshly when she sat up.
Her hands gripped the side of the coffin and the wood slowly melted away as she sneered angrily. She felt the thick scar along her throat, her forehead ached as she slammed her fingers into her skull.
She pulled the bullet out letting it fall towards the ground as blood fell down her face slowly. She kicked the coffin angrily.
Her flesh mended itself back together as she pulled the ugly jacket off her body. "Erna..." Ajax's voice was soothing when it slammed into her ears.
Her eyes turned normal as she rubbed at her throat "Erna" she turned eyeing Ajax beside her. "You're alive, I thought I lost you".
She blinked "what happened? Who the hell put me in that coffin?" she looked around confused as she cringed at the clothes she wore.
Ajax hugged her tightly and she let out a weak laugh "what's wrong? Why are you acting so sad, why is everyone staring?".
"Erna" the voice that entered her eardrums sounded loud, it's lowness making her tense up as she stood up straight. "Miss Thornhill" she smiled at the woman "sweetie you had us all worried, we thought you were dead, you were shot".
Erna frowned "I can't remember, last I knew I was with Xavier at the coffee place". She rubbed at her head as she felt a coldness hover over her.
"Let's get you back to the school. Let the nurse make sure you're okay. Ajax why don't you help her" the boy nodded as he helped Erna.
She leaned into him wincing at the headache that slammed into her skull.
The inside of the nurses office was cold, she had been stuck inside of it all night. Test after test done, and the nurse declared she was healthy.
She was just glad to have finally be able to walk towards her room. She'd likely sleep for the entire day and hide away from everyone.
She opened her bedroom door walking inside, she yawned as she turned her light on. She jumped at the sight of someone sitting on her bed.
She walked towards the person so she could see them more clearly. "Wednesday, you scared me". She smiled softly as she neared the girl.
"What are you doing in here? I thought this was your writing time". Wednesday stood up from the bed "Ajax told me you'd be in here".
"I mean it's my room, I just back from the nurses office, she gave me a sucker if you one it". She showed the candy smiling at Wednesday.
"What did you mean yesterday, before you were killed, you told me not to trust him". Erna frowned deeply "what are you talking about? I haven't talked to you since before we got on the buses. You fainted and I gave you my water",
"You told me I was the key, you don't remember" Erna shock her head "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry".
Erna sat down on her bed rubbing at her eyes "I'm just really tired, we can talk about it in the morning if you want". Wednesday didn't say anything else and walked out of the room.
She looked down at thing "I need you to watch her" and at that she walked off down the hall disappearing into her room.
Thing walked into Ernas bedroom, the girl sat on her bed her eyes closed as masses of energy emerged out of her body.
She opened her eyes and they darkened she smirked brightly as she pressed her finger against her lips. She shushed as she looked at thing, and then she was gone. The bedroom empty.
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