Erna didn't know where she was when she opened her eyes. Everything around her was utterly dark aside from a small patch of light. Her body felt like it was on the verge of snapping as she moved.
Her wrists ached as she felt the chains dig into them with such force. She hissed in discomfort, she leaned her head back into the stone.
It's coldness soothing away her headache as she felt light drips of blood run down the side of her cheek. She blinked away her exhaustion as she tugged at the chains, they didn't break.
She let out a yell of frustration "come on!" she tugged harder yelling out in pain when the chains dug deeper into her wrists.
"I'd give up if I were you, those are meant to not break Erna". She looked towards the voice, she couldn't see who it was, but the voice it sounded so familiar. "Who are you? What do you want!".
A laugh entered the air as she felt the footsteps get closer "oh, who I am isn't important. It's you that's far more important Erna".
She flinched when she felt cold fingers grip her cheeks roughly. "I've spent years trying to get rid of you, years! And yet you just won't stay dead".
Ernas scream slammed into the air when a needle jabbed into her neck harshly. "Hold still!" she cried out as she tugged at the chains harshly.
She angrily spit at the woman "I'm gonna fucking kill you!". Her words were laced with such venom making the woman jab another needle into her leg.
Erna screamed once more as she felt her body slowly getting lighter. Her eyes got droopy and she groaned as her head fell forward.
She couldn't focus on anything but she felt her body being dragged somewhere. Her eyes closed and she let herself just sleep.
Wednesday Addams truly didn't care about parents weekend, she had other things to focus on. Like the disappearance of Erna and Eugene's recovery. She searched all night through the woods for Erna, but she didn't find her.
Not even the police could pin point where the girl was. Most just said maybe she just ran off, but Wednesday knew what she saw.
She was ripped away into the night, by the monster. She could still hear Ernas screaming, she could still see her eyes full of terror as she vanished.
Wednesday would find the girl, she just knew it wouldn't be easy. Especially with her family visiting, she just needed more time.
She knew aside from her, Ajax was the only person who was hellbent on finding Erna. He was gloomy and sad all day, his mood showing practically to everyone around him.
Even his parents who asked about Erna. He knew lying was pointless, no point when Erna was missing and likely either dead or in danger.
Light drops of water landed on her face making her open her eyes in annoyance. She felt the pain on her wrists almost right away as she sat up.
Her body felt like it was on fire as she looked around. She was inside a house of some sorts. The room she was inside of, neatly made.
No dust was anywhere aside from the small windows. She heard the soft chant of a music box playing making her head ache.
Times like this, she wish she could just snap these chains and strangle whoever took her. She was far too weak at the moment, she was helpless.
She sighed as she pushed herself into a standing position. The chains trailed behind her as she walked towards the doorway.
She gripped the doorknob the best she could, struggling to twist it. She huffed in annoyance as she kicked at the door with her foot.
She winced at the pain it caused her as she moved away from the door. She moved toward the small window looking outside of it.
She could see the town she wasn't sure what time it was, but the sun was out. Which meant it was a new day, she sighed to herself once more.
The ends of her fingers on the verge of snapping off from exhaustion. She heard footsteps in the hallway making her turn quickly, "she's in there".
The voice was muffled but she heard what they said. She moved toward the desk lifting up the music box, her eyes widen at the photos that had fallen out of it.
Wednesday was in every single one, even one held the duo. Erna pushed the one of her and Wednesday into her pocket before putting the others back.
If she was lucky she'd manage to get out of here and warn Wednesday. The door burst open the creature staring down at her "shit!".
It's claws scratched at her making her wince as it cut into her arm. She tugged at the chains harshly as she moved back into the wall.
She felt the blood flowing out of her wound making her uncomfortable as she kicked at the creature. It's body shifted sideways, but it didn't budge.
"Seriously!" she rolled her eyes as it ran towards her she moved to the side fast it's claws slamming into the chains. She let out a sound of relief, when the chains snapped in half.
She ran toward the door closing it quickly as she ran towards the stairs. "I did not sign up for this shit!" She screamed when the creature leaped out of the room. Its eyes dark as it growled angrily at her.
She nearly tripped on the stairs as she turned into another room. It was covered in dust making her cough as she pushed the window open.
She pushed herself through it fast crying out when the monsters teeth slammed into her leg. She kicked at its face harshly making it let her go.
She fell onto the ground harshly wincing when sharp branches poked at her. She stood up wincing at the pain in her leg as she limped away from the house. She could still hear it behind her.
It's growls were louder as she ran into the woods. She felt lightheaded as she leaned into a tree. She looked at the shackles that rested along her wrists.
Getting them off would be hard without the key, she let out a heavy breath as she looked at the wound on her arm. It burned making her pinch her eyes closed. The deep growl slammed into her ears once more making her ran away from the tree.
She screamed when it hit her side making her fly roughly into a tree. It's teeth slammed roughly into her shoulder making her cry out.
She felt the warmth of her own blood slamming against her flesh. The world was getting duller as she struggled to find her own breath.
Her head fell back and she felt her eyes close.
"Erna" the voice was soothing and soft. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of it. She felt utterly exhausted when her eyes fluttered open.
She felt the cold air hit her making her shiver as a bright light shined into her face. "Erna" she blinked her head aching as she lifted it weakly.
"Wednesday...." her voice cracked her throat dry as she coughed. "Can you stand?" Erna winced lightly as she gripped the girls shoulder for support.
She stood up letting out a shaky breath her legs gave out and she began falling. Wednesday caught her before she slammed onto the ground.
Erna let out a weak laugh "you didn't have to help me, I just need a second is all". Wednesday looked at the girls wounds "you're losing a lot of blood".
Erna smiled sadly "it's my fault, it took me Wednesday, if I wasn't so stupid and ran away from the Rave'N". She winced at the sudden pain that ran through her body "it's not your fault".
Erna paused as she looked at the girl "it's mine" Wednesday tone for once sounded hesitant as she looked at Erna with an unreadable expression.
"No Wednesday, it's not your fault... I'm the one who got taken, I'm the one who it was after. Don't blame yourself for something that happened to me".
"I saw it take you in a vision. I tried warning you" Erna smiled sadly "Wednesday, you did everything you could. I mean you're here now. You found me".
Wednesday shock her head slightly "you're still hurt. Thing is getting help, just stay awake". Erna couldn't help but smile "what?".
Erna shock her head weakly "nothing, it's just I didn't know you cared that much about my health. You could've just left me here bleeding out and went with thing yourself".
"He'll reach the school before I do" Erna hummed lightly as she leaned her head into Wednesday's chest. "It's freezing out here".
She felt Wednesday tense up and Erna moved back "sorry, I forget you don't like physical touch. That stupid thing tore up my jacket".
Erna pushed herself into the tree crying slightly at the pain that ran up her leg. "It got my leg pretty good, bastard nearly took it completely off".
Wednesday took her jacket off ripping her sleeve off. "I'll have to make sure it doesn't bleed out" Erna yelled out when Wednesday wrapped the cloth around her wound tightly.
The distant sound of growling made Erna tense up, she felt her entire body grow utterly terrified.
"Wednesday" the girl wrapped her other sleeve around Ernas arm "Wednesday stop!". Wednesday stopped and looked up at Erna.
"Don't worry about me, just go back to the school" Wednesday eyes widen "I'm not leaving you by yourself, what if it comes back".
Erna leaned forward slightly "please, go back I don't wanna watch you die". The growling was louder "Wednesday! Please!".
"No, we can make it back together" Erna felt the warm tears running down her cheeks as Wednesday wrapped her arms around her.
She used all her strength to help the girl off the ground. Erna cried out at the pain as she held onto Wednesday tightly.
"I'm only holding you back, just leave me here" Wednesday walked as fast as she could. Erna felt lightheaded, the growling was getting closer and closer the more they moved.
"Wednesday I can't... just leave me" Erna groaned as her legs gave out making her fall towards the ground. "Get up, Erna come on!" Wednesday tried picking her up but was struggling.
Erna let out a heavy breath "Wednesday, we won't make it if I'm holding you back. It wants me if you're here it'll kill us both".
Wednesday tugged Erna upwards and kept walking she felt the warmth of Ernas blood mending into her skin and clothes. "I wanted to ask you to the Rave'N, I even had a dress for you and everything. Can you believe that... I should've just asked you.. and then I saw you with Tyler".
Wednesday looked at her "I've liked you since the first day you showed up, Ajax told me to follow my heart and just tell you, I was just so scared...I had to tell you, just in case".
Erna was grabbed roughly her scream entering the air as the monster held onto her. "Erna!" Wednesday ran forward fast watching as the monster slammed Erna into a tree.
It's claws rose into the air, ready to finish her off but it dropped her when a rock slammed into its face. Wednesday grabbed another rock throwing it harshly at its face once more.
"Leave her alone!" Erna held herself as she watched Wednesday with worry. Another rock slammed into its neck making it growl angrily.
Erna let out a shaky breath as it moved towards Wednesday. She winced as she stood up slowly approaching the monster.
Wednesday fell towards the ground when it hit her away from the rock pile. Erna slammed her fingers into its arm "hey asshole! leave her alone!".
It howled out in agony as it's flesh began cracking it swung at Erna but missed. Erna let out a heavy breath as she pressed her other hand into its side.
It used the rest of its strength to throw Erna away from it before it ran away into the darkness. Wednesday picked herself off the ground.
"Erna" she approached the girl who laid on the ground. The distant sound of sirens slammed into the duos ears as Erna winced slightly.
"I'm gonna regret all of this in morning, you probably hate me because of what I said". Wednesday blinked "I don't hate you".
Erna was shocked at the girls words as she sat up "I'm sorry" Wednesday frowned "why are you apologizing". "Because you should hate me".
Erna pushed herself off the ground limping forward Wednesday moved towards her quickly. "I'll be okay Wednesday, I can manage by myself, just go ahead of me and get help".
Wednesday walked past her but was stopped by Ernas fingers wrapping around her shoulder. "I changed my mind, I could use some help".
She let out a weak chuckle as she leaned into Wednesday's side for support. "Did you mean what you said... before". Erna tensed up slightly.
Erna looked into the girls eyes a light smile rising on her lips. She leaned forward her fingers wrapping around the girls neck.
The tips breaking the surface along her cheek as she mended her lips with hers in a gentle manner. She was afraid Wednesday would push her away, or just walk away and leave her to die.
Erna closed her eyes deepening the kiss, she felt the warmth of Wednesday's fingers wrap around her shirt. The duo moved apart from one another.
"I meant every word Wednesday Addams".
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