| Chapter 08 |
Warnings! This fanfic contains swearing, sexual themes, trauma mentions, abuse and everything else what you'd expect in helluva boss.
Enjoy the fanfic!
// Spring Broken part 2 //
The three imps and a hellhound went into elevator. There, the [h/c]-coloured imp noticed Loona looking nervous. But they decided not to question her or make her even more nervous.
When you walk out of the elevator, Loona turns to the [h/c]-coloured imp, and starts muttering nervously. "Do you think they saw me? Fuck! I did my make-up shitty today!" They frown at her, about to say something but Blitzo interrupts them. "Oh, you look perfect Loonie! Like always~" Blitzo tells her, his tone getting higher at the 'always' making Loona roll her eyes and cross her arms.
"SHUT UP Da-" Loona stops herself, realising she almost called Blitzo 'dad' while Blitzo stares at her with adoration visible on his features. "UGH, BLITZ!" She pushes him on the floor, continuing walking, taking out her mirror to check on herself.
In the meanwhile, Blitzo stands up and rushes to the other imp's side "Did you hear that [Nickname]?? She called me dad!!"
He squeals, holding his hands together while looking at Loona. "Almost.." they remark, but it seems that Blitzo didn't hear them while he's in his 'state', making them giggle at him.
They then walk next to Loona, looking up at her, as they decide to speak up.
"Blitz was right Loons, you sure do look perfect like always, you don't need to be insecure, I find your make-up cool." [Name] softly smiles at her, making Loona look up from the mirror to look at them. Her face then turns red, before quickly hiding behind the small mirror. "Thanks [Name]..." she mumbles, loud enough for them to hear making them smile wider, making a small smile appear on her features as well.
While still checking herself in the mirror, she bumps into the wolf guy they met earlier, making the small mirror fall from her hand.
She then looked up, and saw it's the wolf guy from earlier. "Oof- Oh, wow." He then turned to face her, glancing on her with a straight look on his face.
[Name] noticed the small mirror on the floor, and bent down to pick it up. They then looked up, and noticed Loona wagging her tail while blushing at Verosika's employee.
Standing up, they noticed Blitzo rushing to Loona before stepping in front of her, shielding her. "Hiii, big man. Where's your bitch bag of an employer?" Blitzo sarcastically said, not amusing the hellhound.
"She's in her office. There wasn't room on the second one, so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper." He then shows Blitzo her room, which was right on the opposite of their office, annoying Blitzo.
"OH, COME ON!" Blitzo snapped. "Sorry man." The hellhound chuckled and left, making a frown appear on Loona's face.
"Oh no you don't.. bitch.." Blitzo mutters, loud enough for them all to hear.
"Sir.. how about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really..." Moxxie went on a rant making [Name] zone out, while Loona crosses her arms in annoyance.
"Moxxie, shut the fuck up." Blitzo tells him, glaring at him. "Alrighty then."
He then hops towards Verosika's office, making [Name] snap out of their thoughts, before catching up to him. "Wait, let me go with you." They turn to face him while holding his shoulder, making him nod.
They then walked in, and [Name] noticed how Verosika was much taller than them in person making them gulp and slightly hide behind Moxxie, a shade of black blush appearing on their cheeks.
"Hello, Miss Verosika, uhh.. was it?" He said while Verosika and the rest turned to face him confused. Then Verosika's eyes landed on the (h/c)nette, making her smirk. "I work for I.M.P and.. it's actually rather more important for us to retain the singular parking space we were assigned, because-"
"Aww, look at the little one." One of them said, pointing her finger at Moxxie.
"He's got a wittle bow tie!" She mocked him, while smirking. This made Moxxie upset.
"Please don't condescend me, ma'am... I-"
"And look at the pretty one! Their tail is wrapped around their leg! How adorable."
They then turned to face [Name], making them feel embarrassed 'Shit, they're too hot!'
Moxxie then turned to look at you, worried.
"Please, don't embarrass my co-worker if you'd kin-"
"Want a kissy, little guy?~" A guy with pink hair said seductively, nearing Moxxie and [Name].
"Uh.. a kind offer.. but.. I'm married.." Moxxie stated, stepping away from the guy, dragging the (h/c)nette with him.
"Hey..." Verosika said while coming closer to you and wrapping her arms around your waist. "Why don't you send a little message from me back to your limp-dick boss?"
"This one here is mine, right cutie?~" Verosika said as she wrapped her hands tigher around [Name], making them gulp tightly.
The rest of the gang attacked Moxxie, while he screamed "WAH! [NAME]!- WAIT DON'T TOUCH THAT!" He shouted for them, trying to escape, while they were trapped in Verosika's embrace. "Aww, giving up already are we, cutie?" She said seductively near their pointy ear, making them snap to reality and quickly escape her embrace, much to her dissapointment.
"Awh, but we didn't even have our fun yet!" She said while they ran to Moxxie, dragging him outside the office with them.
Moxxie then quickly closed the door, before sliding to the floor breathing quickly. [Name] stood there dazzed for few seconds before turning to face Moxxie, who had few scratches on him and lot of kisses planted everywhere on his head. "I.. I gotta go lie down.. now.." he stuttered, shaken up before passing out on the floor close to Blitzo.
Blitzo then quickly turned to [Name], running over to them. "[Name]! Did they do something to you?! Did she do something to you!?"
Blitzo grabbed them by their shoulders, shaking them as if they were to die at any moment. "No- they didn't- I mean, Verosika only hugged me- you should worry about poor Moxxie there." They then pointed to Moxxie, who was collapsed on the floor.
Blitzo then glared at the window of their office, glaring specifically at Verosika.
"Oh, this won't, STAND!" He then shouted near them, making them tilt their head to the next side, their ears in pain.
Blitzo then rushed to the door, dragging you with him by your hand. He then kicked the door down, much to your surprise, making everyone turn their head to him and [Name].
[Name] turned their head towards the door, feeling embarrassed because of Blitzo.
"ALRIGHT! [Censored]! THAT'S IT!"
He stomped his way over to Verosika, still dragging [Name] by their wrist. "IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHITTY TO MY EMPLOYEES, THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FUCKIN'.." He stopped himself, thinking of the right word to say, then turning to [Name] who mouthed 'challenge', a confused expression written on their face.
"CHALLENGE!" He then pointed at Verosika, smirking with his teeth out. "Fuck. I said that twice.." he then muttered, loud enough for the [h/c]nette to hear.
Everyone including Verosika were glaring at them, before one of them, with a gray hair spoke up. "Mmm.. is this imp boy starting a demon duel?" She said, turning to Verosika who chuckled at Blitzo. "I think he is!"
She then leaned closer to Blitzo "What's the game then? Blitz-o." She smirked at him, making [Name] notice a tattoo on her right shoulder. It was a heart that had 'Blitzo' originally written in it, but was marked by an 'X'
"Every year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickin's while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet... you succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day." He finishes, making the gang laugh at him, making him glare at them.
"Oh, you're serious." Verosika said mockingly.
She then leaned closer to Blitzo "Game on. Bitch." She then spat out the 'bitch at him'
A/n : I fucking love women. Anyways guess whose ass is back after like dissapearing on you for .. four months? Yeah I'm sorry..
It's pretty hard to write for a book i'm not hyperfixated on, and even harder when you have more hyperfixations and ideas for books, but still I seriously appreciate all the support you've given me, which is why I came back to this book<3 can't leave ya hangin', can I. ( already did this to my other book, turning red.. )
Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter and bye!
Any comment and vote gives me motivation!<3
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