It's 3:30am and I was going to write but my brain said no. So here I am. I was tagged by @Potter-Everdeen (tags aren't working for you dude idk why) to answer these questions!
10 random things about me:
1) I once tricked my mum into calling herself a 'stupid cow' in bsl and she still doesn't know
2) I'm trying to learn guitar but the only thing I know is how to play Heather & Three Little Birds
3) I like skiing, running and badminton
4) I am crazy bad at maths
5) I once wrote a Harry Potter story with two of my friends when I was six years old. Shout out to Danny and Callan if you're out there!
6) I've got a major crush on Bradley Simpson and Dodie Clark respectively
7) if I was to compare myself to any book protagonist personality and looks I would say I'm closest to Jude Durate
8) I would probably die for Jesper Fahey... actually.... any of the Crows.
9) I told my teacher to bugger off because he kept asking me questions and i hate him anyway. hopefully he doesn't fail my exam on Friday ✨
10) If I was born in another decade it would definitely be the 60's
9 things you do everyday
Read, listen to music, drink coffee (I'm not a millennial I swear), drink tea, say 'fuck', or 'fuck it: we ball', address my friends as lads, troops, bros, or dudes, give someone the finger, brush my hair.
8 fears you have
shits about to get real;
being deemed selfish, being deemed arrogant (yes I'm a Slytherdor what are you gonna do about it), putting on weight, clocks (weird yes), waiting rooms, loud noises, someone seeing me cry, talking about emotions *blows kiss*
7 songs I'm addicted to
Tear In My Heart - 21 Pilots
Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys
Help! - The Beatles
Chemicals (acoustic) - The Vamps
Not Usually Like This - Cian Ducrot
Medicine - New Hope Club
Little League - Conan Grey
6 things I can't live without
music, my stuffed animals, books, online friends, Netflix and dry shampoo
5 books you recommend on wp
Suspect Your Elders - WiseRavenclaw07
Jily trilogy - hpaddict_marauders
Lifeguard - starryodonoghue
Simping - -marvabell-
My Alchemy Partner - TheAmazingMaddy
Sparks Fly - @Actuallyamarauder (yeah it's 6 what are you gonna do?)
4 things you wish you could do
Play guitar better, speak more languages, skateboard and sing
3 random words
adoxography - beautiful writing of little importance
abendrot - afterglow of a sunset
Fuck. My fave word
1 thing you wish you did/had on wp
more motivation
Tags (random):
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