Hey everyone, I asked for you lot to give me things to rate so below are some of the things you gave me! I've adapted a few to work and hopefully I've got most of them! The rest will be in my top 3s as I felt it would fit better there!
Special thanks to the guys that sent these in!
Disclaimer! I've told myself I'm not allowed to rate more than 10 otherwise I will get confused so a lot of them will be 10 lmao!
Dodie: 10/10
Starting off with the love of my life! She's absolutely amazing and her music is to die for! If you haven't heard any of it then please check it out!
The Beatles: 10/10
The best band of the 60s and no one can tell me otherwise. They revolutionised boy bands, in other words: the Beatles walked so One Direction could run and that's facts 🖐
Lewis Capaldi: 9.5/10
Adore him!!! A Scottish king with ballads that have me crying every time! He was my most listened to artist last year on Spotify but the only reason he's not a 10 is because I've not listened to much of his stuff recently but Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent is one of the most beautiful albums ever!
Camila Cabello: 5/10
Not sure to he honest. She's got a beautiful voice and she's very very pretty but I've not followed the news although she might have been cancelled? Idk so I'm gonna stay neutral because I can't remember what happened I didn't pay attention.
(TANGENT WARNING: cancel culture is a bad idea for a lot of things. For example bringing up celebs old tweets and ruining them for not being 10/15 years ahead of their time because despite some things 'never being okay' the sad reality is that it was 'okay' in society back then because we hadn't come far enough to know better. The point shouldn't be to ruin 20 something year old's careers for shit they were stupid to say when they were 16. A prime example that won't cause any wars for me to bring up is Jack Maynard. He said some horrible things when he was 16 but the motherfucker was 16 and he lived in a society where we hadn't come far enough for that to be as unacceptable as it was. This does not mean i don't think he should be held accountable. But I do think it means that he should be allowed to be sorry and learn from his 16 year old self and his mistake. Feel free to object to this, it's just an opinion I have. We should hold role models accountable for things they did but we should also allow them to learn and grow. If they're still a piece of shit then by all means ruin them but it's just a thought.)
Taylor Swift: 8/10
I don't listen to her as much as other artists but I was an original swiftie when I was a kid. I will never forget dancing in my living room to songs like Red, 22, Never Getting Back Together, Love Story etc and for that reason she holds a very fond place in my heart. Also she's a badass woman who's been done so dirty by the media and I love her for rising above it!
One Direction solo careers:
Harry Styles: 10/10
Harry is just amazing at everything he does! His albums slap, his photo shoots are stunning, Dunkirk is amazing. He seems like such a sweet guy and I adore him (get the pun😉). As for my favourites: From The Dining Table, Falling, Kiwi & Sign Of The Times are my favourite songs and (unpopular opinion:) Harry Styles the album is my favourite over Fine Line (:
Louis Tomlinson: 9/10
My best friend is obsessed with Louis and so all of his content is shoved down my throat but I don't complain. He does just fine and I love him. He's the definition of an angel in a devil's costume and his music is>>> although my favourite Louis song is Miss You by a mile although Walls is also insane!!! (Also Freddie is so sweet🥺)
Nail Horan: 9/10
I love him, he's hilarious and his friendship with Lewis Capaldi makes me so happy! Nice To Meet Ya gets stuck in my head for days after I hear it on the radio but This Town and Too Much To Ask are so amazing as well!
Liam Payne: 4/10
He's done some good and some bad. His tik tok is funny sometimes but who the fuck names their kid Bear? Also I don't really rate his songs as much as the others but Strip That Down reminds me of that tik tok sound where Pete Davidson is talking about Thank u Next. It's like we love feminism but shit is catchy yanno?
Zayn Malik: 5/10
Don't really know enough to make a judgement. He seems alright and congrats so him with his baby but I never really liked him in 1D idk why he just seemed a bit serious? Anyway, I like Pillowtalk, that's a good song and Trampoline has a cool sort sound to it!
Songs and Albums:
One Direction Albums:
Up All Night: 7.5/10
It's their first album so it's gonna have some cringe but it's still iconic! My favourites in this album are Stand Up, More Than This and Up All Night! A few skips if I'm being really honest but I still love baby 1D!!!
Midnight Memories: 9.5/10
YESSSS!! This album as 0 skips and no one can tell me it doesn't rock! Although it's a shame they couldn't swear in their songs because some of these songs would be 100x better with a few 'fucks' in there. My faves have to be Midnight Memories, Diana, Half a Heart and You & I, but all of them are iconic!
Four: 9/10
YES! That's all I have to say. Once again there are 0 skips and that's why it's so good. Stockholm Syndrome is one of my favourite of their songs ever! My other faves have to be Fools Gold, Act My Age, 18 & Girl Almighty. This is one of those albums that I love to shout as loud as I can with my sister. Insane!
Take Me Home: 8.5/10
Adore this album! Not much else to say but I love it! A few stand out as my favourites: Little Things, Rock Me and She's Not Afraid. It's one of the ultimate summer nostalgia albums for me and will always be special to me for that!
Made In The A.M: 10/10
My favourite 1D album by a county mile! I love every single one of these songs and listening to it is like an injection of endorphins! There isn't a song I don't like on this album and I know them all by heart! My favourites would have to be Never Enough, Olivia, Drag Me Down & Wolves although the slow songs are the best vibe ever. No offence Zayn but shit got real when you left ☕️
Kid Crow by Conan Grey:
Comfort Crowd: 8.5/10
I don't listen to it as often as some others but the beat is such a vibe ✨ and the lyrics get me to good
Wish You Were Sober: 8/10
One of those songs that deserves to be listened to at full volume through headphones. That's all.
Manic: 8.5/10
Another one at full volume. I love it so much it's just something that feels like you'd heard it before it came out. I dunno how to explain it but that's what it felt like when I first heard it?
Checkmate: 6.5/10
Unpopular probably but one of my least favourites on the album. I love the chorus but the verses aren't as good. But all of Conan's lyrics will forever be great 🙌
The Cut That Always Bleeds: 10/10
I adore this song and it tears me apart every time I hear it. His lyrics will forever astound me how he can produce shit like that and everyone isn't talking about it. I recommend this song to literally anyone!!
Fight Or Flight?: 9.5/10
Another beautiful song and it seems to transport me back to 2012 music in the best way. The second verse for some reason just hits me idk why but I love it.
Affluenza: 8/10
Such a unique sounds I love it! Once again the message in the lyrics is so cool and I love the whole concept!
Heather: 10/10
A basic choice but one of my favourites on the album. Absolutely tears me apart and speaks to my soul. 'But then again kinda wish she were dead' is fucking poetry ✨😭
Little League: 10/10
Once again an absolute banger ngl. It's one of those songs that had a melody that seems happy but the lyrics are so sad, like Good Grief by Bastille (which is also amazing)
The Story: 10/10
My absolute favourite on the album. It's almost chillingly calm and it gives me shivers every time I hear the last verse. It hurts somewhere in my soul but sad music is the kind of shit I adore so this song is just *chefs kiss*
What do you think about my car? By Declan McKenna: 9/10
I hadn't heard it all the way through before today but I listened to it and here are a few of my thoughts:
The Kids Dont Wanna Go Home is the best concept for a song I've heard in a while.
Mind is amazing but Paracetamol is by far my favourite song on the album. It warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. (Also to the people saying he says that word wrong you don't know shit. He's saying it the right way, fight me)
Harry Potter Books:
The Philosopher's Stone: 8/10
I love it but it's not the best in the series. I still remember my dad reading it to me for the first time when I was like 8 through so once again, the memories are good
The Chamber of Secrets: 8.5/10
It used to be my favourite of the movies when I was younger. I could recite the entire first few scenes which was unhealthy but we move ✌️
The Prisoner of Azkaban: 9/10
Love it!!! First we see of Sirius so that's a plus and there's lots of little bits I forgot about when I reread so it make me very fond of it.
The Goblet of Fire: 10/10
My personal favourite, my favourite movie as well. If not for the comic factor then I suppose it's because there's drama all the way through and shit gets real when Voldy comes back. Cedric's death was a low blow but over all? Yes.
The Order of the Phoenix: 7.5/10
Little too long than it needed to be and the Cho slander was uncalled for. Also Umbitch makes me irrationally angry so it pains me to see that. The Gred and Forge content is decent though!
The Halfblood Prince: 9.5/10
The Hinny content cures my soul I love them so much! Also there's some good Romione there too which is always nice and it's much more drama than the fifth book was. Although without Sirius it's very sad. It's my sisters favourite so that probably makes me hold it in higher esteem too.
The Deathly Hallows pt 1: 8/10
Not much to say. It's a good one. Lots of good shit. I like it. Sad deaths but we move
The Deathly Hallows pt 2: 10/10
The deaths are so sad and make me die a little bit but it's worth it. The fact Voldy died like a human sort of makes it all slot into place and the little speech Harry made to him before the final duel is something I will never forgive the directors for taking out the movie. All in all some good shit. Well done Dobby for writing it!
Years at school:
(To stop confusion I'll just give the ages you are in each of the high school years in my country (I don't know what middle school is so don't ask me why middle school people are there) also please don't ask my age lmao)
(11/12): 2/10
Absolute little shits. They get more mental and collectively smaller every year I swear. They come into school with a whole new personality to who they were in primary school and fuck me up I swear I've almost tripped over the little fuckers. The only reason they get a two is for the select few nice ones that are just little nervous babies 🥰
(12/13): -10/10
. I hate them all with a passion. They are way too confident for their own good and literally think they own the place. It's so distributive in the classroom and rarely in the funny way. They're just all wee shits and I've been so tempted to punch them. They laugh about you while you're still in the same room and start fights in the middle of the classroom. Half of them smoke as well which fucks me up 💀
(13/14): 5.5/10
Things start to look up because they pick their subjects now and so they're working towards actual grades they can leave school with. It more depends on the subjects you take, if you take harder subjects the nicer your class usually is. (Also no offence but usually male dominated subjects are the worse classes.)
(14/15): 7.5/10
I was tempted to say 8 but I'll keep it at 7.5. It's the first year of being a senior. Mainly sound people because the ones that are annoying need to get their qualifications to leave at the end of the year if they choose to do all the neds actually shut up which is nice. But then there's all the stress over having genuine exams that shape your life rather than just the poxy end of year ones the junior school get.
(15/16): 8.5/10
Golden that the annoying folk tend to piss off and go to college to do a modern apprenticeship or something so it's much more peaceful and classes as smaller. Although the exams are much harder and it's stressful as fuck. But overall the best year so far.
(16/17): 9/10
Basically a year to fuck around and have fun. You've done most of the important work last year so it's more relaxing exam wise but there's more responsibility being the oldest in the school. Also you need to leave which is kinda sad but also like fucking finally lmao
Other random shit:
505 by The Arctic Monkeys: 8.5/10
It's not my favourite Arctic Monkeys song but I really really like it. I've been listening to more of them recently and I don't mean to sound like an indie bitch but they're worth the hype! My mum listens to this music quiz on the radio and one of the questions was to name 3 songs by them in the top 40 and i named 5 and my mum was so shocked lmao ✌️
Shrek: 10/10
Scottish king. The sort of movies that you watch again when your older and realise you missed a tonne of the jokes and gain a new appreciation for them. Also Smash Mouth>>
Oreos: 10/10
The double stuffed ones>>>>>>>>
Shadowhunters: 5/10
I've never read or seen it so I'll stay neutral. I've heard good things though.
Anyway, that's all for today! Thanks to you lot for the questions :)
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