𖦹 𝗌𝗂𝗑.
– 🤎 ⌗ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ "WHAT IS GOING ON? ARE YOU GHOSTS?" ania-grace goes out to poke the boy, who awkwardly lets her.
"no, we're not ghosts." a dark, curly haired girl pulls the unknown boy, the victim to ani's poke, towards her.
"if we were, you still could have touched us." the youngest girl added factually. she sounded way too smart for her age
"right." ania softly replies, not all there as she's still astonished as to how they were still alive, and look the exact same since 1940.
"how are you alive? your house is ruined."
"come on, ania-grace. we have to get back." the redhead that atticus saw previously grabs her hand, looking around their surroundings, before pulling the younger girl to the loop entrance.
zach grunts as he carries a still passed out atticus. "for a guy so skinny he does weigh a lot."
"he literally lives on the cookies i bake." ania laughs gently, her hand now intertwined with bella's, her new little friend.
about 6 minutes later, atticus starts to wake up.
zach notices this, and drops him to the floor. "you're heavy as shit, mate." he dusts himself off.
atticus slowly sits up, looking around at the foreign surroundings, before setting eyes on the people present.
"you're zach." he points to the boy now standing away from him and closer to mirabelle.
"you're mira," he then looks to mirabelle, who raises an eyebrow questionably.
"you're marie, and bella." then he looks to his sister. "ani?"
his sister nods. "we found them. isn't it great?"
"more like we found you." bella remarks, smiling up at her newfound friend, to which the older one nods, chuckling.
"but they're dead." atticus was now confused. "we saw the house, ania. it was destroyed."
"i know that you're literally holding her hand, but it's impossible for them to be alive." was he going crazy?
"we're not dead." marie tells him, everyone looking from her, back to him.
"oh my god," atti gasps. "am i dead? are we dead?" he gestures to himself and his sister.
"no." mira states, looking to zach as if to say "what is this guy on?", who shrugs.
after a few seconds of atticus trying to process the information, he speaks up again.
"you called me eddie, in the house. why?"
"you," marie pauses. "you just look like him, is all."
"until you started screaming and running away, then falling in the mud." bella giggles.
"wait, what's happening now?" he asks as marie starts walking over to him, leading him over to the group.
"waiting for the coast to be clear, so we can go into the loop." mira explains.
"you never know who could be watching." marie says, doing a once over of the surroundings, before leading him and the others through the tunnel.
"wait wait-"
"please atticus." ania says to her brother firmly. "miss cerise saw us on the ferry, and sent the peculiars to come and get us. come on."
as they begin to walk through, marie leading the way, bella and ania at the back, atticus slows to a stop.
this made ania and bella stop too. "atticus, what's wrong?"
"do you hear that?" he listens closer. it sounds like .. gurgling?
"no." bella says, trying to push him to carry on walking.
ania senses his uneasiness, putting her hand on his shoulder. "it's okay. we'll be safe soon."
he seems to calm down at that, so they carry on walking.
until he suddenly makes a run for it.
he runs out of the tunnel, and onto the streets en route back to the hotel. it seems brighter, more full of life.
he reaches the hotel they were staying at, him trying to make his way up the stairs straight away.
this was weird, something felt off.
"oi! what do you think your doing?" a man calls at the boy, his welsh accent very prominent.
"i'm, going to my room?" he says confused. "i'm a guest here."
"does this look like a hotel to you?"
"yes, i-i have a key." atticus fumbles around his pocket, pulling out a copper key. "speak to the manager, he'll tell you."
the man snatches the key off him, growling out a, "i'm the manager, boy."
"he's american." a woman in the bar speaks up. "maybe he's army."
"bollocks, listen to his accent." another man pipes up, getting out of his seat at the bar and walking snidely over to atticus. "it's terrible!"
he gets up into the boys face. "he's a spy."
all of a sudden, a plate is smashed. then another, and another. until the only thing that you could hear was smashing plates and glasses.
"come on." marie grabs atticus' shoulder, pulling her leather glove off with her teeth.
she lightly touches the wood of the door, alighting it on fire, which set off the wooden window sills, creating even more of a flame.
"come on, get on!" zach yells, atticus running to catch the horse and carriage that they're on.
zach helps atticus up once he reaches it.
mirabelle was controlling the carriage, loudly commanding the horse to go faster. "come on, boy!"
they finally get away, the carriage slowing down a bit now to a normal speed.
"you're real, you're all real." atticus gasps in awe.
"i've been trying to tell you this for forever." ania says to her brother.
"but i'm special too!" he was excited now, his sister and the peculiars confused.
"in the pub, marie you saw." he nudges the girl in question. "everything was flying, and breaking, and it was all me!"
the way mira and zach were chuckling made atticus frown.
"no, that was me." a new voice spoke up. one that the two siblings didn't recognise, or could see?
"ascilius? you were here this whole time?" marie asks.
"are you naked?" ania asks, as the usually invisible boy was recognisable with clothes on.
mirabelle then handed zach ascilius' clothes, who handed them to the owner, and then asc got dressed.
"a bomb dropped on you guys in 1940-"
"it is 1940." bella says. "september the 3rd, 1940."
words: 1.03K
proof read?: no
a long one for you guyss, its finally gettinf excitinggg
also is anyone still reading this ? 😭
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