chapter three:
bad moon rising
Thomas normally slept until the afternoon or whenever his mother forced him out of bed. Today was different, he woke up earlier than usual and when he heard Mason run off for his daily run. He practically threw himself off his bed grabbing a flashlight out of his closet before he walked out of his room slowly. He heard Tyler leave and he let out a breath of relief when his mother followed shortly after. At least he could snoop through his father's belongings without awkwardly having someone catch him. It's not like he was gonna sell anything or steal it, maybe just borrow it for a few days at best and give it to this mystery woman who's trying to kill his entire family for whatever reason.
A moonstone, whatever it was he didn't see any need to keep it anyways. His father had a bunch of secrets and the only one he ever told Thomas was about his wolf genes. It made sense given Thomas broke his curse and had to turn into a monster every time the full moon was out. It hurt like a bitch too, but after so many years of it he got used to it in his own way.
He walked into his dad's office pushing the flashlight neatly into his armpit as he lowered himself to the ground. His knee ached, at this rate he wasn't sure why but it almost always did. He was like an old man with weak ass bones and muscles. He lifted the piece of wood "jackpot" and grabbed his flashlight fully.
Shining the light inside he could see the outline of documents and all sorts of shit but he grabbed the box with the literal word moonstone on it. "Gee dad, you were so damn smart" his sarcastic tone made even him huff in annoyance as he opened the box.
"What the fuck..." the box was empty "okay fine maybe you were smart". He huffed in annoyance as he checked again but it was empty and all that was left was documents. "Great" he put everything back and stood up as he left his father's office.
He nearly got whiplash by how hard he was thrown into the wall. He groaned, his eyes turning a bright amber color as he glared down angrily at the woman. She didn't flinch once, just kept her hand on his chest as his eyes turned normal. "So did you find it or not, I don't have time to play any games".
He pushed her back slightly as he huffed "it's literally been a single day, you think I'm made of magic?". She rolled her eyes "obviously, you're a werewolf" he snatched his flashlight out of her hands. "You're clearly something too, so don't act all special. It's not here but don't worry your precious heart I'm gonna find it so you'll leave me the hell alone".
She pushed him into the wall again and he chuckled "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I'm extra angry today". He looked at her with a deep glare as he growled almost "and trust me, I'll be far away while you howl at the moon like the cute little doggy you are".
He would've snapped or even insulted her back but the strong scent of his mother entered the house and he panicked. He could tell she sensed it because she let him go so fast he nearly fell. "Oh Thomas, good you're home" he awkwardly smiled as he walked down the stairs. "Uh yeah, just talking to Elena. Apparently Tyler is having some party at the swimming hole tonight so she was telling me about it, because why not I guess".
He huffed slightly as Elena smiled "yeah, it's gonna be fun and everyone's going. I was passing by along the way, and thought I'd stop by". She walked down the steps with such ease and he trailed behind her angrily, she was fast that much he knew. One second his mother was smiling then the next she was pushed into the wall like a rag doll.
Blood running down her neck and her eyes shutting as she passed out from fright. He had never felt such rage in his life before, he slammed the woman into the wall angrily. Blood stained her lips and she looked at him with a smirk as she licked it off her lips. "I think mommy is taking a long cat nap" he slammed her head back making her smirk flatter.
"You have ten seconds to tell me who the fuck you are before I rip your head off" she laughed and his hold loosened slightly. "God you people really are mental, is it the full moon or are you always this controlling, cause it's kind of hot". He huffed "who are you, I want answers or I'm not gonna help you. Even if you're threatening me with lame ass blackmail".
She pushed him back and he let her as he kneeled down to check on his mother's pulse. "Oh relax, if I wanted to make you an orphan I would've gone for the main artery in her throat. She's laced with vervain, good look getting her to forget this".
Thomas grumbled in annoyance "you bit her, that's just fucking gross. She's gonna get rabies or something. Who knows what the hell you have". He turned when she gripped his shoulder harshly "mind the hands, you may look like Elena but that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to fight your ass".
She cooed mockingly as she pinched his cheeks "oh poor, Thomas Lockwood, always the second choice. I did my research on you wolfy". She smiled almost proudly as she clapped "blondie spilled all the beans on you and practically everyone in this god forsaken town. I mean it's depressing really. You got this mega crash on little Elena Gilbert, you act on it and what happens, it only lasts for like a solid ten seconds before Stefan takes her away from you when he shows up. I mean your poor heart must be so crushed".
She was mocking him and his eyes softened in defeat "so I think, you'll work with me here. Because I look just like her, you wouldn't hurt poor precious Elena would you? The girl everyone around here would die for if they could. She's nothing special".
He growled in annoyance "just shut up, don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk Draculaura". She gripped his throat "don't think about trying anything, I'll snap your mother's neck so fast. Find that moonstone, three strikes, the first will be your mother then that uncle of yours. Third, your brother, and you'll be begging for the easy way out wolfy".
She let out of him and he slid down the wall "I'm gonna find you, and when I do it'll be in my wolf form. I'll rip your head off and you'll regret ever threatening my family again. I don't care that you look like Elena or that you're clearly a crazed person, if you even are a person anymore. I'll be there when you least expect it, and I'll love every single damn second of it. So think about that".
For a solid second he saw her face flash in almost fright but it faded just that quick and she was gone.
The full moon, the one thing most werewolves found themselves scared of almost always. Yet somehow Thomas found himself used to the agony and the constant snapping of his bones breaking, tonight wasn't any different. He was more angry with the world so the pain felt ten times worse as he struggled to catch his breath, he groaned in agony as he pushed his face deep into the dirt. Felt his arm awkwardly snap backwards as he screamed. He gritted his teeth, hoped for the best possible outcome as he reached forward for the chains.
He lost track time, forgot to make sure his chains were even still good for this month. His arm bent again and he groaned as he latched the chain around it best he could, he clicked it in place then his other arm snapped backwards. He growled angrily, his eyes turning amber as his legs snapped from beneath him.
The strong scent of death filled his nostrils, it was almost instant as he felt the world start to fade. Whatever the scent was or whoever, he latched onto it almost immediately as his teeth sharpened. He felt his claws extended, and felt the warmth of fur. Of course the chains snapped because he lacked any sort of responsibility these days, he ran almost immediately. It's not like he knew what he was doing, his animal instincts were kicking in and the stench of death made him all the more pissed off as he ran.
"Caroline stay down" Stefan whispered as he slowly walked forward "I'll try to get it away from Matt". Caroline screamed when she was shoved into a tree, long fingernails digging into her throat making her whine almost in discomfort. "Katherine... what are you doing!" the wolf growled and Katherine let go of Caroline as she threw the girl towards it.
"Means of survival, it was chasing me and you seem like easy bait" Stefan sneered angrily at the woman as he pushed her back. She smirked but then it faded when the wolf pounce onto her making her face heighten as she was trying to push it back. Its teeth bared and it growled angrily "karmas a bitch".
Caroline's comment made Katherine glare at the girl "get this thing off of me!" Stefan and Caroline moved back as they helped Matt off the ground. "Means of survival right Katherine?" the woman screamed when they both ran off, she had become the bait.
She used all her strength kicking the wolf back, it yelped when it hit a tree, she stood up and started to run but it ran after her. It was clearly more pissed off with her, her eyes widened at the sight of another wolf in front of her "nice doggy...". She reached her hand forward slowly then she moved back.
She screamed when the one from before tackled her again, its teeth digging into her boot as it dragged her back like meat. She kicked at it but it wouldn't let go, she looked forward to the new one with fear. It ran and she closed her eyes ready for the moment it would tear her to shreds. Instead her boot was dropped and loud cries entered the air, she turned quickly.
The new one growled angrily as it ramped the other into the tree, its eyes darkened as it bit at its throat with such vengeance. Katherine crawled back, her leg healing itself back together due to it breaking from it being dragged so much. The wolf cried out one last time before it ran off into the woods. Katherine breathed heavily as she kept crawling back trying to get her strength back so she could run.
"Nice doggy... I'm not food" it walked towards her and she stared at it as she tried to time the perfect moment to kill it. It licked the blood off its mouth as it whined and pushed its face towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she let her hand fall into its fur, petting it slowly as it leaned more into her touch.
She was still cautious as she moved her hand back "you weren't trying to kill me, you were protecting me, are you even in there". She stared at its eyes trying to understand what was happening.
"Thomas?" for a brief moment she could've sworn she saw its ears perk backwards at the name. With one final look the wolf turned around and ran off, disappearing into the woods as it howled.
authors notes: I miss this story so yes... I will be binge writing for it these next few days till I get bored of it again. I'm also so tempted to make another tvd story but I know I shouldn't. I can rarely keep up with the ones I have so likely won't for a while but it's likely gonna go in the drafts. Anyways hopefully you enjoy this chapter for the time being, I'm working on the next one already so look out for that.
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