They were nothing more then strangers, walking completely opposite directions from one another. Yet somehow he had entered her life when she most needed it, if only she saw past the lies sooner.
agent..... repeat...agent... what's your status?
subject is safe... repeat... samatha carpenter is safe
report.... new status... eliminate the subject...
published: December 20th, 2023
day five of bookmas
Silas Macher always finished his cases when a new batch was placed upon his desk. It was in his heart to fulfill every single case with careful steps. One wrong move and he'd end up messing up the entire process.
He was the best out of his entire department and yet he was always given shitty cases that he could solve in a matter of a few minutes. No one took him seriously due to his family's history.
Sure his father was a serial killer but it's not like he asked to be born into such a crazy family. Stu Macher was locked behind bars, and all he left behind in his absence was a son who refused to be like him.
Silas had never been given opportunities to finally prove to people he was nothing like his father. He was just a guy trying to do his job, so when he was given a fresh batch of cases. He took the chance to pick up the one that said Samatha Carpenter.
He had known the girl's history, it wasn't hard to miss when her face was plastered on every single news article. He studied her so carefully, even if Gale Weathers books were absolutely wrong.
He spent so many weeks becoming someone new, he was just Silas, a normal guy who would just so happen to move right in next door to Samantha Carpenter's building. New York would be his home for as long as it took to complete his case.
His timing was a bit off of course, because like clockwork Samatha Carpenter had put more people in danger. Ghostface was a rather hard case to crack but Silas never gives up on his cases.
He spent months stuck in New York preparing for this very moment, if getting stabbed in the gut was the only way to get closer to the subject. Then that's exactly what he's going to do, the only issue is Samantha Carpenter is a hard subject to crack apart.
She doesn't trust easily and she definitely won't trust him when they're complete strangers. Of course he didn't give a shit if she befriended him or not, she was nothing more than a job for him and he always finishes his jobs regardless of the outcome.
Daniel Sharman as Silas Macher
Hayden Christensen as Corey Becker
authors notes:
I need to go outside and touch grass, cause ain't no way I made this entire plot in a matter of 5 minutes. I picked Daniel as the Faceclaim and then I was like well shit I need a plot.... Next thing I know I'm writing about an undercover cop stalking Samatha... one thing lead to another and bam! The book came together in a matter of an hour, proud little moment. It's literally about to be 5AM, I have to wake up at 11AM... but I don't care we're on day five of bookmas and I had to get this book out! Yes... most of my drafts are scream fics, are we surprised? Also Corey is in the cast list for all of my scream fics but he's not really important in most unless it's stated otherwise, for this one he's mentioned maybe once and that's it. If it's a main story of his then the description will say Corey Becker Saga. Anyways this is long asf and I need to sleep, first chapter will be out later today, I'd do it now but I should sleep.. also yes it's cannon in this story that stu survived! Kinda cheesy that Silas and Sam are the kids of the first two ghostfaces... I didn't realize that till now lol
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