Fred Benson, he was someone Violet never meant before. Which was surprising for this town being so small, she practically knew everyone.
However she was surprised she didn't know of this boy. He wasn't alone, Nancy Wheeler beside him as he sat in her car.
Violet knew she needed to make him flee the place he was once he escaped the car. She stayed hidden behind a trailer smiling at the sight of Fred.
He looked so terrified as he eyed the police officer outside the car. She knew that meant Peter had been inside the poor boys head.
Making him weak and terrified, it also meant Violet could have as much fun with him once he was alone and vulnerable.
She watched as Nancy drove off down the road looking at Fred with concern as he held himself tightly. Violet could just feel the fear radiating off his flesh making her sneak off towards the woods.
Part of her missed the life she had before all of this, the one she held upon the children just like her. She stopped walking looking at the tattoo on her flesh.
She could still feel the strong sting sensation of agony she felt when it was forced upon her flesh.
"Papa please" the straps held her still, the tightness of them making her body hurt as she cried and begged for help.
The sting of the needle jabbing into her flesh made her cry out as she felt the ink form onto her skin. The numbers were bold, and it ached.
No matter how hard she tried to escape she was helpless. When the pain faded away she let out a heavy breath as she was unstrapped from the table.
She felt so small as she was walked down the hallway, many others waiting outside for there turn. Papa said she didn't deserve her tattoo when she first arrived.
She was a silly little girl who knew nothing of power, so now at the age of ten she was given one. Number one always used to tell her, it didn't hurt.
But for her sake it hurt so much more, her arm burned as she sniffled walking into her room.
Number one sat on her bed "what are you doing in here? If papa finds you...".
He stood up looking at the tattoo on her arm, his cold fingers wrapped around her arm. She winced at the sting of it "it hurts".
"It'll fade soon" he lifted his sleeve "now we match" she smiled as she looked at the numbers on his arm. "Number one and number two" he let her arm go and she sat down on her bed.
"How did training go for you today?" He sat beside her "it went amazing, but papa seemed off".
She frowned "was something wrong?" he shock his head "I believe he's just afraid of me is all, he's not fond of me anymore".
She smiled sadly "he's not fond of either of us, every since the others have joined... he's gotten so mean, and I think he hates me because I'm not as strong like them".
Her powers were so weak, it wasn't because she didn't have any. It was more because she was scared of them, the thought of using them.
It made her wanna just cry for hours, she never wanted to hurt anyone. She didn't want this power, but she did and now she was trapped.
"You need to use your powers, you're holding back and it isn't good. Not here".
She looked at number one, "I'm scared I'll hurt someone if I mess up" he grabbed hold of her arm. "These numbers mean you're one of us, we need to prove everyone wrong".
"You're right, I need to just relax and not scared myself so much" she stood up from the bed. His fingers still wrapped around her arm.
"Prove them wrong two" she locked eyes with his and smiled as he let her go. "I will, I promise".
Violet laid on the floor holding herself as she pinched her eyes closed. "Peter!" she groaned loudly as she felt her flesh begin to melt.
She cried out as she slammed her hands into her face ripping at the flesh harshly. Blood splattered onto the forest floor as she screamed.
Her chest heaved with agony as she pulled and pulled at the face she hated so much. This wasn't her, she was a monster.
Her screams echoed off the trees as chunks of her flesh laid on the floor. It just kept growing back making her frustrated.
"Violet" the voice entered her mind making her stop as she cried out "Peter" she held herself tightly. The ground in front of her sunk, a bright glow of red appearing.
She looked at it moving forward and letting herself fall into it. It disappeared the second her feet landed on the floor. In front of her was an old house.
She walked inside "Peter?" she ran up the stairs pushing open the attic door and running as fast as she could.
He hovered his eyes closed as he focused on scaring Fred Benson. At the sound of Violet running inside the room his eyes opened.
Blood stained her flesh as she let out a heavy breath. She never could accept herself like this. She was always so upset at what this place had made her. She had so many moments where she wanted to rip Elevens face off, and make her suffer this fate.
But she never could bring herself to do it. She stood still and let out a breath of relief when Peter wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry I freaked out, I just kept thinking and thinking and then I was like this, a monster".
"You're not a monster Violet" she looked at him "this place ruined me, it ruined you too".
"We are not ruined, close your eyes" she closed her eyes "focus your powers, and let yourself relax".
She felt his hand touch her cheek slightly, the coldness of it turning warm making her open her eyes. She smiled at the sight of Peter.
His flesh normal "we can be anything we want here, and it's thanks to you Violet". She looked at herself in the mirror, her normal self back.
"I know it's what we are, but I hate it so much.. seeing myself like that". Tears slipped down her cheek "I hate seeing you like that".
Peter shushed her grabbing hold of her arm "remember what I told you before". She nodded as he placed his arm beside hers.
The tattoos shining in a way "we're alike no matter what we look like and we'll always be alike".
She leaned into him "can I go back later, I wanna be here with you for a little bit longer".
She locked eyes with him "you can stay as long as you like, this is your home".
She pushed his hair away from his eyes "I'm sorry I failed you today by not getting Fred".
He shock his head "the boy can wait, all that matters is you". She smiled sadly "I feel like I'm not doing good enough, I was meant to get him so we can get stronger, but I failed".
He gripped her hand "let's get him together" she closed her eyes the sounds of Fred screaming entering her ears.
"What do you want!" the boy cried out as the duo walked towards him "we want you to join us". Fred held himself tightly "no, please!".
Violet moved toward the boy reaching her fingers towards his face making him scream out.
Peter stood behind her smiling at her proudly as she slammed her claws into the boys face. She felt the rush of the power entered her veins.
She opened her eyes "that felt amazing" she gripped Peters hand tightly smiling brightly.
"Who are we gonna go after next?".
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