"Number two, what have I told you about not participating alongside the other children". Papa stood up in front of her, his eyes glaring at her.
Her hair buzzed and scratchy as she held onto a red cube, she never felt the urge to just be here. She didn't wanna use her powers, she didn't wanna hurt anyone on purpose.
Papa was making her into someone she didn't wanna be, ever since she was put in this place she felt alone. She wasn't like the other children.
It was only her and number three, brother and sister always beside one another. But today he was participating alongside the others.
Papa hated when two would refuse to use her powers, she was thirteen and latching out far more. He was losing his hold on her, rapidly.
"I don't wanna" she let the block fall along the floor, he sighed his eyes looking pass her at the two guards beside the doorframe.
"Put her in her room" they nodded grabbing hold of her dragging her out of the room, her eyes looked at number one for a brief second.
Then she was gone, put into her room for the rest of the day, leaving her utterly exhausted and bored. She hated herself, she hated the power she held.
She didn't want it, she never did. Part of her wish she could just make it go away forever, that she'd go home to her mother and father.
And just be normal, but she'd never have that. That was her punishment, she would always be destined to hate herself forever.
Violet groaned the second her eyes opened, she felt an endless agony on her entire body making her wanna cry out as she stood up.
She could smell the strong scent of smoke making her let out a shaky breath as she looked toward the source. The house before her burned rapidly, the distant sound of screeches entering the air.
"Do you think you could just leave me?" his voice was rough and deep as he appeared in front of her. She let out a weak laugh "I'm gonna burn this place to the ground, and I'm gonna take you with it".
She hissed out in pain her fingers latching into her side. Blood seeping out at an rapid pace "you will do no such thing, you'll die soon".
"I'll die saving my friends then" his laugh was loud, it likely could be heard for miles. "You have no friends Violet! You are nothing without me".
She sighed "I'm tired of you thinking I'm your property, I can do well on my own". She stood up as much as she could walking forward.
"You may think that, but without me you'd never have let yourself become your most powerful! Without me! You'd die alongside the others".
She wanted to cry, but she stood her ground let out a weak breath. "Do you want me to thank you! I wasn't thinking right before, I was just this girl who ached for someone's approval".
She sneered at him angrily "and you saw that and made me actually think you cared about me. But it was all a lie! You just wanted my power".
She thought about what could've been if they managed to flee when they were both still human. Surely he's thoughts of rage and revenge wouldn't be present any longer.
Violet looked at him "would it have been the same if we weren't here? If Eleven sent us here...".
She excepted herself to flinch when he appeared right in front of her. A light smirk on his lips as he pushed her hair behind her ear.
"You would've been disposable either way, I'd take that powers of yours the second I could. It's mine Violet, and I still want it".
"You can have it, I don't want it" he was hesitant for a moment as she gripped his hand tightly. His form changing into his human self.
She wrapped her arms around him "if my power is what you want, then take it". He opened his mouth surely to say something, but he didn't.
He closed his eyes letting the power absorb into his flesh, he felt the life draining from Violet quickly. She didn't move, she didn't fight.
He found it too easy, making him hesitant as he felt the last of her power slip into his body. It was a rush that made him laugh out in amusement.
He ignored the loud thud of Violets body hitting the floor as he felt the power slip into his mind. He was cut short of a victory when a gunshot slammed into his stomach. Making him scream in agony.
Nancy Wheeler angrily sneered at him cocking the gun once more and shooting at him again. The impact of the bullet slammed into his skull.
He slammed into the floor roughly laughing like a manic as he looked at children before him.
He reached his hand forward to eliminate them, but he felt stunned when nothing happened. "How does it feel being powerless asshole!".
Nancy cocked the gun again pointing it directly at his face "you lost, and you're never going to hurt anyone else again". He let out an angry yell as she shot him, his body going still.
Violet groaned as she sat up from the ground her entire skull aching as she held herself. "Hey, you alright" she gripped Robins hand to help her stand.
"Yeah I think so.. just for a headache" everyone slowly made way towards the exit. Violet paused for a moment, Robin the only one noticing.
"What's wrong?" Violet let out a weak breath "I can't go back with you". Robin walked towards her quickly "why not? We stopped Vecna, Hawkins is save, and not to mention you can finally have a normal life, your powers are gone".
"I don't deserve a normal life Robin, I've killed innocent people, and I can't just start over like nothing happened". Robin shock her head eagerly "you can't just stay here, it's not safe anymore".
"This place has been my home for years, and the only way to destroy it. Is if I burn it all down". Robin looked defeated for a moment "you're my friend.. I can't leave you here".
Violet smiled sadly as she hugged Robin "I wish I could go back Robin, but I can't bare the thought of having a happy life. I don't deserve it".
Robin let out a slow breath "I can stay with you, we can burn this place down together! We can make it out...". Violet wiped the tears off of Robins cheeks.
"You always knew it would end like this, go home and be with Vickie, she's totally into you".
Robin let out a weak laugh "you're about to sacrifice yourself, and you're telling me to go and start a love life with someone who I don't like".
Violet frowned deeply as Robin nervously held herself "but I thought you liked Vickie". Robin kissed Violet quickly, it was rather sloppy.
But Violet didn't care, she felt flustered her cheeks turning red, she never felt like this before. She moved back slightly Robin looking at her.
"Shit! I didn't mean too. Oh god I ruined.." she was silenced by Violet kissing her. Her hands gripping hers tightly as she closed her eyes.
Robin let out a breath of relief when she moved back "please don't stay here, come back with me".
Violet was silent as she looked at Robin, it made the girl nervous as she waited for an answer.
two years later!
The summer breeze was rather cooler then last month, making everyone wonder about happily. Eager children ran along the beach, throwing sand at random people who sat in beach chairs.
Sand smacked harshly into Robin, making the girl gasp loudly as the children laughed before running off. She let out a breath of frustration.
Standing up and wiping the sand off the best she could. She walked off the sand, nearing the small bathroom in hopes of rinsing it off.
She heard the loudness of the lifeguards outside yelling at the children to stop throwing sand. Robin let out a breath of relief when the cold water washed the sand away.
She jumped slightly when she felt cold hands wrapping around her. "See those brats got you too" Robin smiled as she turned.
Violet stood up tall her lifeguard uniform covered in sand. "They chased me! I tried grabbing the buckets and well you see how it went".
Robin looked around nervously "no one's gonna come in here I promise, everyone's leaving for the day. And besides the other lifeguards don't come in here at all".
Robin relaxed into Violets grasp after hearing those words. "I missed you" Violet hummed lightly at Robins words "I've only been gone a day Robin".
"That's too long" Violet kissed Robins cheek "I promise I'll call next time I work overnight". Robin sighed deeply "I wish we could just go outside and hold hands, I wish we could be together".
Violet gripped Robins cheek "we are together even if no one can know about it. I'll love you behind doors the rest of my life if I have too".
They kissed, Violet smiled as she closed her eyes. Wrapping her arms around Robin and holding her, she wish she could have this moment forever.
the end!
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