Violet opened her eyes in a fast manner, the outside of her body aching as she let out a heavy breath. She felt sick to her stomach all of a sudden, the sudden tug of pain in the back of her skull.
It was something she never felt before, this tug became stronger when she tried to move or blinked away the pain of it.
"Peter, somethings wrong" she turned finding him gone and the walls around her turning dark. She let out a small gasp as she stood from the couch.
Everything around her disappeared within a matter of second, thousand of mirrors surrounded her. She walked forward looking at herself, her flesh melting away as she gripped her cheek.
"You're a monster!" the voice shouted making her jump as she looked around "Peters using you! Your nothing without him!".
She screamed loudly slamming her fist into the mirror making it shatter. "Shut up! Shut up!" She looked around in search of any exit, she found none.
"You're holding him back! You're weak Violet, you're a monster who deserves to die!".
She cried as she looked at herself in the mirror blood staining her flesh. "You killed those children! You're a monster just like him".
She shock her head roughly "shut up! Just stop!" she fell to her knees slamming her hands over her ears. "You cover up yourself with this disguise, but look at what you really are! A freak!".
She looked at the mirror not recognizing herself, the monster she was cursed to become stared back at her with a twisted smirk.
"You can't hide the truth from them, they'll find out what you really are and will stop you". She let out a groan at the tug in the back of her head.
"This isn't real" blood splattered onto her flesh harshly as she felt the tug get deeper and deeper into her skull. It was like her body was on fire as she screamed.
The mirrors before her shattered and she gasped loudly at the sight of being back at the lab. Her body wore the same white outfit she was forced to wear everyday.
The floor was coated in blood "you did this, you ruined everything Violet". She cried silently at the sight of the dead bodies all over the floor.
The blood seeping into the white tiles as she tried to focus on anything other then the blood all over her flesh. She locked eyes with a body, one coated in blood. The flesh pale and slightly bruised.
"Peter!" she ran forward gripping hold of his face, his dead eyes looking back at her. "Wake up! Come on Peter!" she let out a shaky breath.
"This isn't real" she slammed her eyes shut trying to escape this hell but she felt so stuck. The tug in her skull slammed harder at her making her yell out.
She opened her eyes looking up "you did this! Peter is dead because of you! He's suffering because of you!". She gripped Peters body tightly not caring if the blood ruined her clothes or hair.
"Violet!" the voice entered her mind harshly, the softness of it making the tug disappear. She slammed her eyes shut feeling hands gripping her face and shouting.
"Violet, open your eyes" she let out a breath as she opened her eyes blood falling down her nostril, "Peter?". She sat on the couch, she felt so exhausted as she let out a heavy breath.
"I don't feel so good" she leaned into Peter who gripped her cheek with concern. "I'll get the girl, you'll feel better once you have her power".
He stood up walking into the attic, Violet let out an exhale as she laid down on the couch closing her eyes.
"Max" she let out a gasp as she stood up from the ground the loudness of a voice entering the air.
"I've been waiting to hear those words, Max" she gulped nervously holding herself tightly as she looked at an shadow of a figure near her.
"Waiting so very long" he laughed lightly as Max moved back slightly, her entire body turning cold and aching with agony.
"But it wasn't the full truth, was it Max?" she cried at the sight of Billy, who was smirking at her as he wiped her tears away,
"You know, I think there's a part of you buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day". She shock her head her fingers digging into her flesh, she was so terrified,
"That was maybe even relieved, happy" for a splint second he appeared sad but it faded as she spoke.
"Billy no, that's not true" her voice cracked, she didn't know what to do. "That's why you stood there, isn't it Max? It's okay. You can admit it now".
He laughed like a wild animal making her flinch "no more lies, no more hiding".
"Billy that's not true, I swear" tears slipped down her cheeks harshly, making her vision blur.
"That is why you feel such guilt" he moved toward her "no!" he smiled slightly "why you hide from your friends, why you hide from the world".
She just kept shouting No hoping this moment would just fade away, however it didn't,
"And why, late at night you have sometimes wished to follow me, follow me into death". The loud chilling sound of the clock ringing made her gasp.
He kept walking towards her making her panic as she begged for any help from the real world.
"That is why I am here, Max... to end your suffering, once and for all". She tripped over a rock gasping as she hit the floor roughly.
When she looked up she stared back at a monster, one like the one she saw before, however this one was different.
"It is time, Max. Time for you to join us" she gasped loudly as she stood up running as fast as she could away from the man.
She kept running letting herself hide safely behind a stone. "You cannot hide from me, Maxine" she screamed at the sight of someone beside her.
Violet smiled at her with a wicked smirk "did you think I was going to miss the fun Max?".
Max acted fast and punched her in the fast before standing up and running away. Violet groaned as she hissed with discomfort walking back towards Peter "I can't believe she punched me".
The redness around them got bright in a way as Violet looked around at all the clouds and fog surrounding them.
She heard the faintness of the clock ticking making her hum along with it as she pushed a jacket over herself. She paused at the sense of someone being near them.
"What are you doing in here, Max" she looked at Peter who stood up tall, alert of the entire area.
Max wasn't suppose to be here "come back to us" he laughed lightly as he spotted Max, the girl scared as she looked at all the past victims.
"How do you like them, Max?" he slowly walked towards her Violet behind him watching over him as she looked at Max.
"Would you like to join them?" she began to run but Violet appeared in front of her kicking her. Max groaned as she landed on the floor.
"You're gonna suffer Max" Violet laughed as she pushed her into a wall letting the veins wrap around her flesh harshly.
Peter stood in front of her frowning at the sight of a hole opening up behind them.
"They can't help you Max, there's a reason you hide from them". Violet laughed "you belong here with me and Violet".
She coughed at the harshness of the veins around her throat "you're not really here" Violet moved toward her her face right in front of hers.
"But we are Max, we've always been here" Violet reached her hands towards her face. Laughing "like I said before Max, you can not stop us!".
Her claws grew as they neared the girls face ready to kill her on the spot. But Max all of a sudden gripped her neck pulling a piece of flesh off.
Violet cried out as she moved back. Peter sneered angrily at Max as he tried to stop her from running away, but he failed and Max escaped.
When the girl was gone Peter ran towards Violet gripping her shoulders as she let out a heavy breath. "I'm okay, but that really hurt" she wiped the blood off her neck sighing.
"It's time to kill them all, I'm going back" she walked forward nearing the small hole that Max used to escape from.
When she walked through she saw everyone, Max leaned into Lucas. While Dustin and Steve stood on opposite sides of her with worry.
"I'm still here, I'm okay" Violet sneered angrily as she walked toward the group sending Steve roughly into a grave stone.
The boy cried out at the harshness of the impacted the kids all gasped as Violet reached her hands forward her eyes bloodshot and crazy looking.
She laughed like a manic as she sent Lucas and Dustin away from Max. "I'll finish you off myself" she walked toward Max gripping her neck.
Max gasped for air as she was dangled into the air her feet kicking at Violet. "Don't worry little one, I'll kill them quickly".
She turned making Lucas float into the air Max cried out as he hovered. His eyes locking with hers as blood fell down Violets nose.
"I was gonna let them live, they would've been fine! But you ruined everything! All of you ruined everything! It's all a mess!".
She let out a heavy breath as she laughed once more "your stupid little friend Eleven ruined me, why should she be happy and have friends, why should she be allowed to stay here and have a life! I never had a life! She stole it from me!".
She sent Lucas flying into a tree roughly knocking the boy out "me and Peter never got our happy ending, she took it from us". She forced Max towards the floor her claws extending from her finger tips.
"Maybe she'll remember what she did to me if I kill you all, I'm sure Mike will really hurt her the most, she took Peter from me for an entire month before I saw him again, she just kept saying she forgot everything, but I didn't just forget".
She let out a shaky breath "I begged her to send me there so I could be with him, she didn't even know who the hell I was talking about, so I tried to kill her, and what do you know she latched out, sent me to him, but when I got to him....".
Tears slipped down her cheeks "she ruined him, and soon I became ruined as the time passed. I just wanted Peter back home with me, so we could go away and start over".
Max cried out when she felt the tip of Violets claws began to scrap into her flesh. "She's the reason you're going to die painfully Max!".
She gagged as blood forced itself out of her lips, the taste of it fresh. "Get the hell away from her!" Steve pulled the knife out of her flesh harshly.
The blood splattering into her cheeks as Max fell towards the ground gasping for air and crying like a small terrified child.
Violet couldn't find her breath, she felt so cold as she looked at Steve. "You were suppose to be our friend, but you gave me no choice!".
Tears slipped out of his eyes as blood soaked Violets clothes, her eyes glossing over as the ground beneath her opened up.
The red glow of the gate swallowing her up whole making everyone move back away from it in fear. Her entire body hurt as she fell into Peters arms.
"Violet!" she let out a weak breath as she leaned into him gripping his hand tightly. "Peter" she coughed her blood landing onto his skin.
She smiled at him his blue eyes bright, she remembered every detail about him. He looked so beautiful, "I'm sorry" her eyes closed her body growing cold.
Her hand grew limp in his making him scream out.
Max coughed as she was helped off the floor by Lucas who rubbed at his sore forehead. "You okay?" she nodded as she looked at Steve.
"Thank you for saving me" he smiled sadly as he nodded slowly. The ground beneath them began to shake making Max grip onto Lucas.
In the distance Max could hear the loudness of a clock, before the ground beneath her opened. She screamed as her legs slammed into it roughly, the red glow hitting her.
"Max!" Lucas and Steve grabbed hold of her hands as she cried out "shit!" she could feel the strong grasp of hands on her ankles.
"He's got me!" Dustin ran forward fast reaching towards Max and helping them pull her to safety.
Before the ground mended itself back together all of of them heard the loudness of a scream.
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