Violet didn't know where she was, the place she landed in felt so cold. It held such a darkness making her anxious as she struggled to walk.
She felt a sting on her flesh the more she tried to find any sign of life. She could hear the distant sounds of screeching.
It was so loud making her hunch over and hold her hands over her ears. "Violet" the voice was so deep, yet apart of her knew it so well.
She didn't wanna look up, part of her thought perhaps she was dead, and this was her punishment for helping Peter.
She let out a shaky breath looking up, at the man she once loved. His entire flesh gone and so unrecognizable, he smiled down at her.
It was a sickening feeling the way he looked at her, it felt so darker. Like he knew he'd prepare her for far worse then there original plan.
"Do not be afraid, it's me" he let himself change into himself, she let out a breath as she stood up. "What is this place? I don't understand".
He grabbed hold of her hand the coldness of it making her grow tense. "Eleven sent me here, I thought I was in purgatory when I first arrived.. but this place, it's far much better".
Violet looked around at the creatures that all began slowly walking towards her. The screeches from before escaping them harshly.
"They won't hurt you, I will not allow them to ever harm you Violet". She looked at Peter his entire form back to the beast she saw before.
"What did she do to you" her hand touched his cheek, it felt so rough and different. "She made me stronger, and with time we'll both be stronger".
She smiled at him "I missed you, I was so scared you were gone. I thought I'd never see you again". He smiled at her as he began walking "where are you going?".
He turned slightly looking at her "we're going home, everything's falling into place Violet. I hope you're ready for what's to come".
"I'll always be ready, who do we need to kill?". He smirked brightly "everyone".
Violet opened her eyes, the motel mattress underneath her making her body ache as she sat up. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly as she looked outside the window, it was almost night time.
"You talk a lot in your sleep" she turned number three sitting weakly on a chair. She sighed at him standing up from the bed.
"You act like you don't too" he rolled his eyes throwing a knife at the wall with his powers. The trial of blood escaped his nostril.
"I see you're still practicing" he glared at her "it's not everyday your dead sister calls you and claims she's wanting to kill number eleven. I'll need the practice if you're going on a Suicide mission".
She sighed deeply "I never should've called you, besides the girl doesn't have her powers anymore, and even if she managed to get them back, I'll still kill her".
"You're really obsessed with Henry, he's got you wrapped around his finger, doing all the dirty work he can't do because he's trapped in the upside down".
"His names Peter, he doesn't like being called Henry anymore. And I'm doing this all on my own, he doesn't know about it".
"He sure as hell kill you if he knew about it, maybe it's time you just move on from all this drama, come home with me... you'll love it in California".
"I can't just go home, my powers only go so far before I need to rest". He huffed as he stood up from the chair "you never would've had this problem, if you ran off with me at the lab. You'd be yourself all the time, not for a few hours".
"I couldn't just run away, Peter needed my help" she sat down on the bed, she was annoyed. "He didn't need your help, you chose to help him slaughter those kids, and even with him gone, you're still wanting to help him!".
She let out a frustrated breath "just stop talking! I'm trying to figure out what to do next! Eleven isn't going to be easy to find".
"Fine I'll stop talking, but if you get yourself killed for real this time! Peter, Henry! One! Whatever the hell he calls himself! I'll kill him".
He stormed out of the motel the loudness of the door slamming shut behind him making her scream. The lights exploded around her as she stood up from the bed angrily.
She let out a heavy breath, she wasn't gonna back down because of what her brother said. She was going to kill Eleven, and she was going to make sure the girl suffered for what she did to her.
Violet gripped the steering wheel tightly, ignoring the loud bickering of her brother beside her. "You really except to kill her! When she's with Brenner".
Violet huffed "if she's with papa, then she's getting her powers back, which means it's the perfect time to kill her before she goes after Peter".
"Are you sure you really wanna do this? I mean you could turn the car around and we could go back to Hawkins". Violet shock her head "I need to keep going, if I stop myself, I'll never do this".
"You're gonna kill a kid, that isn't right" Violet slammed on the brakes sending her brother flying out of the car roughly.
She walked out of the car nearing him as he groaned. "Not cool!" he sat up from the ground groaning at the pain on his back.
"If you're gonna complain the entire time, walk back home!" he glared at her. "You know what! You're fucking insane two!".
"My name is Violet!" she sneered at him angrily as he stood up "that's the name he gave you! We never learned our real names! Because papa refused to tell us!".
He lifted his sleeve up "this is who we are! You're two! I'm three! You are not Violet! One gave you that name so he could own you!".
Violet screamed angrily sending her brother back roughly, his entire body ached as he reached his hand towards her.
"Don't make me kill you two, because you know I'll do it if you stops his hold over you!".
"He doesn't have a hold over me! I make my own choices! What I'm doing, his helping all of us!".
"No!" he sent her flying into the car making her cry out at the pain of it. "What you're doing! Is only helping you and one, you're both insane! And I won't let you get away with it".
She screamed as her body lifted into the air "I'm sorry it had to end this way Violet, but this is the only way". She screamed as her arms snapped.
"You feel that! That's what they felt when you murdered them all!" her legs bent in half making her cry out. "You made them suffer! All so you could have power!".
Violet let out an angrily growl "fuck you!" her eyes locked with her brothers. As she sent him flying back into the road.
She let out a heavy breath as her bones snapped back into place. "You could've had that power too, we could've been unstoppable".
He screamed as his bones began snapping "but you're just like everyone else....". He gagged as blood rushed out of his lips.
Violet hovered over him her fingers growing into claws. They slammed into his skull making him scream loudly "you're easily disposable".
She ripped her claws out of his skull letting his body fall towards the ground. She walked towards the car "I'll kill the girl myself".
Eleven, felt lightheaded as she laid on the desert floor. The loudness of a helicopter in the air making her panic as she felt herself struggle to stand up.
"Eleven!" she could hear the distant shouts of her boyfriend as he pulled open the door of the van. "Eleven! Run!" she groaned as she looked up.
The helicopter falling towards the ground and exploding making her shield herself of the impact. "El! Eleven!" the shouts grew silent.
Eleven cried out as she felt her body being lifted into the air. "You're a really hard person to track" Violet smirked up at the girl.
"Do you remember me now? Do you remember what you did to me!". Eleven screamed as she felt a pain spread across her body.
"Do you!" Violet flew back roughly when the car slammed into her body. "Holy shit!" Jonathan gripped the steering wheel tightly.
Eleven fell towards the ground "El!" she ran towards the van Mike grabbing hold of her hands and pulling her inside.
"Drive!" Jonathan moved back everyone screaming when Violet slammed her hand onto the hood of the car. Blood stained her flesh as she glared at Eleven.
She went to attack but the ground beneath her opened and she found herself back in the upside down. "What did you do!".
She turned looking at Peter who stood in front of the attic window, he seemed on edge.
"I went after the girl! I was trying to help us!" he let out an angrily shout making Violet flinch. "You're ruining everything!".
She moved forward "you're wrong, If it weren't for me going after eleven, I wouldn't have found out she has her powers back".
Peter sighed deeply "I never should've let you go up there, everything needs to be perfect, if you go back up there, everything will fail".
For the first time in her entire life, Violet saw the true monster in front of her. This man she loved he wasn't truly himself anymore.
He was wicked and he would ruin everything they sought out to seek. He ached to kill Max, to make the world perish into nothing.
He didn't want the power for them, he wanted it all for himself. Otherwise he wouldn't be upset with Violet going after Eleven.
He wanted the girls power all to himself, he'd get it the second everything falls into place. He didn't care about Violet, he didn't care about her getting any of the power.
He would surely kill her the second everything was done, because without her. He'd never even be able to have enough power to open those gates.
It was all her, he needed her for her power. He didn't love her, he never did. She moved back slowly at the thought of it all.
He knew she'd look for him, and that resulted in her being sent into the upside down with him. And the second she was there, his plan began.
Everything that happened in Hawkins, it wasn't made possible without her power. She was just here so he was powerful enough to do it all.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again" she smiled at him walking towards him slowly. "We need the girl, the forth sacrifice must be soon".
"I actually have a better idea Henry" he screamed as she sent him flying into the wall. She sneered at him angrily "I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner, gosh my brother was right about you".
"Violet! Whatever he told you, isn't true! Let me down and we can finish our plan, we'll be powerful, and even Eleven won't stand a chance against us".
"That's where you're wrong, it was never our plan. I was a puppet to you, you just need my power so you could get this far, without me you wouldn't have even opened the gates. You're gonna kill me the second Maxine dies and opens the last gate".
She smirked "I won't let you get her, and I won't let you get away with this, as far as I'm concerned, you're gonna die Henry, not Eleven, not Hawkins, and most importantly not me!".
She let out a light laugh "I just hope you're prepared for what's next Henry, because for once in your life you're gonna fail".
She sent him flying out of the house pausing at the sound of voices. "Nancy" she ran out of the house quickly going towards Eddie's trailer.
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