⁽ ⁶⁰ ⁾ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔲𝔪𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤.
A/N: I apologize in advance for the events that are about to come. Enjoy!
»»————- ★ ————-««
»»————- ★ ————-««
THE SHIP CARRYING THE SCOUTS and the warriors finally arrived in Odiha. Julian was standing outside with Kiyomi and Hange. "Quiet, isn't it?" Julian questioned.
"The residents of Odiha must have already fled south, seeing as how every ship is gone." Kiyomi replied.
"Well, then, we're in the Azumabito clan's hands." Julian said.
"Yes, and we shall do whatever it takes to launch the flying boat into the air." Kiyomi stated.
The others soon ran to the flying boat. "Remove the cover! Hurry!" Jean ordered.
"Dammit! These explosives are in the way." Connie informed.
"Let's cut 'em off and toss 'em." Reiner suggested.
"Wait. We might be able to use them. Let's load them on the flying boat." Armin said.
Mikasa was walking by Annie, carrying a crate. "Annie, check your equipment." She told her. "You're still not used to the new ODM gear, are you? Go with Reiner and zip around over there to get accustomed."
Annie looked down. "Why?"
"We should... do the things we can... so..." Mikasa started to say.
"I believe I told you that I'm backing out."
"You don't even intend to get on the flying boat either?" Mikasa asked.
"Sorry, but I'm staying behind. Wanting to save humanity... I don't really get that. If anything, us Eldians in Marley were persecuted by the 'humanity' you want to save from the moment we were born. Even if hypothetically the rumbling stopped now, with Marley gone, there's no one left to protect the Eldians." Annie looked over towards where the others were preparing the flying boat. "I truly do feel sorry about this, when they're putting everything toward the slim hope of saving their homeland. But... I can't fight anymore. I want to spend the time I have left living peacefully."
Mikasa turned to look at Annie as she blushed, which made her blush in realization. "When did this happen?" Mikasa questioned.
"When did what happen?" Annie asked.
"Okay. I get it."
"Get what?"
"You don't have to suffer anymore. But... Armin is going to board the flying boat with us and head for Eren." Mikasa informed.
Annie looked down. "I know."
"What about you? What do you want?" Annie asked. "Are you gonna go kill Eren to save humanity?"
"I won't kill him." Mikasa responded. "Eren's gone far away, and I'm bringing him back. That's all I'm doing."
Mikasa started to walk away. "By the way, did you lose your scarf?" Annie questioned.
"I have it." Mikasa simply replied before she continued walking.
Levi was walking down the stairs as Armin was trying to stop him. "This is crazy! You should still be in bed!" Armin protested.
"Stay in bed? If I lie down any longer, you shits are gonna forget all about me. And that bearded bitch who passed out after her arm was broken is awake. I'll be damned if we don't make her tell us where Eren's going." Levi claimed.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Everyone was gathered in a room as Yelena was telling them Eren's next location. "Most likely, that is Eren's second target." She said.
Pieck placed a hand on her chin in thought. "Fort Salta..." She mumbled, causing everyone to glance her way. "True. If he knew of the existence of weapons that had the slightest chance of harming the Founding Titan..."
"I expect that's his next stop after Karifa Naval Port. He'll go to destroy the airships." Yelena said.
"You answered mighty obediently." Levi noticed.
"I have a request for all of you." Yelena clenched the blanket that was wrapped around her tightly. "Please acknowledge something. Zeke was defeated. But he was right."
Lyon gritted his teeth as he remembered killing Zach and Will, who had been turned into Titans. "Huh? What the hell did you say?" He seethed.
Julian held out his hand, keeping him from advancing on Yelena. "Lyon, your anger is justified. But calm down and let her continue." He ordered.
Lyon scoffs and backs off. "The only solution to the two-millennium-spanning Eldian problem was the euthanization plan. I'm sure you can see that in the wake of this disaster." Yelena continued.
"Yeah. I admit it." Julian looked away. "I wasn't able to show Eren any solution, or hope, or a future. I admit my powerlessness."
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was soon the next morning. "Julian!" Onyankopon shouted, waving to get his attention. "In about an hour, we can begin preparations for takeoff!"
"Got it!" Julian replied before turning around. "You heard the man. Each of you, inspect your gear."
"Yes, Commander!"
Levi was struggling as everyone looked at him in concern. "Two fingers is all I need. I'm ready." He said.
The group then saw Annie about to go on the ship again.
"Annie, take care!" Connie called out.
"See you later!" Hange said.
Annie glanced at Armin, who looked back as he held a hand up in farewell. Annie turned around and walked towards the ship. Mikasa joined Armin's side.
"Armin, are you all right with this?" Mikasa asked.
"With what?" Armin blushed.
"To be honest, I was relying on her." Jean admitted.
"But Annie has fought enough." Connie said.
"I am. I... I want Annie to stay Annie." Armin stated.
"Are you two sure you want to come with us?" Julian asked Reiner and Pieck, who walked towards him. "Assuming the rumbling stops, Eldians won't find themselves in a great position..."
"I hate to admit it, but you were right, Julian. General Magath was leaving us a final order: to work together and do what needs to be done." Pieck said.
"I see." Julian hummed.
"Pieck..." Hange trailed off. "I'd love to ride on the Cart Titan's back sometime and its body heat as we—"
"No." Pieck stepped aside. "That took a sudden, creepy turn."
Julian snickered before addressing Reiner. "Reiner." He spoke.
"Y-Yes, sir?"
Julian scrunched his nose up. "First of all, please never call me that." He replied, making Hange laugh.
"Sorry, force of habit." Reiner apologized.
"And second, about Marco..." Julian trailed off, making Reiner tense up. "I think Marcus would've been angry with you, but he would've understood why you killed his younger brother."
Reiner blinked. "You really think so?"
"Marcus was the type to come to an understanding. Even he finally realized why I joined the Survey Corps all those years ago. He wouldn't hold killing Marco against you."
Everyone was soon walking towards the flying boat. "I see Hange's love of Titans is still unrequited." Levi said as Lyon chuckled.
"They think they'll be pals eventually." Julian stated. "Tell me, Levi, Lyon. Do you think they're all watching? You think we can stand proud before our fallen comrades as we are now?"
"Don't go and start sounding like him." Levi replied. "You're not allowed to." He added in his mind.
Lyon pats Julian on the back harshly, causing him to yelp. "Don't go saying shit like that, Julian!" He claimed.
"And don't hit your Commander!"
Lyon just laughed as Levi smiled slightly, thankful that the red head was trying to ease the tension.
An Azumabito mechanic checked to see if everything was in order. "Good. Begin the fueling process!" He ordered.
"Yes, sir."
"Thank goodness. We're gonna make it before the rumbling gets here." Onyankopon muttered to himself. He suddenly turned around, seeing a drenched Floch, who began to shoot.
Mikasa charged forward, attaching her wire to Floch's throat as he choked on his own blood.
Everyone soon gathered around Floch. "Floch..." Julian mumbled. "Don't tell me you clung to the ship all the way here—"
Onyankopon's sudden shout grabbed everyone's attention. "There are holes in the fuel tank!" He announced, leaving everyone stunned. "We can't fly like this!"
"Don't lose hope. If we cover the holes, we can make it work!" One of the mechanics said.
"Get the welding tools!"
The Azumabito mechanics soon got to work. "How long will it take?" Julian questioned.
"With tin plates, we could do it in an hour, barely."
The table moving soon got the mechanic, Julian, and Lyon's attention as everything began to shake.
"This sound..." Julian mumbled.
"Don't tell me..." Reiner turned around and rushed outside. "It's here. The rumbling... is here."
"Don't do it." Floch mumbled. "Please... don't..."
"Inspect the engine! Hurry!"
"Floch..." Julian muttered as him, Lyon, and Jean kneeled down.
"Be ready to start fueling at any moment!"
"Every... one... on the... island... will be... killed... Our devils... are our... only... hope..." Floch spoke weakly.
"Come on! Floch!" Jean said.
"He's dead." Julian informed, closing Floch's eyes with his hand. "It's as you said, Floch. But I just can't give up. Even if it's hopeless today, maybe someday..."
Gabi and Falco were banging on the doors while the Azumabito mechanics got to work. Armin and Mikasa stared at the Titans coming their way.
"Armin, do you have any ideas?" Mikasa asked.
"Only one." Armin replied. "I stay behind and slow them down."
"It can't be you. You're our sole trump card for stopping Eren. I'll do it." Reiner said.
"That's obviously not the play." Julian cuts in. His Scouts cape blew in the wind as he was carrying Thunder Spears. Everyone turned to look at him. "We can't afford to expend another shred of Titan power. I'm the one who led you this far. And we killed many friends and comrades to get here. I'm taking responsibility for that."
Julian walks forward towards Armin. "Armin Arlert. I hereby designate you the 15th Commander of the Scout Regiment." He announced, causing Armin to widen his eyes. "The position calls for a certain quality— a mindset of continuously pursuing understanding. There's no one more suitable than you. I leave everyone in your hands."
Armin was speechless. "Well, that's that. See ya, everyone." Julian bids farewell before stopping and turning back to Armin. "Ah, yes. Levi, Hange, and Lyon are your underlings now, so really put them to work. Especially Levi."
"Nii-san..." Jean muttered.
Julian turns to look at Jean, who looked like he was about to shed tears. Julian wrapped his arms around him, hugging Jean tightly.
"Jean, I know I don't say this often. But I'm really proud of you, little brother. You've come a long way. Take care of yourself, you hear me?" Julian said.
"I will..." Jean muttered, hugging his older brother back.
Julian pulls out of the hug before walking over to where Levi and Lyon were.
"Hey. Jude." Levi gives Julian a look.
"You understand, right, Levi? My turn's come at last." Julian told him. "You know, I never imagined my death would be like this. It's almost thrilling."
Julian turned to look at Lyon. "Ly, think you can do me a favor?" He questioned.
"Sure thing, Commander."
"Look after Jean for me."
"Will do."
Lyon gives Julian a hug in which he returns. Then, Lyon walks away to join the others, leaving just Julian and Levi.
Julian stayed silent for a moment before kissing Levi, who melts into his kiss. Julian soon pulled away and takes off his engagement ring, placing it in Levi's hand and closing it.
"You want to know what my version of a happy ending is? You and me, married and living together, and finally done with all this fighting." Julian mumbled. "Unfortunately, not all of us can get a happy ending. I love you, Levi. I'll always love you."
"... I love you too, Jude."
Julian smiles before using his gear to propel himself forwards.
"Nii-san!" Jean shouted as Lyon held him back, preventing him from going after him.
"Thank you for dedicating your heart, Commander." Lyon thought.
Julian continued propelling himself using the buildings at a rapid pace, flying in front of the Titans.
"Hey, shorty!" Julian called out to Levi, getting the other trainees attention.
"Cadet Kirstein, what can I do for you?" Levi asked.
"I want you to spar with me." Julian responded. "If I win, you have to mentor me."
"And if you lose?"
"I'll leave that up to you." Julian replied as he smirked. They ended up getting the rest of the cadets attention.
"Kirstein is sparing with Corporal Levi?"
"He's asking for a death wish..."
Levi took off his jacket, throwing it into another cadet's arms. "Oh Humanity's Strongest is getting serious." Julian teased.
Julian got into a fighting stance as he headed towards Levi. He aimed to punch him but instead Levi grabbed his wrist and flipped him over, sending Julian to the ground. This cause the cadets to laugh.
"What an amazing home run."
"Hey, Kirstein! How does the dirt taste?"
"Expect to do lots of cleaning." Levi said as he took his jacket from one of the cadets and walked away.
Julian exhaled before he hooked his wire onto one of the Titans cheekbones and throwing a Thunder Spear at its nape, knocking it down while the other Titans tripped over it. Everyone just looked in shock.
"Too slow!"
A sixteen-year-old Julian coughed harshly as his back was met with the ground. He clenched his side in pain.
"Your reaction time is terrible, Jude." Levi said. "Get up. Let's go again."
"Shit! Why am I remembering all of this now?" Julian thinks to himself.
He connects his wire to another Titan and flew down, moving swiftly below the Titans feet before throwing his second Thunder Spear at the legs.
"Levi." Julian began, releasing him as Levi hummed. "I may not be your first love, but I will be your last. I'm not going anywhere, got that?"
"It's sealed! Start fueling! Hurry! Hurry!"
Julian ended up getting thrown back as he used his gear to keep himself from falling. He looked back and saw that the debris went through a couple of houses and towards where the flying boat was located.
He charged forward and sliced one of the Titans nape.
"They're right on top of us!"
"There's no more time for fueling! Start the engine!"
The flying boat began to start. "Push the fuselage forward!"
Julian charged at another Titan before slicing at its nape. "They need more time?!" He asked himself.
He pushed himself forwards at the Titans as he began to burn. "Hot!" He exclaimed as his Scouts cape caught on fire.
Julian swung through the Titans and sliced at two more as his body continued burning.
"Launch the ship!"
"Grab my hand!" Connie said, grabbing onto Jean.
Julian's whole body continued burning as he screamed.
"Levi... You always liked to say the only thing we're allowed to do is believe that we won't regret the choice we made." Julian recalled as his gear caught on fire."But I do have one regret... It's that I'll never get my happy ending with you. Everyone... I leave the rest to you."
An explosion then occurred.
"Nii-san..." Jean said, looking out of the window of the flying boat and seeing Julian's burning body falling down.
Armin was bawling, Jean gripped onto his head, Lyon had his head in his hands as tears dropped onto the ground, and everyone else was either sobbing or had sorrowful looks.
"Sayōnara, Jude." Levi mumbled to himself, looking at the engagement ring in his palm. "We'll take it from here."
»»————- ★ ————-««
When Julian woke again, he saw that he was laying down, looking at the bright, blue sky. He jolted up in alarm.
"The flying boat!" Julian exclaimed.
"It took off."
Julian looked over, seeing Erwin and his former squad, along with a male who he didn't recognize.
"Julian, you fulfilled your role." Erwin informed.
"Erwin?" Julian questioned. "All of you..."
He looked back up to see the boat flying. Julian closed his eyes and sighed.
"I see."
The unknown male offered a hand as Julian grabbed it. "Are you...?" Julian blinked in realization.
"Farlan Church." Farlan smiled at him. "It's nice to finally meet you, Julian."
"Same to you." Julian said before looking at Erwin. "I'm tellin' ya, I really had my hands full after being named commander. With Eren's idiocy, that is."
"Yeah, you had it tough. You can tell us all about it."
»»————- ★ ————-««
A/N: My apologises for not updating this in 6 months! Also I made Levi say 'Sayōnara' in order to make it more angsty. And I also had Julian's soul meet Farlan in the afterlife, because why not?
Thanks for reading!
Word Count: 2772 words.
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