𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆
𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆
𝑨𝒏 𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆
𝑰𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔.
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Vega Jaindl hated gambling. But right now she was in deep shit, having the murderous look of her second in command directly at her and her crew surrounded by the enemy; well gambling was her only way to get out in the moment.
"Now, now ... we don't need to be so angsty." She tried to smooth the situation with a merry tone, only to be pointed out with a few blasters. "Or maybe yes."
"Vega, just shut up. We are in this mess by your fault." The harsh words were hissed by Zora, her second in command. Vega look at her with a fake incredulous gaze.
"Hey ! I didn't know the cargo was messed up. ¿ Or did I ?"
"Yes !" Her crew shouted in the same time, the green-eyed woman just rolled her eyes just in time when the door slid open and three figures entered in the room. A red male twi'lek smirked when he saw her. A grimace cross in her lips, watching with distateful mood the twinkle of perversion in his eyes.
"The famous captain of the Gray Centauri. Your reputation precedes you and equally your beauty." His wide smile let shown his long canine teeth.
"Well, some people call me with better and pretty names. But you were never good in flirting, Iwan and because I'm feeling generous; I will give you good points for trying." If the man can't be more red, Vega was mistaken. He was like a burning lava with the anger croosing in his face. She was supposed to try to smooth the situation, not the other way around.
"Trying to be smart, Jaindl !? You know you can't steal from me or mess up my cargo !" Iwan snarled, punching the table. His left eye twitched when he not saw any emotion than boredom in the smuggler.
"And you tried to fool me." Vega sneered. "You weren't going to pay us, so don't act like a dumb hutt."
"Actually hutt's are not dumb. They have a very high intelect in normal standars, especially with illegal smuggling." A shy but awkward male voice was heard and every eye in the room settled on the communications officer of the Gray Centauri, Winlion Belss. The young man squirmed and try to back off, but the strong grip in his scarf from his captor didn't budge a milimeter.
"Lion, sweetheart. Not now." A soft exasperated smile from Vega was given to the boy.
"What we have here ?" Iwan walked towards the young man, making the rest of the Centauri crew to tensed up. A white pale-skinned young woman who was close to Winlion try to get close to them, but the blaster pointing in her head cease her struggling. "Trying to be smart, boy ?" The twi'lek was still smiling but it didn't look pleasing.
"Leave him alone." The blue panthora from the crew snarl at him, Iwan smirked now and try to touch her face but the female scrunched back with distate.
"N-no ... No, I was ..." Winlion nervously shutters trying to explain himself but a strong punch given into his middle section cut his words, leaving him without air and scrunching in pain. Yells in different languages, fierce struggles and looks than could kill were instantly in place.
"Did I say that you can talk, boy ?"
"I wouldn't have done that if I were you." Vega mumble, her green eyes were like a cold liquid with a glint in danger of them. Iwan put a feigned shock expression full with mockery, walking were she was seated ignoring the mess he provocked behind him.
"And what you will do, dar'manda ?" The woman was still looking at him a deathly gaze and then she smiled. A cheerful smile that make their captors being confused but her crew knew better.
"Oh kriff." Zora sighs tiredly.
"This is going to be fun." Orla just grinned.
"I'm not going to heal anyone of you." Portia, pursed her bluish lips in a thin line.
"You're going to regret that." The smile was still in Vega lips and without anyone can guess it , she grab harshly one of his lekku making him scream and ram his face into the table. Chaos was unleashed. Punchs, kicks and others forms to fight, possibly a needle with venom from Portia. Vega evaded a shot just to find a one of the mercenary pointed her with a blaster.
"Catch this !" She said quickly to her opponent, throwing at him her blaster which he catch very clumsily, in that moment Vega punch him square in his face; the man just stumbled out. The half-mandalorian rolled her eyes and take off from her handler a baston, with a strong grip she strick again his face knocking him out. A sound of steps where heard in the corridor. The crew of the Grey Centauri look at each other with angst. " Let's move quickly to the hangar." at the order, everyone star to run out, Vega start following just to stop and look Iwan and kick his face. "Now we're settled." and left running but when she was almost close, the sound of blast artillery just stopped her. Vega poked her head on the corner trying to not being shooted in the head. Despite the fires, people dropping dead and shoot in every direction; she can see her crew taking shelter behind a big cargo of irom boxes.
"Captain, that's why I didn't want you make that stupid plan !" Zora exclaimed in the other side while shooting in the moment her eyes saw her. That make the directions of shot to the captain.
"It was a good plan !"
"Oh really ? And then why they are shooting at us !?"
"Actually, they are shooting at me !" Responding with another set of shots.
"You two can shut up and think about a new plan !?" Portia yells while pushing Winlion down in safety. Vega set her lips in a thin line and look at her blaster, she only have the power for one shot and right now her mind wasn't cooperating.
"If only we can send them fly away with something!" Orla shouted and trying to see beyond the cargo but the shooting didn't let her. Vega freeze in her spot. Sending them fly away. Like flickering light that appear in the dark, the thought start growing in her mind. She had forgot about it, it was a long time ago and the bitter memories make a cold deep hole on her. She felt that minutes passed, but the reality was just only seconds, breathing slowly and trying to shake her nerves, she decide it. Its not like she had more options, the enemy got them cornered and with their blasters almost reaching their end point, dying wasn't a option. Not now, really. Seeing how close one of the shooter were, she crounched down and look to her hands.
"Alright, you can do this. Is like riding a speedster ... you never forget. " she whispered. "Don't fail me now, Force ... can you give a little boost here ? Not for me, is for them. Please." She was now pleading to the invicible power that she cut for good. A few minutes passed.
"Vega !" Zora exclaimed with desesperation. The green-eyed woman shut her eyes and seconds passed, then she feel it. A little tingle in the tips of her fingers, Vega opened her eyes quickly, a dazzle look with unshed tears. "Hello, there." the words where whispered with longing. The tingle responded like a fire growing in her and the forgotten sensation of lightness in her bones.
"Let's do it." She said determined, without wasting any time and not thinking if the plan would work; she jump from her hideout and move her hand foward with strong resolution. It happen. The shooters were expelled harshly and without mercy. Crashing and falling like rag dolls in the floor. The place was embraced with a heavy silence. Everyone was looking at Vega, who was breathing soundly and with a newly headache. Orla, who was close to the main gate shouted at them.
"We need to go ! Now !"
"Come on, Vega." The voice of Zora sounded so far way, but the green eyed woman obeyed. Was a few moments later that she recognized the main deck of the ship. With a throbbing pain in her head, Vega take the command.
"Let's get out of here ! Zora, set up the new coordinates and change to light speed when we get out from the hangar."
"On it."
"Orla, check later the sensors of the ship. I don't wanna find that piece of shit messed up with my ship."
"Yes, Captain."
While she was checking some information in the ship data and the headache receding a little, Vega feel the sidelong gaze of Zora on her. She know the woman knew about what she did and that would be a little problem adding a long sermon in the equation. Not even a few seconds passed and she feel the corellian presence beside her.
"I know what you did."
"I don't know what are you talking about." The lie pass through her lips very smoothly.
"Orla, take full control." Zora commanded, Vega rolled her eyes and started to walk away, passing the other two from the crew.
"Ouch. That stings, Portia."
"If you don't shut up, I will sedate you and experiment with you." The blue-skinned snapped, Winlion quickly stay still. Their voices got lost with the distance of hers steps.
"I'm not stupid, Vega. You said it long time ago, that you would never use that power and then I saw you wrigling your fingers and doing the sorcery stuff." The chastized tone of the woman make Vega stop in the middle of the aisle.
"Jedi are not sorcerer's."
"They hurt you and you still defend them. The last time you use it, we have a few casualties and you crying for a whole week."
"I'm not defending anyone, I'm only clarifying you." Vega start walking again but stop suddenly. "And besides, if you didn't see it, the wrigling fingers help us to live. So don't judge me if I want to live another day." Zora was looking at her with a face of shock and hurt written in her face but Vega didn't care in that moment, feeling trapped and without caring anymore, she left her second in command alone in the cold corridor of the ship.
Vega was fuming in her anger even when she reach her quarters. Looking around in the place make a bittersweet smile appear on her lips. Her room was decorated with every trinket or obejct she liked from her travels and smuggling. It was so different from her past bedroom in the Jedi Order. Attachments even to objects was prohibited. And thinking about them, make her angry. With Zora, the situation and with herself. Especially with herself. Her gaze fell towards a rusty bronze chest in the end of her bed. A few steps and she was kneeling with apprehension. Doing a tired exhalation, she open it. A few scrolls with the mandalorian scripture were placed in there, along with some old objects but Vega reached to a tarnish cloth who envelope something. Unwrapping the object, she touched the cold surface of her lightsaber with caring similary in devotion, a rush of melancholy invade her and the same time of memories resurge in her mind.
"Come on, Vega. Our masters are waiting for us." A fourteen lanky boy, with light auburn short hair and azure eyes was looking at the young girl of light tanned skin.
"Is not like they will dissappear in the thin air." The aferomentioned rolled her green eyes but smiled otherwise, catching the the steps of the young male.
"You two are very slow, like a old bantha." The teasing voice of young mon calamari girl was heard.
"Hey !" The others two shouted indignatly.
A sad smile crossed her lips but then it disappear with a shivering feeling with one of her worst memories.
"By the decision of this council and in behalf of the Jedi Order, Vega Jaindl; you're expelled and stripped away from your lightsaber and rights to be a Padawan."
Like a embers they ignite despite the being aged, a cold fury start crawling in her chest and with a violent gesture, she throw away her lightsaber and closed the small trunk. With a breathing a little shallow, Vega stand up and walked to the fresher room. Watching her reflection on the mirror, the woman let out a hollow laugh. She would never come back, they betrayed her. Didn't believe in her innocence and he, he break her heart for not stand by her side. She was fine now, she didn't need that past. It was buried.
General Grievous approaching with a envelope and look the audience with a murdering gaze.
"Now, the nominates" *coughs* "for the" *coughs*
"Worst writing plot" A elegant voice is heard and Obi-Wan Kenobi appears and stand beside him. "Hello there."
"General Kenobi." A distasteful grumbled was heard in his voice. "The nominates: Russo Brothers, Rian Johnson, J.J. Abrams, Davif Benioff & D.B. Weiss *coughs* and NaerysSnow."
"The winner is ..." Obi-Wan smiles and tries to steal the envelope but Grievous doesn't let him.
"Back off, Jedi scum." *coughs and open the piece of paper* "The stupid winner is .... NaerysSnow."
The "humble", sarcastic and bad mood 24/7 woman stand up and walks towards them crying like a banshee. Hugging Obi-Wan like a bear, she make a grimace when she take the award from Grievous.
"I only will say this.... my writing sucks and Endgame, Reylo with the new trilogy of Star Wars and Game of Thrones S8 deserved better ... you perros !" She put on a sunglasses and taking forcely Obi-Wan by the hand, she left the place.
Forgive this lost and blehhh prologue. I'm lazy updating, but I will not have any excuse. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes.
I hope you enjoy it and please, give your love with votes and comments.
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