3 | 13 Dwarves, 2 Wizards and a Hobbit
3 | 13 Dwarves, 2 Wizards and a Hobbit
Location: The East Road, Middle Earth
Time: April 2941 T.A
When Illyria first arrived in the United States, only just the age of eleven: she never rode a vehicle at all.
There were some people with their motorbikes and Tuk-tuks driving about in Kathmandu as well as some cars and buses often bringing workers or tourists around the mountains. [1] However, the Ancient One hardly allowed her to venture out into the city too often; often repeating again and again how dangerous it was to be a child in such a city. It was not until as she got older that she began to see what these modern contraptions were.
By the time she arrived to stay in the Americas, she was forced to use the school bus. And out of everything else that littered the New York City streets, she would pick a sling-ring any day than to use that horror of a thing.
One of the reasons was that Illyria hated to have to sit somewhere, especially being the new kid in the school: with a strange name (ha, see that pun? No? Yeah, it's not funny anymore) and even a stranger father who lost his job because his hands didn't work well anymore. Sitting amongst a bunch of kids of her age that jabbed and bullied her almost allowed her to snap back and send them hurtling out of the bus if they couldn't stop laughing at her.
And that was how that memory led her to this moment.
The dwarves were pretty much the school kids on the bus, apart from the fact that there wasn't a big metal box driving them to Erebor. (If there was, this journey would probably take them ten times less the amount it was intended to be. Which means that she wouldn't have to suffer through the cold shoulders and constant bickering all the dwarven men gave her.)
What made her even more irritated was the fact that she could understand them perfectly well but couldn't exactly converse to them in return. Well: she could, but that's an entire whole B section whereby the time she could explain to them how she could read their minds: Thorin would have stabbed her to death or sent her away.
'God, if I can just portal them to the mountain: they'll probably call it witchcraft and insult me before realising they're in Erebor.' Illyria thought with a sigh. She felt Gandalf assure her through their mind reading that she should be patient with the Company and that it will take time for them to trust her.
She responded, 'I know, Gandalf.' Illyria then sighed audibly. 'But they assume so quickly that I will go and run off to the elves and tell them their secret. I don't know any elves that close enough!'
The wizard who rode behind her never replied to her comment.
They've been riding for about an hour since leaving Hobbiton from the Green Dragon, [2] where Gandalf acquired her a proper steed. She was a beautiful horse, chestnut with a blonde mane and probably has an affinity for apples. When the dwarves were collecting their ponies and supplies, Illyria took some time to focus on her telepathic skills, trying to search for the horse's mind and connect. But again, it didn't seem to work as better as the pony that she found. Maybe she just wasn't cut for animals (which sadly shuts that potential door for becoming a real-life Disney Princess.)
Speaking of Disney, Illyria had somehow begun to call the horse Nala.
Yep: she called the horse after the lioness from the Lion King.
She hadn't told Bilbo yet, though Gandalf already knew when he asked her if she named the horse already – curiously asking what the name meant. Illyria explained it the basic concepts of the name of a queen from a story back from her world (she wasn't going to explain how she was practically a feline) and that it also meant 'stem' in Sanskrit. (That she knew from too much reading of the language).
Whilst Gandalf lightened the mood of her presence in the Company, Thorin Oakenshield had to dampen it with his glares and moody thoughts of her. Bilbo's own whining and protest of being on a pony did not help it either.
Firstly, Illyria has never ridden a horse: but she'd sat in more uncomfortable chairs in her lifetime to bear the ache of her back and legs. Poor Bilbo has never ridden a pony his entire life and has probably never felt the pain of travel before.
Just after her silent conversation with the grey wizard happened, there was a sneeze beside her. Glancing to her side, she found her hobbit friend having a bad case of the sniffles. Probably due to the horsehair and maybe the pollen around them – it was spring after all.
At a second, she unfolded a small sheet of cloth from her robes and held it out to him. "Handkerchief?" She asked.
Bilbo's eye widened, and he gushed nasally, "Oh thank you, Illyria." After blowing his nose, he tucked it into his own pockets and brought his hands back onto Myrtle's reigns. Illyria turned back to the road ahead but felt Bilbo's eye almost eye her with suspicion.
She wasn't going to kiss and tell.
But to put it in detail, Illyria had prepared herself and Bilbo the amount that possibly accounted for all her knowledge from the books and the movies (well, mainly more of the movies since she focused less on the Hobbit). She thanked herself for remembering last minute, just as Bilbo was about to lock his smial – to tuck a bunch of handkerchiefs in her pack before they left to the Green Dragon.
She may have also packed both their belongings which were suitable for him, asking him once the dwarves were gone if he wanted his clothes to be enchanted to keep him warm and dry. That earned a very eager nod from the hobbit as well as a question of if she could even enchant him newer travelling clothes. Unfortunately, Illyria told him that it wasn't an option for her to do. She could, but that included transferring a lot of energy from the other dimensions to simply create the fabric.
This wasn't a fashion show anyway, so they have to make do with what they have. Which meant wearing what she wore during her trek in the Alps plus a spare set of clothes from Bilbo's gardener's wife. Bless Halfast Gamgee, Illyria could see where Samwise got his personality from.
And speaking of people they met before they went off with the Company, Illyria did hint to Bilbo to protect his home. She hadn't met the Sackville-Bagginses at all during her stay in Hobbiton but remembering from the books was easy enough to warn Bilbo to probably write to his relatives about him leaving the Shire and all.
She didn't want him to come back home homeless with his things auctioned off.
Illyria now wondered if a lot of dirty relatives did that to each other after the first time Thanos snapped. (Darcy pretty much remembered the last scene of the Hobbit films to be able to protect all of Jane Foster and Erik Selvig's things and keep them together.)
So yes, it would seem to solve Bilbo's future problems. It's now having to trot off with a group of dwarves will be the hard part.
This was why she preferred sling rings again.
And also, the fact that she can't freaking understand anyone! Yes, their thoughts reflected what they said but sometimes they didn't completely come out.
"You need to start learning Westron." Bilbo Baggins shook his head after she had commented on something about the weather in Sindarin and caused the older dwarves to cautiously listen in and ask Bilbo to translate for them.
Honestly: this wasn't James Bond or some shite. [3] She would be a poor spy! Illyria couldn't even lie to herself if she had to.
Sighing in defeat, Illyria answered back: "Okay. But don't have high hopes." She continued, "I hated learning Spanish in high school let alone Sanskrit reading."
By nightfall, they began setting up camp whilst Kili and Fili went off to hunt for dinner. Illyria had stretched her legs, wincing in pain before ridding off the pack from Nala's back as well as aiding with Bilbo's.
Whilst everybody seemed to be occupied by what Thorin dictated each dwarf to do, she was able to converse with her friend about the little problem that she had yet to encounter until now.
Somehow, Bilbo already predicted what she was going to mention. "Have you ever hunted?" He glanced towards the fire which was being lit and found Thorin's hardened gaze to him before he looked away.
Honestly, that dwarf might have 99 problems, but a hobbit shouldn't be one.
"You did say that you agreed to hunt for your own food." Bilbo quietly added, twitching his nose – still a little sniffly from the journey.
Oh yes, she did. Illyria pursed her lips and wanted to hit her head with a rock. Maybe if she bashed heads with someone – like what Balin and Dwalin did – she could probably get another concussion and sleep her hunger away.
However, the other issue was feeding Bilbo. Which was the other precaution she took; hopefully, which Gandalf did not spot her do.
"Nope, but here," Illyria spoke.
With her hand hidden behind her where nobody could see, she opened her pocket dimension. When she took her arm around, out appeared some scones which she kept last night.
The hobbit's eye bulged as he hissed, "Illyria! You can't just take things out of thin air!" His eye warily darted back to the campsite before whispering to her, "What if they see you? You can't always do this."
Ever the morally good character he was, Illyria couldn't help but whine to herself. Damn the hobbit for considering all the factors.
"I know." She smiled and passed the food to him, which he thanked her anyway. "But you can eat this whilst I try and hunt."
As he nodded, Illyria took her staff strapped on her pack as well as some rope. Not the most useful weapons to go hunting for food but here she was anyways, ready to go into the forest and possibly become dinner instead.
Even back on Earth (not Middle) Illyria never had to go and kill some innocent animal on her own. She's seen the butchers and seen how foods are prepared and processed. Darcy and her binge-watched a ton of Bear Grill's at one summer holiday, hoping to gain some knowledge that could instantly turn them into pro-survivalists. [4]
Oh, how wrong they were.
Illyria was half an hour into searching for any sign of a wild boar (do they have boars in Middle Earth, fuck knows) or even a hare or a pheasant. Hell, even a little bird, like a quail, could work her up.
Then she froze from her trek. Her ears prickled as her eyes turned to the sound.
Right in the distance, drinking happily away from a stream was a deer. Illyria wanted to gasp in surprise, but carefully dodged that idea and decided to creep along with the shadows. Thankfully, it was dark enough to blend into the brambles and trees.
People could say it's luck, but Illyria would smugly say it was a hundred per cent skill.
Perhaps three thousand per cent horrible to have to kill the deer with her broken dagger.
The poor deer didn't know what came for them after Illyria discovered herself to be alone – allowing her to use some Eldritch magic to send a golden whip towards the animal before killing it. She removed the whip away immediately, taking a shuddered breath to compose herself. [5]
Oh gods, how many times would she have to do this?
Forget Darcy and the American diet: she might become vegetarian after this.
"Gods, I'm sorry deer." She tightened the rope around the deer's legs and crinkled her nose from the scent of blood. "Ugh. Would I kill to have a New York hotdog. Or maybe some pizza..."
Whilst she stood up and inspected her work, she immediately heard a pair of steps and Illyria spun around with staff ready in her hand.
Out came both the younger Durins, and they were both staring at the catch beside her.
"How did you do that?" Kili asked in awe, "You don't even have a bow?"
Illyria carefully chose her answer, tilting her head to the side and shaking her head. Fili had commented on his brother, saying that she couldn't exactly understand them and pointed his finger over to the dear.
That was when she lifted her staff and dagger, "All you need is a staff and this shitty dagger." Illyria asked, "Can you help me take this?" They might not have understood what she said, but they could deduce by her struggling grasp of the large animal that she needed some help.
"Kili." He pointed to himself as he spoke.
The other brother pointed to himself as well and said, "Fili."
"At your service." They chorused, bowing down to her.
She couldn't help but smile back, nodding her head before pointing to herself. "Illyria Strange."
"Ettelea," Kili echoed, poorly pronouncing the words. [6]
Illyria finally realised how her name wasn't clearly translated well in Westron to Sindarin. Or perhaps it was not Sindarin.
"Illyria...Ettelea?" Fili's own take of her name was better, though still butchering it enough that caused her to laugh along. She wished she could tell them that it meant something odd in English. Though with all these weird language barriers, she wasn't sure what was English anymore.
Magic was a weird thing.
And she definitely was going to ask her dad and Uncle Wong about how language is carried through into different worlds and dimensions.
Illyria had doubts about how her dad even got to talk Dormammu from destroying Earth. (Did the ancient dark being just easily knew English or was it some spell of some sort?)
Because that 'Dormammu, I've come to bargain' story must have some way for them to translate it all.
"Uhuh. I know. It's my adopted father's surname. You'll like his. Stephen Strange." Illyria grinned, to which they just smiled along as they aided her to pick the deer up and carried it towards the campsite.
"Ah Kili, good catch," Balin said, with all eyes of the dwarves widening in hunger and glee to see a good catch for dinner.
As Illyria went over to unbind the ropes, the plump dwarf – Bombur – was already ahead of beginning to skin the animal's fur off. Yep, that was her time to leave. Though, before she did the boys had stopped her, having Fili's eye glance towards her with a smirk that reminded her too much like the boys in high school.
Yep: no. She wasn't going to go there anytime soon.
"Actually, it's not mine." Kili admitted and said, "It's Illyria's."
Total silence filled the campsite.
Before she could drown in it, she patted her hands down to her thighs, gracefully sitting down on a log beside Bilbo and said, "I don't need it all, so you can have it." She hoped that her friend would translate back but he looked at her in encouragement.
Ugh, she was not in the mood to butcher Westron after the entire day doing it.
"Um...share," Illyria answered back, gesturing to the deer before plucking an apple from her pack and started to bite into it. Everyone seems to be pleased by the response – except for Thorin, Dwalin and Gloin as a trend – and returned to their occupancies.
To her shock, it was Balin who approached her. "Thank you, Miss Illyria," He then bowed to her and said, "Balin, at your service."
A feeling of warmth went up to her chest as she looked at the older dwarf and smiled kindly back with a nod. "Illyria Ettelea, at yours."
By the time Balin went back to where he sat discussing some things with Thorin, she had let the pressure come off her shoulders and slumped down. Though for a moment, Illyria did find Gandalf sitting far out beside a tree – smoking his pipe as always. Their eyes met, and the grey wizard gave a small encouraging smile and congratulating her through her head.
The journey through the Old Forest via the East Road came to an end, luckily not abrupted by Tom Bombadil (which Illyria did seem a little saddened about because she had always wanted to meet Goldberry, she sounded so nice from the stories) or else they would have been stuck there for a few days. [7]
Then they arrived at Bree, finally coming to a place where there were humans like her. When the mention of the famous inn went into her ears, Illyria was internally in glee by the time she saw the sign and almost made Gandalf laugh in amusement by her internal thoughts. This place was where so many scenes occurred over the course of the movies, like Thorin meeting Gandalf here to Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry meeting Aragorn here when the Nazgul were after them. [8]
Illyria needed to stop fangirling or else the Maia next to her was going to have to explain to Mr Grumpypants why she was grinning at a human lodging.
Yeah well, forget Thorin's opinion. Every Tolkien fan would kill to actually be here.
Hopefully not kill, of course. That would be horrible.
Illyria had a fine taste in alcohol (which Dad blamed Darcy and Uncle Wong for this outcome) and drinking ale wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world. Even back in Bag End, she kept herself to drink tea and wine and hardly touched anything else. (Having a dad with a medical degree and a PhD who also cared too much about your health despite being gone for five years was the worst, and almost rid of her stash of energy drinks and Coca Cola in the kitchen). [9]
But with the men in the pub being men: maybe she needed to get a drink after almost being groped would help her insanity.
Those three days with a bed, a bath and warmth helped her adjust more to the world around her. At this point, she kept most of her hair braided back and never wore it out as well as her clothes being cleaned on their own with its spells (how the dwarves didn't know this baffles her).
When the next part of the journey came, she managed to converse with the Durin brothers to some extent, with the help of Bilbo and Gandalf. And to her sweet surprise, even Ori came up to her side with his pony and asked some questions about her and if she travelled and such. When it came to this, she told him what he deserved: the truth.
Not in detail, obviously. Though telling the young dwarf that she was not from here and that she was taken in by Bilbo was enough to satisfy him and the nosy dwarves around her. Kili asked her why she carried a staff as a weapon, and she explained briefly how she was taught to use this.
The dwarves looked at her as if she was chopped liver.
Illyria thanked Ori for changing the subject, asking about her attire and robes and her culture. By the third day since they left Bree, she was both:
Speaking basic Westron.Losing the will to live after frustratingly using Westron.
She didn't mean to lash out at Ori during the evening, but she was fed up (Bilbo included) with the language barrier that she might as well talk to a tree.
Come to think of it, Illyria did see a talking tree last year.
However, while she was frustrated at this: Ori somehow gave some light to this dark tunnel and offered to help her teach Westron along with Bilbo. Illyria was taken back at this and didn't know how to react, or even know how to gift him.
What better way from one scholar to another was to tell Ori later on about technology on Earth.
So that started some weird daily lessons. With Kili and Fili tagging along as they laughed and discussed during the events of the journey. Sometimes there was silence if they weren't up for it, but it gave Illyria some time to do her own practising of magic whilst they sparred and did their own work.
Life on the road did seem alright for this 21st Century Sorceress.
Illyria Strange didn't need to ask twice if a certain grey wizard was staring at the back of her head.
They've been travelling since lunch, with herself in the middle with Gandalf behind her. Though, she could tell this was different as his eyes almost glossed over; it was as if he was thinking of a memory. That led to Illyria's usual curiosity and pondering.
"Gandalf." She slowed down Nala, letting her trot beside Gandalf's own horse.
He turned to her and spoke, "Yes, Miss Illyria."
Illyria commented, "You looked at me as if you saw a dead person." She turned to him and asked warily, "I'm not dead, am I?"
The grey wizard hummed for a few seconds. "...There are somethings that can't be said so simply, my dear. Like your presence and your odd dialect of the elvish tongue. In fact, your tongue is quite lilted to Quenya."
"Really? Weird." Illyria creased her brows and wondered, "Isn't Quenya an old elven language, or am I wrong?"
The grey wizard shook his head, "Not peculiar at all, my dear. Though rare." Gandalf pointed, "And yes. Not many elves are left in Middle Earth that speak in that dialect let alone the language."
Illyria was a little bit intrigued, and a little bit offended. Was her accent not up to the standard for elves? She couldn't blame herself, it's only been several weeks that she was speaking in this weird tongue. "Why not?"
"I heard in the First Age, that the Quenya language was forbidden." Gandalf explained grimly, "Due to the war of the jewels."
That was when her entire vision turned dark.
Flashes of light.
The silhouettes of trees looked to emit light from its branches to its very leaves. Golden in one and Silver in the other.
Then there was darkness; an over looming shadow that engulfed her.
Next was a group of soldiers, slaying children, women, and men. With their red robes and silver swords.
There was then a woman: who leapt into the crashing waves into the sea. Though despite believing to have drowned, she erupted from the surface. With white feather wings and flew towards the horizon.
Along with a jewel...
"Jewel..." Illyria trailed off; her voice so quiet that she was impressed that even the wizard could have heard her from where she was.
Gandalf's voice was filled with regret, apologising, "I'm sorry, my dear. I should have held my tongue."
She blinked up, feeling something dig behind her back. Wait, why was something behind her back?
Illyria realised that both Bilbo and Ori were gazing down at her. Down at her-
"I'm fine." She sat up and furrowed her eyebrows, "Why am I not on my horse?"
Why the hell was she on the floor?
"Are you alright? You just fell!" Bilbo exclaimed, the hobbit mothering her and asking if she was alright.
She brushed the dirt off her cloak and hands, rubbing the back of her head with an unpleasant bump forming. Though, that didn't stop her from still remembering what she had just seen.
The woman was surrounded by several men with red tunics and metal armour. An eight-pointed star sewn on the front as they held their blades towards her.
As for the woman herself, with long dark brown hair and grey eyes, what she held was what caused her to feel her entire body grow cold.
It could have been a lamp or a flame. But flames should glow white should they?
She hauled herself back onto Nala, assuring the Company to move forward down the road. Though five minutes in, she could sense Bilbo urging her to spill out what she wanted to say. What could she say? That she just saw a bunch of jumbled memories come to life, which included a bunch of glowing rocks?
She really hoped it wasn't an infinity stone. However, Illyria brushed it aside from that thought. None of the stones could glow that brightly. [10]
"I...I saw them," Illyria murmured, staring forward.
Bilbo answered with a question, "Saw what?"
Replying, she tried to remember the memory of the last one. "Something. A woman with something. Then she turned into a bird." Illyria continued, frowning, "And the jewel...it was like seeing a star compressed into a small gem."
She hadn't noticed Nala stopped.
Shaking her head, she assured her friend with a smile and said, "Yeah, sorry. Let's get going."
Somehow, it was the same day Illyria went on a drugs trip in her mind in which they heard the wargs howl that night. Both Kili and Fili joked about orcs and wargs, which sent their uncle giving them a full smackdown on how they should not joke about such serious things. Illyria had to agree despite her and the king not being chums that it wasn't right to joke about it.
She didn't need to mind read or focus on the translations of Balin's story how devastating the Battle of Azanulbizar was. [11] Losing hundreds of your own people could bring so much guilt to one man, but losing his brother as well...
The story almost sent her swirling in a pit of memories of the past several years. Especially losing one of the most important people just last year. He had been there when her dad wasn't, carefully picking up the baton to hold for Stephen Strange as he himself brought up not only her but also Morgan and Harley.
Harley, who lost his own family due to the snap was amongst those that somehow created the ring of children Tony Stark semi-adopted. Yes, she was still under the care of Darcy and Uncle Wong, but some days were filled with meeting with Harley and Tony to tinker in the garage or spend time with the Starks.
She had not realised her own tears until Bilbo caught her awake leaning against the rockface. Wiping her tears, she thanked either the darkness of Bilbo's curtesy to hide her tears.
"Illyria, you've been quiet all day." Bilbo worriedly asked, "Are you okay?"
Coughing, Illyria swallowed the penned-up bile up her throat and answered: "Nah, I'm fine Bilbo. Just...exhausted." She added, "I've been staying up, to be honest."
He confusedly replied, "You were pretty much asleep after dinner."
Illyria chuckled and crossed over her legs. "No. My body was asleep, but my mind was elsewhere." She continued, "Where we call it, it is called Astral projection. I can exit my body and stay technically awake for the entire night."
Still confused, Bilbo raised an eyebrow. "Whatever for? We have the night watches for that."
She did know this, after having to watch from time to time after scouting the outer perimeters of their location to make sure nobody was nearby. Luckily, only some animals were around and not orcs or wargs. Though, with the howling: she might have to scout again tonight.
"I can't exactly protect you from the dark magics with just physical weapons. In a way, I've seen many different evils." She explained, "My father tackles them. He's just recently become Sorcerer Supreme and he's been saving all different worlds."
Her own surprise almost caught her off guard. Illyria hasn't exactly spoken about her father to them, even Bilbo and Gandalf. She spoke about Darcy and Uncle Wong the most, and sometimes Tony, Pepper, Morgan, and Harley. But her father: rarely.
Why? She must ask herself. It wasn't that she was nervous about the topic.
'Five years without him and then he comes back and asks me to fight in a battle changes the way you prioritise your child to your job,' Illyria wryly thought to herself.
"He must seem rather important back home." Bilbo let out a small smile and then asked, "Why isn't he looking for you now?"
Illyria opened her mouth, though hummed in between. "He probably is. Or perhaps some other reality or timeline he is in." Her usual mischievous grin returned, her eyes glancing away up to the stars as she laid back down. "When and where is pretty wibbly-wobbly nowadays."
"I don't understand," The hobbit spoke.
She shrugged and quietly replied, "To be fair, I'm not entirely sure to myself too."
There was a second of silence before Bilbo shuffled into his cot and whispered, "Well, goodnight Illyria." A tone of plea lingered in his voice. "Please try and get some proper sleep, rest your mind."
She answered, "You too, Bilbo."
Before long, everyone was back to sleep – apart from the wizard himself who continued to ponder in the night. Illyria wondered if he could sense her presence, or if he couldn't.
A simple answer was that the morning after, Gandalf had given her some spare minutes to doze off during their daily journey – letting Nala follow whilst she saddled with the grey wizard on his horse.
The next question was: could the Maia astral project? Illyria should ask that once they get to Rivendell.
[1] - Tuk-tuk: It is a three-wheeled motorized vehicle used as a taxi.
[2] - The Green Dragon: The famous pub in Hobbiton.
[3] - James Bond: a fictional character who is a spy for MI6. There's a bunch of movies about him, go check it out it's cool.
[4] - Bear Grylls: Based on the man's name, it's a survival show.
[5] - Eldritch Magic: the Type of magic called to those who practice it in Kamar-Taj.
[6] - Ettelea: Stranger in Quenya.
[7] - The Old Forest, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry: The forest east of the Shire. Tom Bombadil with his wife Goldberry lives there. He is an enigmatic character in Tolkien's legendarium whilst his wife is known as a river-daughter.
[8] - Bree: The village east of The Shire. The famous Prancing Pony is there.
[9] - Coca Cola: A branded soft drink.
[10] - The Infinity Stones: Six cosmic objects created from the big bang. The stones are mentioned across the Infinity Saga movies.
[11] - Battle of Azanulbizar: fought in 2799 TA, Thorin led his people to return to the ancient kingdom of Moria but was unsuccessful. Many died at the hands of orcs which includes Azog the Defiler.
A/N: Character development chapter here. Not much but just a lot travelling and trying to get Illyria's connections with the other characters a bit better.
There is also a little sneak peek of some visions and something that will be a key topic in the story.
Thanks again. <3
Edited: 15/05/2021
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