23 | Bar-en-Lothglor
23 | Bar-en-Lothglor
Location: New York City, USA, Earth
Time: Unknown
Illyria didn't realise heaven could be so...stuffy.
Sure, everything was all dark and she could hardly see a thing, but then again: heaven didn't have machines beeping—
Wait, heaven didn't have machines. Did God (or Eru, who knows anymore) decided to allow human technology up in these clouds because they seriously are going to have to manage who pays for the electric bill up here. There are possibly billions of people up here if they did decide to bring in vending machines or odd beeping machines.
Again, heaven was supposed to be all harps and singing and shit.
To that, Illyria finally realised she was in fact alive (hooray for her, she guessed) and her eyes were just closed.
Flickering her eyelids up, she peered forwards and tried to adjust with the lighting. After her sight cleared, she had noticed the white room and realised that she was in the hospital.
Not some healing halls or a tent; an actual modern human hospital with its boxed shaped room and weird hospital scent. Man, come to think of it: human architecture looked so boring in comparison to dwarven and elven standards. This room could do with some more decoration (Illyria didn't count the fake plant by her bed to be as decoration) and perhaps some goddamn fresh air.
So, Illyria did what she does and stupidly push her hands to sit up.
Instant regret for her as she felt the air knock off her lungs. Her chest heaved, causing a wave of pain from her chest and stomach – allowing her to groan.
"Hey. Don't move too much, okay?"
When she turned her head to the side, she was surprised to find her dad there. He was wearing his casual clothes, his hands gesturing for her to gently go back.
Illyria said, "Wha..."
"You had your heart almost burnt out after what you did, plus that blade from Mordo." Her dad explained.
Shit. Right...that happened.
She changed her thoughts immediately, a panic tone beginning to rise. "Elrond...where's Elrond." Illyria's voice began to waver. "Fin...Bilbo...Arwen...Ro and Dan."
Everything was beginning to come back. The battle between Azog; the fight with the rogue sorcerers and Mordo.
Losing her brother.
When she began to remember what occurred, Illyria wanted to cry there again. However, she didn't feel the tears come out. Maybe she was too tired to cry now.
"He stayed. I'm sorry," Her dad softly spoke, never letting his hand from her own.
Illyria continued to stare in front, though her mind was elsewhere, trying to remember her family's faces in her head. The hug she had with her children and Bilbo. Her kiss with Elrond before she had passed out.
She whispered to herself, "I didn't even get to say goodbye to them...to my children." Illyria felt a tear roll down her cheek. "Glorfindel..."
She stayed three weeks in New York Hospital, forced to stay in the horrible contraption known to them as a bed. (Seriously, they had to make these beds more comfortable for them or else she wouldn't be so irritated to get up and walk around.)
It was there that after nine months, she finally had seen Darcy Lewis' face after so long. The darn woman had been almost on the verge of tears, clinging onto her as she rambled on by apologising for not coming any sooner and that she was going to whoop Stephen's ass if he lost her again in an unknown world. Illyria couldn't help but burst into tears seeing her once more. She missed the floral scent of Darcy's perfume and those bright blue eyes that always brought her to a grin.
Then it had been Uncle Wong. She expected the librarian to have produced a whole script and lecture on how she shouldn't have gone alone to search for magical energy anomalies by herself.
Instead, all she got was another hug from him. She even heard him sniff, assuming that he was crying but had pulled it off saying that he had something in his eye. Yeah, tell that to the judge.
Darcy's friend and previous co-worker, Jane Foster, even decided to stop by wondering how she was been. Illyria thought she was only here to make sure she was alright, but once Jane began speaking about their work – it kind of soothed her and allowed her to forget about the thoughts in her head for once.
Let's not forget Harley Keener popping around with a tablet for her (thank god, she was practically itching for technology) and to her surprise didn't need to inform her about any new viral trends of hits.
Because she had only been gone for about two weeks on Earth.
Fuck...well that's a weird thing to comprehend.
When Illyria first heard that, she couldn't imagine that was now technically nine months older than she was before landing in Middle Earth. Which meant one thing...she was practically twenty-one by now.
She wasn't going to mention that to Harley any time soon or else the boy was going to admit that they were almost the same age.
Sadly, Harley couldn't be with her for long since he had work back in Stark Industries. Illyria asked him to send Morgan a message for her to which Harley assured her that their young Starkling was informed of where she had been.
A bit cryptic for Harley's tastes, but had surprised Illyria when she found Morgan and Pepper visiting her the following day.
Morgan had brought her some cheeseburgers (at this rate, Illyria might have to make a list of her favourite people giving her things) and fries and she, Morgan and Pepper sat and talked about Morgan's schooling and Illyria's tales about Middle Earth. The young Stark kid enjoyed the tale, even wishing to go to Middle Earth with her.
God that made her heart tight even hearing the name Middle Earth.
In fact, she had only spoken about her time in Middle Earth with Morgan and no one else – even if Pepper's apologetic expression was aimed at her as Illyria ploughed through her story blinding Azog and turning him into the former director of SHIELD.
Not even Darcy Lewis, with who she had always shared everything. She wasn't sure as to why she had yet to speak about it, but the moment the mention of anything elven or just Tolkien almost brought her mouth to clamp shut and her entire mood to go down.
Illyria felt bad being so closed off from her family, especially to both Darcy and her dad who had done all they could to make her life back to normal. But the moment she could leave the hospital, Illyria did the first thing she intended to do. She asked them to bring her back to Oxford...Exeter College to be exact. [1]
She thought it would be poetic to be close at least for him, a remembrance for her brother even though no one would ever know how real Glorfindel: Lord of the House of the Golden Flower was.
Even though it wasn't really her college, it wasn't exactly breaking and entering when it came to going into the Mirror Dimension. Darcy had come along, helping her to carry some things as they decorated the small plaque they created in the middle of the grounds.
Illyria finally laid out the final bits and took a step back. The plaque had her brother's name written in Tengwar, and Gondolinic Runes...both his Sindarin and Quenyan name. Adorned around them were yellow flowers, symbolising his house and the coat of arms of Bar-en-Lothglor. [2]
She folded her arms in front of her, inhaling sharply before she began to speak. "He wasn't supposed to die. We promised to keep our backs."
Her grip loosened as her arms fell to the side.
Scrunching her eyes, she felt herself cry once more. "I know your fëa is back in the halls, brother. But I just...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you with me. I...I shouldn't have been reckless and arrogant." Illyria glanced up to the sky and growled, "Argh! I'm supposed to be dead not you!"
God, she must sound like a lunatic. It was lucky for her they were in the parallel plane of this college or else so many students were going to wonder why some girl was crying over in the middle of their college.
Illyria choked out a laugh, "Elrond's probably so pissed at us. I can still sense him, faintly." She felt herself smile slightly as she said, "This world doesn't have the same magic Arda has but somehow...I know. And I hope he knows."
Biting her lip, she drew her hand over to her neck. The pendant which Estel had given her was the only thing left from their world, along with Elrohir's sword and Elrond's cloak.
"When I come back, I'm going to sail." She firmly said, "And I'm going to beg the Valar to bring you back to me. No matter what."
It was a promise she would keep, even if by the time she found a way back to him she would be old and wrinkly.
Illyria would do what she could to see him again.
"So, when am I able to return?"
They were sat in her dad's study that morning. After breakfast, her dad and Darcy wanted to speak to her about something – which hinted clearly about her and what she did in Middle Earth probably. At that time, which had been a week since she had placed Glorfindel's plaque in the Mirror Dimension, Illyria was planning to return to Oxford.
And possibly try to return to normal life, or what was normal for her to begin with.
Well, you can't exactly come out normal after experiencing nine months in medieval fantasy to then live again in modern human civilisation. Honestly, she missed her leather jackets and jeans and not having to deal with womanly issues.
And she got to charge her phone again...which then led to a screaming Darcy and an annoyed Stephen as she showed them the selfie she had with her brother.
Well, at least that was the expected response she needed to see.
Her dad was sat on his desk facing across her and Darcy, the Cloak of Levitation deciding to hover over Darcy like a blanket. Illyria had kept her hands placed on her lap, waiting for any of their responses at least.
Finally, Stephen leaned in with a deep breath, "Here's the problem." He continued, "When we returned, somehow the portal collapsed. I tried to make it but even imagining the location couldn't get me through."
That wasn't the news she didn't want to hear.
Illyria's head swept over to the next as she firmly said, "There must be some way. Like the Bifrost or the convergence. Darcy?"
Darcy's eyes lingered over to her as she answered softly, "Honey, that portal wasn't the sling-ring. It was yours."
"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She didn't recall creating that portal at all.
Her dad caught her attention again as he questioned, "When you fought Mordo in the Alps, what happened?"
Illyria chewed the inside of her cheek and thought carefully.
"I went to the Alps to investigate some of the small anomalies. I was detecting them with my machine and with my magic. So I turned up, just expecting it to be a short trip." Illyria continued, "I arrived where you guys were and were about to head back until he showed up--Wait, what happened to Mordo?"
It's been a month and she hadn't even realised that the very reason she was in this situation was because of the green-robed asshole that killed her brother.
Her dad straightened his back, explaining to her: "He's being contained." Stephen continued, "The Masters have agreed that he'll be testified in a few months."
Scoffing, Illyria leaned back against the backrest. "Mordo won't change, Dad." She glared at him. "He won't change his idealism no matter if you keep him alive or not. Killing him will prove his point, as you said and keeping him alive would risk us all."
Her dad thinned his lips. "That's what I'm afraid of." He waved his hand for her. "Continue by the way."
"As I was saying." She continued her tale. "He had about five other sorcerers with him, and I was almost defeated until I...I felt my visions forming and then next thing I knew there was a burst of light engulfing me."
Illyria was doing all her best to focus her mind at that particular moment. She could still remember the same sensation rapturing through her body, a light that almost blinded her as she heard herself fall through.
She had been falling until something had grabbed her. If she focused hard enough, she noticed the dark silhouette of something.
No: someone.
Her eyes widened slightly as she said, "But I wasn't alone." Illyria stared back at his father. "Someone was there, a person...I was falling before I blacked out and landed in the woods. I didn't see their face or anything, but something felt weird about them. They had the same aura as me, but it was...odd. What do you think?"
Stephen swallowed a gulp and responded, "Well let me tell you that the magic resonating from that portal and what you carry is exactly yours. The magic resonating in Middle Earth as well-matched your own." He waved his hands in a gesture to her. "In a way, it was like a fuel: your powers connected to that world alone. Nothing multidimensional or known here. Just that sort of world along with all the other parallel universes in that plane."
Illyria pursed her lips and didn't speak.
"But if you think someone was there: maybe they tried to save you." Her dad suggested, "Stopped you from landing where Mordo came out in."
Darcy wryly added, "Or potentially pull her back there." She brought her hands up as she explained, "We still don't know how it's possible. It's not liked the Hex at all."
Illyria panned her head around to her guardian, a little surprised that Darcy had seemingly spoken about the Hex rather openly to not only her...but to her dad.
She wondered what happened in the past two weeks she was gone.
Explaining, Darcy lifted her shoulders and spoke: "This portal...is not any energy spike I've felt since that happened. And pulling that much energy at the condition you're in might damage your heart again."
Illyria slowly said, "Are you trying to say I can't come back then."
None of them answered her back.
Taking a shuddering breath, she brought herself up to her feet – her sight slightly dizzy. A month after recovery still wasn't enough for her to even function nowadays.
She looked at both her parents and told them, "I need a moment." Illyria headed for the door, deciding to spend the day to think to herself at that revelation.
Another week passed by and she guessed she was back to her 'normal' reality of being a PhD student in Oxford. Though as she tried to push through her time living back on Earth, the world around her had seemed to resonate so differently from what she experienced back on Middle Earth.
During that time, she had forced herself to get through it all: continuing with the work she had missed for an entire month and catching up on the research she had begun months before. Now it felt like an entire year since she began her doctorate. Hopefully, she wasn't as rusty with a computer or a pen but did feel odd having to experience mental calculations in her head again.
Today was her free day and Darcy had somehow appeared (possibly asking her dad to portal her through to her college) at the front door of her student house and whisking her away for lunch.
Even if it was a little chilly now, the October chills of British Weather lingering, Illyria and Darcy decided to find a little restaurant at the city centre that was a little too expensive for her student tastes. (She only accepted because Darcy was willing to pay using some of S.W.O.R.D's money she was given.)
Gone were her red sorceress' robes and nanotech armour for a turtleneck, long coat and jeans. However, she did keep the boots as well as the pendant around her neck. Her staff on the other hand – the one Galadriel gave her – had been left with Elrond back on Middle Earth. The one the Ancient One gave; Illyria hadn't found the time or even effort to try and fix the darn thing. Hopefully, once things died down and her tutors weren't pounding her with work, she could find a moment with Master Hamir and her dad to work through the enchantments.
"I still can't believe you're an ancient elf! Damn. I want my previous life to be like that." Darcy sighed, a joking annoyance in her voice as she took a bite of her cake.
Illyria gave her a look and replied, "Darcy, you're already living this life. With what you have with Dad and Jane being back. Not to mention you and Monica and Jimmy still hanging out."
"I guess so." Darcy rolled her eyes, smirking back. "I mean, no one gets to have a chance to be with a sorcerer with his sorceress elf daughter."
A fond smile formed on her face, eyeing back down on her dessert. When she brought her gaze back to Darcy, she asked tentatively, "How are you and dad anyways? Are you okay?"
Darcy took a moment before nodding her head slowly, "We are...okay."
She replied quietly, "Sounds more than that." Illyria crinkled her nose as she realised what she just said, "Ew. I can't believe I'm saying this-ow!"
Darcy's hand hit her arm whilst Illyria gaped back. "Oi! Firstly, we both raised you." Her guardian replied, "And we have rights. Amendments and all that jazz."
"I'm not even American, not legally." Illyria rolled her eyes back at her.
Taking another bite, Darcy continued. "Anyways, how's looking up people? Anyone that caught your eye for some crazy research with portals?"
Eventually, Illyria needed to find someone to talk to about what she did during her time in Arda. In the end, it had been Darcy to no surprise, who listened to her as she always did, commentating in some parts she spoke of during the quest. Illyria during her stay in Oxford had changed her plans ahead, deciding to now propose her dissertation on researching to recreate the portal she somehow made with her magic.
Where could she go wrong with that? At least if something did happen, she would know where she'll end up to some extent.
"Actually, to my surprise, I secured one researcher who accepted." Illyria took her phone, out scrolling through her emails.
Darcy's eyes lit up as she asked, "Oh! That's great, what's their name?"
When she found the right email, she expanded the little picture on their resume and placed her phone on the table.
"Name's Doctor Finneas Cuthbert." Illyria introduced, "I think Natasha Romanoff suggested him when the Avengers were looking for some people to help with the time travelling, but he got dusted."
Darcy looked impressed and pointed, "And he's a Brit. Went to Edinburgh University and has a PhD in materials science and engineering."
"Darcy," She pointed out.
Okay maybe her guardian had a point. The man in the photo was rather handsome to an extent, with dark black hair, and a pale chiselled face. To be honest, he could pull off an elf if he did not have pointed ears.
Not to mention his really blue eyes.
Eh, not as beautiful as Elrond's grey ones but good enough.
She huffed and replied, "Yes, yes I know." Darcy gestured to her and said, "Can't believe you're already married, with children. And one of them is Arwen Undómiel out of all people."
Illyria grinned through her drink, placing it down on the table. "You would love her." A small fond smile rested on her lips as she thought of her daughter. "You might think she's more like Elrond, but I think she's secretly like me."
At that, she felt lost in her thoughts again. She missed seeing Arwen's face beside Elladan and Elrohir. And if she kept thinking about them, she would start thinking about Elrond and then her brother.
In the Nickelback of time, Darcy placed her hand over hers in front – allowing Illyria's focus back on her.
She spoke, "Hey, don't lose hope. I will help you as much as I can to make this work. Get you your family and friends back. It's what I've always been doing." Darcy let out a deep breath before speaking: "...You know, I never got to tell you, what really happened there. In the Hex."
Illyria's eyes widened.
Darcy's shoulders rose slightly as she shifted in her seat. "Your dad doesn't know really." Her eyes now bore into hers as she quietly said, "I felt it, all her pain. Her sorrow...And I realised how much it felt for you to have it too."
She clung to her hand. "Darcy-"
"You don't need to hide your pain anymore, Illyria. I want you to be free from it." She told her gently, "And seeing you now, I know you're hurting. But I can't let you break yourself like what Wanda had done."
Darcy had never said anything about her experience in the Hex at all...until now.
Almost a year since it all, Darcy had kept her part of the story hidden and Illyria could now sense the truth in her words and mind of how much it had affected her. Wanda Maximoff had not been okay ever since the death of Vision, and even after a year: Illyria could easily tell that the Scarlet Witch was still lost.
Wanda had done so much for Darcy by saving her life. She had been the one to know about the cursed blade, brought by Mordo after he stumbled upon the Darkhold months in the summer. After healing as much of the curse as possible, the Scarlet Witch didn't even wait for her to wake up, leaving her to venture away from society and continuing her journey throughout the multiverse. [3]
Ironically, Illyria almost felt like she was in her shoes. She was trying to find her other family again and she...she wasn't sure who she was as of yet. She knew she was Elemmírë and Illyria – established after handling that Silmaril and seeing all those memories.
But who was she now as both? She had three lives to deal with now: her elven one, her human one and a sorceress' life.
Leaning back into her seat, she pressed her hand over her forehead. "I don't even know where to start." Illyria glanced down, "I...I feel like there's not a path for me to take anymore."
"Then make one. You don't need to see a path; you've always made it up for your own. Your future." Darcy told her, "Your dad and I are so proud of you, seeing you grow up. I know you're still angry with him, but I know you love him more."
She bit her lip as she glanced over across the table, 'I love you too, Mom.'
Darcy never let go of her hand, assuring her once more. "You're not alone. And I will do whatever it takes to see your family again."
Illyria decided to enjoy her weekend again back in New York, finally adjusting to the routine. She could probably just take a picture of the pages she needed from the library in the Sanctum but in her heart: she knew she had to woman up and finally have some one-to-one talk with her dad about what happened.
It was late in the night when it did occur.
"Still reading at this hour."
Glancing up from her spot, Illyria found her dad at the door of the library. He had been in his sorcerer's getup, possibly returning from Kamar-Taj. Mordo's trial was coming soon, in another week's time, and he had been rounding up the last rogue sorcerers under Mordo's hands. The Cloak of Levitation disappeared to the rest of the Sanctum, probably to go back to their cabinet to rest.
She smiled slightly at him, before closing the book and stared at its front.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Illyria spoke, "I always loved these books. I...never imagined it would turn out to be real."
There was an awkward silence there until one of them changed the subject.
"So, when are you heading back?" Her dad asked her, approaching where she sat.
As she stood up, Illyria answered: "In a few days. Can't leave my work alone forever." She wryly added, "And sadly, my excuse for not going to my research sessions because I fell into a portal doesn't count."
He chuckled a little, twitching his lips before her face fell to concern. He began, "Illyria, what Darcy and I said to you. We didn't...I didn't mean it-"
"I know." She interrupted him. Illyria took a deep breath and spoke, "I know you were just trying to be honest. And right now, I think I needed that more than ever."
Damn right she did. Yes, it hurt her, but her dad was only trying to do what he could. She knew he didn't want to lead her to a false sense of hope. The only way he could have done it was just plainly telling her the truth.
Stephen reached out to her, "I'm sorry, for never saying anything."
Under the dim lights, she recognised the thickness of his voice and the watering of his eyes. Illyria could sense her heart thumping against her chest, still feeling sore despite the amount of time it had been since.
"It's okay, Dad." She said to him with an encouraging smile.
Holding her arms out, she brought herself forwards and embraced him. A wash of relief and warmth grew in her body as he relaxed under her hug and wrapped his arms around her – gently brushing her hair.
She heard his voice call to her, "I love you."
Illyria tightened her grip, muttering back. "I love you too, Dad. Thank you-"
All of a sudden, there was a large crash.
What the fuck.
They both pulled away as soon as possible, glancing towards the door before each other's faces.
She questioned, "What was that?" At that moment, she decided to hurry out of the library and towards the location of whatever the hell that was.
Her dad called out to her, "I don't know; it's downstairs again." He spoke. "Lyria-"
Hurrying down the corridor, she turned around the corner until she passed the Rotunda of Gateways before finding herself at the main foyer. To be honest, a large crash at the Sanctum now made Illyria assumed that the Hulk must have landed right through the roof again and onto the staircase.
Which was exactly the case.
However, with minor differences. Starting off had been the person, who was not green this time and not as large as the green monster.
Illyria's mouth opened at the broken mess but froze as she felt familiar energy dissipate in her surroundings. As she narrowed her eyes to peer below her, she found the figure to have gotten up with a staggering motion.
His might be a better term, how the groan of pain came off low and deep.
As he stood up and faced the other way, something in her mind clicked at the familiar red clothing and the red hair now tousled and tangled.
When he turned around, her heart had stopped.
"No..." She breathed.
Those eyes.
She had not seen them in years.
"...Elemmírë." He spoke, surprised as well.
However, all she could say was one thing.
- Illyria Strange, Doctor Strange, Doctor Darcy Lewis and Maedhros Fëanorion will Return -
[1] - Exeter College: A college in Oxford University where Tolkien himself went to do a degree in Literature, moving from Classics.
[2] - Bar-en-Lothglor: the coat of arms of the House of the Golden Flower.
[3] - The Darkhold: An ancient magical book that is known to corrupt those who learn from it. It is now in the hands of the Scarlet Witch.
A/N: And that concludes The Rules of The Multiverse! What did you guys think of that ending?
Thank you so much for reading this far. But It's not done yet! Please stay tuned for the Post-Credits. :)
Edited: 14/10/2021
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