20 |An Unexpected Arrival
20 | The Unexpected Arrival
Warning: will contain violence and death.
Location: Dale, Middle Earth
Time: November 2941 T.A
Illyria had done all she could, keeping a shield where the children resided as well as the outer shield which protected Dale from the Northern and Eastern sides.
Elladan and Elrohir had drained most of their energy despite clearly telling them that they didn't have. But nevertheless, they pushed themselves, and she was that close to telling her boys for being stupid. Arwen on the other hand was not as drained as the twins but still felt her energy lessen after their shield conjuring.
Every elf and human were amazed at the white hue above their heads, the swirls of multiple colours as the sun hit the shield as sunrise arrived. She had not created a shield this large since many months ago which she had trained in the Mirror Dimension how her natural abilities could extend. Uncle Wong warned her that her magic may affect the Mirror Dimension slightly and that anything powerful or large could have consequences. That was why she spent it to create small versions.
But this even shocked her.
She allowed the boys to replenish as much of their powers enough for the morning, forcing the two to meditate or sleep whilst Arwen did her last checks with the women and children of Esgaroth. Glorfindel had headed to aid the guard of Lothlorien and Imladris outside of the shield whilst Elrond stayed to do last-minute talks with Thranduil and Thorin. She would transfer weapons through portals for the rest of the elves as well as some provisions on what was viable for the healers.
She didn't know how long this battle will last, so they needed to make sure there were enough supplies to hold on to.
But whilst she was constantly being asked to do stuff there and back from Dale and Erebor, Illyria was trying to form a plan again about the initial thing.
That was keeping Thorin, Kili and Fili alive. She hadn't even mentioned it to Gandalf the Grey as well, who kept his eyes at her after the shield conjuring. Ever since the reveal of the Silmaril, the maia had been giving her looks. Illyria should probably go up to him and ask what his problem was but there hadn't been much time to have some tea with the wizard.
She'll ask him after the battle about the Silmaril.
And speaking of the Silmaril, she had tasked Elrond to keep it safe. The half-elven almost gave her a double look after hearing her request and she returned it with another look. They both knew that a certain dark Ainu would be looking for this and she trusted him to hold onto it for her.
She couldn't trust herself yet to be around it either way. Not even when she was Illyria or Elemmírë. That jewel was bad news for her, and it still caused those memories to flash before her.
After this battle, that Silmaril would need to go somewhere. Perhaps back to Aman to where the Valar were. They would know what to do. Glorfindel had yet to know yet what to do with it as well, suggesting to Gandalf, Elrond and her that keeping it in Imladris would be best before discussing it with Galadriel and Círdan.
Once they agreed, Illyria went over to where the cliff face had been. Where just last night Elrond had told her his love to her. That memory made her hands fiddle again with the pendant, the sneaky half-elf giving it to her in a way that didn't seem entirely forward.
"Illyria." He caught her attention as he approached her. "I had hoped you would be with Arwen."
They were standing side by side again as Illyria looked at him. "She has the twins with her, don't worry. But with what is to come, I might need both my sides protected." She grinned, hinting for him.
Elrond smiled a little, before taking pulling out his hands from his back. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the clothed object in front of her. Oh god, she hoped it wasn't another courting gift in the middle of a war. Honestly, she didn't have anything to give him. Maybe her Stark phone or perhaps the patch in her robe. God, when she comes back: Illyria will probably have to find something that he might like. Possibly access to Google...though that might be a big ass risk for a loremaster like him.
"Perhaps this may work," Elrond said.
Carefully unveiling the object, Illyria found herself dropping her jaw.
There in his hands was a staff. Possibly the prettiest stick she's ever seen.
Okay, maybe not call it a stick because that sounded like an insult.
Illyria picked it up gently with her hands, sensing the smooth surface and felt a thrum go through her arm into the staff. It was of a silver-grey colour, much like the Mallorn trees [1] in Lothlorien. When she tried it in her grasp, it wasn't as light as she imagined. Perfectly balanced. (like all things should be.)
Though as much as it replicated the shape and size of her staff, it had no spells or blades on it. There was still some energy that connected her magic through it like an extra arm but that was it. Well, it was better than trying to wield a sword.
Once she placed it into her dimensional pocket, she heard Elrond explain: "I had this commissioned, courtesy of the Lady of Lorien."
She rose her eyebrows in surprise. Illyria wasn't expecting Galadriel out of all people to give her something such as this even if there was some awkward friendship between her. Either way, it was amazing, and Illyria awed like a child receiving a present on Christmas Day.
Glancing up at him, she grinned. "Galadriel is going to be a second favourite, first being my children obviously."
Elrond made a soured expression, making her laugh in return.
She patted her hand on his and assured Elrond, never letting go. "And of course, you." She relaxed and continued, "But thank you, Elrond. Swords are not my thing anymore."
At least now Glorfindel didn't have to teach her not to get pummelled again. Illyria was hoping to use her magic to fight along with her daggers and perhaps quickly go through her lessons on conjuring Eldritch fans. The Ancient One usually fought with them, having been so swift and agile with them when she once saw her train. Her dad used Eldritch whips the most whilst Wong used conjured swords.
When she returned her gaze back to him, Illyria narrowed her eyes. "You're giving me that look."
"Ever so observant, Illyria." Elrond, ever the kindest and typically composed one – finally pulled a sarcastic tone.
So, after getting mentally whiplashed by his sarcasm, Illyria shook her head and wryly replied, "Blame a father who is a former surgeon, a strict librarian for an uncle and a scholar for a... mother, I guess." Her voice lowered, "You're thinking about me."
It was his turn to look back at her, "How do you know?"
"Because your heart is beating rather quickly." She answered. His pulse through his wrist was surprisingly faster than usual.
Elrond replied, "Perhaps I am just preparing for the battle." He let out a deep breath, "But yes, I was thinking of that day."
Her mind froze slightly, and Illyria's shoulders stiffened. "Angmar." She whispered, mostly to herself. "I still don't know really. It was all a blur."
Elrond's hand tightened around hers as he looked away. "It was not long ago for elves, and yet-"
Illyria finished for him, "I know. I can sense it for some reason. Perhaps because of my soul still bonded to yours."
She was still unsure of how elven marriages worked. Sometimes Illyria could sense something between him and her own magic. When he was around and close enough, there was a pull – an invisible string – which Illyria couldn't ignore. He seemed more affected than her though, which made her worry about it.
A breath escaped his mouth as he explained, "At first it was bearable. But as you grew more powerful and uncontrollable with your powers, it was-"
"Did I hurt you?" Illyria blurted out, staring at him.
His eyes widened as Elrond replied, "No! Never, melmenya."
Nope: she wasn't convinced.
"Elrond," Illyria answered.
"Your powers are unique, unlike what Vilya and the other rings possess. It was why I felt sometimes...intimidated." Elrond explained, sensing her fingers to rub the ring around his own. "Your powers drew many eyes; it was why it took so long to confess my feelings for you."
She gave the half-elven lord a raised brow, "Really? I think right now it's the other way round."
It was his turn to give her a look of disbelief. "Illyria."
Rolling her eyes, Illyria sighed: "Okay fine, they look at me, but I think it's because I'm standing next to you and holding your hand."
She wasn't wrong, they were standing possibly at the worse place and time where a bunch of elves and men the usual dwarf could spot them. Her hand was intertwined with his, standing rather close between a random sorceress and the famous Lord of Imladris. Yeah, definitely not scandalous at all.
But it seemed Elrond didn't care, or he already accepted he was like this around her before.
She began, "Look, power doesn't define us all. Your power with Vilya doesn't define all of you. I can sense from the other elves that they look up to you, not because of your heritage but because of what you have done to them. You never needed power only loyalty and trust." Illyria gazed straight at him, meaning every word. "Never be ashamed of what you have and what you are, okay? You are in no doubt the wisest person I've met...minus the Ancient One of course but you know what I mean. But if you want to know, that's all I've been trying to tell you since."
His eyes softened, pulling back a strand of her hair behind her ear. Elrond murmured, "Thank you."
Illyria smiled slightly and admitted to him, "If you want to know as well, I'm afraid too. Not just what happens in battle but this." She now took his other hand as she faced him, her voice cracking every second. "What we have. I can feel everything Elemmírë once had for you as well as what Illyria does. And Illyria's love is young and erratic. I...you have to be patient with me."
A small chuckle came from him as he smiled softly. "I have waited for thousands already; I think I can be patient enough." His smile saddened, "But something troubles you, Illyria."
How was she able to do this? She could not bear to break his heart again. The Peredhel who had done all he could to love and to make his family happy. Elrond didn't deserve her - the erratic and reckless sorceress. There was a world beyond her that needed her, along with her dad and Darcy and the multiverse that was beginning to leak into their own universe.
She pressed her hand over his cheek, feeling his cold skin. "After this, or whatever happens I need you to know that there will come a time that I would need to leave. Not for the worst reasons...but you must understand I have to go back. This world has changed because of my meddling. And I was taught that messing with the multiverse can be catastrophic." Illyria told him, "I want to protect you. You, Arwen, the twins and Fin. Even Bilbo and everyone I've met. But I'm just so scared that I would hurt you more if I stayed, not when he knows I'm here."
He continued to stare at her, trying to search for something on her face. It was creeping her out and in a genuinely concerning way.
"Elrond, please say something," Illyria pleaded gently.
He shuddered a breath before pressing his lips, soft and yet firm, onto her temple. "Then if this is our last moment, for now, I shall not leave your side."
Illyria's heart skipped a beat as she felt his lips, a tingling sensation went through her in a mix of giddiness and overwhelming love she had not experienced before. Never had she felt so much care and kindness from anyone like him in a way that had made her heart seem to leap through into the clouds. She wanted to cry and yet laugh at the same time.
Upset that this was their reality either way – and that she would have to come to the decision over her world and his. In the end, Elrond understood her choice even if she knew it was hurting him inside.
God, Illyria didn't deserve him at all. In the end, he still fell for her.
Goddamn world, why couldn't it be a better fairy-tale for this elven man?
She brushed her thumb close to his lip, almost about to lean forward until she spotted a golden speckle arriving behind Elrond.
Well, there goes another chance. Her brother really needed to stop cock-blocking her. And he was the one complaining that they moved too slowly, goddammit!
Glorfindel nevertheless had been eavesdropping on their conversation, smiling at them both. "And I as well." He told her, "You cannot escape from me, little sister."
She took a step back slightly, keeping her hands with Elrond whilst her husband almost appeared to look annoyed at the Balrog Slayer.
Yeah, there she said it. Her husband.
Damn, that felt weird to say. Darcy's going to be sad that she never had to plan her wedding.
Illyria grinned up to Glorfindel and answered, "No, you did promise to be on my left either way." Her eyes darted behind his brother and spoke, "And what about you three."
Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen were standing before her, already dressed in their armour. Her daughter had a sword at her hip along with several daggers whilst the twins carried their swords and bows slung at their back.
Now when Illyria focused really hard, the three did have the resemblance of her. The children of Elrond and Illyria...well technically Elemmírë.
Elrohir grinned back, "We'll be up here keeping the citizens safe as planned." He told her, "Please don't risk yourself, Nana. We would hate not to see those movies you've told us about."
A humming sound came from Arwen as she spoke humbly, "Yes, I would like to know who portrays me."
Glorfindel mocking gasped, "And rid of my own spotlight." He added, "Ever so mean of that man!" Arwen simply grinned at Glorfindel. Illyria had to her laughter as she realised that the time in Lothlorien brought the two to tell each other what had happened.
After she had told her brother that Arwen took his spot in the original trilogy, he was so offended and grumbled about it every time Arwen mentioned it over dinner...speaking how this Peter Jackson should have brought him in these moving paintings. The twins, well she'd already told them about the movies briefly.
But not Elrond, "I sense I have not heard of this...movie." He looked at her, "You would have to tell us more after the battle."
Illyria bit her lip. Right, how was she going to tell him that the guy who portrayed him looked nothing like himself?
Well, that'll be another conversation to bring up some time. He'll be surprised that even starred in the Matrix too.
She spread her arms towards the younger elves, "Come here, all of you." Illyria breathed in, hugging the trio before kissing each of their temples. "We will all be fine. You are all so brave for me...And thank you."
"For what?" Elladan wondered back.
Illyria felt herself tear up as she answered, "For accepting me, even when I still don't know who I really am yet."
All of them gave her a sad smile, but nothing broke her more but to find her children embrace her once more.
Elrohir whispered, "You'll always be our Naneth."
Dawn had come.
They headed down to where the shield ended, spotting the legion of dwarves from the Iron Hills enter their sight. At the front had been a red-haired dwarf, approaching with a confused expression. Illyria gazed at Thorin, who nodded back at her.
With the silent instruction, Illyria stepped forward beyond the elven army behind her. She held both her arms out and moved them – creating an opening through the shield for Thorin and Balin to walk through.
"There's Dain." Illyria made a grim look as she watched the exchange greetings. She still wasn't used to dwarves bumping their heads at each other.
Elrond, who stood on her right, added, "Cousin to Oakenshield."
"Yes. He's...not the most cooperative of the two. Thorin's more compliant." She pointed out, to which Elrond rose his eyebrows and agreed back.
Glorfindel inhaled as he spoke, "As long as we get through this. We have the higher ground for now." He paused and flicked his head, "Why are you chuckling, nésa?"
Did he just...
Oh shit, he just did.
How could she not laugh?
Illyria stifled her mouth, almost having to bite her sleeve. Never had she imagine hearing that quote from the Balrog Slayer at all. She's going to have to write an entire book about this. Might even be equivalent to Bilbo, Frodo and Sam's red book. Hers can be blue, or maybe green.
If she did write her adventure and rendition of the Hobbit, it might be concerning that it could be equivalent to those internet stories she came across one time.
Oh god, Illyria will have to stop any of them from finding out about that side of the internet.
Patting her brother's shoulder, she assured him. "I'll tell you some other time. Cultural reference."
Speaking of the high ground, Illyria felt like a Jedi with her trusty new staff, Jedi robes being in the light side. She wished that in another universe or reality, the Force actually was real because it would be awesome to just swing a lightsabre around like Luke Skywalker. [2]
Apart from death stars; her world and this world does not need any death stars hovering up in space. [3]
Why she felt like a Jedi was that the moment the were-worms appeared, and the sound of the horn erupted, Illyria materialised her staff in her hand and prepared. They would wait for the orcs to try and pass through the barrier first before creating an opening for them. The dwarves would flank the sides whilst the main elven army would be at the front along with her and the Noldorin elves. The elves of Lothlorien stayed in Dale along with Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan to aid the people of Esgaroth.
Thorin and Dain were together along with the company whilst Thranduil riding on his elk with the calvary. Illyria had spotted Gandalf with Bilbo between Bard and the Durinsons. She knew that the Company would keep her hobbit friend safe and assured herself that they would be fine.
As the orcs charged towards the barriers, Illyria counted to five in her mind until the first sword clashed against the translucent shield.
A clash of light blasted several orcs back as the barrier rung in waves. Illyria could sense the energy emitted and knew it would not last for hours. Possibly two if they were lucky. Every elf and dwarf and every man was staring in awe as the orc continued to push through but to no avail. Illyria's own breath was still shaking, nervous until the right time would occur and that they would need to attack.
Once the orc numbers were beginning to lose, she spotted the signal where Thranduil had been and tightened her grip on her staff. The elves of Mirkwood readied their bows, waiting for her open the barrier at their end.
And with a deep breath, Illyria pulled it down. It was the beginning of the Battle of the Five Amies.
The elves charged forwards, colliding with the tall elves as one approached her and threw its mace down at her head, she blocked it with her shields before sending it towards an orc with her light. Illyria took her staff and swung it, channelling her energy through the wood before a circular wave of energy crackled and shoved the orcs around down to the ground.
A whole perimeter around her was dead.
Illyria stared at the wooden staff and silently thanked Galadriel again. She'll probably need to give that elven woman something better. When she comes back, she would need a whole truck of gifts for these people.
"Holy shit this is rather good." She turned her head back to the battle scene and grinned, "Now, let's start."
You would think travelling with a sorceress and a wizard for months would get you used to their magical tricks.
However, that was not the case for Kili.
Whilst he was keeping his brother's back safe as they fought amongst elf, dwarf, and man: Kili could not help (well anyone for that matter) to stare every so often at the sorceress who cleared an immense area of orcs with just her staff. (Which was new to his knowledge since the colour looked rather different and wore no golden blades at its ends.)
During the time they had gotten through the magical barriers which Illyria Ettelëa and the children of Elrond (which still shocked him to realise that she was the reincarnation of the Lady of Rivendell) produced, Illyria had given the time to take out most of the larger orcs in their way.
However, Illyria was not alone. Lord Elrond had been by her side during the fight, using his curved blade whilst the golden-haired elf next to him easily cut the orcs head with one swift movement.
Three were possibly the most draw-dropping thing to spot.
And then Illyria Ettelëa did something even better.
He had seen the sea once, and like a giant wave – the light erupted from her body and encircled her outwards. All the orcs were blasted surrounding her as the ground shook and the sound of bodies and weapons hitting the ground rung through his ears.
Kili gawked at the blonde-haired sorceress they called as dwarf-friend and shouted, "Where was she when we needed her with the dragon!"
His brother, on the other hand, sliced another orc's head off as he replied, "Fighting the dark lord, unfortunately. Come, we must go!"
His uncle had gestured them to follow, who gestured for Bilbo and Dwalin to follow. Kili tried to search for the familiar red-haired elf but to no avail. He only hoped Tauriel was safe and that she was far away from the battle as possible.
Arwen stood at the town square, her sword already out as she kept her eyes peeled for any rogue enemies.
The women who wanted to fight alongside her had kept the place where the children had been safe, along with that disgusting man called Alfrid whom the women forced him out. Bain, Lord Bard's son, stayed with his sisters where the halls were. The men along with the guards of Lothlorien would guard the walls of the South and West whilst she and the women would be the second wall between the children.
She kept her ears listening and hoped that both her parents and uncle were alright. In truth: Arwen knew more than what her father did, and that was why she was pleading the Valar for their safety at what comes next for them.
She knew the waterfall and Ravenhill.
And yet she did what her mother said and kept the city protected.
The longer she waited, the more Arwen was twitching to head down to where the main part of the battle was. Though it was not long as she heard a horse gallop into the square and widened her eyes to find the two elves her mother had spoken of her about.
Arwen approached the two elves, one having blonde straight hair whilst the other was in red. She bowed her head as she greeted him, "Prince Legolas."
His eyebrows rose as he said, "My Lady Arwen, I wasn't expecting you to be here." Legolas questioned her, "Have you seen my father? I must inform him."
Arwen responded quickly, "We know. A group have already gone up North." She explained to him, "Your father is down on the frontlines." She knew that Prince Legolas would be confused as to how she had known, though didn't have the chance to respond as she felt her brothers come towards her from the Southern gate.
Elladan and Elrohir approached them and slung off their horses. Elrohir told her, "Little sister, it would seem the shields are breaking now."
Nodding at them, Arwen replied: "Then it is time for the second plan."
"Diverting the orcs won't be enough," Elladan responded, his eyes glancing back down to the street. Soon, Dale would be filled with orcs and trolls filing through the South if they did not aid the rest of the people of Esgaroth.
Arwen firmly responded, "Then we will do what we can." Her eyes then turned to the elleth that stood by the prince. "My lady Tauriel, the dwarves are going to Ravenhill. Go to him."
Both Legolas and Tauriel stared at her in shock. The elleth began, "How do you know-"
Soon the screams and shouts filled her ears as Arwen took her stance between the other four. The prince was first to slice the orc down, whilst the Silvan elf shot the other with an arrow. Gripping Hadhafang in her hand, she spun with her heels and blocked the incoming sword towards her, bringing the light through her muscles just like Illyria told her.
Arwen took another orc down and shouted at the elleth, "You are running out of time. Go!"
Both Tauriel and Legolas gave each other a glance and took their horse, galloping towards the Northern gate and Ravenhill.
"We'll have to fall back, Illyria!" Elrond shouted back at her a few metres away.
She sent another attack at an orc, forming a shield around them as she sensed the barrier beginning to dissolve. Soon, Dale would be filled with orcs to trap them and they will need to keep them occupied before the Northern army would arrive. Most of the archers were already placed to shoot down the bats and goblins, though with her own knowledge to dodge the one place she told them not to go.
She had specifically told the Company to meet them up there, but to wait for her especially.
And Thorin bloody Oakenshield had ignored her goddamn request.
Next time, she was going to knock his brain again.
Illyria whacked her staff against an orc's head before she cried to both of them, "Ravenhill...Fili, Kili and Dwalin headed up there with Thorin and Bilbo!" Illyria said, "I fucking told them to wait for fucks sake!"
Glorfindel sliced another few more orcs down and head to her and Elrond. As she gave Gandalf a stern nod, she mentally gave her word to him.
'Stay safe, my dear.' The wizard thought through her.
Illyria nodded and replied, 'I will, Olorin.'
She formed a portal in front of her and gestured for both Elrond and her brother to enter. The two seemed rather hesitant at first (which in most cases was normal for everyone) and stumbled through to step into midway up Ravenhill. Illyria herself walked through before shutting the portal, sensing the energy of the fight around her to slowly dissipate as an eery silence brought her adrenaline down.
God that was even more stressful than fighting aliens and the purple nutsack last year.
She wavered slightly with her feet, grabbing for Elrond who took her by the arm. 'Don't worry, just need to take a breather,' She assured him, though he frowned back at her.
Once she had adjusted and recovered most of her strength, they trekked the last bit of the mountain towards the north. There were already archers and orcs and goblins on the side, evident by the arrows.
At least this time there would not be much of a fight for them to go through. They managed to arrive at some platform, spotting five short figures back-to-back as they searched for Azog and Bolg.
Thorin's eyes found hers first and his body relaxed to find them and not some large stinking mother-effer. They all looked well enough and standing, tired by their heaving of breaths as the cold seeped in. She tapped her staff onto the ground as she closed her eyes and tried to sense anyone else.
Thorin's voice echoed, "Illyria-"
However, she flashed her eyes open and threw a shot of light, an inch above the dwarf's head. Though it wasn't enough as the club swung slowly as she screamed, "Thorin! Duck!"
Orcs appeared amongst the rubble and snow, circling them, and immediately aiming their weapons at the Durinsons. Azog was after the dwarves, so their priority was to keep the orc occupied.
The eight cut them down, with some pushed off the edge.
Thorin shouted back at her whilst he gutted another orc onto the ground. "What...you knew of this?"
"Remember, I can't tell you everything," Illyria informed him.
She had not been lying then when she told them everything they needed to know, and that had been removing the details on the final battle up here. Illyria only informed the Company to make sure they weren't all alone, keeping their backs protected by each other. Bilbo had promised then to keep Thorin's own back protected despite his protests.
However, Illyria was proud to say how much Bilbo grounded himself in that promise.
Elrond and Glorfindel had not known the plan, unaware as Elrond suggested to the hobbit, "Master Bilbo," He told him. "You should be back with my children."
Illyria flicked her head to the half-elven lord and assured, "No, it's fine Elrond." She then focused her eyes back to the Durinson and tilted her head, "Boys, Dwalin: go with Glorfindel and Elrond. I'll stay with Thorin and Bilbo."
The eight of them all agreed, though Elrond was the most hesitant and quickly grasped her hand. "I trust you to keep safe," He spoke softly.
She stared back to her grey eyes and replied, "I will." Illyria agreed, "Don't worry, we'll meet up back at the lake."
Damn. Azog do be looking like a pirate with an eye patch.
Curtesy of her own magic at the Misty Mountains, the pale white orc had not recovered from her own creation. He had caught them off guard on the way to the icy lake, shoving Thorin off his boot whilst she sent whipping pulling back his hand in time for the dwarf to roll back onto his feet.
They fought three against one, with Thorin parrying with his sword whilst she and Bilbo did their best to knock Azog off his feet.
There was a moment through the fight in which Azog stopped and eyed her with a sneer. "You are the elf spawn my master spoke of."
Somehow Illyria understood, remembering the Black Speech she had heard from Sauron. "I am," She glared at the pale orc and gritted her teeth. "We had a lovely talk in Dol Guldur about this."
"Then you'll know you and Oakenshield will die." Azog cackled before sending his other blub down to her.
The impact almost brought her shield down hadn't Thorin came from behind. Hours of fighting had drained most of her energy left as her muscles were burning as she brought her staff down and drew a crescent onto the ice.
A wave of energy tripped Azog down, allowing her to run across before gasping to find Thorin on the verge of the frozen waterfall. She glanced downwards, spotting a blonde-haired elf fighting several orcs down by the bridge.
Illyria conjured her whip and tugged Azog's legs back with her staff – enough for Thorin to scramble away.
She then swung and ran forward, screaming down towards the bridge. "Legolas!"
As the orc's head fell off its neck, a pair of blue eyes almost bulged out as he said, "My lady Elemmírë." Legolas began, "How-"
Honestly, she was currently swinging off a cliff with Azog holding her up by his leg.
"No time, now! The sword!" She shouted and pointed at the spare sword at his hip. Thank fuck Legolas realised what she meant and threw the sword.
She caught it with her free hand in time, tossing the sword where Thorin had been, and he caught it with ease. Illyria repeated in her head not to look below or else she might just faint right now and loosened her grip with her staff.
With a breath, she allowed her staff to materialise as her body fell. She heard Bilbo scream back but was cut off the moment she formed a portal below her and landed with a thud over the orc's back.
Azog stumbled forward towards the ice, having already brought the fight back at the centre. And with the Orc off-balance, Bilbo sliced Azog's face. He roared in pain as blood spurted out, his hand immediately grabbing her cheek. Illyria inhaled sharply as she formed another whip through her staff, taking back the sword hand Azog had.
There: Thorin cried out and carved a gash through the pale orc's neck.
More blood came out at Azog sank to his knees before thudding onto the ice, a great crack forming under his weight.
Illyria stared at the dead orc with deep pants.
"We did it. It is done." Thorin breathless spoke, his voice light as he searched for his hobbit.
Despite knowing now that the orc was dead, Illyria sensed in her the back of her mind that this was not truly the finale she expected. "No, it's not," She gazed her eyes at the two, her breaths growing shallower as she took in the air.
Why did she not believe it to be the end? She was exhausted from hours of fighting that even was surprised her own energy and power was enough. Her hand never grew limp as she held her staff, staring around the landscape.
It seemed too easy. Azog was defeated and she assumed now that most of the orcs would know that their leader was dead.
She was about to speak to the two until she spotted two figures rush out from the outcrop of rock.
"Illyria. Are you alright?" Elrond rushed to her before glancing with surprised eyes at the fallen orc.
She gulped down the bile that brunt her throat. "Yeah. Kili and Fili?"
Her brother hummed in response. "Kili left with the red-haired elleth back down to Dale and Fili and Dwalin followed them." Glorfindel's eyes warily told her another story. "Sister, I saw someone. They are neither orc nor goblin."
Taking another shuddering breath, she ground her teeth tightly and tried to calm herself down. She needed to sit and to think, wondering why it seemed too easy for her sake. Illyria knew that the Eagles would arrive soon along with Beorn's large bear form.
As she turned her attention to the dwarf and hobbit, she found Thorin limping towards her. Her eyes flashed in warning as she saw the large gash on his calf and frowned.
She instructed, "Thorin, go with Bilbo." Illyria continued, "Make sure Dale and Erebor are secure."
Bilbo firmly replied, "I won't leave you, Illyria."
Illyria already sensed the aura growing around them and she rushed to kneel beside Bilbo. "Bilbo Baggins. Go." She told him, her voice wavering. "And if I do not return, you must promise me not to wear the ring anymore. Do you hear me?"
His eyes were startled, "Why?" Bilbo questioned.
Inhaling, she revealed to the hobbit the truth, "It is tainted with evil. Only you and any hobbit can wear it. Don't let anyone else carry it unless you trust them. Do you hear me?"
It took him a moment to reply, gulping back: "I promise, Illyria Strange."
Her heart skipped once more, praying for him and Thorin to be safe. Wrapping her arms around him, Illyria felt her eyes sting once more as she embraced Bilbo. If this could be her last moment to see Bilbo Baggins, she needed to make sure he understood what was to come.
She could only hope the story would go forward from now onwards.
As they went through the golden portal, she noticed the two elves eyeing her with concern – watching both the dwarf and hobbit with creased eyebrows. Illyria was expecting the two to question her already.
"Illyria, what ring does Bilbo possess?" Elrond asked sternly, eyeing the hobbit before the golden gateway disappeared.
She glanced at the two and replied, "You can both figure that out."
Glorfindel breathed, "That can't be-" He paused.
Well, no one wanted to believe her (even herself) but Illyria had to be discreet and plainly just tell them.
"Yep, and I can't say anything else." Illyria gave the two a look before she then stopped.
The moment she felt the aura around her alter Illyria's heart was racing.
And the moment she saw the familiar robes, Illyria felt her entire spine grow cold. She didn't need to ask herself where she was, simply sensing the energy around her which the Mirror Dimension always resonated.
They had locked her, Glorfindel and Elrond in the Mirror Dimension.
The worst place they could even be trapped in.
The crystalline background was enough to confirm her assumptions, and the echoing of their voices as three figures stood opposite the lake.
She had known these sorcerers before.
They had once been a part of the Mystic Arts as a child, though had already become masters of sorcery and began travelling the multiverse. The one in the green robes, Gotthard, had been one of Master Hamir's pupils. He had been always kind to her, giving her advice on how to keep still and meditate. He was the many who almost died because of her actions, having one of their own sorceresses in the Sanctuary kill her during the events of Dormammu.
The other sorcerers she had not known. They were younger in appearance, possibly the newer recruits during the time when she left Kamar-Taj to live in New York. They both wore grey robes instead, a highlight she knew of those in the ranks that were not as skilled as before. Illyria's own red robes were those of the second-ranked sorcerers, ready to pass on as a master, hadn't she left to go to Oxford.
Even though they were new, there were three against one sorcerer along with two elves. Though how they had found her in time made her concerned. Perhaps they knew where she was at the beginning of this. How long had they've been on Middle Earth?
He spoke to her, "Illyria Strange. So: it would seem you're alive."
"Yeah, I'm shocked you're both alive too." She mocked back, spotting the bruised eye and cuts. "Pretty nasty fall."
The other sorcerers beside him smirked back at her. The other sorcerer tilted their head and questioned with a light tone, "Where's your dad now? He's not here to protect you, is he?"
Illyria cracked her neck to the side before positioning her staff at her side. She asked back, "Who says I need protection?" She sensed both Glorfindel and Elrond prepare their own swords, watching the sorcerers form their shields and Eldritch weapons before themselves.
There was a chance they could escape back into the material plane, but Illyria knew it won't make a difference. In fact, it might possibly be the worse decision to enter back through to the material plane and affect the entire side of the mountain with their magic.
They would have to take the chance to use the Mirror Dimension instead, and hopefully keep the sorcerers in.
'You two get the ones in grey, I will hand the green one,' She told the two and they nodded. Illyria waited for who would be the first one to attack, lingering through their minds idly until she felt the grey one prepared their Eldritch sword and cried out.
The grey sorcerer sprinted towards her, and immediately the others followed. The other grey sorceress threw a blast of magic at them. Illyria formed a shield between them, transforming the blast into pieces of shredded paper before sending a blinding light at the trio.
Her brother parried with the grey sorcerer's sword in front whilst Elrond blocked the incoming blast with his sword. Gotthard on the other hand was on her tail, forming a whip with his magic and wrapping it at the end of her staff.
Quickly, she spun her staff and tugged the whip towards her – sliding underneath his flying fist before kicking him. Gotthard stumbled back again and tossed his whip once more, instead, landing it onto her wrist. She gritted her teeth, focusing her energy through her right arm before sensing the whip to disintegrate. The light broke the whip as she tugged her arm back before she grabbed the whip and pulled him towards her.
Gotthard in time almost took her head hadn't she formed an Eldritch shield in front. As she let go of the whip and jabbed her staff against his gut. He stumbled back once more, taking her down onto the icy floor with a thud.
She rolled away from him, sending a blast of light towards him. Though, Gotthard shielded himself, taking that moment to grab her staff and tossing it off her grasp.
Fuck. Okay, she had no other weapon.
Suddenly, she formed her shields once more and waited for the green sorcerer to charge. He ducked underneath and caught his sword between her shields. Illyria snarled as he continued to push through, the blade almost reaching her temples until she felt the surge of energy erupt from her hands.
Gotthard flew across the lake as the blast of light hit his square in the face, managing to knock him out. Well at least that was one, Illyria sighed in relief and raced up to where Elrond was struggling to keep the grey sorceress.
Illyria sent a wave of light towards the sorceress' side, before swooping in to tackle her feet. At the same time, Elrond threw his sword across the sorceress' gut before she had almost sliced his head. The grey sorceress' body slumped to the ground with a thud, lying limply as the blood began to escape and taint the ice red.
Both Illyria and Elrond gazed at each other, a silent question if they were alright as she nodded back. When she heard the gasp behind her, Illyria spun around hoping the gods it wasn't Glorfindel.
The grey sorcerer cried out in pain as he stumbled closer to the edge of the cliff. Glorfindel didn't even need to get any closer as the body flew down the frozen waterfall and into the abyss.
She wasn't even sure whether or not their bodies would be retrieved now. As she brought herself to bring her breath back. Her hands were shaking again, sweating under all the adrenaline and tiredness as she picked up her staff to balance herself.
They had done it, but at a terrible price for her.
Illyria had just killed them. Three sorcerers who she once knew.
Gotthard's body from the blast never moved, his eyes wide open at the impact of his head – blood seeping out from his brain.
Oh god, she just killed someone. At just twenty years old.
She was telling her body not to panic, her mind to remind herself that it was only in self-defence. Illyria couldn't go into shock right now; not when the elves before her needed her to portal themselves out of the Mirror Dimension.
Eventually, Illyria was about to open a portal back to the material plane until she glanced in front of her. A golden portal formed as her hope lifted – assuming it would be her dad or Uncle Wong.
Illyria was not expecting him to appear.
Her voice broke as his name left her lips, "Mordo."
Baron Mordo entered the Mirror Dimension, standing several feet away from where she stood. It had been nine months she'd seen him after getting assaulted in the Alps by his disciples. Rather ironic and hypocritical of him after what Kaecilius had done with his own and Dormammu.
However, this was different. Illyria knew who this man was, who he meant to her before. Her teacher and possibly a parent to her before everything changed. Before Dormammu and the Dark Dimension...before the Ancient One's death.
Mordo had walked away because the Sorcerers of the Mystic Arts were not aligned by his moral beliefs. Here he was, ready to do what he was blindly acting to do – killing her to rid of the multiverse from magical sorcerers like her.
"Hello, Illyria." Mordo greeted, his hands free from any weapon. His face was blank, hiding the truth as Illyria tried to search his mind. But the sorcerer had learnt after years away to block her own tricks, putting a mental shield as she fought her way through.
For a silent moment, they stood on either end of the lake, three bodies already dead because of her. Glorfindel and Elrond were too far from her, glancing back and forth at them – waiting who would take the first move.
Illyria was panicking inside. She had fought Mordo once and almost died, had not she'd been saved by the unknown force or person who escaped with her through the bright light of the portal. Mordo hadn't seemed to have been here for long as well, still showing the same injuries from the Alps.
There must have been a time dilation between her landing in Middle Earth and his own fall.
He materialised his own relic, the Staff of the Living Tribunal in his grasp. [4]
Illyria could sense Glorfindel and Elrond pleading to aid her, but she mentally told them to stand their ground. This was her fight, not there's. And she needed to do it on her own. Sorcerer versus Sorceress.
She spoke calmly back, "I don't want to fight anymore." Illyria pleaded, "Please, stop this. Let us talk."
He hardened his gaze and proclaimed, "There is no more talking. Only violence."
Thus, Mordo slashed his staff towards her.
The fight between the sorcerers began.
[1] - Mallorn Trees: a large silver-barked tree that only grows in Valinor, Numenor and the Westlands, commonly in Lothlorien and the Shire.
[2] - Jedi/Luke Skywalker/The Force: All Star Wars related, Jedi is a member of a knightly order, trained to guard peace and justice in the galaxy.
[3] - Death Star: a big space station armed with a planet-destroying superlaser.
[4] - Staff of the Living Tribunal: The relic which chose Mordo used for combat and extends like a whip or flail.
A/N: And here is the other part and I think I'll leave it like this for the next few days. Probably at the end of the week, I'll try and post the last few chapters. But good golly I am almost done!
Thank you to those who have reached this far. You're almost there ;)
Edited: 11/10/2021
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