2 | A Sorceress' Instinct
2 | A Sorceress' Instinct
Location: Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth
Time: 2941 T.A
Several days followed on.
Illyria had pulled herself up from her sorrows and made sure to repay Bilbo for his hospitality. And what way to do was to help the poor hobbit prepare for the dwarves that would come on Wednesday evening. Bilbo must have been confused as to why she asked what specific date it was and if she could come down with him to the market, but the hobbit brushed it off as Illyria being kind. Not that she wasn't kind. No: she was probably being a lifesaver. At least then, this version of Bilbo of this reality would be prepared for the unruly presence of thirteen dwarves and a Maia.
Not that she was planning to tag along. But as the thought began to embed itself in her brain, the more and more Illyria was decided to join Bilbo. It was a crazy thing to think about. Go on a quest and probably get killed before her family finds out crazy. (If they find out she went off to slay a dragon she would be so grounded despite being a legal adult).
Only tonight will be the ultimate time Illyria would choose to join Bilbo.
Nevertheless, being tall and human was probably a rare occurrence in Hobbiton. A lot of hobbits whispered and gawked at her and Bilbo as they entered the market and went around grabbing their shopping. She was able to persuade the dear hobbit to grab more than needed, and Bilbo asked why.
"Just call it a sorceress' instinct," Illyria winked and placed more smoked meat into her satchel.
Bilbo shook his head and muttered, "I am starting to believe you are more like an elf than a wizard, Illyria."
I think she's heard that joke plenty of times from Morgan, always trying to persuade her to wear some medieval dresses and carry a bow around. First things first: Illyria was a poor markswoman, never having the best accuracy at a long shot after almost decapitating Mordo during training a decade back (now she was pretty sad she didn't cut a finger off him). Bows and arrows anyways were rare for a sorcerer or sorceress, preferring magical spells and melee weapons, making her rely on her staff and daggers.
Remembering the small Stark kid almost sent her heart lurching into a tightened knot. She realised she had promised Morgan to come back to spend Christmas; would she return at the same similar time she arrived here? If not, it could be weeks and or even months.
'Or even years,' Illyria gulped and bit back her tongue. She didn't want to think about that any longer and returned her answer to Bilbo.
She pouted and joked, "Well, according to my ears: I'm pretty certain I'm human."
After the market, Illyria was kind enough to carry all of the shopping back – using her much larger bag and her dimension pockets to store most of the things in. She did it whilst on the way up the hill because as much as Illyria was fit – she was not giving her energy to carry groceries. Carrying it was a hassle, but her next obstacle was much more harder.
The kitchen.
Illyria was a woman of the 21st Century. And the saying that 'women belong in the kitchen' was something she and Darcy would joke and for them to also rant about whenever a sexist comment was thrown at them. She was never taught to cook and she never needed to until the snap happened and left her with Darcy having to feed her through takeout. Uncle Wong was not having it and took matters to teach them both to cook.
Who knew the librarian of Kamar-Taj was a chef all along?
Illyria placed all the food down on the kitchen table, meeting her eyes with an even more confused Bilbo.
"So why did we buy more than needed?" He questioned, the clanking of pots coming out of the cupboard whilst they work around the place.
Whilst she was trying (and failing) to not hit the ceiling again, Illyria shouted to him from the pantry. "That wizard, he said he was coming back right?"
There was another clang of pots.
"Yes. But he doesn't appear to have gone back to inform me." His head then popped in, narrowing his eyes back at her. "Unless you know about that?"
Illyria waved her hand and snorted. "Oh god no. I can't predict the future." Illyria then added, "But I did skim through your head and read that he was going to bring company."
Suddenly, there was a crash and she winced at the noise.
He squeaked, "How many do you think he will bring?!"
Illyria raised her eyebrows at this. 'He's shocked about the number of people coming and not that you just prodded into his head?' She asked herself. Illyria could not understand this hobbit sometimes.
She entered the kitchen, ready to clear up the mess but found the hobbit already sorting out a bunch of pots and pans at the fire. How that hobbit could quickly do that was going to ask if he was the sorcerer and not her.
Illyria replied his precious question, "Not sure. But better to prepare than starve ourselves." She then grinned and thanked him. "Oh and thank you for your gardener's stuff. You didn't have to!"
The clothes she wore was all-new from this world, a simple green tunic, and the trousers she had along with her sports bra and boots. Her other robes and special armour were already packed in her bag once she leaves. If she leaves early that is.
Bilbo waved his hand and shooed, "Nonsense! You need new clothes. You can't always wear your armour all the time! Isn't it uncomfortable?"
"Spells and Runes keep it clean and comfy. But I do like my clothes. I've repaired most of my robes and cloak." She responded, earning the hobbit to hum in agreement. At least they agreed to something that they had their own fashion taste.
The first knock – or rather a bang – at the door almost sent Bilbo jumping out of his seat in terror before scrambling towards the door. Illyria had decided to stay hidden after they cooked, preferring to do her daily meditation in the spare bedroom. It wasn't much of meditation, not because of how she was fighting between two parts of her brain on whether or not she would join Bilbo.
She needed to persuade him first, and not make a bad impression of him to the dwarf king that's arriving late tonight.
To make things a little easier, she gave Bilbo some hints about the people who were coming – most specifically what they were like. She just hoped she did enough to not let Bilbo faint (and if he does, she's going to make sure the dwarf that made him faint would not see his hat any time soon).
Half an hour in, already two dwarves arrived. Illyria could tell they were the brothers, Dwalin and Balin when she sneakily Astral projected the entire time and watched them begin eating the dinner. She was giggling how they were awestruck at the food, but also sympathetic as they thanked Bilbo for it. These dwarves have been wandering Middle Earth for god knows how long, and life seemed to be hard for them to appreciate good food and drink.
Next came the youngest dwarves of the Company: Kili and Fili. And they exactly looked like the ones she expected, with Kili and his smaller beard and the blonde Fili with his braided ones. (Illyria was pleased she remembered about the glory box incident and removed that from where it was (Bilbo could ask about it later)). She made sure to let Bilbo find a place to store weapons and their boots too.
Sometime later, chatter and laughter filled the dining room and she returned to her body the moment the door knocked once more. She knew it was the right time to reveal herself to the guests since they're too happy with the dinner.
Then somehow it all came crashing down.
Illyria's mind almost faded somewhere to the back of her head, remembering a faint murmur floating about.
And seeing the grey wizard almost triggered it.
Wait did she say that? Or did someone else.
She was staring at the wizard before her at the front door, her hands by her side and her face almost blank. Illyria knew him as Gandalf from the books, but someone felt a more...closer familiarity. Like she already knew him in person.
What the hell was happening?
Luckily the gasps and roars interrupted her mental blankness session.
"An elf! Why is there an elf here?"
Her head snapped to the red-haired dwarf and stared at him with concern. The only way she could understand what on earth they were talking about was to hear their thoughts. Even if it felt a little bit illegal for her to do so.
Hey! She can't exactly help when she's only been here for several days. Give the sorceress a break, people.
"No no! Illyria is not an elf. She's of man." Bilbo shuffled between the dwarves who were now curious about what was happening at the front entrance.
"She doesn't understand any of us!" The one with the three-pointed star braids thought aloud, "How can she be of man?"
"She must have been raised by those pointy-prick tree-shaggers." Dwalin thought, and Illyria almost choked out in laughter.
But she was still focused on the wizard before her. They've been pretty much staring at each other for five minutes, trying to wonder what the wizard was truly thinking.
"...I have seen that face in many ages." That was the first thing he spoke.
Thank the lord he spoke Sindarin.
Wait, what did he mean seen her face?
Illyria looked more alarmed and blurted, "Wait what?" She asked, "How..."
However, she was rudely interrupted by more chatter from the dwarves. She looked over to Bilbo who looked like he was going to faint then.
"You sent this elf, didn't you Tharkun?" The oldest looking one – Balin – inquired.
Bilbo place himself in front of Illyria, his arms out and spoke, "I think you have a misunderstanding, master dwarf--"
Everyone was just talking over each other both in mind and physically that her head could explode. She was trying to pick up what everybody was saying and didn't expect it to bombard her like a truck. She would need to learn Westron eventually if she can't stand hearing people's thoughts around her.
In the end: she had enough.
"Shut up!"
All eyes went up to her.
Oh boy.
"Now, you probably don't what the hell I'm saying. But look. I'm not an elf." She tucked her hair back, pointing her finger towards her ears. "Round ears, see?"
Many grumbled in agreement whilst another scoffed.
"Bah! Still wears elf clothes." The red-haired one thought.
"Oi, these are made by a very kind friend thank you very much." Illyria defended, touching her tunic subconsciously as they eyed her. "The tailors at Kamar-Taj and Halfast Gamgee are going to have words with you."
Whilst more of the dwarves began to disperse back into the dining room, the grey wizard took the opportunity to intervene.
"Bilbo, my friend. May your friend and I have some space to talk?" Mithrandir wondered.
"Of course, Gandalf." Her hobbit friend led them to the sitting room.
Illyria was left there still in awe at what just occurred.
They settled down at the sitting room, hearing the other side of Bilbo's home rage on like it was more of pillage than dinner. Illyria shouldn't have really left the poor hobbit alone, but the grey wizard wanted to speak to her privately and vice versa.
She still wasn't sure what really happened. The moment she found his face it was like seeing a memory play out. But she rarely saw the grey wizard, only on a TV screen or on YouTube. This wasn't the case of her mind, who was playing scenes that weren't even part of the Extended Edition. [1]
"You have questions." Mithrandir began, causing her to snap out of her contemplations.
She leaned back against the chair, eyeing him straightforwardly. "So do you." Illyria then quickly realised what she said and added, "I mean. I'm sorry. I'm just- I don't understand that's all, what that was."
And no, she didn't. She didn't know what happened at the door and why she felt like she knew him.
"You have heard of me?" Mithrandir's voice was of pure curiosity, almost leaning forward hadn't he already hunched over.
How was she supposed to put it without blatantly telling the truth? Illyria fiddled with her hands on her lap, slowly answering back: "Well, not in a sense you seem to be having."
Nodding, he hummed. "Yes. I can tell."
She immediately turned her head to him with raised eyebrows. "You can read my mind?"
He was amused by this and answered back. "Yes. And you are incredibly young in this body and heart."
"What do you mean? I don't understand?" Illyria questioned, even more nervous and worried. What was he not telling her about?
However, it would seem the grey wizard was in his own train of thought, muttering something back to himself as he stared back at the wall. "This is terribly ill news. How did I not predict this?" He muttered.
Finally, Illyria rubbed her forehead and spoke out loud, "Look, I only know you because I know you...Well, in another reality but you were..."
"Were what?" He turned his face towards her.
She whispered, "Fictional back in my world."
His eyes slightly widened by that, but then he relaxed once more with a hum. "Interesting." Mithrandir then changed his demeanour, inquisitive as always depicted. "However, if you must know why I was shocked as well. You are not the only one that exists here..."
Her heart skipped a beat. More questions were beginning to form in her mind as the more Mithrandir spoke. What did he mean about existing here? And why wasn't she the only one?
All these questions she wanted answering almost tested Mithrandir's patience to tell. But the wizard was not stupid: he knew when to tell the truth and when to hide it. Much like the Ancient One and the Master of Kamar-Taj. Even Uncle Wong and her dad and hell even Darcy learnt to keep their secrets.
She only assumed he would too.
"Hey wait!" She stood up, desperation lingering over her voice. "Look. I know I can't pry any further, knowing how you're a powerful Ainur and I've always wanted to see you as a little kid. But why? Why can I not understand them?"
The grey wizard almost eyed her with sympathy, answering back: "I do not know. But in a way, it may help you in the journey to come." He continued, "I can already tell you will follow your profound friend to fulfil his task. For that, I am curious to know how, but there is already a matter of your appearance."
More cryptic messages don't seem to end for Illyria.
"Okay, from a magical user to another: we both know we shouldn't speak of anything regardless of the future or present or past." Illyria established, "Then you know that he won't be welcomed. And I won't let them. Not when I'm here."
An amused look plastered on Mithrandir's face. "No, you won't my lady E-" He gestured her towards the corridor and said, "Come, my lady. Let us return to your guests."
She then nodded her head like a bow, unsure how to greet a wizard in Middle Earth.
"Oh I forgot my manners, I'm Illyria Strange." She introduced before she asked, "And what do I call you? Is Mithrandir alright? Or Gandalf?"
He then answered back, "For elves: I have been Mithrandir. But for many others, I am known as Gandalf."
Illyria made it to Bilbo's side just in time, right when a plate flew past her chest and was caught by Fili. She quirked a smile and gently glanced over to her hobbit friend – who almost looked like he was seeing a ghost.
"Bilbo. Are you alright?" She asked; her hand on his shoulder to steady himself.
He was still keeping an eye on the dwarves singing in Westron as he answered with a tired voice. "I...I'm very glad you predicted this, Illyria."
"No problem, Bilbo." She asked him, "Did you try and eat any?"
Bilbo didn't say anything, and she sighed. Some things can't change entirely.
"Don't worry, I've got plenty still with me." She assured him. "Pocket dimensions are pretty nifty."
He returned her with a wry smile, thankful for the biscuits and cheese that appeared in her hand when none of the dwarves was looking.
Thorin Oakenshield was exactly what Illyria Strange hoped to be.
And that was extremely attractive and extremely an asshole.
She now understood why most of the time she was annoyed whenever his actor counterpart would argue at Gandalf or the elves. Despite Darcy thinking he was 'hot' and 'totally because of the beard' vibe got her, Illyria was not swayed by just looks.
He had the audacity to insult Bilbo in front of his company, who then in turn even agreed. Illyria had to admit, yes: her friend didn't look to have fought in wars and battles. But it didn't mean they could insult him after he invited them to his home and ate his food.
At this point, she was beginning to dislike this a lot and wondered how on hell Bilbo Baggins decided to follow this guy to his own death.
But then she saw something change in Bilbo. In the movies, he was too polite and meekly to respond – too innocent. Now, with possibly her own presence made Bilbo somehow more confident to defend himself. He did it in a way that a Baggins could: and that was to give more guilt than an insult.
Thorin's hardened façade cracked the moment Bilbo squared him up, apologising to the hobbit and kindly thanked the rest for the hospitality. They then led him to the dining room, where he was then met by her.
And Thorin did not like her one bit.
Gandalf sighed, "Thorin-"
"I will not have an elf come with us!" The dwarf king growled back and glared up to the wizard before turning to her.
Illyria pointed a finger to the side of her head. "Excuse me, round ears," She wryly said.
"Even then, what is a woman worth in the dangers of the wild?"
That comment sent her pretty much rolling into her own anger.
"That's pretty damn sexist of you, Thorin Oakenshield." She frowned, her hands curling into a fist under the table. She leaned forward towards him, feeling a sense of darkening wash over her. "And I don't fucking care if you don't understand what I'm saying but I can totally portal ourselves straight into Erebor and let that dragon burn you!"
Thorin understood despite the language barrier that she insulted him, earning him to grow redder in anger. Illyria could hear his thoughts run wild, swearing and insulting her in her head and caused her to get more irritated.
What is this guys problem, seriously?
"Damn the stubbornness of dwarves! Thorin, Illyria Strange is a vital asset to your cause. She knows the lands and knows very well the danger ahead." Gandalf defended, chiding the dwarf king.
'Geeze, someone should take the stick out of his a-' She halted as she was earned a warning look from Gandalf.
She thought, 'Note to self, don't think when the wizard is beside you.'
"And if she reveals our cause, what then?" Thorin questioned.
Illyria groaned, exasperating out loud, "I don't want the gold! Tell him that."
Gandalf translated back to him, making Thorin stared back at her.
Thorin was even more concerned, narrowing his eyes at her as he questioned: "Why? Why don't you want it?"
She inhaled sharply, preparing to answer with seething annoyance. "Because for me, I'm trying to get back home too! Not everyone is a minor character to your goddamn ego." Illyria exasperated. "So, let me come and help you. I protect Bilbo and I get to go home."
Thankfully, Gandalf translated it without the insult and accentuated it more on her desire to help them return their home. Thorin still wasn't convinced by how his thoughts still were against her, but she didn't have any choice. She shot her chance in persuading the stubborn dwarf kind and Illyria just had to hope he would accept it.
The moment Balin held out the contract in front of her, she was seriously giving him the 'are you serious' face Uncle Wong made whenever her dad made his crappy jokes at him. And yes: Balin was very serious and had to ask Bilbo to translate everything considering she couldn't read Westron. (Honestly, she really needed to ask about the translation spell).
Once Bilbo said everything to her in Sindarin, she then thought carefully about what was included for her and what wasn't. She clearly said before Thorin that she didn't want any of the shares of the gold (how is she going to carry tons of gold back to her own world, if so she's going to get some questions from Agent Woo from the FBI where she got it from). So no gold was listed; the only thing there was her role and the conditions.
She liked the role they gave her:
Apprentice to Tharkun.
'Darcy's going to be so jealous when she hears I'm Gandalf's student,' Illyria said to herself in amusement before writing her signature out in ink.
Illyria Strange.
Balin gave her a spare copy of the contract before Thorin came along and gave her a stern look.
"...Very well, you may follow us. But we do not care for you. You will do your own hunting and cooking." Thorin thought as he spoke.
"Fine by me," Illyria responded and expected the nod from Thorin before he trudged back to where the rest of the dwarves were.
Whilst she rolled her copy of the contract, she found herself not alone again.
The grey wizard appeared, thinking deeply as he stared at the fire. Though after a moment, he noticed her presence and nodded back at her.
"Well, that turned out better than I predicted," Gandalf looked over to her by the mantlepiece and continued, "I will keep you company, Lady Illyria."
"Thank you, Gandalf." She apologised truthfully, "I am sorry for that. But I don't tolerate those who judge people quickly."
And it was true. There was a time she once met someone that clearly saw her through her appearance and not of her person. Many have done so, but it hurt the most when Illyria was trying to do her best to do the right thing.
"I know." He said, giving her a peculiar twinkle in his eyes that sent Illyria wondering what on earth he was thinking about.
Bilbo entered the room, shutting the door quietly. "So, we're going then?" He asked, making her turn around as quick as a jet.
Illyria placed the spare binder down on the bed and her eyebrows rose in astonishment. "You accepted, didn't you?" She asked.
Held out before her: was a copy of the contract. His signature was written below at the end.
For once Illyria doubted something. She didn't hope for this to occur; for this to all change because of her presence. But somehow it did and the evidence was right in front of her. Bilbo agreed quicker than the original she hoped, even shocking the dwarves and Gandalf.
Illyria gulped back the worry in the back of her mind. She didn't want to think any further about the future she must have changed already. Instead, Bilbo let out a sigh in defeat: explaining his reasons for agreeing to the quest.
"I...I think you and Gandalf are right. I think I need to get out of this smial, out of the Shire just for myself." He shrugged, and a small smile appeared on his face. "I guess you appearing just beforehand gave me a little nudge in the right direction."
Feeling her heart warmed, she went over to Bilbo and knelt to his eye level. "Bilbo Baggins. You deserve to see the world. Go on an adventure and meet elves and dwarves and humans," She spoke softly, "I promise you; I'll be with you at all times."
She meant it. Only several days and she had grown to cherish the friendship she had with the hobbit before her. Illyria wasn't going to let Bilbo get hurt by anything, even what would come after the dragon dead.
Illyria wondered if that would change too.
The Durins and their fate.
Could she do that? Change this reality?
"And if I don't want to go anymore?" Bilbo questioned.
Illyria quirked an eyebrow, her sling-ring flashing in the warm light of the smial. "I can portal us back here." She said with a mix of amusement and her own assurance. "I think I can picture Bag End well enough."
That earned a well mysterious smile.
"Thank you, Illyria." [2]
[1] - The movies had extended editions and just had more stuff to include that didn't make the original cut. Gave more content though.
[2] - Westron is the Common Speech and what is English written in the books. But Westron is entirely in its own language with Westron translations of each character. Bilbo Baggins is technically called Bilba Labingi but since -a end is more feminine in English, Tolkien changed it to Bilbo.
A/N: So it would seem Illyria's already changed the story, and it gets weirder when she somehow knows Gandalf with his Sindarin title before his preferred one in Middle Earth.
Honestly, Thorin in the movies is an arse and really mean to Bilbo. (Hence Illyria's opinion being rather quick about him.) Next chapter: let's get the story on the road...literally.
Edited: 21/04/2021
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