14 | Sauron's Facebook Friend Request
14 | Sauron's Facebook Friend Request
Location: Rhovanion, Middle Earth
Time: August 2941 T.A
Elladan gave the grey wizard a disapproving frown as he questioned, "Why go South, Mithrandir?" He added, "What is important that we must diverge?"
It's been hours since they've ridden, finally setting the horses away as far as they could reach. From now, Gandalf told them that it would be three weeks journey until they would arrive close enough to Dol Guldur. Those three weeks, she would hope the Company would luckily get through...if they didn't stray off the path.
But obviously, for Illyria, she knew it wasn't going to be easy for them. Spiders, hysteria from the sick forest beside them as well as an enchanted river would challenge them before Thorin would have to test his own self-will not to piss Thranduil off.
Which was another thing was upset about; Illyria wouldn't be able to meet Mirkwood's next top model: King Thranduil if she was here. But at least now, she had the twins. It was better than having to converse with a Maia about the weather.
Whilst the grey wizard was walking ahead, Illyria was the one to answer Elladan. "Dol Guldur."
Their eyes widened.
Oh god, Elrond was going to kill her.
Like really kill her. She just brought his sons down to a possible death trap. Well, he was the one who told them to follow her...so technically they both have equal responsibility.
Shoving off that thought, all Illyria could think about was the very reason she was following the wizard. Striding beside him, Illyria questioned, "Gandalf, why does he know that I'm back? Did he know me before?"
They climbed over some rocky outcrops whilst Gandalf answered her, "His interests in you had involved the very powers you once wielded before you became Illyria Strange. Before you became human."
She leapt from the rock, landing gently using a golden shield as a platform before asking, "Why?" Illyria furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Even now I don't even know the origins of my magic. It's always been with me."
What did Gandalf mean? Did her powers derive from Elemmírë then? If so, was it possible for a reincarnated soul to pass on its powers? Nothing from all the books in Kamar-Taj had mentioned anything about passing natural order powers. And if so, the power she naturally was born with was not being drawn from any dimension, unlike Eldritch magic. Most of the sorcery which allowed them to create spells and charms have derived from connecting into other dimensions, tapping into energies that were not part of the material plane.
Gandalf hummed to ponder before he responded slowly, "For the entirety of your presence in Middle Earth as of now, I had an inkling that your powers derived from something older. Much more ancient than even what the Eldar would believe it to be."
Her feet froze at that. Did she hear that right? Older than elves? Illyria glanced over her shoulder, seeing the two twins constantly having their eyes around them though still curious in listening in to their conversation. And from their confused expression, the two also were surprised at Gandalf's speculation.
How was it possible for her to have ancient magic...
Oh right, she was an old elf.
Illyria blankly spoke, "Huh. I forget how old I am. With Gondolin and all." She grinned to herself and continued, "Glorfindel told me of my time in Gondolin. Briefly."
The longer they travelled, the more she remembered again where she was. This was not some holiday trek around the National Park back in the US – this was the wilderness of Middle Earth.
Despite its beauty, it also daunted Illyria. So much of the world Tolkien dreamt of was still undiscovered. Places where creatures of people once roamed here, who brought their culture and history. In the end, it would be brought back into its original form – nature taking back its land.
The Old Ford was an example, a broken stone bridge that connected the West and East from the River Anduin. The very river the Fellowship would travel down by boat from Lothlórien before arriving at Nen Hithoel and Amon Hen, passing the great stone statues of the Argonath. [1][2][3][4]
Big statues of men with small dick energy because they thought they can wield the very evil ring that started the war of the Second Age.
Again, men and their jewellery. Not a good combination apparently.
They followed the river with it on their right, the days mostly filled with silence. They hadn't encountered any orcs as of yet, and hopefully none until they arrive at the fortress. But not every moment was quiet since the twins never stopped talking to her through their telepathic techniques.
Illyria learnt more about them, constantly asking about their adventures and stories like it was just some ordinary day back in Imladris. Somehow it did ease the worry that was growing in her, having the twins talk to her and forget about the destination. She also got to know each one a bit better.
Elladan was more secluded despite his confident demeanour. He would be more serious when it came to night watches, assuring her that she didn't need to constantly be awake. But when her body was asleep, and she stayed in her Astral projection to keep him company. Of course, she was invisible to him, but Illyria noticed the small changes whenever she was there – as if Elladan could sense her presence without even realising.
As for Elrohir: he was more open to her and Gandalf, politely suggesting routes for them to take once they divert from the River and almost keeping a conversation going. He would always start it, asking about what Earth was like and if there were elves. When she told them that there wasn't any elves or dwarves or hobbits on Earth, they were shocked. If they were surprised about a planet filled with humans, she could not wait how they would react about space gods, space raccoons, space trees and extra-dimensional beings. Not only that, mutants and mutates as well.
But she was ever so surprised that after everything she told them, they were curious and open about the thought of a world beyond them.
For Elrond, he struggled to comprehend a world that wasn't filled with elves – even Glorfindel. They were fascinated after she explained it further, but it was different from the twins. They ate up her information, almost asking how planes worked and how it was possible to create light out of energy.
Yeah, that was a hard conversation, but it was doable.
However, there were some days in which she asked questions too, though it was a bit of a short, ended conversation. If she ever asked about her past, they would divert the topic as fast as they could. Gandalf would explain as vague as he usually would, and it ended her having to read through the torture device that was Elemmírë's journal.
She hated having to look at that thing as much as felt so compelled to read it.
Like social media, reading a blog that felt so intimate that it was borderline intruding - even though this was her a thousand years ago. Her handwriting (well Elemmírë's) was rather fancy though, knowing now that she must have brought up high-class. (Obviously; when she was the sister of the Lord of Gondolin, who else would be using thou and thy words).
However, not every page answered her impending questions – tossing her to ask a very touchy subject to her three companions.
Illyria walked between the twins and began, "Can I ask something?" She trod carefully with her words as she questioned: "Does...the name Celebrían bring up any recognition?"
"Why do you ask, Lady Illyria?" A befuddled Elrohir asked back.
She glanced in front of her and whistled, "Just wondering..."
And to her astonishment, it was the Maia who answered her.
"Ah yes, the Lady Celebrían. She married Gil-Galad: High King of the Noldorin Elves." Gandalf reminisced. "However, when he fell in battle at the Last Alliance, she decided to go to the West to heal."
Her heart softened as she whispered, "So even then, I never changed it..."
Say what again.
Illyria stopped.
Like not even from her walking. IllyriaElanorStrange.exe had stopped working.
Her eyes bulged out as she alarmingly said loudly, "Wait, hold up. Celebrían married Gil-Galad?"
All three pairs of eyes were staring at her as if she were an orc with a hula skirt and a coconut bra.
"You mean Celebrían, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn." She stressed every word, never letting her eyes from them. "That Celebrían."
Gandalf carefully answered slowly, "...Yes? Why?" He then asked curiously, "...What occurred in your story?"
"Story? What do you mean Mithrandir?" Elladan flicked his head to the wizard as he questioned him.
Whilst she was still recovering from an early-onset stroke, Illyria had time to but in and answer the elf's question. She might as well explain to the two about the idea of realities and dimensions and the multiverse.
Because right now, she couldn't care less now since all of this – this world – was way different than she expected.
"In my world, you exist in stories. This whole world actually." Illyria explained as easily as she could. "Someone wrote perhaps the entire story of your world. But in my version, it was different. Celebrían um...may have married your father sometime in the Third Age." She flashed a nervous grin at the two, whilst Gandalf was chuckling along at the revelation.
Elrohir and Elladan though. Bless them. "I see..." Elladan was the first to respond, almost haunted at the thought.
This was getting awkward.
Even so, Illyria continued: "If I got the timelines correct, it was over four hundred years ago that she got captured by orcs when she was travelling to Lothlórien to visit her mother." Her tone cracked a little, a feeling of remorse to the Lady. "She survived...but not mentally. She sailed in the end, much like what happened to her in this reality."
The twins simply nodded before continuing. Illyria inhaled sharply and forced herself to keep moving on. Despite what this world had, in her heart – The Lady of Rivendell would always be someone to remember with. But now, knowing that Celebrían was never the twin's mother: Illyria was stuck.
Hence why she blurted out afterwards, "Then, who did Elrond marry?"
Suddenly she regretted saying those words. Both twins froze from their stride and glanced back to her – their eyes almost staring out as their memories were glazed in a mix of memory. Like they were seeing a ghost. A second later, they shook off from their trance.
"An elf." Elrohir tightly answered, "She was from Gil-Galad's court as well."
Illyria pried thoroughly, "What...happened to your mother then? Not that you must answer my question." She internally slapped her face and apologised, "Sorry, this isn't the right time."
There was another long minute of silence.
And in a soft murmur, Elladan answered her. "She fell in battle. During the Battle of Fornost against Angmar."
She felt her chest tighten as she watched the two elves, who have been so brave and confident the past couple of weeks: finally, feel down. Reaching out to both, Illyria grabbed their hands and squeezed them.
"I'm sorry." She said with sympathy.
Elrohir tried to cheer up, shaking his head. "Don't be, Lady Illyria." His lips twitched as he continued, "She's still with us here."
They let go of her hand and quietly headed forward along the path, leaving her and Gandalf standing there. She stared at the two, her heart almost torn. Perhaps she should have really been quiet.
"What is in your mind, my dear?" Gandalf brought her back from her thoughts.
Shaking her head, Illyria assured him. "Nothing, I..." She swallowed the bile down her throat and admitted, "Even if that happened. In the end, Elrond still lost a wife. And I can't even remember her. Is that bad?"
Her eyes searched his as he gave her a blank stare before his face contorted to a sad smile.
"There have been things that I have seen in my entire existence, Illyria Strange." Gandalf the Grey spoke, "But I have learnt through the knowledge and wisdom that sometimes grief can bring goodness and courage. How light can arrive after the shadow."
Illyria could sense her eyes already stinging.
With one last look at her, Gandalf spoke sincerely. "Do not be despaired, my dear. For things will return in time in the most unlikeliness of places."
After three weeks of trekking and perhaps the worst case of crusty feet – they arrived at the outskirts of Dol Guldur.
Radagast had found their camp the night before they were planning to enter, greeting his Istar friend before disappearing once more into the forest. For what, Illyria had no clue and didn't really want to think deeply about what he did.
Once day broke (or what seemed to be daytime, but somehow the magic surrounding the area created this dark grey cloudy sky. The perfect weather back in Oxford), they packed up their camp arrived at the entrance to the old fortress.
Whilst she and the twins stood behind, the two Istari wizards conversed with one another.
"It looks abandoned," Radagast commented, displeased at the leafless trees and overgrown shoots.
Well, no shit: the place was being occupied by a legion of orcs and a dark lord. If Sauron hired so many of these people, why didn't he bother to hire a gardener at least? Unfortunately, Halfast was halfway across the continent and Samwise Gamgee didn't exist yet – the two best gardeners she knew.
Gandalf made a grim face and replied, "As it is meant to, a spell of concealment lies over this place which means our enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself." He pointed out, "He has not regained all of his power."
The Brown wizard spoke, "Then we go on-"
However, Gandalf interrupted him with the tap of his staff. "No." He instructed him, "Radagast. Send a message to the Lady Galadriel, we must force his hand."
"What do you mean?"
"I am going in alone." He stated.
It was there that Illyria remembered this part of the movie which Darcy completely felt cheated by. The scenes in Dol Guldur spread between the two last movies, though with the original cut cutting an especially important character in the movies. (All because they misused the worst sound for his death.)
Thrain, son of Thror, was in there – contained by Sauron. Not only because of his line of Durin but because Thrain had something Sauron needed back.
Elrohir replied at that notion, "Mithrandir, surely you don't mean that- "
He interrupted the young elf and stared at them. Gandalf requested, "On no account you come after me, especially you Illyria."
Illyria gawked at the wizard. Ouch, that hurt.
"Until I know what lies that place, you must wait for Galadriel." He instructed them, before allowing Radagast to head towards the sledge and heading off to the direction of what seemed to be to Lothlorien.
She then realized what the Istar was planning to do and raced after him.
'Gandalf, Wait.' Illyria stopped him and blocked the twins from their conversation. 'Thrain. He is being kept there. I know you told me not to tell you anymore, but I can't let Thorin's father meet a horrible end. He doesn't deserve it. If not less, let Thrain know that Thorin will be alright.' She begged with all her might; some chance that she could change something small in this world.
Gandalf nodded solemnly in return before turning his face back to his path.
All they had to do was wait for him.
For once, Illyria prayed to the Valar that Gandalf would be safe.
Several hours passed since Gandalf entered the fortress. If you would think Illyria was worried – you would be mistaken.
She was practically sharing her worry like a radiator towards the twins, who watched her pace back and forth as they waited for his signal. Any ounce of notice from him. But to no avail, she didn't feel Gandalf's aura near her perimeter. (Not only that but there was also a massive shield covering the fortress that stopped her from sensing Gandalf anyways.)
In her heart, she wanted to just grab the boys and head in. Forget Galadriel's calvary; Gandalf was probably hurt and Thrain...
Illyria slowly came to the realisation that Thorin's father would never escape Sauron's grasp.
She swallowed the fear down and tried to think about something else. And just on time, as three figures appeared out from the wilderness. Signalling the twins, she prepared an Eldritch shield in front of them as they unsheathed their swords.
However, as the figures entered her radius: Illyria sensed the familiar aura from one of them.
Striding into the clearing, was Glorfindel, Elrond and a silver-haired elf. And the one with the grey eyes immediately went to hers.
Crap, she was so dead.
As she placed her shield down and the twins brought their swords down, she stood awkwardly between the twins and Elrond and the silver-haired elf who looked rather familiar from her mind.
Glorfindel glanced around and asked them, "Where is Gandalf?" He headed past them, trying to search the landscape of the fortress for any signal from the grey wizard.
Elrohir answered him plainly, "Gone without us."
With a stern gaze, Elrond spoke: "He shouldn't have brought you here." He glanced at his son and highlighted. "All three of you."
Illyria jaw tightened as she shrugged and pointed a thumb at the twins. "Well, he did, and I followed and got these two as my baggage." She let out a ragged breath and explained, "Somehow, Sauron seeks me and only I can do something about it."
Now when she processed it in her head, it was either he was trying to lure her in like some evil dark lord he was...or a really bad way in asking for a Facebook friend request. [5]
Either way, both involved un-human leaders who seek to dominate the world by taking away your data. No offence to Mark Zuck, but that man looked more alien than Thor should have been.
Even Thanos looked more human than Mark Zuckerberg. [6]
(Darcy and Dad were not going to be amused hearing her say that.)
Elladan peered into his eyes and asked, "Why are you here, Father?"
There was a silent decision between the three older elves before Elrond revealed to them, "I was summoned, The White Council has been warned of the dangers here."
She knew that Elrond had his eyes kept on her despite focusing out into Dol Guldur. Though Illyria changed it up a little bit, introducing herself to the silver-haired elf. "You must be Círdan if I remember my lore." She asked, "And I guess you knew me?"
The tall Teleri elf was exactly how she imagined, with a mind that almost matched Tony Stark's and her dad's, though with an aura of wisdom. He did however look rather perplexed at her statement before his eyes changed.
Círdan nodded his head and smiled kindly, "Ah, I forget. Indeed, I am Círdan."
Returning the small gesture, Illyria spotted her brother returning to their little group and found him beginning to set his sword into his sheath.
All this time, the very elf that was mad at her was ignoring her.
Elrond instructed the golden-haired elf, "Glorfindel, it's best to return your sister to Lothlorien. Along with you two." He eyed his son, who protested.
Elladan spoke back, "But father-"
Though he was cut off by Elrond's stern glare as he ordered, "I mean it." He gravely continued, "It is far of a risk to take you both in there."
Her nostrils flared, sensing her power soar back up again as she strode right towards Elrond and caught his attention. Illyria said firmly, "Hey. I think we have the right to help Gandalf out." She gestured out to the side and added, "We travelled three weeks, left the Company because we knew this was vital!"
Elrond gave her a blank look, speaking once more. "I am sorry, Illyria but it is far too dangerous."
As he passed her, Illyria spun around her heels and cried out, "I know what lies in there! It isn't the necromancer you believe it to be!"
However, the Noldorin elf ignored her and ordered, "I won't have you three harmed, do you hear me?"
She watched the two enter the fortress, with no choice but to watch them from her place – her hands clenched in fists.
This was the worst version of a timeout because right now she was absolutely seething.
Firstly, how dare he made her go without her into that god-forsaken place!
Secondly, if she found him dead: she was going to march over to the Timeless Halls, demand Elrond back to her and kill him herself.
He had no right to make her leave because he thought it was too dangerous. She was a sorceress for fuck's sake! She had fought in the war against Thanos, stabbed Azog in the eye and defeated an orc pack all on her own.
If they would be asking who can take care of themselves, he better admit that it was her.
Damn elves and their goddamn so-called wise decisions.
Illyria did not hide her anger around the twins and Glorfindel. In fact, they chose to stay silent as they walked down to Lothlorien. It was an awkward affair too, with her brother doubting to speak to her whilst the twins just didn't even try to telepathically talk to each other.
He had no right. Sauron was after her and after Thorin and the Company. And only she knew how this fight would end.
Inhaling a breath, she stopped in her tracks and did what she had to do. Forming a small portal behind her, the elves quickly heard the hissing of her magic – but not quick enough to stop her.
They haven't seen her portals yet.
Glorfindel spun around and started, "Illyria- What in Elbereth..."
However, she didn't hear the rest of her brother's voice as she jumped into the portal and quickly shut it behind her – the last sound being the yelping from the twins.
Illyria winced and spoke to herself, "God, I'm so sorry boys." She pursed her lips and made a short whistle. "I do hope they forgive me for teleporting back here. And I hope Elrond doesn't punish any of them."
With one last look from the path, Illyria pushed through the barriers of the shield and ran across the narrow-broken bridge.
Already, the moment she entered the energy barrier Illyria felt as if something was beginning to eat her heart. This wasn't any magic she encountered over on Earth, but not foreign from how she managed to bring herself back up before sprinting.
The fortress was large, though it was obvious where the White Council was fighting by the screeching sounds and metal clashing.
That would probably be the Ringwraiths. [7]
Take a deep breath, Illyria mentally prepared herself for what was to come and conjured two shields on her fists. There: Illyria entered the upper levels of the fortress.
She can already sense the Ringwraiths' aura around her, as her eyes searched the staircase and found one spotting her. The outline of the shadow ran towards her as it brought its sword down. Deflecting it with her shield, Illyria held the sword up before blasting a ball of light at the wraith's body, pushing it against the column. Another blast of light, she saw the column begin to falter and the wraith fell into the abyss.
Illyria took another breath to adjust herself. These wraiths were harder than she thought they would be.
'Okay, plan B.' She thought and spotted the White Council. They were busy fighting: with Círdan protecting Galadriel and Gandalf whilst Elrond and Saruman were keeping the other wraith's busy.
'Hmm, let's see if this works.'
She quickly formed a portal with the sling ring just below the wraith's feet whilst it fought Elrond towards the edge. And with a quick change, she formed another portal out from the air.
If wraiths can convey emotion, that wraith was confused. Though it didn't have enough time as it fell into the portal and expelled a high-pitch screech down into the ground below. Illyria smirked inwardly and shut the portal, before finding Elrond looking completely baffled.
Her breath hitched, as she quickly screamed out and sent a wave of light at the incoming wraith before him. Snapping back at his senses, he pivoted from his stance and stabbed the wraith in its gut before tossing it down from the edge.
There was then a moment they made eye contact.
Her blue eyes meeting his grey ones.
Elrond shouted angrily back, "I told you to go back with them!" He turned around and parried the wraith.
As she realised, he was holding it back, she conjured an Eldritch whip and tossed the end at the wraith, tripping their legs as she tugged them towards her to the ground. Elrond took the last blow, twisting the blade into the wraith's head as it burst into a mist.
Illyria blasted another light at the incoming wraith as she shouted back in irritation, "And I don't listen to orders!" She pushed the wraith back towards Elrond as she added, "I hope we weren't like this, what would your wife say?"
Slicing his sword through the wraith is a pattern, the wraith screeched in pain before he disintegrated in shards of black. Elrond replied with heavy breaths, "Actually, you were equally as reckless. And my wife was no less different."
Illyria smirked back and conjured her shields the moment a sword was aimed at her. "Glad that your wife and I are on the same page," She said with the same breathless tone, and from the corner of her sight: she almost swore that Elrond looked amused.
At the same time, Radagast had arrived on time, taking Gandalf onto her sledge. Illyria continued to battle the wraiths by Elrond's side, keeping his back protected and vice versa whilst Círdan aided Gandalf onto his feet before getting Galadriel. Gandalf insisted on bringing Galadriel along, but she shook her head, ordering Radagast to go.
So as the two Istari left, Illyria glanced over to the Lady of Light and found her gaze at her.
It was there Illyria felt something enter her head. Faltering, she was lucky enough as Elrond shoved the last wraith off the edge and stared at her with concern.
However, she wasn't focused on him at all.
Someone was in her head. A dark shadow made her spine grow stiff and her heart freeze as the whispers crawled into her head. Illyria tried to push them away, though the more she did the more it pushed against her barriers.
She turned around and saw a burst of red light enter her sight. A dark outline of a figure appeared within the burst of flames, roaring and growing until it formed the shape of an eye.
He was here.
Sauron was in front of them.
"The Eternal Light has returned to this world." Harsh hissing voices echoed around them, and into their minds.
Whilst none dared to respond, Illyria was the first one to speak loudly back. "You know me then?" She questioned him.
Sauron rasped, "You brought my master down, after what we offered you...After what I offered you."
More vision clouded her sight, the faint voices of blood-curdling screams and metal.
Not right now, why was she getting visions now?
She realised who was giving it to her, and Illyria shoved her mental barrier further out as she gritted her teeth back at the spirit. Illyria sarcastically spat, "Sadly, I can't remember anything about that, I hope you kept a receipt!"
"It's time for the age of orc to come! You and your kin will burn when I return! The first will be you!" Sauron answered before he brought a blast of dark energy at them.
A bright light burst from within her hands – enveloping her with an intense golden-white glow. Nothing Illyria had ever witnessed herself as she felt the energy continue to radiate through her body like electricity. Her head was spinning with visions of the flaming eye and flashes of the eye.
However, Illyria didn't stop. She pushed all she could, feeling the glow overcome the dark tendrils in her mind as Sauron tried to attack her mentally and physically.
'Elemmírë!' A voice called out to her.
Illyria screamed mentally, 'Artanis, it is too much...you must use...your ring!'
Suddenly, she felt a new force of light enter. This one was brighter and yet cooler. She pried her eyes open, finding Galadriel stand beside her – her own hand out as she commanded the ring from her hand.
"You have no power here, servant of Morgoth!" Galadriel charged, channelling a deep sonorous sound as multiple layers rang into her ears. "You are nameless. Faceless. Formless. Go back to the void, from whence you came!"
The flame of the eye began to flicker, and Illyria took one last breath and cried out. Another burst of light pushed the dark figure until a powerful force pulled Sauron back.
A flash of light burst in front of her and Galadriel, pushing her from her stance as she stumbled backwards. Feeling someone catch her, Illyria's eyes rolled at the back of her head as a choking gasp left her mouth.
She did her best to stay away, but all she last saw was Elrond's blurring face.
"Illyria!" His voice was so far away, "...Illyria, stay with us! Stay with me..."
[1] - River Anduin: Sindarin name for the Great River of Wilderland. It originates from the Northern mountains near Gundabad and flows between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, going all the way through Gondor until it meets the ocean in the South.
[2] - Nen Hithoel: A large lake upon the River Anduin. Formed by a narrow southern outlet and the small island of Tol Brandir, creating a natural dam.
[3] - Amon Hen: known as the Hill of Sight, is the westernmost peak of the Nen Hithoel. Now in ruins, Frodo was able to see visions far beyond what he would normally be able to see.
[4] - Argonath: Two large statues of the Kings of Gondor acting as a gate: Isildur and Anarion. (Sorry, not a fan of Isildur tbh after he just didn't yeet the ring. Smh.)
[5] - Facebook: A social media and social networking platform based in California and was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
[6] - Mark Zuckerberg: The guy who made [5] who looks like a lizard.
[7] - Ringwraiths: Also known as the Nazgul, are cursed spirits of the Nine Kings of Men who held a Ring of Power. When they wore it, it made them into these really scary beings that still scare me to this day in the original trilogy movies.
A/N: Ha I loved this scene so much. The dynamics between the two even if Illyria still doesn't know. Their arguing just makes it ten times better. We also got a glimpse between what Sauron is to Illyria's past self and kid of asks the questions on how powerful she must have been.
Again, we'll see more about what happens next. ;)
Edited: 26/09/2021
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