out of juvie
After six grueling and boring months, Asher Hart was finally getting out of Allen County Juvenile Detention Center. It wasn't really Asher's fault that had ended up there, he had blamed Jason Carver. It had happened when Jason and Chrissy were going through a break up and he had overheard Jason talking shit about Chrissy. Now, Asher had done a lot of shitty things in his life, but one thing Claudia had taught him was to never disrespect women, ever. So, obviously, Asher stood up for the girl since she couldn't do it for herself. Then one thing led to another and Jason ended up going to hospital with a broken nose and a dislocated jaw.
There a lot of people in the world who normally don't press charges because they can't afford to, but unlike Asher, Jason's family could afford to press charges because, in Asher's words, "The Carver family are rich fuckers". So, while Jason's family pressed charges and got the best lawyers in town to defend him in court; Asher got some lousy state appointed lawyer and got sentenced to six months for assault. So Asher didn't blame himself.
He blamed those rich fuckers and his dad for not being one of those rich fuckers.
If Asher was being honest, juvie wasn't as bad as he expected it to be. Yes, he did have a dickhead that always stole his Eggo's, but apart from that he barley had any problems. The only problems he really had was getting into fights with a certain dickhead over Eggo's, which was the best food there. Asher was just happy that he had a decent roommate for those six months, and even though his roommate was in there for murder, he was actually a decent person. With his roommate being a year older and actually getting along with Asher, he felt a need to protect the Hart boy and make sure that Asher's sentence was any longer for being an idiot, which worked out successfully.
"Hart, get your stuff" An officer says, walking into the cell.
"Dude, you're getting out" Asher's roommate says with a smile as Asher gets all of his belongings together "Don't forget me and don't be getting into any more fights over Eggo's. You won't have me around to tell you to stop being an idiot anymore."
"Don't worry, I'll have your voice in my head constantly telling me that" Asher says with a laugh "You're transferring soon, right?"
"Um, yeah I am" Asher's roommate says nervously. The sixteen year old was transferring to real prison in a few months, and Asher knew that he was shitting himself because of it. He kind of felt bad for the guy in some way.
"Here's my house number" Asher quickly says, scribbling the Henderson's house number on a spare bit of paper "Keep in touch, yeah? If you end up near me I can visit."
"You know it, man" Asher's roommate says with a smile.
"Hart!" The officer shouts loudly, making the two teenage boys jump.
"That's my cue to go" Asher says with a nod "See you, man."
"Have fun on the outside" His roommate yells as Asher gets led out of the cell and through into the office where he they got his fingerprints one last time and told him about his probation, not that he was paying that much attention. But after the ten minutes, which felt like ten hours, Asher finally got let out into the outside world, with Claudia and Dustin waiting for him at the front doors.
"Welcome to freedom you idiot" Dustin says with a smile, hugging Asher "I still can't believe you got arrested for beating up Jason Carver."
"Well, Dustin, this is what happens when you beat up the rich" Asher says as he pulls away from the hug, like a father giving their son a lecture "They press charges and take you for all our worth. Honestly, the rich think they can do anything just because they have money."
"That's because they can?" Dustin says, sounding really confused. After picking Dustin up from camp, they went straight to get Asher and the whole way there, Claudia was nervous about how Asher coped in there; but by the way Asher is acting, it's like he was never even there.
"Thank you for picking me up, Claudia" Asher says with a smile, giving the woman a hug before kissing her on the cheek. Asher has always been very grateful for having Claudia Henderson in his life. Growing up without a mother figure was really hard for Asher, especially since he grew up not even knowing who his mother is. So, when Claudia started caring about Asher, he felt like the thing that had been missing from his childhood was finally here. Asher would never be able to repay Claudia.
"It's no problem, Ashy" Claudia says with a smile. Just like how she calls Dustin 'Dusty', she calls Asher 'Ashy'. "Was everything okay in there?"
"Yeah, apart from the dickhead who kept stealing my Eggo's" Asher says, making Claudia smile "Honestly, they were the only nice food we had in there. I can wait to eat some food that tastes like actually food."
"Don't worry, Ashy, we'll be home soon and I'll make you and Dusty something extra special as a welcome home present for you two" Claudia says with a smile, making Asher smile back at the woman.
"As much as I'm loving the reunion with Ash, can we go home now?" Dustin complains "I just really want my own bed."
"Of course, Dusty" Claudia says, kissing the top of her son's head "Let's get in the car and get going, shall we?"
951 Words
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