Like most mornings his body was coated in sweat. His hair was stuck to his forehead and his annoying neighbor was pounding on his door.
He sat up the sunlight hitting him so harshly he thought he was in hell for a moment.
"Piss off!" he sighed as he rubbed at his eyes glaring at the clock.
He stood up from the bed leaving his room quickly as he opened his door.
His neighbor glared at him as she puffed on a cigarette. "What is it now Jane?" he was tired and didn't have time for this.
"Keep your damn rubbish off my lawn!" she rolled her eyes at him as she walked off.
He cursed to himself as he slammed his door shut. "Stupid bitch" he walked towards the small bathroom and grabbed a random bottle of mouth wash.
While he let it move along his cheeks he texted Eric and Otis he'd meet them soon.
He pushed his hair away from his forehead as he grabbed random clothes throwing them on.
He walked out of his house grabbing his bike as he put a cigarette in his mouth.
Mornings weren't his friend, and they never would be. He pushed sunglasses onto his face as he rode off down the road.
At the sight of Eric arriving at Otis's house James smiled at him as he stepped off his bike.
"Hey! E-Man I love the outfit" Eric laughed lightly as he hugged James.
"Gosh how can you smoke that, it reeks" James threw the cigarette onto the ground stomping on it.
"Problem solved" a man walked out of the house at the same time Otis ran out.
"Looks like Jeans got herself another man toy" Otis walked forward smiling at the duo.
"Your mums new boyfriend is a big hot sticky wet dream" Eric patted Otis's shoulder with a big grin.
"Yeah, mum doesn't do boyfriends" Otis grabbed his bike helmet.
"Ah so what you're saying is, your mother sleeps around" "James!". "Alright sorry! I didn't mean it as a bad thing".
James got onto his bike "what's with the sunglasses?" James pushed them further up his face.
"It's dramatic and I happen to like dramatic things Otis, and besides it's fashion".
Eric looked at a couple walking towards the house. "Are those the ones that like to do it in animal costumes?".
James looked holding in a laugh. "No, he wants her to wear a strap-on. She's really not into it".
"A strap-on, gosh I reckon that'll hurt, no wonder she isn't into it. I wouldn't be".
"It's a classic power dynamic issue" Eric laughed loudly. "Aww! I wish my mum was a sex guru".
"Trust me, you don't" "I think it would be a cool thing if my mum was around of course".
They road down the small pathway they took everyday for school. Eric spoke a lot most of the time but It didn't bother James much.
"So, did you do it?" Otis didn't say anything just looked forward. "Don't tell me you choked again".
James looked at Eric "what is it we're talking about?" "Otis here can't masturbate".
"I've given up, it's too much... I don't... I don't wanna talk about it".
"You can't touch your own penis" James didn't laugh he kinda just watched Otis.
"I mean what exactly it the problem here?" James pushed a cigarette into his mouth.
"I mean can you even get a hard on?" James coughed as smoke left his lips harshly.
"Oh bloody hell! Eric you can't ask a man if he can get a hard on!".
Otis sighed "of course I can! I'm not a fucking eunuch, all right?".
"I just wait for them to go away" James laughed as he looked away from Otis.
"I don't like how it feels, can we drop it now please?" "Of course we can Otis, I just find it weird you can't touch yourself... I mean I do it all the time, especially when I'm bored".
"I agree with James on this one Otis, it's like super weird, no offense of course".
High school, it wasn't a fun place but here James was, placing his bike beside Otis's and Eric's.
His bike was pretty beat up but he didn't mind it. He put his sunglasses into his backpack as he locked his bike in place.
He looked at the car that drove past intensely. His eyes locking on Ruby Matthews who was chewing on gum so aggressively,
"Oh my god, the untouchables have a car" Eric watched the car with amusement.
James wasn't focused on the car itself or the group. No he was watching Ruby like a hawk.
"Just when you thought they couldn't get any more elusive, now they have wheels!".
James pushed his backpack over his shoulder as Ruby Matthews glared at him.
He felt his soul leave his body at the intense moment. But gosh he couldn't help but admire her beautiful eye color.
"You reckon Anwar's been workin' out? He's lookin' extra tight".
"Eric he looks the same as last time we've seen him, and besides he's not cute".
Otis smiled weakly "and just because he's the only other gay in our year, it doesn't mean you have to fancy him".
"I reckon Eric looks adorable when he fancy's him, at least he's getting some action even if Anwar doesn't even acknowledge him".
"Same could be said for you James, I've seen the way you've been eye stalking Ruby Matthews".
James rolled his eyes "that girl is a hot mess, she's stepped on my bloody cat this summer. With her stupid high heels".
James put a cigarette into his mouth "you losers gonna be alright alone? I'm gonna run off to smoke".
"Oh come on James hang out with us!" Eric smiled at James who sighed. "Alright E-Man I'll hang out, but only today".
"This is gonna be such a good year! I can feel it". Eric let out a happy laugh as they walked towards the school doors.
"Is that Tom Baker?" they watched as he made out with a random girl. It was intense from the looks of it "oh god he's like eating her face".
"Captain of the Warhammer Society. His balls finally dropped". "Disgusting! Gosh I've seen so much shagging, I might vomit".
"Yeah, I keep telling you, man, everyone has had sex over the summer".
"Everyone except you" James pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "And also you Eric".
"Excuse me, I gave two and a half hand jobs
to that guy I met in Butlin's! And James aren't you a virgin too?".
"Why the half?" "we got interrupted" "I'm not a virgin anymore boys, I've slept with some girl one night. Drunk and what not".
"Holy shit! James!" Eric hugged him tightly "you've grown up!" James laughed lightly.
But it stopped when Ruby Matthews threw her gum at his shoulder. "What the hell!" he walked toward her leaving Eric and Otis behind.
He pushed the cigarette into his lips further as he pushed the gum into Ruby's hand.
"I think you've dropped this" she rolled her eyes at him as he smiled at her.
"If you're gonna throw gum at me, at least aim better Ruby" he blew smoke onto her face as she let the gum fall to the ground.
She grabbed his arm and dragged him away from students eyes. The cigarette left his lips harshly when she pushed him into a tree.
"I'm gonna kill you" he laughed "you gonna cut me with your nails? Because you're not gonna do anything to me... I could end your entire social life with one text message".
She moved forward grabbing his phone he moved forward but she pushed him back.
"Watch it loser!" she began to type something but he moved quickly grabbing the phone from her hands.
He smiled at her "have a nice life Ruby Matthews, I'll see you in class, and just maybe if you don't want anyone to know we had sex, leave me alone".
He walked off pushing a new cigarette into his mouth. He smiled at her as he watched her walk away in a harsh manner.
He walked into the school building moving forward and sitting beside Otis as they waited for the assembly to begin.
James and Otis sat next to one another as they watched Eric awkwardly. He was playing off key making everyone cringe.
"Oh gosh I told him not to play" "oh come on Otis, let him have his moment. He's not awful".
When Eric was done he stood up "I'm sorry" Otis and James both clapped for him.
And James stood up screaming "yeah E-Man!" everyone laughed as James clapped.
"Thank you, Eric, for that rendition of the school anthem" Eric nodded as he walked off the stage.
"So, just a few things to get us started.The toilet block behind the gymnasium is full of asbestos, so, please, keep out".
James glared at Ruby when he sat back down. Eric sat back down and sighed.
"Told you not to do it" James patted Eric on his back. "Don't listen to Otis, you did amazing E, and with practice I think you'll smash it next time".
"I wanted to impress Swing Band" "the good ole days with swing band, I reckon they miss me".
James laughed a little bit when Eric got a note passed to him. "Oh that's not good E, they hated it" "oh well, maybe next year".
"It is my great pleasure to introduce to you our brand-new head boy!" it was so silent.
"Jackson Marchetti" everyone cheered and clapped but James didn't. He stood up when no one was watching and left the building.
James sat down at the edge of the steps as he lit a cigarette. He sighed as he grabbed his phone.
His mother called him every day, begging for money. He always ignored her but part of him missed her, but she was using him.
He pushed his phone against his ear. "What do you want Cindy?" she was breathing heavily and he knew she was out of it.
He stood up from the stairs "James! Hey... Uh I need some money, just enough for a little bit...".
His mother she was his main reason of wanting to do something with his life. He didn't wanna end to like up her or his shit father.
"I'm not giving you shit! You listen to me Cindy! If you call me one more fucking time! I'm gonna send the police after you!".
"Don't talk to me like that James!" "fuck off! I'm not giving you shit or John! You both can both fuck off! I don't need any of you!".
He angrily hung up throwing the cigarette onto the ground and letting out a scream of frustration.
"Fuck!" he sighed as he grabbed his bag walking into the school building
James walked into the classroom sitting in a random sit as he pushed headphones into his ears.
"Settle down, class" James kicked the seat next to him away from the table as he glared at Adam.
Adam rolled his eyes at him and sat down beside Otis. James ripped his headphones out.
"The person you are sat next to now will be your partner for the project". James raised his hand "Uh yes James?".
"Yeah no way in hell I'm working with someone, can I just do the project alone".
"I'm sorry but for this assignment you'll need a partner" "for fucks sake" he moved back in his seat when Ruby sat next to him.
"Ah I see you've missed the part where I said to leave me alone". "Oh piss off loser, this was the only seat left".
"Oh there's one over there Princess, I just think you enjoy messing with me is all".
"I want you to talk in pairs" "I guess we're partners then, Hmm you do all the work and I'll just sign my name on it".
"Alright then, if it means I'm rid of you" James opened his notebook scribbling down random things. "At least look like you're doing something".
Ruby rolled her eyes and grabbed her notebook. James let out a small huff when the bell ringed "I'll get the project done tonight".
He grabbed his backpack and walked out of the classroom in a fast pace.
James walked alongside the duo as he held onto a cigarette. His hand rested on his bike handle.
"You told Adam where you live?" "Otis sweetie you can't just tell someone where you live! Especially Adam!".
"Uh he asked me!" Otis sighed as James patted his shoulder "well at least we get to see each other one last time before you die".
They all got ready to leave the school but a girl walked up to James gripping his shirt harshly.
"Not the shirt! This is my favorite one!" Otis and Eric looked at one another and when they looked back at James he was making out with the girl.
"Oh my god! James!" he glared at Ruby who was watching him with a look of jealousy.
He moved back patting the girls shoulder "I'll see you around doll". He pushed the cigarette back into his mouth as he winked at her before walking off.
He laughed as he put his arms around Eric and Otis "that boys is how you do it!". They all laughed as they all began to leave for home.
James walked along the grass and neared Maeve's door. He knocked and after a while she opened the door.
"Hey James" "hey doll, I was thinking tonight I make us some dinner, I am your best friend after all so it's only fair".
He walked inside the trailer "I'm surprised you came tonight, you haven't come these past few days".
His fathers harsh fists slammed into his side as he tried to go for the door.
"I have just been busy, but I'm here now so sit down I will handle the food".
Truth was James was scared too go home. "Is your dad back home again?".
"Nah he's off with my mum somewhere, probably getting high right now, he did come for his shit though, so I hope he doesn't come back".
James looked at Maeve "alright enough parent talk! from now on we can talk about anything else, like how you're sneaking around with Jackson".
"It's just casual sex" "oh my god! You and Jackson, casual sex, I think my heads gonna explode from excitement".
James sat down "so you gonna tell me the story on how this all started?".
James sat next to Eric and Otis in the cafeteria, he picked at his food as he listened to Eric and Otis talk about the weird sex advice Otis gave Adam.
"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" James looked at at Adam who stood on a table.
"I have something to say. My name is Adam Groff. Headmaster Groff is my dad".
James looked at Otis and Eric with confusion. "What is happening?" "I have no idea".
"Which is weird, 'cause I'm quite shit at school" he grabbed his belt and James spit his water out.
"Oh bloody hell! He's gone for the belt!" "And this" he pulled his pants down.
"This is my dick" James gasped as he covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Yes, it is large.But I've done some googling and it's actually just above average in terms of worldwide adult statistics".
Adam nodded his head and smiled "so yeah, that's me and that's my dick".
James was laughing as he walked outside going towards his bike. Otis and Eric were waiting for him as he unlocked his bike.
"Well, only 376 days of sixth form left" James pushed a cigarette into his mouth as he grabbed his bike moving it towards Eric and Otis.
"I thought this was supposed to be the best two years of our lives, but least you got Adam
to leave me alone".
Eric smiled as he put his helmet on "thank you very much for that, man".
Adam pushed Eric harshly making James moved forward. "Hey! You had a deal with Otis! Leave Eric alone".
"Yeah, his advice was shit. My girlfriend's broken up with me. Everyone's got a picture of my lovely big dick".
Adam glared at Otis "deals off" he walked off and James sighed "maybe next time I give out life and sex advice for you Otis, Adam didn't seem happy".
"Uh, I tried alright and besides I gave the advice you weren't around James".
"I was probably smoking" "I've noticed you've been smoking a lot more recently, everything alright?".
James threw the cigarette on the floor "yeah just stressed from school work".
"Um, Maeve Wiley's coming straight over here" James looked and Maeve in fact was walking right for them.
"She's literally walking straight towards us with purpose" James walked forward throwing up a peace sign.
"Maeve! Hey doll I see you're... walking right past me towards Otis".
She laughed as she looked at Otis "can I talk to you for a sec?". She looked at James and Eric "oh alone, then we'll leave you two be".
James grabbed Eric's arm and moved back "oh Otis is being spoken too by a girl! And not just any girl Maeve".
"You alright to wait for Otis E-Man? Gotta head home so I can attempt school work".
"Yeah I'll be okay, see you tomorrow J-Man!" he smiled at Eric as he got onto his bike.
He left and nearly ran Ruby Matthews over who was looking for something in the grass.
"You can't just be in the middle of the pathway like that Ruby! I nearly hit you".
She stood up looking at James "you could go another way, this isn't the only pathway".
"That might be true but it's the only pathway that leads to my house in a very long manner".
"Wouldn't it be easier to take the short path" "yeah it would be, but I don't enjoy taking the short path".
He got off his bike walking towards the grass, he picked up a lip gloss.
"This what you looking for?" he held onto it as he reached it towards Ruby.
She grabbed it harshly "beat it nerd!" he blinked and got onto his bike.
James held onto himself as he walked in the darkness. He breathed heavily as he knocked on Maeves door.
He didn't get an answer making him sit on her steps waiting. "James? What are... oh my god are you alright!".
She ran forward grabbing his hand as she looked him over. He was bleeding and held bruises.
"My Dad wasn't happy..... I had no where else to go....".
She helped him up "come on I'm gonna clean you up" "please don't tell Otis about this, I don't want him to worry".
"I won't tell anyone, you can stay here for as long as you need James".
He let out a weak laugh as she set him down on her couch. "Some people are just horrible people, and my dad is one of them... I thought he was gonna change when he come home alone, mum broke his heart, he took it out on me".
Maeve grabbed a wet cloth and pressed it against James cheek. He hissed in discomfort as she wiped the blood off his face.
"I'm like his own personal punching bag, I didn't even fight back... I just shut down and laid there".
James began to cry "I hate him!" Maeve hugged James tightly and he gripped her as he cried. "I hate him so fucking much!".
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