James had missed the company of Eric and Otis, the boy had spent so many long weeks away from the two and now he was back. He would've thought the bike ride would be peaceful, but he was greeted by Otis in a half wave and Eric's light smile of surprise.
"So on all news, you mean to tell me Otis's life is in shambles and I've missed all of it!" James couldn't help but chuckle. Otis sighed "I still can't believe she called me uptight, I mean seriously I'm not uptight!".
James looked at Eric and then back at Otis "technically you can get a bit uptight Otis, I mean I've had my fair share of seeing it and Eric...". He stopped talking when Eric looked at him slightly "I mean you're not uptight, you're cool Otis".
James smiled weakly as he looked forward Otis laughed "yeah you're right, I'm totally chill! In fact, I'm going to show all of you just how chill I am".
Eric frowned "and how exactly are you doing that?" Otis smiled "I'm going to have a small gathering of friends at my house tonight, prove that I'm chill".
James and Eric couldn't help but chuckle softly "so a party then?" Otis shook his head "no, a small gathering and I'm gonna cook a roast chicken".
James sighed deeply "Otis, nothing about a roast chicken is considered chill at a party, or in your words a small gathering and aside from me and Eric, who on earth is gonna show up to this not party".
"Loads of people I have friends aside from you two, I mean there's Lily and Eric can invite Rahim and I mean surely you'll bring Ruby along right James?".
James shrugged "I don't know man, tonight's sorta our only night where we can actually hang out without the stress of homework and family stuff. But I can try and come for a little bit, but I swear if there's roast chicken when I walk into your kitchen, I'm gone".
Otis smiled "okay fine, no roast chicken" James patted Otis's shoulder "good lad, I'm off to meet Ruby and I'll attempt to mention your not party".
He saluted the boys before he rode off down the road towards the school. Eric sighed deeply "you're totally making roast chicken aren't you?" Otis nodded as he laughed lightly at Eric, "people need food!".
James walked towards Ruby as she pushed her locker shut, she looked at him when she caught sight of him down the hallway. He looked so peaceful as he held tightly onto his backpack straps.
He paused at the sight of Maeve. The girl looked so miserable as she trailed along the hallway. She kept her head low as she held onto her text books and folders, he was so caught up in his life.
He had forgotten just how much Maeve needed him, they were family in a way, seeing they often slept in each other's trailers to avoid trouble at home.
Now she was this girl he didn't even recognize, someone who was sad and worn down and he knew Otis was one of the reasons. Maybe if he patched things for her she'd feel better and less depressed.
"Maeve?" she turned and looked at him and smiled weakly "hey James, it's been awhile" he nodded as he sighed deeply "yeah I sorta got held up with the sudden responsibility of being a father".
Maeve smiled "I reckon Andrews causing you trouble then? I've seen him leave late for school in the mornings, he looks happy and he sorta reminds me of when you'd do that every day".
James smiled "oh yeah, he definitely gets that from me. We're not really fond of alarm clocks so we just hope we wake up on time, for the most part Eric and Otis call and remind me but now Andrew makes it his mission to wake me up as loudly as possible".
Maeve looked hurt by the mention of Otis and James noticed it right away. "I'm not really important right now, how have you been Maeve? I've been meaning to stop by and see you but I don't know, I've been busy and I'm doing better for once".
She nodded "I'm glad you're better James, I'm not a fan of Ruby but she's really helped you get through the rough patch you were having. Andrews was a big help too, I think you just needed people to surround you to help you not think about everything".
James nodded weakly "I'd rather keep my past in the past, I never want to go back to old habits again. I was awful and miserable when I was like that, but you helped me get through it and now Ruby and Andrew are keeping me steady".
He let out a soft breath "you're probably gonna hate me mentioning this, but Otis is having a little get together at his house tonight, he claims it's not a party but it's definitely a party. Maybe you can stop by? Maybe we can finally catch up and just be friends again, I miss your company".
Maeve smiled "Eric already told me about the party, I have no idea if I'll even show up but if I do. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you and I'll save you a drink".
James looked at Ruby down the hallway and then at Maeve "I really am sorry for not seeing you Maeve, life's just been busy for us both I guess, I hope it changes after today. I'll see you later".
He waved at her before he walked down the hallway the rest of the way. He smiled brightly at Ruby "so is it true then? Otis is throwing a party at his Josie tonight, your friend Eric was practically shouting it down the hallways to everyone".
James chuckled "Otis claims it's a small gathering and you know we've been invited, could be fun? I'm sure Andrew won't mind hanging with his friends tonight anyways, he has that project due tomorrow at school so he'd be gone anyways".
Ruby smiled "a small gathering, please half the school knows which means it's a party and we're going. It might be Thursday but what's it matter".
James leaned into the lockers as he watched Otis walk down the hallway "he's trying to show people he's chill and cool, I really hope this helps him. He deserves some recognition after everything he's been through these last few weeks. Otis deserves something good in his life for once".
Parties were things that most people would find enjoyable, James found them to be draining as he walked through crowds of drunk teenagers. The house reeked of cigarette smoke and weed as he attempted to approach Otis and Eric. He cringed at the sight of people making out on the furniture and the stench of alcohol and sweat that coated peoples bodies.
Ruby had excused herself to fix her makeup in the bathroom once she saw everyone from school was present. James would've told her she'd look perfect regardless of whether she wore makeup or not.
Instead she had ran off and he saw the distress hidden behind her eyes. He'd mentioned it later once he spotted her return, for now he'd make his way towards his friends. Otis coughed as he downed a shot of vodka, his nose scrunched in disgust as Eric patted his back lightly and laughed.
"Ah started the party without me then!" At the sight of James Eric smiled brightly and wrapped his arm around him. "See I've told you Otis, James showed up! Fetch the boy a shot so he can join the fun".
James looked at the counter that was covered with all types of booze, he hated the smell of it deeply. "Nah E-Man, I'm cutting back on drinking for Andrew's sake, I've been sober for weeks dude!".
Eric laughed and James smelled the alcohol that coated his breath "aww, I'm so proud of you for being far better than me, I'd never make it without at least a sip of alcohol. I mean it's a party".
James chuckled "perhaps next time Otis throws a small gathering I'll drink with you two. It'll be like the good ole days where we would sneak alcohol out of my moms stash she kept behind her bed".
James turned "looks like Ruby's finally back, I better make sure she's alright. I'll see you two in a few minutes and maybe I'll have one drink".
He patted Otis's shoulder slightly "also I sorta told Maeve to come, sorry...". Before Otis could respond he walked off towards Ruby who was downing a cup of punch, it was likely spiked with alcohol.
He huffed at the smell of it "that reeks, where did you get that from?" Ruby pointed towards a small table near the couch. "They have a lot of cups just sitting around for the taking, I would've snagged you one but I've remembered you quit drinking for awhile".
She took another big drink and James looked at her slightly "you alright Rubes? You seem off. Has something happened at home?". She was silent for a moment as she looked at her cup.
"Nothing happened, just think this party could use a bit more music and preferably better drinks". He scratched his head slightly "I mean I can run off to the shop and get you something. I can get you a Diet Coke from the fridge, I kept a shit ton here in case we'd ever be here for whatever reason".
Ruby smiled "yeah I'll take one that'd be nice actually" James inhaled sharply "okay I'll get you one, just please be careful with the alcohol. We've got school in the morning, you need a clear head".
He walked towards the kitchen once more pushing past a few people who were standing along the fridge. He pulled open the fridge and grabbed a can of Diet Coke. He gasped when a boy tripped and his entire cup spilled all over his shirt "you've got to be kidding me! That's not cool at all".
He groaned in annoyance as he moved away from the boy who looked like he was on the verge of throwing up. He cringed at the strong smell of alcohol as he attempted to make his way towards the stairs, he sighed deeply at the sight of Otis standing on a table.
He rolled his eyes "idiot" before he ran up the steps towards the bathroom. He let out a heavy breath of disgust as he pulled his shirt off, "this is never gonna come off, should've never come here".
He groaned in annoyance as he scrubbed at the shirt harshly with his hands. He let the water soak into it as he tried to pretend he wasn't getting pissed off.
The sudden knock on the door made him turn "it's occupied!" the knock sounded again and he would've lost it if he didn't hear Ruby's voice.
He pulled the door open and Ruby latched onto him the second he shut it with his hand. He winced when she pushed him into the bathroom wall. "Rubes, hey what are you doing?" he gripped her waist as she let out a light hum. Her breath reeked of alcohol as she kissed him, it felt desperate and sloppy.
Her hands undid his belt and he gripped her wrists to stop her as he inhaled sharply "Ruby, you're drunk and I don't think this is a good idea right now. You're not thinking straight, let me take you home".
Ruby groaned "I don't wanna go home, I want you. Just kiss me already" he moved back when she went to kiss him again. "Hey I'll kiss you all you want when you're sober, I'm not taking advantage of you right now when you can barely hold yourself up".
She let out a heavy breath "do you not love me? Is that why you won't have sex with me?". James' eyes widened in surprise "what? Of course I love you, where's this all coming from Ruby? Talk to me and tell me what's bothering you so much".
He looked down at her as she stumbled slightly "nothings going on! I'm fine, why can't you just kiss me and make me feel better". He rubbed at his neck "let me take you back to my trailer if you don't wanna go home, you can sleep this off on my bed and I'll make sure you're okay in the morning".
Ruby stormed off towards the doorway "no, I'm staying and I'm gonna have fun, it's a party!" James pushed the door shut when she tried to open it "Ruby there's no way I'm letting you go back out there, you'll just keep drinking to avoid my questions. What is going on? You've been acting weird all day, is it your family? You can tell me anything Ruby and I promise I'll do my best to help you".
She looked sad as she tugged at the door handle "I don't wanna talk about it" James inhaled sharply "you don't have to tell me, could you at least look at me and promise you won't do anything reckless if I let you walk out this door. I'm getting you out of this house the second I can and you'll thank me for it in the morning when you're sober".
Ruby pulled the door open "I'm staying, I'll be fine" she walked off and James sighed deeply as he turned and looked at his shirt that was in the sink. He groaned in annoyance as he walked out of the bathroom and walked into Otis's room.
He grabbed one of the boys shirts before he quickly made his way back down the steps in search of Ruby. He approached Eric and sighed "please tell me you saw Ruby around here somewhere? I'm trying to get her home before she drinks more".
Eric gripped James shoulders "it's a party J-Man! Loosen up a little and stop worrying! I'm sure she's fine! She's probably off having a drink alone".
James looked around at the crowd, he couldn't see Ruby at all and it made him stressed as he leaned into the counter. "I just need to make sure she's alright, she's gonna feel shitty in the morning if I let her get wasted". Eric held onto James arm and led him towards the couch "just relax for a minute! I'll go and look around for her, it's not the end of the world she'll turn up when she wants to leave".
James groaned in annoyance as he sat on the couch "this thing reeks of cigarettes, you better be quick with finding Ruby before I turn off the music myself and ruin this entire party". Eric looked around slightly and then patted James shoulders "don't even bother! I'll find her and you'll be out of here in no time!".
Of course that never happened, James ended up passing out on the couch, the exhaustion must've finally caught up to him after he waited for so long.
authors notes:
I keep forgetting I have to write lol, I was practically playing fortnite all day and when I laid down I was like oh shit! I barely had updates on Monday-Tuesday and this would've been Tuesday's since I have so many books on hold. Would've been easy but I forgot lol and now I gotta merge Wednesday's with todays but I'll get it done, I always do. At least for the most part, the next chapter of this I'm not ready for but I've prepared for it for months so it's time. Anyways see you next Tuesday for the next chapter of this, I promise it'll be on time lol
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