Smallville Showdown
General and Major Zod watched as Kal-El struggled against the mind probing. The elder Zod projected himself into El's mind, the plans for Earth and its people. (Y/N) himself was in deep thought, the people of this planet seemed peaceful enough, everything tranquil, but the people of Krypton need a home.
"You seem troubled my son" Dru called out, moving around to be at Kal's side. "Has your visit to the planet had an effect on you?".
"These humans, they seem so much like us. Their society, has only started to blossom. Why must we tear that away from them?" he asked, like a child wanting answers when they find something they don't understand. Hoping a parent can clear up the confusion.
"If I learned anything from my years of Military campaigns, the Daxamite rebellion, the Last Great War, even Doomsdays come and go. But one thing I do know, is that Krypton must live, no matter the cost" Dru stated, looking up at his son.
"Even at the cost of billions? Why must we live and they die?" (Y/N) asked, flailing his arms around slightly.
"Are you questioning your position Major?" Dru stated angrily, getting in the face of his son. "Perhaps a few years back in stasis will allow you to reconsider your views".
"Forgive me General" (Y/N) muttered looking down at the ground. "I spoke out of term" he added, daring not to raise his head.
"Make sure it does not happen again" the General warned. It appears that Kal-El had awakened, as he tried to break through the bonds he was held down with, the two Zods turning their attention to the Son of El. "Your father acquitted himself with honour Kal" the elder Zod said while looking down at Kal.
"You killed him?" the Earth raised Kryptonian asked, his face hoping that it wasn't the case.
"I did, he attacked my son. But not a day goes by where it doesn't haunt me" Dru said solemnly, causing (Y/N) to continue looking down. "But if I had to o it again, I would. I have a duty to my people, to my family. And I will not allow anyone to prevent me from carrying it out" Zod stated as he began to leave the room. "Major with me, we shall descend to the planet, and reclaim the Codex" he said. Getting his son to follow him like a dog would its master.
Two dropships left the Black Zero, the first carrying the two Zods, Commander Faora and Nam-Ek. The second would provide support, carrying reinforcements if they are needed. They burst through the atmosphere racing towards where Kal-El had grown up on this planet. (Y/N) stayed quiet throughout the whole flight, the way this mission has gone, the side to his father he had never seen before, it was almost haunting. The first dropship touched down on a field of green, two medium sized structures were present, and an elderly woman emerged from the house. The squadron of Kryptonians moving out to meet them. From the information extracted from Kal-El, this was his Earth mother.
General Zod took the lead while approaching the woman. "The craft he arrived in, where is it?" he tried to be civil.
"Go to hell" she insulted.
Dru Zod didn't even have to say anything, Faora walked up and grabbed the woman by her neck and easily lifted her into the air choking her to extract the information. (Y/N) took a slight step back as he saw the struggle and pain the woman was going through, the same pain he saw on the citizens of Krypton. The woman luckily saved her herself, her eyes darting over to the large red structure. Faora instantly threw the woman aside, (Y/N) wanting to move and check on her but his father was watching him closely.
Faora then leaped high in the air, higher than anyone even herself was expecting. It was amazing, this planet really was changing them. Faora crashed through the building and went to loom for the Codex. (Y/N) stood in amazement, taking in what had just happened. he looked down at his own hands and couldn't believe it, was he capable of such feats?
Moments later Faora leaped through the structure and landed in front of the General. "The Codex is not here" she announced.
Dru Zod clearly did not take this well, as he flipped the nearby wheeled vehicle and it landed into the home structure. General Zod then marched over to the scared woman, who was trying to crawl away. "Where has he hidden it?" he asked.
"I don't know" she managed to get out as the General still advanced on her.
"WHERE IS THE CODEX?" he roared back.
Before the woman could answer, (Y/N) swore he could hear something. Something fast, almost breaking the sound barrier. Major Zod looked and saw something instantly tackle General Zod, picking up off the ground and through the corn field. Everyone could only look on in shock, as Kal-El had returned and he was angry.
"Everyone back to the ship" Faora commanded as everyone returned to the dropship, but she held her hand up in indicate to (Y/N) and Nam-Ek for them to remain. She lifted her right gauntlet to her face and spoke into it, "Go retrieve General Zod, we shall handle Kal-El" she announced to the second ship which had remained in the air. The landed ship took off to a safe distance, to be call when needed, while the second moved towards the direction where Kal-El and General Zod flew off too. To a town called, Smallville. "You two with me" she finished before leaping high in the air once again, this time, towards this Smallville.
Nam-El looked at (Y/N), and the brute only shrugged, before he two leaped into the air. (Y/N) thought this over for a second, and this all absurd. What was so special about this planet that it allowed to do, all fo this? Thinking of what to do, (Y/N) knelt down slightly, tensing his muscles and allowing the ground to rumble beneath him. Then 'whoosh', the young Kryptonian leaped high into the air. He could see everything, the vast green lands that this planet had to offer, it was incredible. Plant life, the people, for a brief moment (Y/N) thought he could hear voices in his head, of people being happy, sad, terrified, dozens of voices appeared in his ears for just a moment then vanished.
Major Zod refocused himself on the mission at hand. Retrieve his father, and see what this planet has to offer. The three Kryptonians landed in the centre of the small town, craters being created with their landing. They managed to see the weaponry of the dropship had knocked Kal-El down with its weaponry. With some of the soldiers literally dragging a kicking and screaming General into the ship. Kal-El then turned his attention to the approaching trio, with Faora in the centre and Nam-Ek and (Y/N) flanking her sides.
(Y/N) shook, around him humans were running and screaming in fear. They were scared of him, he saw their eyes as they landed on him, and he hated that feeling. These people didn't want this conflict, so why were the Kryptonians still here.
"Steady yourself Major" Faora commanded. "This shall be a simple combat exercise" she added, awaiting the fight that was to come. The three slowly approached Kal-El, ready to engage, until they were distracted. Three aircraft, what humans would describe as 'fighter jets' roared into view. Their weapons roared up, firing hundreds of projectile bullets at all four Kryptonians. Kal-El was hit first, as he sent into a nearby building, Faora ran at fast paced to the side avoiding the attacks. (Y/N) and Nam-El on the other hand were hit directly by the bullets.
While Nam-Ek was sent into a nearby lamp-post, (Y/N) was sent flying back crashing into an automobile. (Y/N) held his head as he shook it to get his senses in order. The shield around his face protecting him from the air had been damaged slightly. There was this, annoying ringing in his ear which just wouldn't stop. Hundreds of sounds flooded into them, overwhelming the young Kryptonian as he fell to his knees. Screams, fear, people fleeing in terror, hoping to be saved all rung through his mind as he punched the floor to get them to stop. The bullets didn't even hurt that much, they felt more like strong punche. His shoulder injury ached and pain spiked through his body as he was sent backwards. That dam shoulder scar had weakened him, and he might never recover from the attempted kill by Jor-El.
As the shield regained its strength, the screams and ringing seemed to die down. (Y/N) arose to his feet, his body feeling lighter already. Faora looked to him, and Nam-El, just as the aircraft were making another attack run. Nam-Ek leaped upward, landing on one of the planes and tearing it apart. Meanwhile (Y/N) needed to think for a moment, he saw the jet making a run at him, and running at a nearby car and jumping off it, landing on the glass cockpit. The impact of the landing instantly had an effect, as the jet was forced downwards ready to crash into the ground. (Y/N) see the eyes on the pilot, they filled with fear and (Y/N) couldn't bring himself to allow this to happen.
Major Zod, used his left hand, and broke through the glass cockpit grabbing hold of the pilot who was clearly in shock. Leaping off the jet, causing it to crash, (Y/N) held onto the pilot and landed just outside the town. Placing the pilot down, (Y/N) held his arms out to steady the pilot and help him balance. "You'll be safe here, stay down and find cover" he suggested. Before he could hear the pilot respond, (Y/N) leaped off to find where Kal-El currently was.
Landing a few blocks away, (Y/N) arrived in time to see Kal and Faora exchanging blows. Kal using his experience with these unique abilities, and Faora her military tactics. (Y/N) remained still, he made fists, ready to engage in combat. But a part of him couldn't bring himself to do it. His body defied his thoughts as he actually took a step back. Kal threw Faora aside, sending her bouncing a top a building adding to its weight. (Y/N) could then heard something.
All coming from inside the building Faora bounced off. (Y/N) wanted to help, these people did not ask for conflict nor for this war to be at their doorstep. Using his light body, (Y/N) quickly dashed inside, seeing the family cowering in a corner. They attempted to get out the back exit however it was blocked by debris, and the front entrance wasn't an option. Seeing the alien invader in their building, a woman tried to protect her wife and child by putting her arms around them. (Y/N) looked at them, to blocked exit. Reeling his fist back, (Y/N) punched all the burning wood and planks aside.
"Go, quickly" he called out. But before the family of three could get up, the ceiling collapsed on all four of them. (Y/N) raised his arms, and miraculously, somehow he managed to hold the roof up for a few moments. He could feel his muscles twitch, his scarred shoulder ache, but he pushed through them all. "GO NOW!" he managed to get out, with the family hurrying their way out of the exit without looking back.
The Major then let go of the roof, and quickly dashed out the building through the front door back into the battlefield. He came out just in time to see that Nam-Ek and Faora had managed to get Kal to the ground, both beating on him but he was still holding his own. Kal grabbed hold of Faora's fist and slammed into body into Nam-Ek's sending him away, painting his grip on Faora, Kal-El attempted to leap away, get the battle away from the town. Nam-El however jumped onto Kal, dragging back into the street.
(Y/N) leaped into action, joining Faora and Nam-Ek as they all tried to restrain Kal-El. The young solider doing his best to hold down one of Kal-El's arms but he was struggling to do so. Just as everyone began to apply pressure down on Kal, his eyes seemed to light up. His eyes became enveloped in pure crimson, as beams of pure heat were projected fro, both eyes. Faora was hit in the shoulder slightly but she managed to get to safety, (Y/N) felt his face shield being battered and heavily damaged, while Kal moved the attack and focused on Nam-Ek. Sending the giant back as part of his armour was destroyed.
(Y/N) held his head, leaning on a nearby vehicle. The face shield blinking in and out of operation. He felt dizzy, as if the whole world was spinning. Pressing his chest, (Y/N) deactivated the face shield, trying to take in deep breaths. Looking at his hand, (Y/N)'s vision began to change.
(Y/N) could see his very bones, the skeletal structure of his fellow Kryptonians and the wiring and plumbing beneath their feet. The young solider stumbled further, activating his face shield once again to try and make this stop. Making a fist, (Y/N) focusing on one feeling. The metal against his skin, and slowly the world around him began to feel normal once again. His senses returned just in time, as a human helicopter unloaded rounds of projectile bullets at all four Kryptonians. (Y/N) raised his arms, his body seemed to able to resist these projectiles. As he held his ground and dug his legs into the ground and didn't move an inch. Nam-El feeling annoyed by the humans, picked up a nearby truck and threw it directly at the helicopter.
The thrown truck hit the tail end of the helicopter sending it swirling to the ground. Two military men fell from the chopper, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock. he dashed forward with great speed, catching one of the falling men, while Kal-El caught the other man.
"Are you okay?" (Y/N) asked the frightened the man, who only nodded back in response. (Y/N) then looked up to see Kal-El starring at him. With a look of confusion in his eyes. Before either men could say anything, Nam-Ek charged at Kal-El tackling him away. The chopper then fully crashed to the ground away from Faora, a dozen soldiers blocking her away to the crash site. Faora began to easily dispatch the squads of soldiers, with super speed and strength, slamming metal objects into them and dashing round. Their animation doing nothing against Faora, as she simply stood their absorbing the bullets. Shacking his head, (Y/N) dashed over to Faora, she reeled her fist back, ready to strike a man who seemed he had accepted his death. (Y/N) grabbed Faora's arm before she could swing, shocking both her and the soldier.
"What are you doing Major?" she asked with spite, clearly unimpressed.
"Our mission is to hold off Kal-El, not to harm the humans" he replied, letting go of her arm just at the frightened man ran for his life.
"You are weak Son of Zod" Faora spat, delivering a clean blow to (Y/N)'s chest sending him colliding with a nearby brick wall. "The General shall hear of your treachery" Faora said, narrowing her eyes seeing that (Y/N) was trying to free himself from being literally stuck to the wall. Going on her way to finish the surviving men from the crashed helicopter.
Major Zod did his best to free himself from the layers of bricks around his body. Channeling all of his strength into his right arm, and snapped it free. Repeating the process for all of his limbs, allowing him to dash free of the brick tomb. Even with his enhanced speed, (Y/N) saw Kal-El speed past him. tackling Faora away as she drew her blade gauntlet to strike down the human commander.
Faora then stood up with (Y/N) behind her, she was starring down Kal-El with daggers. "For every human you save, we kill a million more" she threatened. A loud ear piercing noise got through to (Y/N), it was so far away but he could still hear it. It was another jet, preparing to firing its missile. Faora raised a hand, as the weapon was aimed at her, and as the missile came closer, her hand somehow managed to absorb the object. But a massive explosion kncocking the injured Kryptonian out as she was exhausted from the battle with Kal-El. Just then, a large metal train was thrown at Kal, sending him through a building. (Y/N) stood ready, as the jets prepared to make another attack run. Just before the jet could unload its weapons, it was shot down. Crashing into nearby buildings causing a massive explosion. (Y/N) looked up to see it was the dropship which had stayed back.
Nam-Ek slowly walked up, paying no mind to (Y/N). The giant picked up Faora, just as the dropship was touching down. As Nam-Ek stepped onto the steps, (Y/N) followed him. He had no other place to go, and this invasion madness needed to end.
Authors Note
Be on the look out, soon I'll be posting the cast list of a Batman related book. Very interesting premise, but I've got to keep it, Hush, Hush.
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