Problems Up Here
It had been 18 months, 18 months since the world had been introduced to Superman. And this planets reaction had been, what you would expect from these primitives. Some, welcomed Clark in with open arms, simply a man, who wants to save those around him. Others, saw a more political view;
Why was he here?
Who does he decide to save?
Does the world, truly need a Superman?
Humans, their potential is only equal to that of their own stupidity and paranoia. Not allowing themselves to look beyond their own doubts and see just a man wanting to do the right thing, and only seeing what they chose to believe. Some even saw Clark as a God, some a herald of coming Apocalypse, the presence of a Superman on this planet was testing its people. But funny enough, as people's faiths and beliefs were tested, life seemed to carry on as normal.
As (Y/N) found as he walked through the small town of Smallville, people were slowly returning to peace and tranquility. The destruction left behind by General Zod had almost been completely repaired thanks to the human spirit. Some families had completed their grieving whole some pointed their fury and anger towards the mysterious alien invaders. But as (Y/N) walked through the small town, he just felt.......strange. The now 21 year old by Earth standards, has had 18 months to adapt to the atmosphere and culture but there was still a nagging feeling at the back of his neck.
(Y/N) couldn't pinpoint what actually felt wrong, but this feeling followed him from time to time.
"Thanks for the groceries Mrs Lang" (Y/N) cheerfully said as he picked up two full brown bags of goods for the Kent Farm. "I'll make sure to let Ma know about the shortage" he added, making it look like he was struggling to lift the bags.
"No problem (Y/N), come back any time" the old woman waved as he opened door, a small 'ringing' noise being created. "Make sure to give Clark our love as well, been a while since the big city boy paid us a visit" she laughed just as the door closed behind (Y/N) with him giving a small wave of assurance, but in doing so some apples almost 'accidentally' fell from the right bag.
As (Y/N) walked through the town, back towards the main road leading to the Kent Farm, he took the moment to take in his surroundings. Hundreds of miles away he could hear a wood-pecker was slowly making its way through a freshly cut log of wood, in the other direction you had waves crashing against the coast. Rocks being pulled off the ocean floor and thrown against the coast line. A large semi-truck speeding past (Y/N) knocked him out of his listening trance. (Y/N) shook his head, and went back to walking.
There were plenty times such as these, when (Y/N) would find himself almost mesmerised by the nature of planet Earth. The way there was a circle of life, plants, oceans, animal life all seemed to work in sync with one another. It was quite fascinating, as plant life had all but vanished on Krypton.
More and more trucks passed (Y/N) just as he was leaving the town. Although much of the reconstruction had been done, many wealthy companies saw an opportunity to invest into Smallville. The classic, 'big guy helping the little guy' which was apparently common on this planet. Many of the trucks held different company logos, from Wayne Enterprises, LexCorp and Galaxy Holdings. It was about another 45 minute walk to the Kent Farm, and (Y/N) simply enjoyed the moments of silence, the sun on his skin, and fresh air entering his lungs.
"Martha I'm back!" he called out to the kind woman who took the young man in. The grey haired woman slowly walked the downstairs with a happy expression on her face.
"Ah, was wondering where you were" she exclaimed as she took one of the large bags off the man. "Oof, surprised you actually managed to cram so much in there" she joked as both moved into the kitchen. "Any trouble?" Martha added as she began to unpack the shopping.
"No nothing really, besides some overly loud trucks" he smiled as he too soon joined in unloading. "Oh, Sarah Lang said those red vegetable things, are gonna be on short supply for the next few weeks" (Y/N) informed as Martha grew a confused look.
"Red vegetables?" she raised an eyebrow. "You mean Tomatoes?" Martha smiled at (Y/N) naïveté for Earth knowledge.
"No the other ones" (Y/N) perked up, questioning himself eyes darting to the corner trying to think of the proper word. "You know the juicy ones, sometimes they're green?".
"You mean apples?" Martha chuckled at (Y/N) who grew embarrassed. "First off they're fruit, so are Tomatoes" she informed.
"Wait?" (Y/N) stopped in his tracks, almost as if his whole world had been shocked. "Tomatoes are fruit?" he asked unloading a carton of the strange 'milk' liquid.
"Yep, you gotta learn this stuff (Y/N) if you wanna blend in" Martha shook her head, almost enjoying seeing (Y/N) struggling trying to adapt to Earth customs.
"Any news from Ka-" the young Kryptonian quickly stopped himself mid sentence. "I mean Clark?" he corrected.
"Haven't heard much, last I heard Lois was interviewing some terrorist leader. What's his name again?" Martha questioned herself.
"Amajagh?" (Y/N) asked.
"Yep, him. So he's probably keeping an ear out just incase trouble finds her like always" Martha continued. "What about you (Y/N)?" she said sternly like a mother would. "You haven't talked much about how you're doing".
"I'm doing fine Martha" he said with a smile, as he finished putting everything away. (Y/N) looked to Martha, seeing her doubt this statement. "Really I am, I'm really getting to terms about Earth and stuff, I mean, did you know there's different types of milk? They make it with nuts?" he asked, trying to fool the woman.
"If you say so" she shrugged as (Y/N) began to leave the room. "But if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you" Martha assured as he began to move towards the stairs. "Oh and you got a letter today, probably another post card off Lois" she added as (Y/N) journeyed up the stairs towards his room, which was actually Clarks former room.
As he entered, (Y/N) wiped his face with his right hand, almost trying to peel the stress and anxiety from him. Being in Smallville, having the sense that you're being watched, it was terrifying. It wasn't the Government, Clark made sure they couldn't track either of them.
His eyes quickly darted to the sealed card waiting for (Y/N) on his desk. Lois had been sending cards from the numerous countries she visited, a way of teaching (Y/N) she said? Didn't really make sense to the Kryptonian but he had built a small collection of them. Opening the letter, (Y/N) found a folded up piece of paper, which was unusual. But as he slowly unfolded it, the paper was slowly striking fear into the boys eyes.
It was a the front page of a news paper with the headline:
Rogue Krypontian Still at Large
Across the paper were 5 words that struck fear into the core of (Y/N), for the first time in 3 months he felt himself using his powers at (Y/N)'s eyes turned a feint crimson. The words read;
Author's Note
Apologies for the short chapter, really just setting up and getting things going. Hopefully you all enjoyed. I posted on my message board about some potential future stories, if you could go check them out that would much appreciated.
You better see Black Adam this Friday
Yes this is a threat
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