It's the Small Moments, That Make Life Worth Living
The Trinity of Heroes had gathered around one of Bruce's many computers, with Bruce sat down and Y/N and Diana stood up. Bruce was coming through the footage found on Luthor's hard drive of the other Metahumans the mad man had managed to locate. While some were corrupted or damaged, Bruce had managed to salvage some videos and images to assist in tracking down these other heroes.
"This was taken in the deepest trench on Earth" Diana explained as the video feed displayed a bearded man with a trident ready to stab the droned camera. "He must be an Atlantean, a water breather" she explained to the two.
"He was breathing air when I talked to him" Bruce scoffed slightly, his talk with this Arthur Curry had not gone well.
"Could be a hybrid? Or someone of royal blood?" Y/N suggested as he crossed his arms, both Bruce and Diana looked back to Y/N to how he would know that royal blooded Atlanteans can breath air. "Sorry, Mera gave me a small rundown before my second fight with Metallo" he smiled, causing the other two heroes to do the same. Then Y/N did his best to refocus on the task at hand and not his red headed friend, "So this Curry, did he say he'd fight with us orrrr?" he drew out.
"More or less" was Bruces response.
"More, more or more less?" Diana asked, wanting to get a clear response.
"Probably more less"
"He said no?"
"He said no" Bruce finally answered.
"Atlanteans can be tricky" Diana responded, as Bruce flicked through more footage.
"What about you red headed Mermaid?" Bruce asked, swivelling around in his chair to ask the new Superman. "Any chance she'd want to lend a hand?"
Y/N gave a nervous chuckle as his eyes rolled to the right and then looked back at the Dark Knight. "I don't exactly have a communication line straight to Atlantis" he laughed, he wasn't sure if they knew about the almost kiss. And Y/N still didn't know what to make of it himself, but he knew if they found out he wouldn't hear the end of it.
"So......" Diana began as the footage turned to that of a convenance store, the one of the speedster Metahuman.
"This is the third person" Bruce explained, as the footage showed what seemed to be lightning crackling around the individual in question, as he disappeared and then reappeared in the same spot. "Disappears for 1/30th of a second here. One frame of video, see?" Bruce showed, ads the video showed this person vanishing, a robber getting pushed over and then the person reappeared.
"Barry Allen, of Central City" Y/N read aloud the notes of Bruce's research.
"Bruce go to him, Y/N and I will work on number four" Diana ordered, getting some slight wide eyed looks from the two men. "I could use those X-Ray eyes of yours to find this one" Diana smiled at the Kryptonian. Next the video showed a scientist, seemingly stressing over saving another mans life. The man in danger, was literally half the man he used be. Only his head and torso remained as he had seemingly lost of all his limbs in some form of accident. "Organic and biomechatronic body parts" Diana added, as the video now showed some energy source in front of the half man. Energy flowed out from the source, seemingly rebuilding him and granting him new metallic body parts. Nothing like Metallo's rough exterior however, these more smooth, well defined.
"He's a Cyborg" Y/N stated, parts of his memory flashed back to Krypton. Where mechanical limbs were a common sight as the colonies expanded.
"Alright" Bruce said, standing from his seat as dusting his hands off. "I'll work on our speedster, you two find this Cyborg" he finished, as Diana and Y/N both nodded to this as the latter pulled up his own chair. "Alfred, prepare the car" he ordered as he walked downwards towards a more workshop type area.
"Which car sir?" he responded, putting down some equipment he was working on. To humans it looked complex, welders, high tech gauntlet feeding wires upon wires into a local laptop. But to Y/N who grew up on Krypton, it was almost like caveman technology......which he still didn't know how to operate.
Diana sat down in front of the laptop, while Y/N sat beside her. "So, do we know who this man is here?" Y/N pointing across the desk at the monitor to the scientist.
"You don't have to do that" Diana laughed as Y/N sat down. "Just use this" she explained, holding up a mouse for the computer.
"Oh, sorry" Y/N nervously to which Diana still smiled at. "I'm used you know more, forget it" he said, as they looked back to the video.
"I can run facial recognition but it will take a few minutes" Diana explained as she re round the video to find a frame where they got a detailed look at the mans face. As the video was reversed, Y/N took a moment to look at the brief scene of the limbs and rest of the body being constructed, matter construction. Creating something out of nothing, Y/N could only bask in the sight it was incredible.
"How's the farm?" Diana asked as her chair swivelled round to look past Y/N knocking him out of his thoughts.
"Sorry?" Y/N asked, a little confused on where the question came from, and not sure if he had missed any information while thinking of Krypton.
"When you arrived, you said you were helping Martha out at the farm" Diana recapped, exhaling from her nose as the percentage of the computer began to climb. It reached around thirty percent but still had some ways to go.
"Oh yes, the farm" Y/N sat, moving in his seat to try and get a little comfortable. "Truth be told, things aren't exactly looking good" Y/N began, Alfred who had just returned form seeing Bruce off decided to listen in slightly. "The bank are pushing down on Martha heavy, they've repeatedly sent letters about the mortgage" he explained as Diana listened in. She never suspected, that the Superman, would have such human like problems. "They're threatening to take the farm if we miss a single penny, so I've been helping out with the harvest. Taking stuff into town to sell, small stuff. You know it's weird, I've been living there for about four years now. But it feels more like home than anything I had on Krypton" he chuckled, looking down at his feet and then back to Diana.
"I know what you mean" Diana agreed, knowing that same feeling. "I spent hundred of years living on Themyscira, but there's something about this world".
"And that's why we have to save it" Y/N finished, the two smiling at one another. The joint stare lasted for a few seconds before the two broke off awkwardly, the computer buzzing and bleeping. A profile emerged of a 'Silas Stone', a top scientist at S.T.A.R Labs and working with the downed Scout Ship in Metropolis.
"So we have a name" Diana exclaimed, using the mouse to search through many documents relating to this Silas Stone. One of the first things to appear, was a news article from the Gotham Gazette. The headline stating 'Tragedy Strikes Gotham U', while Silas was mentioned towards the end of the article the bulk of the text was still very much relevant. Silas' family, his wife Elinore and son Victor a star Gotham U football player were killed in a car crash. Which us responsible for Silas essentially throwing himself into his work.
"Victor Stone" Y/N mumbled to himself, as the computer now pulled up images of Elinore and Victor. Y/N's eyes immediately knew what the video new meant, Silas had tried to save his son.
Before Y/N and Diana could discuss the new information, the distinct whistling of a kettle interrupted to them. Diana had placed it to boil a few minutes prior and it had taken it's sweet time. "Tea?" she asked Y/N as she stood up from her seat.
"Coffee please" Y/N responded as he also stood up, rolling his neck slightly.
Just as Diana moved over to the kettle, Alfred placed down the gadget he was currently using on the BatGauntlet. "Oh, Miss Prince let me do that" he exclaimed as he also moved over to the kettle.
"No, that's okay. I can do it myself" Diana responded as she sniffed some tea leafs while Alfred reached her side. "Would you like to have some?" she offered the butler.
"Uh, no, thank you" although as Diana prepared to make her cup, Alfred remained where he was. Almost examining what Diana was doing. "Put the water in first, so you don't scold the tea" he instructed. As Diana then put a small teaspoon of tea leafs into her cup, Alfred seemed to still want to instruct his way through the whole thing. "That's probably enough tea".
"Are you sure you don't wanna have some?"
"I won't thank you. And then leave it to mash"
Y/N couldn't help but crack a small smile at watching the two. It was small moments like these, the laughter, the awkwardness. It was moments such as these that Y/N grew to appreciate his life on this planet, and its people. These moments is what made life worth living, what made him want to fight for he had gained by coming to this planet.
"A gauntlet" Alfred answered a question to Diana to which knocked Y/N out of his trance as he was handed his cup of coffee. "Lined with specialised polymer solar cells" he explained to the two heroes who moved in front of the gauntlet. "Master Y/N if you please with the eye vision" Alfred asked taking a step back as Y/N looked to Diana and then looked back to the gauntlet.
Y/N placed his cup down, and rolled his right shoulder gently. Focusing his vision on the gauntlet, his eyes soon began to glow bright red. Soon the two shining sheets of heat projected from his eyes, an impacted the gauntlet. Y/N had luckily used a lower setting has to not immediately melt it into molten metal. As the Kryptonian stopped his beams, he saw that the gauntlet had absorbed the beams of heat. And seemingly dispersed the energy through itself and absorbed the heat without any visible damage.
"A gauntlet that captures and dissipates energy" Diana smiled as Alfred giggled to himself with joy at his creation working.
"It's Master Wayne's idea" Alfred answered as he did some light typing on his laptop.
"Maybe you should work on a lasso too?" Diana joked, seeing the connection between this gauntlet and the ones she possessed. And judging by the look on Alfreds face, he had not made said connection when working on it.
"A black lasso" Y/N interjected trying to keep the lightened mood. It was clear that the small joke had made the other two smile even more, Y/N was starting to learn humour more. The Kryptonian went back to his coffee, and gladly took a quick sniff of the calming liquid. Coffee didn't really energise him as he did humans, but he really enjoyed the taste and aroma more than anything.
Diana went back to the computer, as it did a massive search through databases for Victor Stone. Soon it came up with over five hundred matches, looking for any trace of the Victor they were looking for. Eventually however, the computer began to glitch out. The screen blipped in and out, displaying walls of text which disappeared in an instant. Alfred came over to see what the commotion was, and seemed equally perplexed. But the screen soon stabilised, showcasing an image of a map Metropolis, with a red circle around a few streets. Under the circle were the words, 'mEet, heRe. nOW'. Both Y/N and Diana looked at one another, knowing that Victor Stone must know they're looking for him.
Few Hours Later
Diana pulled up to a street in one of Bruce's many cars, he wouldn't notice one missing. Y/N was perched atop a building, both were glad in casual wear as to not arose suspicion or attention from onlookers.
"Anything?" Diana asked over coms, she had been sat in the car for a few minutes now as Y/N used his x-ray vision to scan the streets.
"No not-" Y/N cut himself off as he heard something. His ears caught the sound of jet boosters, dozens of them quickly approaching from down the street causing Y/N to stand up and try and catch a glimpse of whatever was approaching. Blue jets could be seen emanating from a single being, who could only be Victor Stone. As Victor approached, of all the lights on street instantly shut off. Y/N flew down to Diana's side, just as Victor approached and touched down soon after. His underarms and lower body seemingly transformed from jet boosters and just switched off as he landed. Y/N took a good look at Victor's cybernetic body, it was almost completely mechanical with no skin left at all. Only half of his face were visible, the other and combed in metal with his eye repacked with a bright red light. A red line split down his chest.
"Why are you two looking for me?" Victor asked the two heroes, his tone of voice indicated that he was quite unhappy with the research they conducted. It was low, one could sense an emptiness of life within it. Victor looked at Y/N, "Y/N Kent, Superman" and then to Diana. "Diana Prince, Wonder Woman" instantly knowing who the two are.
"You know who we are?" Y/N asked, slightly confused to how he would already know this.
"I know more than either of you can possibly imagine" Victor responded, his left red eye glowing brighter as he spoke.
"Then maybe you already know we need your help" Diana pleaded, trying to get through to his humanity. "The world does" she added.
Victor looked down for a brief second, then back up at the two heroes. Hatred clearly visible on his face and he sneered; "Fuck the world" he then turned, about to fly away.
Y/N's blue eyes radiated a sense of sincerity as he explained, "Because we believe in you. We've all had our own struggles and doubts, and we're here to help you come to terms with your powers. We've all faced challenges and demons of our own, Victor, and we've come out stronger on the other side" Y/N tried to plead. "But Victor rather you like or not, you've veep given gifts. Gifts that-" before Y/N could finish Victor cut him off and turned around.
"Gifts?" he asked, slouching slightly. "What part of this, looks like a gift to you?" he asked Y/N gesturing to his cybernetic body.
"We need you Victor" Diana said, wanting to try and least make Victor see that they can help each other. "And maybe you need us".
"I don't need anyone" Victor responded coldly, almost void of emotion. "Not anymore".
"I told myself the same for a long time" Diana responded, recalling memories from decades past. She looked to the side, Y/N could see tears welling up in her eyes somewhat. Diana recalled one man who managed to get her to see humanity as something beautiful, but when she lost this man. She also lost sight of what it meant to be human. "I lost someone I loved once" she admitted. "I shut myself off from everyone. But I had to learn to open back up again" for a moment Diana's eyes glanced to Y/N and then back to Victor. "Truth is I'm still working on it, and if you asked to meet us. You're working on it" Diana finished, which seemed to send Victor into deep thought. As the orange pupil in his red eye looked around violently. Victor then rocketed upwards into the nights sky, shooting off in the distance. Both Diana and Y/N looked at one another, then made their way back to the car in silence.
As Diana started up the engine, Y/N was the first one to speak up. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked the Amazon, cause her eyes to dart to him and then back to the road.
"About what?" she inquired, trying to act clueless.
"About what you said back there, about losing someone".
"Not particularly" Diana sighed, although she could feel his eyes almost glued to the side of her head. "Why are you asking?".
"Because I care about you Diana" Y/N spoke up, doing his best to try and make Diana feel better as her mind remind of the memories of the man she lost over a century ago. "And what I saw bak there, it's eating you up inside".
Diana sighed again, knowing Y/N probably wasn't going to drop this. "His name was Steve" she spoke up. "He was the first man I ever met, it was thanks to him than I left Themyscira and cam e to the world of man. But I-" Diana then swallowed hard. "I lost him, twice" she got out. "And when I lost him, I lost what made this world special to me" she finished, just a message appeared on the screen of the car. It was from Bruce, telling them both to meet him at Gotham Airpot.
"So what made this world special to you again?" Y/N asked.
Diana didn't say anything, as even she didn't know the answer. But sitting here, letting her feelings out to Y/N. Finally able to voice herself, it made her feel special.
Y/N took in a sharp breath. "If it makes you feel any better, I lost someone once" he admitted, causing Diana to briefly take her eyes off the road and look at Y/N in shock.
"On Krypton?"
"Yeah, good few years ago. Well, decades ago technically but for me it's only a few you know the whole Phantom Zone thing" he laughed gently, causing Diana to do the same. "But we were close, when our parents were away at meetings we'd sneak over each other's Family Houses and what not" he recalled. "But when my father discovered it, he forbid me from ever seeing her again. Publicly he said because me and her weren't approved by the council. But in secret, he didn't approve of her" he smiled. "Even if I wanted to see her, I couldn't. I entered my full military training" he remembered, as he felt the car take a turn onto a highway. "But I've moved on, and in this life. You've got to, if you keep focusing on the past you'll never truly enjoy the present".
"What was her name?" Diana asked.
"Kara" Y/N admitted. "Kara Zor-El".
Y/N and Diana reached the airport, Bruce's jet had just landed. A small elevator was solway being lowered which carried Bruce, the car, and who only be Barry Allen. He was dressed in a hoodie, with a black and red flannel over that. Seeing the two waiting for him Barry gave a very awkward wave;
"Where's the Cyborg?" Bruce asked the two.
"His name is Victor Stone" Y/N replied, he was still a person after all.
"We met, spoke. Give him time" Diana answered Bruce's question. She believed that Victor would come around, he just had to see that he was more than he believed himself to be. Barry then stepped in front of the duo. It was clear by the amazed look on his face, he was still trying to wrap his head around if this was actually happening.
"You must be Barry. I'm Diana" the Wondrous Woman introduced as she offered her hand to the Metahuman.
"Hey Barry I'm Diana, wait that's not great" Barry said to himself, clearly not really a people person.
Y/N then decided to try and uplift the mans spirit. "Barry, I'm Y/N nice to meet you".
Barry's face almost froze him as he looked at the Kryptonian. "Nnnnnnnice to meet you too Superrrrrrrr" Barry then cut himself off as he noticed there were other people around such as the ground crew.
"So, this is us" Diana said, looking at the men present.
"Yeah, this is us" Bruce repeated.
"Oh!" Barry let out, pointing to the sky. There was the light of the Batsignal, shinning in the sky for all the inhabitants of Gotham to see. "Awesome, it's the Bat-Signal that's your...." he then sooshed himself. "Oh sorry" he started again, this time more quietly. "That's your signal, that means we have to go now".
"Yes, that's what that means" Bruce sarcastically agreed, giving a very annoyed look to Y/N.
It wasn't the team they hoped for, but for now they were going to have to make do.
Author's Note
There we go, finally managed to squeeze another chapter out. Really hope it was okay, some nice moments between Y/N and Diana I think. And that little reveal of Kara? Yeah been holding onto that for a while. Will she show up in the future? You'll have to wait and see.
Remember to leave a vote and comment as it does a lot for my motivation knowing you are reading.
Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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